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Well... everyone else is doing it. :P [27 Mar 2002|01:13am]
[ mood | amused ]

Showing love and appreciation for the people who voted for me in the Who Wants To Shag My Icon? poll (Contest #2: Hottest Immortal Woman On Middle-Earth). You're all wonderful. In looking at the results, though, I notice that some who voted for me originally changed their votes later. Each and every one of YOU sucks. ( ;) )

Who I voted for...
Contest #1: Hottest Mortal Woman On Middle-Earth: Feanor
Contest #2: Hottest Immortal Woman On Middle-Earth: Celebrian
Contest #3: Hottest Celestial Lady: Uinen

Those Who Have Sealed Their Position In the Water-Thing's Good Graces

Sock Puppets
Chomsky Sauron (awww, sweet little girl ;D)
Elrohir (thank you, sweetheart :D)
Uinen ( ;9 )
Elrohir's brother
Frodo Gamgee
Faramir (heh heh, still my favorite pansy ;D)
Big Daddy
Thomomir (handsome devil)
Legolas II
Ann Larimer

Non-Sock Puppets

Cookies for all of you.

[oh, and...] Just as a pre-emptive statement, Isildur, yes, two of the Sock Puppets are me. ;D ::eats her two cookies:: Whee.

With apologies to Grace Kelly and Marilyn Monroe.

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semi-neutral dead girl [24 Mar 2002|10:47am]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | Living Dead River-Girl - Orc Zombie ]

A war is brewing. Hrm. Now, I said earlier that I was the 'Switzerland of minor characters,' as justification for fraternizing with Sauron. Nowadays, when everyone and their Middle-earthean mother has either slept with or gotten smashed with the Dark Lord, the statement is irrelevant but holds true. I owe allegiance to no crown, blah blah blah. So. Technically, I have no opinion on the matter. Also, um, I don't want to die again, so I'm staying far away from any possible crossfire. But you know, Éowyn is an old friend of mine, her husband is my favorite bespectacled pansy/sparring partner and I adore their little girl. And then, of course, there's my ex-lover-turned-insane close friend (*blink* how... reversed). So if it comes to the point that everyone has to pick one side of the playground, I'll be hanging out with the Rohirrim. But I love everyone (for the most part), so let's hope it doesn't come to that.

As for things pertaining directly to the fresh water-thing (as opposed to the salt water-thing)...

I haven't had much to do but idle with the Valar. I'll be going home soon, to see my mother, say hello to Tom, go back to Bree, get a new apartment, look into helping with the continuing reconstruction, and go back to miniskirts and grating disco music for a while. I've had enough drama, death and royalty for this century, thank you. I'll probably come to Imladris to see Elrohir when he comes back from his Asterix trip, and otherwise just go with whatever comes up. This means you may now resume calling me "barmaid." Just don't expect me to respond.

Oh, and lookie, new icons. Some are old ones that I missed and decided to bring back, some are new. Yay.

(semi-OOC: I was looking through my calendar for the "Switzerland" line and came across this. Some might find it amusing-- famous last words.)

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Well, well, well... [23 Mar 2002|02:05pm]
[ mood | good ]

Middle-earth now has a second pretty water-thing. And it looks like water girls have a natural tendency to end up with crazies. ::wry smile:: Uinen, dear, lunch is a fantastic idea.

I had talked to Varda earlier about my anxiety over returning home in a body no one would recognize. Last night, in an unexpected fit of altruism that the Valar are known for, she sped up my body's reversion process by 999 years. I woke up this morning in the same body I left behind in Bree (or, at least, one very much like it). I am forever indebted, o Elbereth. ;)

Of course, the new-old body (Elrohir's term) makes some people a little uncomfortable. As Rocco put it, "Now it really seems like you're back from the dead." I'll admit, that would be weird.


They'll get used to it.

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[22 Mar 2002|05:13am]
[ mood | uncomfortable ]

Only... it's strange, to see family again after thousands of years, creatures with perfect memories, who never forget a face, a name, a place, an age... and have them not recognize you.

A thousand years seems so much longer than it once did.

