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Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Circular saw won't hurt finger

Amazing video of a circular saw that can tell the difference between wood and skin. Link (Thanks, David!)

posted by Mark Frauenfelder at 11:36:00 AM permanent link to this entry

Carlo's Playmobil score

Carlo Longino went to Germany and picked up some cool Playmobil sets, including a hazmat cleanup crew and a portapotty. Link

posted by Mark Frauenfelder at 11:02:50 AM permanent link to this entry

Dennis Miller's brain fries on air

Funny account of Dennis Miller's nutty behavior on his talk show. The guest was NSNBC liberal Eric Alterman.

"You look so pissed off," said Mr. Miller.

"What do you mean, I look pissed off?" asked Mr. Alterman.

"I don’t even know what to say. You’re looking at me like—you’re just sitting there." Mr. Miller did an impersonation of what looked like a drunken, mentally disabled guy passing out. "Give me a question and I’ll ask you a question. What do you want to talk about?"

Mr. Alterman laughed nervously.

"Well," he said, "we could talk a little bit more about the way he misled the country." (Meaning George W. Bush.)

Said Mr. Miller: "This is what I’m looking at, here, like this."

He pretended to be asleep.

When Mr. Alterman finished his spiel, Mr. Miller went bolt upright and snapped at the camera: "All right, you’ve been great. Come back anytime."


Here's the video of the interview. Actually, Miller seems like his cranky old self to me. (Thanks, Francis!)

posted by Mark Frauenfelder at 10:02:12 AM permanent link to this entry

SightLight: iSight lamp
The SightLight is a bus-powered, auto-sensing light designed for use with the Apple iSight camera.

SightLight's custom-designed Fresnel-based lens carefully adds a direct but diffused light to the subject directly in front of the camera (you). This added illumination improves skin tone coloration and evens out the shadows caused by inconsistent directional room lighting.
posted by Cory Doctorow at 07:48:22 AM permanent link to this entry

Haunted Mansion appears in Foxtrot strip
Monday's FoxTrot comic mentioned and depicted Disneyland's Haunted Mansion.
Link (Thanks, Kronos!)

posted by Cory Doctorow at 07:46:09 AM permanent link to this entry

Low-carb breakfast couture
From the pages of a 1979 issue of Jackie magazine, here's a HOWTO for knitting a matching bag-and-beret featuring a delicious, low-carb breakfast.

posted by Cory Doctorow at 06:48:52 AM permanent link to this entry

KCRW responds to BB on Sandra Tsing Loh controversy
Responding to
this post on BoingBoing from last week, radio station KCRW sends us a statement:

After much deliberation, KCRW has decided to release the letter that Ms. Loh faxed to General Manager Ruth Seymour on the day she was notified that her program "The Loh Life" was cancelled.
You can read the entire KCRW statement, and the text of the letter in question, here. Link
posted by Xeni Jardin at 06:31:59 AM permanent link to this entry

Recycled umbrella dress
This dress is made entirely from discarded umbrellas found in Berkeley and NYC.

posted by Cory Doctorow at 06:22:48 AM permanent link to this entry

Photo series: A Gallon of Milk in an hour?
Former Nerve.com "I Did it for Science" extreme sex columnist and fast-talking limey Grant Stoddard is caught living out a dare: can he drink an entire gallon of milk in one hour? The photo series shot by Clayton James Cubitt reads a little like Fear Factor, but, ummm, in Brooklyn with fauxhawks. Just click it. And, sing "Milkshake" to yourself over and over again while you're scrolling through. Or not. Got Vomit?
posted by Xeni Jardin at 06:21:41 AM permanent link to this entry

Download random numbers from quantum origin
Jean-Luc says:

The University of Geneva and the company id Quantique team has launched the first web site offering the possibility to download random numbers from quantum origin. The website offers the possibility to request a sequence of random numbers. The length and the bounds of the sequence can be specified by the user. A quantum random number generator connected to the server is used to produce the numbers on demand.

