bridgey's Journal

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Monday, July 23rd, 2001
1:33 pm - dead
ahaha. deadjournal is EFFin cool. i have an acct there -- :) i saw ash got one so i wanted one. poser :x i think i might keep that one instead of this.. *sigh* choices.

my ankle should be all better now :( but it's not. now i have another doctors appt. on thursday. grrowl. that means no soccer this week either! this is pissing me off. i swear, if anything goes wrong today....

WAIT! it already did. this A.M. my mum was bitching about taking her coverup shit. um, how about.. no. 1) it's not my motherEFFin colour so kiss my ass and 2) i wouldn't use her greasy shitty ass makeup! so anyhoo.. she grounded me, b/c she thinks i took it. and it doesn't help that she called vikki and asked her about it and vikki said that i had used it after her. i didn't EFFin use it. whatever though, she can kiss my ass. as soon as my aunt and gram and cousin move to W.V. i'm moving in with my dad. i don't give two shits if it means i gotta switch schools.. i am SICK of my mother. she drives me up the motherEFFin wall and down the other EFFin side.

okEy. i'm done venting.

current mood: pissed off
current music: breakdown/tantric

(2 kisses | kiss kiss)

Sunday, July 22nd, 2001
1:09 am - mmmmk then :x
okey ..well, things have been pretty EFFed up the past few days. i don't feel like explaining. it takes too much energy outta me. eheheh. anyhoo i'll dedicate a whole entry to the thing that's got me all upset and shit..

tonite vikki and i went to skatetown. i haven't been there in forever!@#$%^&* we saw brandy, mike, jen, candy, tanaya and josh.. vikki's boyfriend there. he's so funny and adorable! i think they make the cutest couple<3 so anyway, i think i like mike again :gasp: it sucks too.. cuz brandy and candy like him. whatever though, i might as well forget it. i hate liking people. i need to find someone no one else will ever like. haha. tonite was fun.. they played good songs for once.. well, they usually do.. but the past 3 times er so that i had been there before they played stupid songs :x omg i EFFin think that ja rule is sooooo sexy! he's yummy.

well vikki and me.. we wanna pull an all nighter so sitting in front of this computer screen is gonna do shit for us. we're eating ice cream and watching MTV ...ah the life :x i'll update tomorrow. err.. i mean, later today* :]

current mood: awake
current music: schism/tool

(kiss kiss)

Wednesday, July 18th, 2001
8:43 am - !@#$%^&*
everyone and everything is fucked up. cassie feels the same way as i do about a lot of things. i emailed her and was telling her everything. she is like.. the only one who understands, and will listen. yesterday when brandy, candy and i were outside of town perk i started bawling. brandy tried making me laugh, and i did. but it didn't make me feel better. i think i needed to cry.. well now brandy hates everyone and thinks no one understands her anymore. candy.. i don't know. i never know, she's my best friend and i don't know what's wrong. i wish i could make everyone feel better about themselves, and everything.. but i can't even help myself. for me, everything bad started happening when i sprained my ankle. i was fine until that. then everything i thought i could control, spiraled out of and beyond control. it's been bad since friday the 13th. ha. listen to me, superstious much?

'these last few weeks
i've been confused
sometimes i wonder
if i'm better off alone

i took that from erin's profile :x i don't know what it is, but it sounds familiar. maybe i'm losing it, and it's just the way i feel. could be.

current mood: blank
current music: elmo's world (joey's watching tv)

(3 kisses | kiss kiss)

Monday, July 16th, 2001
6:17 pm - bizzy d rocks my socks!
dunno why i've been so miserable.
all i know is, i don't like it.
it's my time of the month.
aaagghhh ;[

i watched joey today. he's a handful. especially when i can't exactly move that fast with my ankle being effed up and all. he was after the phone cord thing, trying to rip it out of the wall. he was annoying the dog. skyler was growling at him. i had to yell at them both. i can't wait to have kids! :cough: i'm glad i'm getting paid to watch him. tomorrow i have to watch him 2 hours longer than usually. so about six hours. oh joy! he's a cute baby and all, but oh my lord! he throws tantrums and screams and jeeeze. terrible twos and he isn't even two yet!

i really need to get off this thing. i hate computers. i hate ao-hell, yet i'm on it 24/7/365 :x woe is me. i think after i finish this i'm going to go sit outside and read. maybe get a shower first. i feel yuckie, even though i got one this morning when i got home from vikki's. speaking of vikki's.. yesterday, her and her mum came and got me. i was so frustrated i started bawling. i couldn't find anything to wear. my cramps were bugging me. i was cold. i was tired. i was stressed. no, i'm still stressed. heh. so we went to her uncle joe's house. it was so funny :x he's hilarious. he said he liked names that go good together with funny nicknames. 'bridgette is a bonehead'. 'carol is crappy'. 'vikki is vicious'. 'jackie is jublious'. he's so odd! hehe :] it was nice to laugh. her cousin's boyfriend is really cute. he's tall and blonde and he has the cutest new york accent! too bad he's like..17. haha :x well that really doesn't matter.. b/c brandy's going out wit a 18 year old! i'm disappointed in her. but whatever. doesn't matter what i think!

