Friday, February 13, 2009

Last Year's Apple Trees...

Are you crying? I will give you a reason for more...
Remember these?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Queen all in Pink....

Weather forecast is awful for this week - I decided to ignore it and show you these (from last year)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Secrets of a Queen...

I don't know why I am always so fascinated by Magnolias. Maybe because they reveal their beauty only for a very short time in the year - if at all. Because each rainfall is assured death to their blossoms not to speak of frost and ice at a time of the year when this can happen easily in our area.

"Magnolia x" (Magnoliaceae)

Monday, February 09, 2009

Fed up with Winter....

Did I tell you that I am totally fed up with winter images? Probably I did. So fini with those grey views! Back to colours.
I start this year's coming colour feast with some lovely blossom abstracts from last year - which I just happened to be able to work with - of one of my favourite blossom trees - you know what I am talking about?
If you would like to see last years images about these trees - check this link - and don't forget to click on the photos for enlargement.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Winter from the funny Side: Boobs, Bums and Bellies

I cannot tell you how fed up I am to look out of the window and seeing nothing but a grey sky and rain or very wet snow coming down. No sun, no fun. Therefore I need something to take it more from the funny side. Now imagine these weren't snowy white but fleshy colours...

Frozen Blues...