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[22 Mar 2002|04:06am]
[ mood | calm ]

Still in Valinor. The trip here was a little odd. My great-great-great-great x 4 (give or take a few) grandfather wanted to chat all the way over, and the sight of a woman leaning over or perched on the edge, talking to the water for almost the entirety of the journey seemed to make everyone else a little uneasy.

Varda and I didn't talk much about what happened before I left Rivendell, but she did try to fix me up with innumerable Maiar of varying heritage and gender. I humored her once or twice, but most of the time wasn't interested in anything more than dinner and a movie, sometimes less. I don't know when I'll be up for "dating" again-- it's not that I'm recovering from heartbreak or anything so dramatic, I just didn't feel like wasting any energy on the games involved. Varda didn't seem to mind the way I blew off her dates. The only thing she did insist on "snapping me out of" was my tendency to date "perishables."

"No more mortals. I've seen it before. It can get ugly. Very, very ugly."
"Elves aren't mortal." She'd scoff at this and check her nails with pursed lips, something she always does when exasperated (which was often, whenever this subject came up).
"Just because they don't have an expiration date doesn't mean that most of them don't end up sent off to my brother in the end." She became fond of the expiration date phrase. I've heard her use it three times since. "You know, my sister has a friend you might like..." And she'd go on to describe the Maiar flavor of the week.

I didn't see much of Manwë while I was there. He had an ugly run-in with a box of Raisinets the second day and spent most of his time after that locked in his room.

I left to visit relatives in Valinor after a few days, as per my great-greatx?-grandfather's request. It turns out that water people are a lot like the cliché Italian families you see in movies. It took some getting used to. I was totally unaware of things like my great-uncle being a don of the Western inland Mafia.

As for everything else that's happened in the theatre recently, I've been keeping one eye on Middle-earth, so I have a fair idea as to what's been going on. I just haven't been much of an active participant. I read about Isildur's bizarre death and resurrection. Poor thing; we'll have to talk someday and compare notes on what a day spent in limbo is like.

Speaking of which, below are some short, translated excerpts from what I wrote during those days, etching in river-tongue on the ice. Tom still has the original copies of what he transferred onto paper. He's keeping them for me in a cupboard. Tom Bombadil is an excellent steward of things best forgotten by everyone but yourself.

Etchings on the ice... )

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Tell me this is a joke. [14 Mar 2002|01:10pm]
This is fucking ridiculous. I don't mind duplicates, but someone actually registering a user name that declares that they're the REAL so-and-so reminds me of heated debates in elementary school over who was the REAL Superman while we were playing, or worse, 13-year-olds bickering online about who's the REAL Miaka/Akane/Belldandy/take your pick.

Don't like seeing Thom Yorke replace Sean Bean? Sucks for you, too bad you didn't get to the character first. Think that it's written out-of-character? Who GIVES a fuck, these are ALL out-of-character. If they weren't, they'd all be as bloody dull as those that already try desperately to stick to canon.

Not that it matters. You'll find a handful of people to pal around with here, and be content. Enjoy.
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Death [12 Mar 2002|03:33am]
[ mood | blank ]

I've put off discussing this for days, partially because of everything else that's happened since my return, but primarily because I prefer not to think about it at all. I've only spoken of those two days to Lúthien and more recently, Varda. But now that Elladan is gone, however indefinitely, the topic seems less stressful. Not by much, but less wearing all the same.

To explain where I had gone-- while on the inside of an invisible border encircling the Downs and Old Forest, I am completely immortal. As in the wider world, I can feel pain and be injured, to an extent. But I cannot die. When I announced that I was leaving, my mother warned me, "If you cross that border, your body will learn to die." I failed to realize the implications of this then. I knew what would happen if I were to die; such things weren't entirely unprecedented. It would be little more than a change of clothing.

I would return to the river, to my mother and the other spirits and creatures there. My interaction with the physical world would be severely limited, of course, but I had spent several millenia as a disembodied spirit, and the idea of returning to the state was undaunting. In any case, I would gradually regain physical form and be wholly corporeal within a thousand years-- the blink of an eye. I never thought about becoming close to on the outside, even those I already knew at the time. I didn't realize until far too late the risk involved: what it would be like to go on, existing and aware on the same plane as everyone I knew and loved, cut off, "dead" without the luxury of moving on, like a ghost trapped on earth. I'll only truly die when the river runs dry, or is destroyed.