i think i'm going to go before my computer like.. logs me off or something. byeee.

current mood: irritated
current music: crazy train/ozzy osbourne

(kiss kiss)

5:24 pm - funky survey
1. One Kleenex or two when you blow your nose? dunno.

2. Have you ever drank Slimfast? no

3. If so, whats your favorite kind? i never drank it.

4. Did you really need to drink it? damn i never effin drank it!!

5. Do you listen to music off your computer? yeah all the time

6. Do you where headphones so you dont distract other people? nope. do i give two shits? nope. so what the hell

7. Have you ever blown a speaker out in a car from having too much bass? erm no :x

8. Do you use highlighters frequently? highlighters..i wonder why they call them that? heh heh heh..!

9. Do you carry scissors? i run with them, yes

10. Do you wish you did? damnit, i do!

11. How about fingernail clippers? booya to them. that's why they make those people you go to do get your fingernails done. hardy har har..

12. Blue or black ink? black

13. Do you own a pair of flannel pants? yes i sleep in them. got a problem you foo?

14. Do you wear slippers around the house? mmhmm!

15. Do you untie your shoes before you take them off? no not usually but i gotta now since i sprained my damned ankle

16. Can you keep a pair of white shoes clean for very long? actually, yea

17. Do you wash your car a lot? if i had a car, i'd keep it clean. i like things to look pretty.

18. How much does it cost to fill your vehicle up? dunno but if it's a lot screw it, i'll walk

19. Is your buddy list mainly people you dont talk to? no i talk to them all once in a while

20. Do you put your dirty clothes in a basket or just let they lay on your floor? in the clothes basket ..dirty = yuckie!

21. Are your dresser drawers organized? nope ---- hehehe

22. Will your parents kill you if you bring home a D? no

23. Do you belong to Sams club? no

24. Do you like Super Target? dude. i like target. dunno about that super target tho

25. Whats your view on the Bakers Value Card? wtf is that

26. Has someone accidentally given you back the wrong change and you just kept it? probably

27. Ever been to a hockey game? yea

28. Ever laughed at a retard? no. that's cruel

29. Ever faked a call on your cell phone? yeah hehehehe

30. Ever swung your left arm back and forth so much when you walked that anyone within 20 feet would get hit? rotfl that'd be fun

31. Ever spit on anyone? yeh.. sorry candy. sorry vikki. lmao ;x

32. Ever been spit on? yes.. damn you

33. Ever watched someone be spit on? uh huh it's rather funny

34. Ever growled at someone? all the damn time in soccer

35. Ever been meowed at? or not..

36. Do you grab for your cell phone whenever you hear a ring? no

37. Does your mom still do your laundry? sometimes

38. Do you have a camera of your own? yeah

39. Do you spend extremely too much time on your computer? yes i have nothing better to do. me n cassie are no liferz<3*

40. Do you pick your nose when you drive because you think just because you have tinted windows they cant see you? i dont drive. i don't pick my nose either

41. Do you think your moms hot? wtf eww. joe thinks my mums hot tho. yuckie!

42. Do you honestly sing in the shower? all the dayum time yo

43. Do you ever wave at complete strangers? uh huh of course

44. Have you ever farted in a room and walked out? ew no

45. Have you ever eaten at a Truck Stop? dunno

46. Have you ever found out that there was no toilet paper in the stall after you sat down? wtf i dunno lol.. no?

47. Are you the moron that writes on the bathroom walls? you bet i am

48. Why are there visible bacteria in the sinks at school? lmfao

49. Do you park in the same place everyday at school or close to the same place? yep. i park on my ass.

50. Do you love your car as much as I love mine (thats not possible!) damn you i'll love my car more than you will so booya