Update: A cool site, but not the first to offer random quantum numbers, say BoingBoing readers. . Dave Polaschek and Charlie Reiman each wrote in to tell us that Hotbits, a site created by former Autodesk guy John Walker, has been offering quantum random numbers for years via web and through a java class. posted by Xeni Jardin at 06:16:15 AM permanent link to this entry

Office plastered in eggs, live birds
Hit this link, scroll down to the bottom of the page. Snip:

"Brian still doesn't budge. 'There's something you have to see,' he says.

I walk over to my desk and see the following: Everyone in R&D; is waiting to see my reaction. Unfortunately, I'm still in panic mode about being late. So, I run over to my desk. It is covered in eggs, complete with a live bird in a cage. After a beat, I say, 'Huh.'

Then I turn to Brian and say, 'Okay, we gotta go.'"
Link (Thanks, Marty Cortinas!)
posted by Xeni Jardin at 06:13:39 AM permanent link to this entry

Valenti retires
Jack Valenti is retiring from the MPAA. He's a man who championed the First Amendment rights of filmmakers and derided the First Amendment rights of programmers, a person who loved free speech, but not enough to share it with the rest of us.
Link (Thanks, Marc!)
posted by Cory Doctorow at 06:13:23 AM permanent link to this entry

I just finished another novel!
It's 1:30 in the morning, and I've just completed the first draft of my next novel, which used to be called "Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town," and now has a different, provisional title that I'm not so sure about. It is 125,000 words long -- longer than
Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom and Eastern Standard Tribe combined. I started work on it in late December 2001 and finished it tonight. I'm exhausted and elated -- at one point, I actually fell asleep typing and woke up to discover that I'd kept on typing nonsense words from my dreams. Freaky. Here's an excerpt from an earlier draft: Link
posted by Cory Doctorow at 12:36:04 AM permanent link to this entry

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Low-carb Eastern Standard Tribe
Inspired by Fark photoshopping contest whose theme was unlikely places for low-carb diets, Eldon Brown produced this terrific parody of my latest novel's cover.

posted by Cory Doctorow at 03:39:17 PM permanent link to this entry

Night of the Living Dead on Archive.org
BoingBoing reader
VonGuard says:

What with all the zombies here today, i figured it was a good idea to point out that the copyright on Night of the Living Dead has lapsed, and now the whole danged blasted movie is available for free on archive.org. Man, Archive rules.

UPDATE: Travis, a member of the BoingBoing tribe on Tribe.net, says: " Before 1978, any copyrighted work had to have a copyright notice on every distribution, otherwise it wasn't considered copyrighted. George A. Romero mistakenly left out the copyright notice when he distributed his 1968 film NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD. The copyright has not recently "lapsed," but was in fact never enforcable, which is why we have dozens of "pirate" distributions of NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD and innumerable knock-offs."
posted by Xeni Jardin at 03:36:05 PM permanent link to this entry

Mikroman: 150-micron-thick slices of theater
My review of Sam Buxton's brilliant Mikroman desk-toys appears in this month's Wired. They really do kick ass.

Using a chemical milling process borrowed from the electronics industry, the Brit product designer acid-etches detailed scenes onto 150-micron-thick slices of stainless steel. Each of his eight MikroMan subjects - like this finely rendered astronaut with rover and landing craft -- is sold flat and can be teased into the third dimension with a fingernail
posted by Cory Doctorow at 03:30:11 PM permanent link to this entry

Most surreal headline about a DOS attack ever
The Asociated Press reports on yet another derailing of RIAA.org: "Recording industry Web site downed, possibly by zombies." I guess we're having a kind of a Dawn of the Dead media moment.
posted by Xeni Jardin at 03:03:46 PM permanent link to this entry

Scarlet letter license plates for drunk drivers

ohio DUI platesIf you get busted driving drunk in Ohio, you get these rad-looking yellow license plates with red letters on them. Link (Thanks, Lisa!)

posted by Mark Frauenfelder at 01:58:06 PM permanent link to this entry

John Shirley on the remake of Dawn of the Dead

The always interesting John Shirley has a posted an entry about immortality research and Dawn of the Dead, and why they are related.