When I was thrown from my horse in Bree, my neck was broken and skull cracked. I blacked out for a split second. When I came to, I was standing on the banks of the Withywindle. Realizing what had happened, I screamed and cursed; Old Man Willow was laughing. I hate that tree.

Tom could still see me, of course. He's also the only other physical creature I know of who understands river-"tongue", and conveniently so, since my sudden want of vocal chords left me unable to communicate through anything but. I went mad with frustration, it had been too long since I had last been noncorporeal. Time had ceased to exist. In the limbo that is the parallel spirit world, a millennium is nothing and an hour is an eternity. I worried and raged and cursed myself and my mother and any gods that were listening, and for the most part behaved like one of the crazed water spirits of the Bruinen.

Despite extremely limited access to physical objects, I could still control the waters, and froze large patches of ice to use as tablets. Tom was wonderful. Gratingly cheerful in the face of my depression, and had taken up the damned rhyming again, but helpful. As per my request, he copied the etchings onto paper and kept them. He sent me the papers yesterday. I may post some of the etchings later, translated and in heavily edited form.

In the meantime, my mother was of course still able to use her bizarre "computer," and reluctantly let me keep track of things here. She refused, however, to take dictation. "You're dead to them now. Let it go." The arguments were long and loud and dramatic, and became dangerous when ice floes began mysteriously appearing on the Baranduin.

I'm tired. More later, in smaller doses.

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First, the end. The rest of the story, later. [10 Mar 2002|10:03pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | laughter in the next room ]

It's wonderfully easy to let myself believe that I was always blind, and that he never loved me at all.

So I will.

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It ends. Those of you who chose March 9th may now collect your winnings. [10 Mar 2002|04:34am]
Hatred is a startling emotion for one who's never experienced it before. It's different from everything that would seem similar-- contempt, anger, fear, loathing. It startles because it consumes, if only for an instant, and suddenly alters the faces of those in front of you.

I walked in on Elladan packing for his 'leave of absence.'

"Well?" No need to ask anything else.
"It was nice while it lasted, Goldberry," he rummages through a drawer, "but you know how these things go. Over time, people just... lose interest." Stands, shrugs. "Sorry."

Flashed images and snatches of conversation flew past.
I love you. I want you.
I'm sorry. I still want you. Will this shut you up?
Elladan with blood on his hands, sleeves soaked through.
Je n'ai pas su que je me blessais. Delirium.
Ich liebe dich. Delirium.
You are his best friend. He'd like to fuck you again.
The arrow strikes, the horse rears, I fly, and am barely aware of the impact, or of the snap in my neck.
If you cross that border, your body will learn to die. She told you so.
Do you know if he even wants you back? He didn't.
3 AM.
Boromir stalking out of the room, muttering in French.
Water freezing at my disembodied glance. Etchings in the ice, passages in river-tongue.
Je t'aime. I'm not ready for you to hate me.
Come home safely. I'm not finished yet.
Cuts on his chest; suffocating love and worry.
Don't leave me. I'll leave you.
Sorry. I don't want you anymore.
Leave me here, Legolas. I can't go back. There's nothing to return to.

A wave of hatred so overwhelming that I couldn't bring myself to argue, because such would demand continuing to look at and speak to him.

I turned away, snapping off an old necklace, a cheap but once-endearing gift from a friend, from long ago. "Fine." I threw the necklace onto the floor. It liquified, and disappeared with a soft splash into a dark shape on the rug. I left immediately. There's nothing in that room that I still need.

I said goodbye to Elrohir; difficult, because the face was the same as the last, and painful, because this one belongs to one that I still love dearly. And he will always be a twin before a friend; both faces are lost to me.

My fingertips steam when I reflect. Glancing in the mirror, my eyes are ice blue. This new body has adjusted so well.
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[09 Mar 2002|05:39am]
[ mood | drained ]
[ music | Pina Colada Remix - Glorfie Stardust ]

Made it back from Bree in once piece. Elladan must have still been jumpy over last night's "discussions," because I don't recall ever receiving such an enthusiastic greeting from him before.