51. Do pimples piss you off? yes

52. Do they hurt? not really

53. Have you ever had a wart (anywhere)? nah

54. Do your parents ask you moronic questions? constantly ..
Mom: "Honey, does the dog still have four legs?"

55. How much does your dog weigh? lmao.. a lot. he be a german shepard

56. Do you treat your parents like shit? nooo

57. Are you disrespectful according to them? nope -- im a little angel.

58. Do you know that its actually a privilege to live under their roof? of course!

59. Do you get a lot of junk email? shit yea.... porn too.

60. Do you get a lot of junk regular mail? no..?

61. Do you have a blank paper near by? yes....

62. How long are your showers? dunno

63. Do you shower (cuz some people dont, I swear!) of course that'd be yuckie!

64. Do you chemically alter your hair (by yourself)? nopee

65. Does your mom try to help you although you know your beyond help? yes

66. Do you like your job? i dont have a job.

67. Do you even work? nope.. thats what i just said.

68. Do your parents complain about how much of their money you spend? :grins:

69. Do they threaten you if you dont make the honor roll? noo

70. Do you make it to school on time? yes

71. Do you ever stop for breakfast? no

72. Have you ever been late because you had to wash your car first? no

73. Have you ever flashed anyone the peace sign while driving down the road? yea.. i've let my little bird out of the cage a couple times too {lol kaitie}

74. Does your dog jump on the door and then get yelled at? no

75. Do people call you and piss you off? all too often

76. Do you click over when someone beeps in and youre on the phone? yes...

77. Do you take good messages for people or do you blow it off? i take good messages ....

78. Have you ever broken a kitchen utensil and thought your mom was going to be angry with you? ehh ... maybe

79. Is the word dude part of your everyday vocabulary? duuude.. mmhmm.

80. Do other peoples parents scare you? no

81. Do you have a cell phone? lmao..

82. Does it have detachable faces? CELL PHONES HAVE FACES? wtf

83. Do you like leather couches? comfy!

84. Do you cross your legs when you sit down? yeh most of the time

85. Do wear one pair of shoes more then another? yep

86. How many pairs of shoes do you have? lots

87. Do you love shoes? in the words of the person who i got this from 'they are an amazing creation' lol

88. Do your quads hurt from running? um no

89. Do you wish a certain someone could rub them to make them feel better? lol

90. What kind of music do your parents listen to? my mom likes the stuff that's around now dad's into ac/dc, grateful dead, shit like that. i love the older stuff :x

91. When you drive with your parents in the car, is it a battle over what radio station? no, not usually.

92. Do they think your choice of music is just absolutely terrible!? nope. my aunt complains about pop music and rap all the time though, even though i'm in to punk/rock.

93. Are you good at being a bitch? yes.

94. Have you ever cried because of physical pain? uh most likely! but mostly b/c of emotional pain.

95. Do you eat and drink in your room? no

96. Do you wish you had a computer in your room? sometimes

97. Do you bite your nails without even thinking about it? uh huh - it sucks.

98. Does thunder only happen when its raining? ehh ... no?

99. Do players only love you when theyre playing? playas gon' play!

100. Do you have candles in your room? yes lots!

101. Do you have any beanie babies? i have one :]

102. Do you keep old shit that you made when you were little, like art projects and stuff? yeah..hehe

103. Do you still have the original Nintendo? somewhere in storage, yeah

104. Remember the duck hunting game? um not ..i remember duck duck goose or whatever though. rotfl :x

105. Do you like trampolines? yes

106. Have you ever jumped off a cliff? yep.. and i've fallen off of a bridge too. i'm a very adventurous person, really.

107. Like Americas Most Wanted? i guess

108. How about the show COPS? ehh .. i spose

109. Have you ever lit your hair on fire? erm no

110. Do you write on the desks at school? yes all the time

111. Do you cover your textbooks? no not usually

112. Do you doodle on your textbooks? sometimes!

113. Have you ever damaged another persons property? no

114. Been to the beach? uh yeh

115. Do you like the schools convenient store? dunno

116. Does your dog hump anything in site? no.. lol

117. Do you have a duck or two or three that quack? no. i tried catching a baby duck though and i put it in the back of my mums car when i was like 5 and we went to drive away and the mum duck was chasing our car. then my mum saw the lil duckiee!~

118. Do you like track? nahh...

119. Dont you think the track uniforms are ucky? uh sure

120. Is your modem louder then hell? no

121. Do you have a shitty ass connection? yes

122. Do you have an email account thru Yahoo!? no. i used to

123. Do you like the Tru Crew; do you even know who the Tru Crew is? the true crew is me and my girls!! candy, vikki, brandy, felicia, and cassie. i love dem. but i don't kno who you're talkin about.!

