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Israel's Assassinations will Only
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They Shoot Men in Wheelchairs, Too?
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Karl Rove's Moment
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Alexander Cockburn
Marriage: Sidestep on Freedom's Path
Jeffrey St. Clair
Intolerable Opinions in an Age of Shock and Awe: What Would Lilburne
Ted Honderich
Tony Blair's Moral Responsibility for Atrocities
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The Plot Against Syria: an Irresponsibility Act
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On Viewing "The Passion of the Christ"
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Fence, Barrier, Wall
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Getting Together to Defeat Terrorism
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The Redemptive Power of Art: It's Not a Frill
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Jackie Corr
When Harry Truman Stopped in Butte
Niranjan Ramakrishnan
The Great Trial of 1922: Gandhi's Vision of Responsibility
Poets' Basement
Stew Albert & JD Curtis
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24, 2004
Shakespeare for Kerry, et al.
Ainger Angle
This article is dedicated to Stephanie
Stewart, a fourteen-year-old whose recent brave, inspired political
actions made me revisit Shaw's Maid of Orleans.
-- John Kerry, graduate of Yale University,
quoting Hamlet
Like Jeanne D'Arc, I had a vision last night.
But it was The Bard who spoke, not the Lord. Nevertheless, he's
so lyrical, I thought I'd share his thoughts with you on the
"reform" we need...whether Kerry or Bush or Peltier
or Nader or anyone else leads the Pack of Wild Animals that dominates
our population, our culture, our political agenda. After all,
he did know The Globe quite well.
1. Respecting Native Americans: "Like
a fair house built on another man's ground."
Such an enterprise as ours was doomed
from the beginning, according to The Merry Wives of Windsor II,
ii, 216, and it's time to honor the treaties we've broken with
the Indians. With Kerry their sad situation will get even worse.
2. Respecting Same-Sex Marriage: "Time
goes on crutches till Love have all his rites."
As per Much Ado About Nothing II, i,
352, time does drag painfully waiting for a wedding to take place.
Ditto with regard to marriages which have taken place, but which
may be nullified because of Bush's proposed amendment to our
constitution. All Love deserves the same benefits sanctioned
by society. Ever ask yourself why Kerry lacks Kevin's convictions,
his enthusiasm about the issue? From another angle, Kerry could
kick Cockburn's thoughts on the
subject around, if...if Old Skull and Bones can keep up with
him intellectually.
3. Respecting War: "For God's sake,
go not to these wars!"
If each and every enlistee (and their
family members) would stop using the "economic excuse"
for joining the abominations abroad, we'd have another world
overnight. Everyone could acknowledge the value of the injunction
above (from Henry IV, Part Two, II, iii, 9), and put a fraction
of their life's blood --compared to what's involved with placing
bodies on the line-- into demanding that the Feds spend our money
another way. It might help to remember the dying king's advice
to his son, the future Henry V: "Be it thy course to busy
giddy minds/With foreign quarrels" in the same play (IV,
v, 213). That's one of the ways those politicians fool 'ya. No
relief from John Boy here; ditto for the other JFK, in case you
hadn't noticed.
4. Respecting International Politics:
"O, it is excellent/To have a giant's strength; but it is
tyrannous/To use it like a giant."
Threatening weaker nations so as forge
alliances on our way toward Global Hegemony is exactly what Measure
for Measure, II,ii,107 is warning against. If only it had been
required reading at Yale. 5. Respecting Allies: "Nature
teaches beasts to know their friends." However did the little
Elizabethan anticipate the atrocities Mossad would inflict on
(and with the help of) this nation under the auspices of a genocidal
Israel? Or, to put it another way, don't we have to re-evaluate
the status of the Israeli lobbyists in this country? Darn, I
just wish people would keep the words from Coriolanus, II, i,
6 in mind when reviewing the latest revelations about the U.S.S.
Liberty, Robert McNamara and Richard Perle. As per The Politics
of Anti-Semitism (ed. by Cockburn and St. Clair), we're in for
more of the same with Mass. Murder Man (from-a-V-nyet-Nam).
6. Respecting War Crimes: "Truth
will come to light; murder cannot be hid long."
These words from The Merchant of Venice,
II, ii, 79 were echoed by Ralph Waldo Emerson ("Murder will
speak out of stone walls.") in the halls of Harvard, and
repeated by Chaucer, Cervantes and many others. "Murder
will out" is the proverbial saying, and whether or not our
atrocities were commited unilaterally, as a member of a coalition
and/or with the UN's imprimatur, we will be exposed. Our technical
immunity --forced upon the world-- will not protect us. All great
Neptune's oceans, to paraphrase Macbeth, will not wash the blood
clean from our hands. Rather, all of our attempts at coverup
will result in making the multitudinous seas
enormous, so widespread are our crimes against humanity. What
will be in order? Atonement? Reparations? Punishment? Anyone
gonna query Kerry The Unconscionable?
7. Respecting Crime: "The robbed
that smiles, steals something from the thief."