My apartment was fucking destroyed. I hate orcs. Ironically, the only room in the place that was even vaguely recognizable was the kitchen. I have no idea where Dharma is. S/he must have left town, because no one has heard from him/her and HIS/HER apartment was FINE. I hear the apothecary's son died in a fire, though. Poor bugger. A couple of girlfriends of mine from the club were killed, as well.

I'd forgotten that no one would recognize me. It would have been useless to explain the situation, so I introduced myself as my own sister in a number of places. I left feeling more than a little shaken. Legolas didn't say much on the way back, but was surprisingly comforting, anyway.

Elladan disappeared for a while tonight, and while he was gone I stumbled across his new Gamgee brat, wandering around lost. The kid had no idea who I was, which I decided absolved me of any and all responsibility to him. Elladan couldn't be fucked with to tell him about me, nor me about him, so we're clearly not meant to have anything to do with each other.

Elrohir was apparently unaware that I had moved back in with Elladan, because he directed the kid to our bedroom before I steered him to his temporary accomodations in a guest room down the hall. I caved later and brought him milk and cookies when he was feeling depressed.

Talked to Elrohir about it later.
"I knew this would happen."
"Yeah, me too."
"::sigh:: Want a drink?"
"Fuck yes."

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Business Trip to Bree: Take Two [08 Mar 2002|03:14am]
[ mood | blank ]

I still have to go to Bree. I have friends there that I can't contact because of the downed phone lines and whatnot.

I'm a little nervous about travelling alone, so I've asked Legolas to accompany me there. I don't want it to be more than a day trip, so we're leaving early tomorrow morning.

Also, I haven't heard any damage reports, and I'd really like to see what state my apartment is in. Because, fuck, at this rate, I may need it again soon.

Oh yes, and Elladan has a new project.

[edit/addendum] I'm not leaving the obtuse, psychotic, cold, uncommunicative, and otherwise dysfunctional Lord Elladan. I toyed with the idea of sending Legolas back to Imladris alone, but... I won't. Granted, his appeal made it sound like I could just as easily be replaced with a whore and a bottle of NyQuil, but the very fact that the existentialist prick said anything at all speaks volumes in itself.

Said existentialist prick is not out of the woods yet, but I'm not leaving him.

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[07 Mar 2002|03:54am]
[ mood | indescribable ]
[ music | the Bruinen ]

Just to quell any doubts you may have had, I have indeed returned. I know. I'm sure you're all shocked.

Sorry for the anticlimax.

I wrote some things while I was gone that I may post later. (I'll explain then.) Right now, I'm tired. Waking up in a new body was strange, like being trapped in ill-fitting clothes. And it's rapidly taking on subtle changes, becoming less human and more... me. I can't imagine how it works, but nothing about a river-daughter is scientific. The only visible evidence of the changes is in my expression-- the alterations may be uncomfortable now, but they were painful just an hour ago.

Elrohir saw me wince and was worried, but I told him that it was just the result a long-frozen body readjusting to movement and use. I thought that was it was, for a time. But shortly thereafter, Elladan said or did something, and accompanying the flash of anger, I felt a quick curl of steam rise in my throat. It was barely noticeable compared to the reactions of my old body, but it was there. Disconcerting, after not experiencing any familiar physical reactions at all for a time. But reassuring, because I wondered what the effects of being in a human body (as opposed to an elf's) would be.

Elladan has disappeared. I'm moving into a guest room. When I went into the bedroom to get a few things, everything was exactly as I'd left it. Even the bloody pillows hadn't moved. I asked Elrohir if Elladan had left the lab at all. No. Of course not.

Elrohir. It was so good to see Elrohir. We talked for a while, I asked him questions about things that had happened while I was gone. We were both worn out, though, and he went off to read while I borrowed Glorfindel's laptop, who he seemed to be looking for some way to be helpful, anyway.

I'm avoiding mirrors for now, and I can't get used to the sound of my voice.

It's not that I'm not glad to be back, in some ways.