124. Whats one of the cutest screen names youve ever seen? apples go thud. hehe ;]

125. Have you thought about getting personalized plates for your car? that'd be cool!

126. What would you put on them? cutieez ..i dunno :x

127. What COUNTY are you from (number and name)? columbia.. what do you mean NUMBER??

128. Do you know anyone that wears stretch pants that shouldnt? rotfl.. uh huh

129. Do you know anyone with the nickname Lunchbox? no..

130. How about Woody? yes!

131. Or Bulldog? no

132. Or T-Dawg? no.. J-Dawg, yeh. no T-Dawgie Dawgz tho!

133. Have you ever been skiing? nope...

134. Did you fall on your ass? i never went skiing.

135. Are some people so full of themselves it makes you sick? .. too many.

136. Do you know any male sluts? MAN WHORES! yes i kno lots of them. lol

137. Do you keep notes that people write you? yep

138. Who do you get the most notes from? dunno

139. Do you yell across the bowling alley at people you know? yeh i have

140. Do you yell across the school if you see a friend? no..

141. What does the number 7 mean to you? luckiness..? i dunno! lol

142. Have you ever made a shout-out to your parents?

143. Have you ever thought about putting something on Ebay? that'd be cool :x

144. How often do you change your bed sheets? every week

145. Have you ever taken a shower and then put on the dirty underwear you had just taken off? ewww no

146. Are you good at scheduling activities? yeah i guess

147. Do you ever talk on the phone and type at the same time? lots of times

148. Does it hurt your ear or your neck? no

149. Do you have arthritis in your hands or fingers? no..

150. Do you like Scooby Doo? uh i guess...scooby snax :x

151. Would you ever buy seat covers for your car? no

152. Do you look at a picture of your baby a lot and wish you were with them? i have 6 kids.. and no baby pictures! that's what i need.. brandy, cassie, felicia, adam, wally and mike..i want baby pictures!

153. Do you think there are too many people named Ashley and Jenny in this world? ehh.. jenny no. ashley..not really. i only know one Ashley and one Jennee*

154. Would you ever name your child Bob? noooo!

155. Whats your highest bowling score? shit .. i dont know.

156. Have you ever played tennis? sure...

157. Have you ever jumped off a trampoline into a pool? no .. but thatd be fun

158. Have you ever played shuffleboard? noo

159. Whens the last time you called someone a dousche bag? rotfl my dad called me that the other day i was like WTF??

160. Do you wear your coat even when youre in your house? when i'm cold

161. Have you ever been tanning? in da sun.. and a couple times in da fakerbaker place ;]

162. Did you fry your ass? no

163. Do you have freckles? no

164. Do you think there hot? oh yes .. or not!

165. Do you own any heavy machinery? a computer :x lol

166. Have you ever operated heavy machinery under the influence of drugs or alcohol? no!!

167. Have you ever dropped a bowling ball? yes rotfl..remember cassie??

168. Have you ever wanted to die in someones arms? all the time.

169. Do you like people with red hair? why wouldn't i lol :x

170. Did you like the Chuckie movies? eeeeeek :screams:

171. Do you want to see Hannibal? eww.. cannibalism isn't my thing.

172. Am I way past done? yes!

173. Has someone told you have a nice ass? rotfl

174. Youre pad or mine? mine!

175. Do you own toe socks? yep

176. Do you have anything Hawaiian? yes a hoo-la skirt or however da eff you spell it

177. Would I look hot in a skirt? psshh NO

178. Do you smile a lot? i guess

179. Have you ever actually looked at me? i don't know who da fruck you are.

180. Do you act your age? yeh sometimes older lol

181. Do you like freshman? fresh meat! rotfl..

182. Do you racist people piss you off? yes, very much

183. Are you a racist person? no

184. Has anyone ever told you that you speak with a southern accent? no.

185. Were you a bratty little son of a bitch when you were little? yes

186. Are you still? haha no..

187. Name one person thats a jerk: um. nathan schnee.

188. Are your parents always at work? they work normal hours.

189. Have you ever hit a deer? no

190. Have you ever come close to hitting a deer? no

191. Have you ever gone to a restaurant and just had a glass of water? yep

192. Do you have school spirit? rah rah rah! of course.

193. Do you enjoy pep rallies? yes :x

194. Does anything motivate you, if so what? da song.. motivation proclimation. hehe ;] no lots of things do, but i don't feel like listing them.

195. Do you get a lot of days off of school? yeh i guess

196. Can you surf? no rotfl

197. Dont you wish Nebraska had a beach? i couldnt care less about nebraska and it's beaches

198. Whats your swimsuit look like? it's black.

199. Have you ever shot a bee bee gun at the neighbor kid? no. dont gimme any ideas

200. Ford or Chevy? chevy! ford:fix or repair daily!

201. Jeep Wrangler or Cherokee? cherokee

202. Do you donate to the Goodwill? um.. i donate to salval :x

203. Have you ever just walked around for the hell of it? uh huh

204. When you talk on the phone, do you have to be doing something else too? no

205. Have you ever considered being a cop? yeah. my mom is, so of course i have considered it

206. Do you have your own language with your friends? used to

207. Do you have so many inside jokes that its annoying for other people to be around you? yeah..i forget them sometimes too lol