I just saw the remake of DAWN OF THE DEAD, which I thought worked well--though it lost touch with Romero's satirical metaphor about living/dead shoppers in the mall--and which reminded me that zombie movies are not really about corpses coming to get us, they're about death coming to get us. The hungry corpses in such films (28 Days Later, the Evil Dead etc) very simply stand for our own death. Our own corpses, seen in advance. Aggressive, because death is always stalking us, near or far; because it's inexorable, shuffling toward us slowly but never stopping, as the zombies do. In those movies, the humans never completely win out over the zombies. Can't beat death itself.
(John also has a new book out about the life of Gurdjieff.) Link

posted by Mark Frauenfelder at 01:39:22 PM permanent link to this entry

Japanese style: Elegant Gothic Lolita

2002_07_gothiclolita_mpArticle about Japanese schoolgirl subculture.

An Elegant Gothic Lolita, EGL or Gothic Lolita for short, is a Japanese teen or young adult who dresses in amazingly elaborate Gothic looking babydoll costumes. On the weekends these women walk the streets of Tokyo and Osaka and fill Yoyogi Park and Harajuku neighborhood where they pose for tourist’s pictures and sit around looking pretty. They are beautiful, glamorous, doll-like manifestations of their favorite Visual Rock stars.

posted by Mark Frauenfelder at 11:36:47 AM permanent link to this entry

Hobby: buying used hard drives on eBay and unerasing the data for fun

My friend Simson Garfinkel wrote a great piece on the foolishness of selling hard drives that haven't been sanitized:

"Since then, I have repeatedly indulged my habit for procuring and then analyzing secondhand hard drives. (...) Last summer, I started buying drives en masse on eBay.

"In all, I bought and analyzed the content of more than 150 drives(...) In fact, only 10 percent of the drives I purchased had been properly sanitized.

"Much of the data we found was truly shocking. One of the drives once lived in an ATM. It contained a year's worth of financial transactions—including account numbers and withdrawal amounts—from a organization that had a legal requirement to not divulge such information. Two other drives contained more than 5,000 credit card numbers—it looked as if one had been inside a cash register. Another had e-mail and personal financial records of a 45-year-old fellow in Georgia. The man is divorced, paying child support and dating a woman he met in Savannah. And, oh yeah, he's really into pornography."

Link (via Bruce Sterling)

posted by Mark Frauenfelder at 11:22:08 AM permanent link to this entry

3D virtual beers to hover over bars
New heights in bar beer-ad-intrusiveness: 3D beer bottles that leap out of 52" flat panels and hover on the bar.

The system, from X3D Technologies in New York City, allows the virtual drinks to jump up to a metre in front of the screen. They can be viewed with the naked eye from anything up to a 120 degree angle.
posted by Cory Doctorow at 11:03:36 AM permanent link to this entry

Nano Jobs
Our friends at the
Foresight Institute collaborated with Working In Ltd. on Working-Nanotechnology.com, a job board and information clearinghouse specifically for careers in small tech. The Education & Training section is especially cool, listing programs and courses for students all the way down to middle school age. Link
posted by David Pescovitz at 10:14:44 AM permanent link to this entry

Wired: Why RSS Is Everywhere
I wrote a brief piece about RSS, Atom, and the benefits of content syndication for the current issue of Wired Magazine.

Snip: "In the end, RSS may not save you time, but it'll help pack more info into the time you have, says Jonno d'Addario, editor of the sex blog Fleshbot, which (big surprise) offers an RSS feed. 'Since I've started using a news aggregator, I don't spend eight hours a day compulsively noodling through a dozen favorite blogs anymore,' he says. 'Instead I spend eight hours a day compulsively noodling through hundreds of RSS feeds.' Ah, progress."
posted by Xeni Jardin at 09:42:11 AM permanent link to this entry

Office plastered in Marshmallow Peeps
BoingBoing reader Neil writes,

The BoingBoing entry about the Post-It notes prank reminded me of one we pulled at work several years ago around Easter. Instead of Post-It notes we used Marshmallow Peeps. Lots and lots of Marshallow Peeps.