I just don't really know why I'm back.

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. [07 Mar 2002|01:08am]
[ mood | none, or other ]

I'm back.

Hey, Sam. Nice jacket.

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Happy birthday, Pippin. I hope the rest of your party goes well. [05 Mar 2002|01:52am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | muffled Sons of Gondor music from the party ]

I'm not really in the mood for a party tonight. I seem incapable of socializing, and I have no desire to get drunk, especially when planning to leave early the next morning. I stayed on the periphery of the party for most of the evening, talking to Elrohir, until the social atmosphere finally got to him and he fled to the lab to help Elladan with his latest preoccupation. I believe this time it's the construction of a new body for Denethor, but he might have moved on to some side project for now. I haven't been in the lab for a long time, so I haven't checked.

There's really no reason for me to wait until morning to leave, since I'm sure the twins will be locked in there until noon tomorrow. I already have the horse, so all that's left for me to do is call Dharma and tell him/her that I'm coming early. I should be getting to Bree an hour or so after she comes off of her shift, anyway. I'm looking forward to seeing a few people, so I'm a little more anxious to leave than I'd care to admit.

Ell hasn't left the lab for nearly two days, and far be it from me to stop them from building the old bastard a new shell tonight. I left a note on the lab door, with my home number at the apartment, Dharma's cell number, when I'll be back, blah blah blah. I should be gone for about a week. I might come back early if I miss the bastard too badly. heh heh

I'm taking my laptop, but it will probably be a few days before I can get to a port. Vaya con eru.

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[04 Mar 2002|02:59pm]
[ mood | irritated ]
[ music | Sympathy for the Dark Lord - Sons of Gondor ]

So this morning, I was arguing with the guy who deals out the high-speed travel equipped horses, those capable of hyperspace jumps, when my purse spontaneously started playing the Batman theme. With one more glare for good measure at the horse-man, I stepped aside to answer the phone. I was surprised to see Arwen on Caller ID, seeing as she's supposed to be on a FaramirandEowyn tour with his royal huffiness.

"Will you still be here for pip's party tonight?"
"Oh, damn it. We need a better memo system around here. That bulletin board isn't cutting it."
"Are you coming?"
"::sigh:: Yes. Oh, and I saw that little post of yours. I am not codependent."
"Sure you aren't. See you tonight."

At least this gives Dharma another day to get all of his/her Wo-Man crap out of my bathroom.

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[04 Mar 2002|04:21am]
[ mood | complacent ]
[ music | Goldberry Beret - Glorfie Stardust ]

I'm leaving for Bree tomorrow morning. The twins are taking off on some brotherly excursion in a few days, anyway, and I need to get away from Imladris for a while. My time here has been eventful, to say the least. Codependency might have been a relief during all this. I miss the mundane chaos of drag queens, strobe light headaches and arguments with the manager about spike heeled bar-dancing. (Of course, I don't miss it enough to subject myself to it again full-time, but still. Nostalgia.) In any case, a brief change of setting is probably for the best.

I tentatively questioned Dharma about the state of my kitchen. It doesn't sound pretty. I will touch neither the egg beater nor any spatulas I once owned. At least s/he and the apothecary's son (I never can remember the kid's name) are out of the damned apartment. I tried to explain to him/her what's happened in the past week, but the denizens of Bree have a hard time grasping the concept of alcoholic elves.

Also, I've caved on the subject of modelling for the druggist's brat. Dharma called in a favor which I will not speak of here, but it was cruel and unjust of him/her to do so, and s/he leaves me no choice. Whore.

Ell has been taking requests for the past couple of hours as to what to turn Isildur into, which has been entertaining as all hell. Ever seen a semi-animate bag of Doritos wearing a helmet? Great stuff. Anyway, I'm leaving early in the morning, so it would be wise of a certain elf, who won't see me again for another week or so, to stop playing Eru with his exorcist's book for the night.

I'll update again from Bree.

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Love is a low-maintenance hairdo. [03 Mar 2002|05:03am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | "The Little Mermaid" soundtrack, on request. Not kidding. ]

OK. I love Ell. Really. I do.