208. Do you and your friends diss each other on a daily basis? of course. and we know we're joking around..that's how good of friends we are :]

209. Do you have a tack board in your room? no i used too tho

210. Whats on it? phone numbers, pictures and such

211. Do you make your bed? yeah

212. Is your alarm clock right by your bed? yep

213. What time do you usually leave your house for school? 6:30..

214. Are you in a world of shit for your grades? no

215. Are you thinking of some lie to make up to lessen the pain when they get your report card and you turn into dog shit? no

216. Whens your last day of school? it's summer. but it was june 14th.

217. Are you going to have a wild party? i did last year :] not this year tho, i didn't.

218. Are you a constant failure? no..

219. Do you own a pair of sandals? yep

220. Do you wear pretty socks? yep lots of times :]

current mood: okay
current music: bad day/fuel

(kiss kiss)

Sunday, July 15th, 2001
10:25 pm - when does it ever matter

It starts with one thing
I don't know why
It doesn't even matter how hard you try keep that in mind
I designed this rhyme
To explain in due time
All I know
Time is a valuable thing
Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
Watch it count down to the end of the day
The clock ticks life away
It's so unreal
Didn't look out below
Watch the time go right out the window
Trying to hold on, but didn't even know
Wasted it all just to watch you go
I kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart
What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when

I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn't even matter

One thing, I don't know why
It doesn?t even matter how hard you try, keep that in mind
I designed this rhyme, to explain in due time
I tried so hard
In spite of the way you were mocking me
Acting like I was part of your property
Remembering all the times you fought with me
I'm surprised it got so (far)
Things aren't the way they were before
You wouldn't even recognize me anymore
Not that you knew me back then
But it all comes back to me (in the end)
You kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart
What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when I


I?ve put my trust in you
Pushed as far as I can go
And for all this
There's only one thing you should know (2x) Chorus

current mood: sad
current music: in the end/linkin park

(1 kiss | kiss kiss)

Saturday, July 14th, 2001
12:03 pm - :(
well, my ankle is sprained. i went to the ER this morning.. an x-ray.. and now i'm on crutches for a week or so. damnit :( this sucks b/c i won't be able to go to soccer practice for a week or two! candy just told me it was my fault b/c i don't know how to walk. roaR. i can't help that there was a crack on the bottom step. whatever. i don't care. i'm moody and miserable. so now i'm sitting on my ass all week b/c i can't go anywhere, or walk on it. i can't go to knoebels tomorrow :( this makes me soooo mad. i can't believe it was friday the 13th i'm superstitious! rotfl. that did it. i feel so stupid. so i'm going to go, i shouldn't be sitting in front of the computer. god, i hate this.

current mood: uncomfortable
current music: a place for my head/linkin park

(1 kiss | kiss kiss)

Friday, July 13th, 2001
10:27 pm - ughhh
i think i sprained my ankle :x i was goin' down the steps at my cousins and the last step is like broken {this is the outside steps btw} and my foot got caught and my ankle twisted and i fell. omfg. it's friday the thirteenth! that must be the reason i did it. rotfl. i didn't even think about that until now. so anyway. it hurts like hell and i feel like sawing it off {in fact, my uncle mike and scott have already said they would LOL}. well i'm still here, at my cousins. they are all outside drinking and talking shit. i'm about to go out there. i need to laugh. i started bawling earlier. just out of nowhere i guess. BLEHH.. whatever. it doesn't matter though. well.. i guess i'll write tomorrow. we'll be here away. good nite<3

current mood: bitchy
current music: dance dance dance/the steve miller band

(kiss kiss)

7:23 am - sooo lucky =]!
heh heh. yesterday was sooooo fun :x i'mma tell y'all about it..