[snip from website:]"We did mail Just Born, manufacturers of Peeps, but sadly they never got back to us. The peeps wound up staying in the office for about two years, through at least two occupant changes. Even six months after they were up we had people coming by and eating them off the ceiling. Ugh."

posted by Xeni Jardin at 08:59:37 AM permanent link to this entry

Wicked RSS reader redesign
My RSS reader of choice, Shrook, went 2.0 this morning. After five or six hours of using it (couldn't sleep, friggin' jetlag), I am in love. This is the best UI overhaul I've ever seen (the old UI was pretty good too), a completely unexpected redesign that nevertheless managed to make this app that I use all day, every day, into something five times more useful and stable than it had been the day before. I like this punctuated equilibrium stuff.

Yesterday's iPhoto update is another example: all of a sudden, iPhoto's gone from being an app that was just useful enough to put up with its ultra-shitty performance to something I just keep running in the background all the time, with 10,000 photos on tap. Link
posted by Cory Doctorow at 08:31:20 AM permanent link to this entry

Tote-bags made from Indonesian trash
Ann Wizer pays Jakarta's trash-dump pickers to find and wash plasticized packaging materials from the piles, then assemble them into tote bags.
Link (via Joe Ganley)

posted by Cory Doctorow at 08:00:49 AM permanent link to this entry

Windows XP packaging as a Linux PC case
This is pretty perverse: a PC that runs Red Hat Linux, painstakingly constructed within the packaging for Windows XP.
Link (Thanks, Alexander!)

posted by Cory Doctorow at 06:40:53 AM permanent link to this entry

Office plastered in Post-it-notes
Documentation of an insane office prank involving 2,500 post-it notes and one mild-mannered victim.

"Damon has been playing tricks on me for a few days now. So I came in on the weekend and did some "re-decorating" in his office. He didn't see it until Monday morning when he came in and opened his office door.

His office blinds were closed, his door was shut and locked, and I left this post-it in the middle of his door. It says 'Can you pick up some more post-its, we're running low.' :) "

The pranksters notified Post-it manufacturers 3M, and received three cases of post-its "for future decorating." Hey, Daimler-Chrysler, did I tell you about my brilliant decorating prank involving multiple brand-new Mercedes convertibles? No, really!
Link (Thanks, Ivy )
posted by Xeni Jardin at 06:25:59 AM permanent link to this entry

Jay-Z meets Metallica: Black on Black
DJ Halfred has remixed Jay-Z's Balck Album with Metallica's Black Album, producign a full-length disc he calls "Black on Black." Come and download the .torrent file so that I can get some more peers in the mesh!

December 4th Was Sad But True
Unforgiven Clarity
Don't Tread On My Encore
The God That Caused 99 Problems
The Threat of Wolf and Man
The Struggle Within to Change Clothes
The Sandman's First Song
Nothing Else Matters Other than the Allure
Justify My Thug Through the Never
A Public Service Announcement About Being Holier than Thou
Lucifer? Never!
My Friend of Saying What More, Exactly
Wherever You May Roam, Get That Dirt Off Your Shoulder
Wadda Da (Bonus track)
Link, Updated Direct Link to .torrent (Thanks, DJ Halfred!)

Update: OK, I've got this now, and it is the bad-assest metal/hiphop crossover since Anthrax and Public Enemy's Bring the Noise
posted by Cory Doctorow at 05:12:01 AM permanent link to this entry

cover of Eastern Standard Tribe
My second novel is out, and I've released it online, too (though I won't complain if you buy it!) -Cory

SENT: phonecam art show
Explore the creative potential of phonecams,
and participate in the NPR Phonecam Challenge!

Mark is selling blank notebooks with his cover illustration of a girl feeding some magic pellets to her pet slugs. (click here for a larger image). The notebooks are wire-o bound, measure 5" x 8", and contain 80 sheets of paper. Yours for just $10. More info

Boing Boing Mobile.
The Guestbar!

A tiny, guest-edited blog!

Johannes Grenzfurthner
Johannes Grenzfurthner is writer, artist and founding member of Vienna/Austria based art-tech-philosophy group monochrom. monochrom is an unpeculiar mixture of proto-aesthetic fringe work, pop attitude, subcultural science and political activism. monochrom's mission, its passion and quasi-ontological vocation, is primarily the collection, grouping, registration and querying (liberation?) of the scar tissue represented by everyday cultural artifacts.