But... I do not handle vomit well. It bothers me in ways that I can't begin to describe. I therefore am incredibly grateful to Eowyn for cutting Elladan's hair so short. Granted, I could always get Elrohir to do things like hold his hair back while he spews forth, but with the short hair, I don't have to deal with that guilt. (I still feel a little bad, though, for laughing at the interspersed cursing between... yeah. Let's not dwell on that.)

Anyway, I fell asleep a few hours after I tranquilized him, and woke up a little later to hear him getting sick in the bathroom down the hall. I have yet to discover why he didn't just use ours, and I'd really rather not investigate right now. He exhausted himself after about three and a half hours, and is resigned to lying on the bed with a bucket and cold compress.

He's been a little delirious for the past couple of hours, and seems lost in time, two weeks back or so. He seemed confused a few times to see me still in the bedroom, and at one point, he grabbed my hand and told me that he had to talk to me.

"Goldberry, listen... no, listen," slurring his words, "I have to tell you... you're one of my best friends..." Takes a moment to gag, and I try not to laugh at the dramatic interruption. Pauses for a long moment. Looks like he's gathering up his courage, or getting ready to throw up, or both. "I love you." Ai. In common speech this time, at least.

"I know, dear. That was Monday's episode." He looks crushed, or nauseous, or both. Guilt. Add quickly, "I love you, too." He relaxes. A few minutes later, "You're so nice to me, Goldberry." Deep sigh.

"It's the least I can do," dryly, "since I'm sleeping with your brother." Wait for reaction.

Reaction: Stares at ceiling. "Yeah."

"That was a joke, Ell." Blank stare for several seconds. Blinks. "I know." Sweet mother. I've never seen him sick before. Sick in this sense, anyway.

"You're such a good friend."

"Lie down, Elladan."

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polka funeral music [02 Mar 2002|07:44pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | Elf Scorcho - Sons of Gondor ]

Things have calmed down around here, at least for a while. Of course, Elrond's happy orange pills have been a major contributor to the tentative peace. The silence is almost unsettling; there were only two explosions from the lab this afternoon.

I may be taking a business trip to Bree soon. Dharma needs help with the layout of the new store; I'd like to see it, anyway; and I need to kick Dharma and the druggist's boy out of my apartment. I don't dare imagine what's become of some of my kitchen appliances. In fact, I don't think I'll go looking for the egg beater.

Elladan has completed the forging of his One Accordion. The original plan was for a harpsichord, but he decided that his ultimate instrument needed to be a little more portable. Elladan has been watching a lot of old movies set in Europe, and has a thing for the spaghetti scene in Lady and The Tramp.

Though I'm sure that has nothing to do with it. ::cough:: He also wanted to keep the Accordion black and unadorned, thinking it would be more daunting, but was swayed when I told him that painted enamel plating would be prettier, and thus more alluring. ...which was crap, I was just bored and wanted to prettify the Accordion, but it turned out well and Ell likes it this way.

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camera brats and dead languages [01 Mar 2002|06:16pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | Dies Irae again, damn him. ]

I'll admit, I'm rather grateful for this whole Horn of Gondor business. Any issues I had with old feelings for Boromir have been neatly resolved. Because, you know, he used to go between rugged-sexy and cute-teddy bearish, but now... let's just say that the combined scents of teenage goth blood, spunk and cigarette smoke are not pleasant.

Elladan has been storming about the house, cursing in Latin, ever since Mlle Delilah's attempted kidnapping of his father. Fortunately, I've found the best way to avoid listening to foreign muttering all day is to spend the day, um, indoors, until he calms down or passes out. Either is good.

Dharma's live-in brat called again today to ask about the modelling. He said he needs "women with experience who are willing to do nudes." Fuck you, little man. Never. again. I learned my lesson after the first five times, thank you. I just hung up on him.

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Trends [01 Mar 2002|06:26am]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Gondorian Pie - Sons of Gondor ]

Elladan is asleep, and thus, I have nothing to do. So I flipped through other people's calendars and put this together.

Middle-Earth Sock Puppet Theatre Trends
Or: Things That Wouldn't Die, At Least For a While

Read more... )

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