mmmk, so vikki comes at 7 and i'm sleepin on the couch and she freakin wakes me up. oh well. then we got around to go to town perk..well, vikki had been on the computer and i went to do something i dunno what.. but the fruckin keyboard thing fell off! so i went to get the little black thing that had fallen off and i guess i hit the damn drink er something but it splashed all over me rotfl :x so anyhoo.. i had to re-wash my hair, change and fix my makeup. damn computer.. but i fixed it in the end. finally vikki and i walked up town to go to town perk, well when we were walking passed the movie rental place i heard someone say my name.. i was like wtf? and i turned around and there was... dun dun dunnn.. marieeee!! i haven't seen her since the last day of school. holy shit :x that was a long time ago. anyway, she had to go to the police station to do somethin for her mom b/c her moms a lawyer and then she said she was gonna meet us at town perk. so vikki and i went in and told the lady that we were expecting someone else. so we ordered our drinks and such. rotfl :x that was so funny.. i got my usual, a peach ice thinger and vikki got an espresso. that was so funny omg :x okay i told vikki she should just get the regular coffee, but did she listen? no. and she hated the espresso! everytime she took a drink, she had to take a drink of mine. thank god espresso's are small.. haha. then marie came.. finally! {actually it had only been like, 15-20ish minutes} and we ordered 3 {eww} sesame bagels {b/c they didn't have plain! rOar..!} wit butter buh i got strawberry creamy cheesy :x hehe.. yumm! they kept eating my damn cream cheese though. anyway then i had my money on the table and marie was like.. yanno..someone could just walk by and take that and i was like, err not. and she went to show me how they could and i slammed my hand on hers to stop her and the fruckin silverware flew..omg everyone looked at us. i just started cracking up. oh well :) they could have kicked us out, but they didn't. after we left there we were walking home and marie saw tyrese, mike, josh {candy's ex} and josh's brother. so we went to see them! vikki and i only stood there for a little..said hello to them and tyrese was being weird as always. we walked home and signed on to see if brandy was coming or not so this was around 1:30ish or something and i guess cassie was supposed to pick her up at noon. so finally they got here and really we didn't do anything. but then kevin came! him and his brother ..and then this other kid who looks a hell of a lot like him! anyway we talked to him for awhile and somehow it got to be 5 without me realizing it :x heh. so vikki and i decided to go to the movies. cassie and brandy were going to go but i don't know what happened there. whatever. we had the best time :x so before we left, dunno what time.. candy called. i told her we were goin to the movies so she walked down and went with us. then we had to try and break into her house! ..with, by the way, no success :x oh well! so we went to see the fast and the furious ..omfg paul walker.. eeep! :drool: hehe :) hesosessy! so was that other guy ..vil diesel i dunno ..the guy who was bald :x ooo he was oh-so roll on the floor drop dead gorgeous. yup yup. when the movie was over my aunt came to pick us up so we went to take vikki home and we were like.. tryin to think of something so we all could sleep over somewheres! heh.. so we slept at vikki's b/c her mommy is oh-so nice! and when candy called her momma to tell her omg :x that was rather interesting. well it ended up her mom came and talked to carol {vikki's mom} and since carol can talk people in to things, candy got to stay! YAYY! so we were layin on vikki's trampoline ..omg that was hilarious! vikki was layin on candy's stomach.. candy was layin on mine.. and i was layin on vikki's. we were laughing and it was hard to stop bc we kept feeling our stomachs move.. you had to been there was funny. then we were singing :x i hate my voice. ohh then we were playing popcorn {note: this was at like..10pm..across from a cemetary EEEEP!} and candy's knee hit her head. that was sooo funny :x so then we had to go in and that was around 10:30-11ish. so we sat in vikki's room and talked and listened to music. evenutally we fell asleep! we were so tired. but last nite and yesterday was like.. the *best*! i was with my really close friends all day and then my two best friends! hah. coolish :) okay so now me and candy are home, bc carol had to take her dad to work. i guess vikki is coming over later. yeeeehaw! well i'mma go. possibly back to sleep since we got up at 6ish. booya :x good nite.. i mean, good morning.

one more thing: {this is to brandy} ..candy did have an appointment. she only had to go to the pool b/c her mom said she had to with her little cousin steph. and she was only there for like 20mins. so don't say that she didn't go to her appointment and stood you up. actually you stood her up b/c she thought you were still sleeping over! oh well though.

current mood: happy
current music: clint eastwood/the gorillas

(2 kisses | kiss kiss)

Wednesday, July 11th, 2001
9:43 am - bsb :gasp:
i cannot believe this whole bsb thing. wow. even though i don't like the backstreet boys, i DO like AJ ..i think he's the one that is *real* and can sing the best. now with all of this, i feel so bad. i think it's cool how they didn't want to hide it, either. i mean.. they could be helping one of their fans that are suffering from depression ..or even, alcoholism. i have a new respect for bsb and it's past the music level.. it's a respect for them as people. i hope they get through all of this okay :)

i had a conversation with mike this AM. the one from knoebels. the one who i despised for a while, and still don't really care for. well, i wish i would have saved the convo, but being dumb i xed it out. anyhoo he was sayin' shit about being sorry bc he hurt me or something ..ladeedah. whatever i told him i didn't care anymore and that it doesn't matter. he kept saying he was sorry and he felt terrible. i was okay okay! i wanted to say sorry too, but i couldn't. i guess i've been kind of rude to him, but damnit he deserves it. i think. i'm so confused, and i don't know why because i don't like him!! ughhh.. guys suck :\

current mood: hopeful
current music: crawling/linkin park

(2 kisses | kiss kiss)

Tuesday, July 10th, 2001
6:05 pm - i'm baaaaaaack!
hey! i've been home from vacation for awhile, but i'm just getting around to updating this here thing. my bad :) well i had an awesome time, and i wish i could go back! it's so peaceful and relaxing there. :sigh: well here's a little thing i, borrowed from erin.. she called it 7 deadly sins but i dunno. heh heh.