The physics of high heels: Scientists calculate how high heels can go. The formula? h = Q•(12+3s /8)

Tempest for Eliza is a Program that uses your computer monitor to send out AM radio signals. You can then hear computer generated music in your radio.

Turn your weblog into a book: ??? - I quote: "Blogbinders.com helps you turn your blog into a bound book - great as a gift, an archive, or even to sell to your readers!"

The Pepsi Molotov Cocktail: Quote: "The American artist Joy Garnett, whose paintings are derived from news images, is faced with a legal action for thousands of dollars over this one. This has nothing to do with the protection of livelihood and everything to do with the suppression of free speech and free artistic practice. Don't let the schoolyard bullies win! Show your solidarity with Joy by grabbing this image and posting it on your website or by making your own artwork derived from it."

Chinese Ghost Stories — An introduction by Daniel O'Brien. Quote: "Welcome to the strange and wonderful world of Hong Kong horror movies, filled to bursting with flying ghosts, hopping vampires, seductive spirits, tree demons, evil sorcerers, living skeletons, possessed limbs and giant predatory tongues. Tsui Hark’s A Chinese Ghost Story in 1987 gave many Western viewers their first taste of supernatural thrills — Oriental style — yet the film was a comparatively late entry in a well-established genre. From Sammo Hung’s ground-breaking Spooky Encounters to King Hu’s valedictory Painted Skin, the 1980s Hong Kong ghost film cycle produced a stylish and distinctive body of work that compares with the best of Universal and Hammer."

Comp5 is a quicktime simulation of the radiation and motion of stellar gases in the trifid nebula. I find this very fascinating - but I can't tell you why.

Hardcore Retro Keyboard? De- and reconstruct an Underwood typewriter! (Thanks, curt.poem)

Faceless: A CCTV short film project. Quote: "One morning, while roaming the streets, the protagonist (MaNu) is stunned into the realization that everyone around her is faceless – they have literally lost their faces [...]" But why? Read the documentation ...

Utah Man Suing Over Super Bowl Halftime Show: The now infamous Super Bowl halftime show is being targeted by a Davis County man. He wants five thousand dollars in damages, plus another 145 dollars in court costs.

Shamans, Mystics and Doctors: A Psychological Inquiry into India and its Healing Traditions. Book recommendation: "Sudhir Kakar, a psychoanalyst and scholar, brilliantly illuminates the ancient healing traditions of India embodied in the rituals of shamans, the teachings of gurus, and the precepts of the school of medicine known as Ayurveda."

For the ultimate control freak: cook-it-yourself restaurants.

Dream Machine: Hopes for a giant collider lie in a worldwide appeal. (SciAm)

Empirical Aesthetics. Or, Eating a Durian Fruit.

Force Sting to appear for a bad cause. Please.

Green Tide: Global Warming as a Weapon of Mass Destruction - by Bruce E. Johansen. "Lord Peter Levene, board chair of Lloyd’s of London, says that terrorism is not the insurance industry’s biggest worry, despite the fact that his company was the largest single insurer of the World Trade Center. Levene says that Lloyd’s, like other large international insurance companies, is bracing for an increase in weather disasters related to global warming. [...]"

Insect deaths add to extinction fears: British survey hints that species are crashing worldwide.

Roböxotica 2004 / Call for Papers and Robots: monochrom and Shifz are organizing the first and inevitably leading festival concerned with cocktail robotics (in Vienna/Austria). We try to document the increasing occurrence of radical hedonism in man-machine communication. There is an Annual Cocktail Robot Award for 1. serving cocktails, 2. mixing cocktails, 3. bartending conversation, 4. lighting cigars/cigarettes, 5. other achievements in the sector of cocktail culture. And as you can imagine ... these tasks aren't trivial. If you are interested in coming to Vienna to present a robot, hold a workshop or a lecture, please send me an email.

Dot Smoke: My rant on innovation and smoke rings.