That's according to Othello, I, iii,
204, but what about the rich robber who smiles as he shafts the
poor? Such economic indiscretions will out too (see "War
Crimes" above), as the murderer notes in Richard III, I,
i, 118. On the issue of minor thievery in this country (as opposed
to Enron-like acts), let it be known that people are being driven
to acts they would rather not partake in as per Timon of Athens,
IV, iii, 422 ("We are not thieves, but men that much do
want."). And it will get much worse as disparity in wealth
continues to rise under all administrations. When oh when will
the top 2% pay their fair share? Why can't corporations which
have not paid a penny in tax within memory (nay, which have received
subsidies up the kazoo) pay double of what they paid the last
time they paid taxes? Why isn't Kerry talking about tax shelters
until he's blue(blooded) in the face?
8. Respecting Poverty: "The orphan
pines while the oppressor feeds."
So says The Rape of Lucrece, 905. See
"Crime" above for a solution. Don't see John.
9. Respecting Environment: "Clear
wells spring not, sweet birds sing not,/Green plants bring not
forth their dye./Herds stands weeping, flocks all sleeping."
The lines from The Passionate Pilgrim,
xvii, 25 remind me of the fact that the U.S. military's "closed
bases" have already made uninhabitable an area in the continental
U.S. the size of Florida. What's Kerry going to do about that?
And will they take action on my wager in Las Vegas?
10. Respecting Obesity/Health: "Let
me have men about me that are fat,/Sleek-headed men, and such
as sleep a-nights."
The preferences of our rulers today are
not much different than what's expressed in this sentiment from
Julius Caesar, I, ii, 192, but that's not to compare Bush or
Kerry with Founder of the First Triumvirate (see Michael Parenti's
glorious work The Assassination of Julius Caesar: A People's
History of Ancient Rome). The lean and hungry look won't do these
days. Nay, "Sweep on, you fat and greasy citizens."
As You Like It, II, i, 55 provides the line that eptiomizes the
attitudinal set of those aspiring for High Office; no higher
high for them. But because in spite of all that above "There
lives the dearest freshness, deep down things" ( as per
Gerard Manley Hopkins), let's have one more for the rough road
11. Respecting Miracles: "They say
miracles are past."
That's one view posited by All's Well
That Ends Well, II, iii, 1. However, as Thomas Carlyle declared
in History of the French Revolution, miracles are forever with
us. And --in that sweet light-- I'm going to close by suggesting
that a "changed" William, if living today, would personally
approve of Katherine Ainger's "Against
the Misery of Power, The Politics of Happiness". In
it, Hilary Wainwright's Reclaim the State is cited, a miracle
of a work which depicts miracles taking place in England right
now...where people are taking control of their own lives... "devising
systems through which communities can organize themselves. These
involve direct democracy, decentralization and radical participation.
And there will not be a single ideological model to form a party
around and compete in a national election. That's because what's
needed is a democratic renewal of the system itself, to be implemented
here, now, by all of us - one that reaches from the local to
the global. No new ideology but a new methodology - one that
we build from the ground up."
Pure Ainger. She underscores how "the
powerful spend much of their time and resources attempting to
sabotage and undermine recognition of our own power. For we are
rich in human ingenuity, in collective resources, in imagination
and above all in sheer numbers." I agree with her that "power
from below is reinventing politics" and that it's going
to be on our own terms this time. As the kids might say (if they
knew better), "Ainger rules!". Sonnet to 'ya, baby!
Methinks Billy the Bard would find good material here for the
boards, not boding ill, but well...well...well.
Richard Oxman
is a former professor of Dramatic Art & Speech, Comparative
Literature, ESL and Cinema History at various institutions of
so-called higher education. He was born in the "Flower"
of the Garden State, Newark, New Jersey, but can be reached these
days in so-called progressive Santa Cruz, California at
when he's not fussing with the French a la
Edition Features for March 20 / 21, 2004
Alexander Cockburn
Marriage: Sidestep on Freedom's Path
Jeffrey St. Clair
Intolerable Opinions in an Age of Shock and Awe: What Would Lilburne
Ted Honderich
Tony Blair's Moral Responsibility for Atrocities
Saul Landau / Farrah Hassen
The Plot Against Syria: an Irresponsibility Act
Gary Leupp
On Viewing "The Passion of the Christ"
William A. Cook
Fence, Barrier, Wall
Phil Gasper
Bush v. Bush-lite: Chomsky's Lesser Evilism
Ron Jacobs
Fox News and the Masters of War
John Stanton
Which Way John Kerry? The Senator's Inner Nixon
Justin Felux
Kerry and Black America: Just Another Stupid White Man
Mike Whitney
Greenspan's Treason: Swindling Posterity
Augustin Velloso
Avoiding Osama's Abyss
Lawrence Magnuson
Eyes Wide Open: Is Spain Caving in to Terrorism?
Kathy Kelly
Getting Together to Defeat Terrorism
Tracy McLellan
Scalia & Cheney: Happiness is a Warm Gun
Kurt Nimmo
Emma Goldman for President!
Luis J. Rodriguez
The Redemptive Power of Art: It's Not a Frill
Mickey Z
The Michael Moore Diet
Jackie Corr
When Harry Truman Stopped in Butte
Niranjan Ramakrishnan
The Great Trial of 1922: Gandhi's Vision of Responsibility
Poets' Basement
Stew Albert & JD Curtis
Website of the Weekend
Virtual World Election
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