7 things I'm afraid of:
1. being alone
2. death
3. depression
4. life
5. heights
6. lies
7. blood

7 things that make me laugh:
1. da one n' only true crew<3
2. will & grace
3. comedies
4. sex organ words {ie. penis, boobies.. rotfl :x}
5. stupid people
6. inside jokes
7. thinkin' bout kd, lq, mw, md n' my mariah carey bathroom fight.. heh heh :x!

7 things that make me cry sad and/or depressed:
1. growing up
2. people
3. my friends
4. life
5. "love"
6. rain
7. betrayal..lies..

7 things I love:
1. my true crew n' my other friends<3*
2. music
3. singing
4. writing music, poetry..ect
5. silly words
6. bein' in da no-LifErZ club w/ cassiE<3 lol
7. trust

7 things I don't understand:
1. life in general
2. depression
3. pop groups
4. myself..{ie. attitude, thoughts, ect.}
5. illegal drugs {really any drugs including alcohol}
6. people
7. lies

7 things on my desk in my room:
1. books
2. makeup/lotion ect.
3. lamp
4. photo album and stray pictures of my friends
5. this year's yearbook
6. 2 magazines ..seventeen & ym
7. pens in a cup

7 facts about me:
1. i'm sensitive and serious, but i have a sense of humor ..sometimes :x
2. my life revolves around my friends, family and most of all music/singing.
3. i love punk music
4. i despise the use of alcohol and drugs..
5. i'm always here for my friends
6. my best friend is candy, even though she does things i don't agree with :sigh:
7. i love attention

7 things to do before I die:
1. swim to cuba after brandy, cassie, felicia, candy and i capture sandy and holly from their schools.. {lol brandy!}
2. go to australia
3. go to ireland
4. find out what love really is and why it hurts so much
5. LIVE!!!
6. persure a successful life.. perferably in the singing biz but that isn't happening :)
7. go on the real world {rotfl}

current mood: blah
current music: little pretty/poe

(1 kiss | kiss kiss)

Thursday, June 28th, 2001
7:09 am - hello!
i keep getting damn porn e-mails and IM's.. i'm gonna scream. ao-hell should ban them or something!

i wonder who all reads this.. i never get comments, so i wouldn't know :sigh: =c) nah, i'm not bored..

candy, brandy, {maybe laura} and i are going to town perk today! it's gonna be fun. i haven't seen laura since the last day of school.. eeep! i thought i would be bored this summer, but i'm not. maybe it's because candy comes over almost every day and i live near joe and other people i usually hang out with.. and then there is soccer. this summer is going to kick ass. i'm leaving for west virginia this saturday! i guess i'll be gone for a week so i'll try to update tomorrow, friday and possibly saturday morning if i can. buh i doub it because my moms computer is fucked up! {yes, still.. grr}

well, i'm tired and bored and lonely. someone please call me!! -- bridgette

current mood: bored
current music: someone to call my lover/janet jackson

(3 kisses | kiss kiss)

Monday, June 25th, 2001
4:22 pm - wo0t .. wo0t
ooo shame on me :x haven't written in awhile.. sorry! okay.. well to update y'all on a few things.. candy and i went to the movies and saw an incredibly stupid movie -- tomb raider was okay, buh i wouldn't watch the whole thing again. we hardly watched it then! heh.. these two guys.. one from wyalusing and the other from danville.. waved for us to come over and the weird thing was.. i knew one of them! anthony. he didn't know me though. i only know of him really, and i've seen him at car shows and shit. he's a cutiee :] talked to mike. he's at b-ball camp. his friends and him might come over. haha :x my mum wants them too (aghh!!) i dont want them to see my ugly ass house. so yanno. i might have a party and invite only my closest friend plus them at the park instead :) that would be cool yo..! omg.. vikki is stayin wit me da wholllleeeee weeeeeeek!@~ she my bffae<33* so is candy tho! hehe. well i'mma go.. love meeee<33*

bridgette vikki & candy = bffae<3*

current music: baby got back/sir mixalot

(kiss kiss)

Friday, June 22nd, 2001
5:59 pm - cooLish :x
i took a are the results:

Your view on yourself

Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener; they'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.

The type of girl/boyfriend you are looking for.

You are not looking merely for a girl/boyfriend - you are looking for your life partner. Perhaps you should be more open-minded about who you spend time with. The person you are looking for might hide their charm under their exterior.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship.

