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IMDb Votes Charts
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IMDb Charts Section

If you like lists, this is the place. Below you'll find a list of the most recent champs at the U.S. box office, and running down the left side of the page, you'll find links to all sorts of lists; top box office performers, top rentals, the most looked-up people in our database and much more. All our charts are updated weekly with the latest data.

Be sure to check out the Votes Charts to find lists of the best (and worst) movies in all sorts of categories based on votes from users like you.

USA Weekend Box-Office Summary


RankTitleWeekend Total Gross
1Red Dragon (2002)36.5m 36.5m
2Sweet Home Alabama (2002)21.3m 65.3m
3Tuxedo, The (2002)10.0m 27.9m
4My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002)8.2m 147.1m
5Barbershop (2002)6.6m 60.0m
6Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie (2002)6.2m 6.2m
7Banger Sisters, The (2002)3.4m 24.2m
8Four Feathers, The (2002)2.0m 15.5m
9Moonlight Mile (2002)1.8m 2.3m
10One Hour Photo (2002)1.7m 28.7m

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Weekend box office data supplied by and copyright ACNielsen EDI ©2002

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