The male anglerfish and his life as a sexual parasite: "Finding a mate in the dark depths of the ocean is a pretty tough job! So what does a male anglerfish do when he finds a mate? He never lets her go! The male lives as a parasite on the body of the much larger female, taking his food from her bloodstream. In the time their bodies fuse together, forming a sort of two body hermaphrodite. Although this arrangement primarily benefits the male, it also frees both sexes from constantly seeking out new breeding partners whenever it is time to mate. How do they find each other in the darkness? Although at one time it was thought that each lure was designed to attract special prey, it now appears that the unique shape has evolved to attract a male of the same species who recognizes his future mate by her lure." I loooove evolution. (Thanks, Maeks!)
Link 1
Link 2

Deepseacam: "In summer 2004, a cabled observatory will be installed in the north pacific, which allows online transfer of deep sea data via internet connection. [...] While the ocean observatory is still in preparation and testing phase, it is already possible to watch live pictures from International University Bremen's OceanLab."

Matrix Reloaded Coat? Minority Report Leather Jacket? At Boutique.com ("Our individual client includes artist like Steven King, USA national fingerstyle guitar champion" // "This site is dedicated to Guru Maharaj and Om Sridi Sairam") you can have such stuff tailored. "As avid matrix fans ourselves we have decided to offer our services to fellow fans who are looking for the high quality, highly detailed and accurate matrix reloaded coat not usually found in stores."

Cobain, once more: I think I break my Never-Blog-About-Cobain vow. In one of his last (still unpublished) interviews, Kurt Cobain said the following: "It might be nice to start playing acoustic guitar and be thought of as a singer and a songwriter, rather than a grunge rocker because then I might be able to take advantage of that when I'm older. I could sit down on a chair and play acoustic guitar like Johnny Cash or something, and it won't be a big joke." Haha.

Telltale Weekly: DaddyD reports: "[...] the people at Telltale Weekly. They are trying to build up a library of free audiobooks, by selling you audiobooks. By using micro payments, creative commons licensing and a new type of multilevel marketing, they are hoping to prove that new artistic works can be created, artists paid, and business made while simultaneously loosening copyright restrictions. It's a pretty tall order, but I hope they are able to fill it."

Beyond the Horizon of Events: "War rooms in pop culture or: the »delocalized« concept of rule in negative imperialism" by Krystian Woznicki. Published in the Viennese political art magazine Springerin.
posted by johannes grenzfurthner at 1:42:35 AM | permalink

Technical Machines and Evolution by Belinda Barnet. "How does one tell the story of a machine? Can we say that technical machines have their own genealogies, their own evolutionary dynamic? The technical artifact constitutes a series of objects, a lineage or a line. At a cursory level, we can see this in the fact that technical machines come in generations; they adapt and adopt characteristics over time, "one suppressing the other as it becomes obsolete." So are we to understand this dynamic from a biological, a zoological or a sociological perspective?"
posted by johannes grenzfurthner at 1:37:02 AM | permalink

Who Owns The Rules Of War? Kenneth Anderson (law professor at American University and a research fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University) does his best to answer this.

Early man steered clear of Neanderthal romance: "If our early ancestors did breed with their Neanderthal cousins, they didn't make a habit of it, according to the largest-ever study of early human DNA."
posted by johannes grenzfurthner at 2:15:54 PM | permalink

The Naked Blonde, The Net And The Golden, Flying Penis: Is someone willing to mail me a Freudian analysis of this artwork? I'll accept Jungian analysis too.
Thanks for your mails. A kind user points out that there are more artworks (filed under 'favoritt bilder') that are worth a quick depth psychology commentary. Especially this one.

Off-The-Peg Offspring in the Genetic Supermarket: Philosophy Now's Colin Gavaghan asks how seriously we should take Gattaca's dread of genetic screening.

Traffic light tree: Does anybody know where this picture was taken?
Adam wrote: "I was looking at that picture and thinking... "That's a Leyland Truck, so western europe..." I did a google search and found... (Picture) It's in London, WestFerry Circus to be precise." Thanks!

Local officials nearly fall for (old) H2O hoax: Finally someone took it seriously.

Cindy Cohn, the Legal Director for the EFF, on seven ways in which code equals law - and one in which it does not …

Sex theme park opens in south China: Quote: "China's largest adult-only sexuality museum and combined natural theme park has opened in southern Guangdong province, boasting such attractions as "penis-like" rocks and "vagina-like" caves, state press report."
posted by johannes grenzfurthner at 2:43:14 AM | permalink

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