You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love.

You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?

Your views on education

Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you.

You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.

How do you view success?

You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Do not give up when you have not even started yet! Be courageous!

What are you most afraid of?

You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.

Who is your true self?

You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.

current mood: amused
current music: breakdown/tantric

(kiss kiss)

5:46 pm - grrr :\
my dad is so freakin over-protective!@~ i'm gonna scream..i swear. today, mike called..and my dad was like why are there guys calling my house for you? HELLO! i'm not 7 years old anymore. well.. whatever. i have to go.. we gotta pick candy up to go to the movies, then she's sleeping over! i'll write tomorrow morning.. see ya babez! xo bridgette<33*

current mood: pissed off
current music: smooth criminal/aaf

(kiss kiss)

Thursday, June 21st, 2001
9:00 pm - loverboy
hehe.. i love the part in the song loverboy where she goes i want my suga dadday it sounds coolish. lol. mmk well i'mma go.. byee<3*

current mood: sleepy
current music: loverboy/mariah carey

(2 kisses | kiss kiss)

2:10 pm - WOOO HOOOOOO!@~
yay..! i'm cool like lisa now!@~ except.. i did this all by my lonesome. how cool is that. cassie says i have madd skillz yo! :grin: see lookit..

Xx SugaR BabE: damn girl u gotz some mad skillz!

who rules? bridgey rules<3* nah, i'm not conceited.. just overly confident (as brandy would say ..hehe :x!) bleh i gotta clean my room :sigh: oh well. i'll listen to good charlotte while i'm cleanin' (my new obsession) ..hehe (listening to gc, not cleaning.. rotfl :x!)

well i'm out.. later. i might update tonite, maybe tomorrow nite.. mmk. ciaO~


current mood: hyper
current music: amazing grace (it's stuck in my head)

(kiss kiss)

11:45 am - happiness :)
i'm so happy!@~ cassie and i apoligized to eachother. like i said, i hate being upset with her. bleh. so now, i'm a happy camper. errr :]

lisa's journal
is so cool. i'm jealous :\ liissaa!! you gotta help me be cool like you! lol :)

i'm so effin bored jeeze.. buh i'm happy. lots of people are going to the movies tomorrow nite!@~ yaaaaay :smile: WHO THE HELL IS POOTIE-TANG? that's gonna drive me insane until i find out wha that is :x ..mmk. so anywho.. i'mma be goin'. ciAo~

current mood: loved
current music: u remind me/usher

(1 kiss | kiss kiss)

Wednesday, June 20th, 2001
8:22 pm - :sigh of relief:
finally!! i'm at my dads. the computer actually works!@~ buh with my luck, there's a thunderstorm so i can't be on long. well i'mma update you with as much as i can, k babez!? :)

the past two days i've been going to soccer practice. it's really fun, surprisingly and it's very good exercize! today it ended half an hour early b/c of lightning. i was having a good time too! we were in the middle of this defense practice thing, it was madd cool. i had the ball, about to kick it back to paige so she could kick it in the goal buh then they blew the whistle b/c of some madd streak of lightning. and i'm like dirty..iick. oh joy! gotta get a shower!!

also in the past few days cassie has been pissed at me. for multiple reasons, i know. well actually only two that i am sure of. one; the last day of school i told her that i got a picture of the person she liked. i was planning on giving it to here if it turned out. which it didn't. it's black, and you can't see shit! it's not like she's going out w/ him and she has her name imprinted on his face or anything. i wouldn't give two shits if someone came up to me and said "oh yeah, mike wants to fuck so and so".. well, whatever. i told brandy i wouldn't do anything to hurt cassie. i really wouldn't. she's a good friend, and i hate fighting with her with passion!@~ and then i made the mistake of leaving a comment about something stupid in her journal and i forgot about it b/c i wrote it when i was upset at her.. buh i regret it. i'm sorry cassie!

ugh and then today, bre imed me and was like "what was mike talking about when he said that he hoped you had told me about friday?" i'm like..oh shit, i did tell her right?!?! i felt really bad, even though i am pretty sure i told her. in fact, i think candy was there when i did! well, she knows now. so.. if anyone else wants to go to the movies.. go! a whole shit load of people are going on friday around 6:30..7ish!

err..thunderstorm..agggh :x lol <3- bridgette

current mood: dirty
current music: how many licks/lil kim

(kiss kiss)

Tuesday, June 19th, 2001
9:28 pm - agghhh
bleh..can't say much b/c my computer is effed up! i'll update y'all on everystuff asap(most likely thursday! have a nice life...!

current mood: blah
current music: happy face/destiny's child

(kiss kiss)

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