Posted by Anders December 11, 2003 11:38 PM
Online Philosophy
- List of philosophers with online papers. This list is 'borrowed' from David Chalmers' website.
- Consciousness
- Perception
- Content
- Mind
- Artifical Intelligence
- Cognitive Science
- Language
- Linguistics
- Metaphysics
- Epistemology
- Physics
- Biology
- Science
- Logic
- Mathematics
- Religion
- Ethics
- Social/Political Philosophy
- Applied Ethics
- Aesthetics
- Ancient/Medieval
- 17th/18th
- 19th/20th
- Cognitive Scientists
Philosophy of consciousness
- Torin Alter (qualia, free will, etc)
- Michael Antony (consciousness, etc)
- Tim Bayne (consciousness, applied ethics, etc)
- Ned Block (consciousness, reduction, content, etc)
- Alex Byrne (consciousness, color, M&E;)
- Peter Carruthers (consciousness, language)
- David Chalmers (consciousness, content, M&E;, cognitive science)
- Patricia Churchland (consciousness, neuroscience)
- David Cole (consciousness, language)
- Daniel Dennett (consciousness, evolution, etc.)
- Shaun Gallagher (phenomenology, self-consciousness)
- Brie Gertler (consciousness, introspection, metaphysics)
- Ted Honderich (consciousness, free will, ethics)
- Susan Hurley (consciousness, perception, political philosophy)
- Uriah Kriegel (consciousness, self-consciousness)
- Dan Lloyd (consciousness, connectionism, brain imaging, etc)
- Peter Lloyd (consciousness, idealism)
- Eric Lormand (consciousness, meaning, cognitive architecture)
- William Lycan (consciousness, epistemology)
- Thomas Metzinger (consciousness)
- Yujin Nagasawa (consciousness, self-knowledge, philosophy of religion)
- Gerard O'Brien (consciousness, connectionism)
- Jon Opie (consciousness, connectionism)
- David Papineau (consciousness, epistemology, philosophy of science)
- Tom Polger (consciousness, evolution)
- William Robinson (consciousness, qualia)
- Gregg Rosenberg (A Place for Consciousness, etc.)
- David Rosenthal (consciousness, intentionality, etc.)
- William Seager (consciousness, metaphysics)
- John Searle (consciousness, AI, phenomenology; and here)
- Pär Sundström (consciousness)
- Michael Tye (consciousness, qualia, content)
Philosophy of perception
- John Campbell (perception, imagination)
- Austen Clark (color, consciousness, vision)
- Jonathan Cohen (color, philosophy of language)
- Jérôme Dokic (perception, thought)
- Gary Hatfield (perception, history of psychology)
- Benj Hellie (sense-data, consciousness)
- David Hilbert (color, philosophy of perception)
- Sean Kelly (perceptual experience, action)
- Amy Kind (qualia, imagination, identity, etc))
- Steven Lehar (perception, gestalt theory, consciousness)
- Fiona Macpherson (perceptual content)
- Helge Malmgren (perception, consciousness, psychology)
- Erik Myin (visual experience, action, phenomenology)
- Alva Noë (perception, consciousness)
- Casey O'Callaghan (sounds, etc)
- Kevin O'Regan (perception, qualia, change blindness)
- Elisabeth Pacherie (perception, action, intentionality)
- Susanna Siegel (perception, demonstratives)
- Nigel Thomas (imagery, imagination, consciousness)
- Edmond Wright (perception, epistemology)
- Wayne Wright (color, perception, Kant)
Philosophy of mental content
- Fred Adams (mental content, names)
- Peter Alward (content, language, metaphysics)
- Murat Aydede (content, pain, consciousness, etc)
- José Luis Bermúdez (content, self-consciousness, rationality, etc)
- Paul Boghossian (externalism, analyticity)
- Harold Brown (concepts, Sellars)
- Adrian Cussins (content, objectivity)
- Pascal Engel (intentionality, normativity)
- Jordi Fernandez (self-knowledge, computation)
- Peter Gärdenfors (concepts, belief revision, festschrift, etc.)
- York Gunther (nonconceptual content, emotions)
- Pierre Jacob (intentionality)
- Brendan Lalor (mental content, metaphysics of mind)
- William Larkin (externalism, introspection)
- Joe Lau (content, semantics, mind/cogsci resources)
- Stephen Laurence (concepts, content, language)
- Eric Margolis (concepts, analysis)
- Ruth Millikan (philosophy of mind and language, philosophy of biology)
- David Pitt (content, language, consciousness)
- Joëlle Proust (intentionality, action)
- Philip Robbins (mental content, language)
- Sarah Sawyer (externalism, self-knowledge)
- Paul Skokowski (content, consciousness)
- Jeff Speaks (content, belief, language)
- David Thompson (intentionality, phenomenology, metaphysics)
Philosophy of mind (miscellaneous)
- Colin Allen (animal cognition, evolution, Species of Mind, etc.)
- Ansgar Beckermann (metaphysics of mind)
- John Beloff (mind-body problem, parapsychology)
- Andrew Brook (Kant, cognitive science, psychoanalysis)
- Filip Buekens (philosophy of mind, indexicality)
- Samir Chopra (reasoning, belief, physics)
- Craig DeLancey (emotion, consciousness)
- Ronnie de Sousa (moral psychology, philosophy of mind & biology)
- Matthew Elton (consciousness, artificial life, etc.)
- Jim Hopkins (psychoanalysis, consciousness, interpretation)
- Terry Horgan (philosophy of mind, metaphysics, vagueness, paradoxes, etc)
- Steven Horst (metaphysics of mind, consciousness, computationalism)
- Daniel Hutto (consciousness, idealism)
- Barry Loewer (philosophy of mind, philosophy of physics)
- Douglas Long (philosophy of mind, epistemology)
- Kirk Ludwig (philosophy of mind, epistemology)
- Ron McClamrock (philosophy of mind))
- Barbara Montero (metaphysics of mind, ethics)
- Thomas Nagel (philosophy of mind, ethics)
- David Newman (philosophy of mind, chaos theory)
- Katarzyna Paprzycka (philosophy of action and mind, etc)
- Derk Pereboom (philosophy of mind, Kant, metaphysics)
- Teed Rockwell (philosophy of mind)
- Larry Shapiro (multiple realizability)
Philosophy of artificial intelligence
- Istvan Berkeley (connectionism, foundations of cognitive science)
- Selmer Bringsjord (philosophy of AI, etc.)
- Rodney Brooks (robotics)
- Ron Chrisley (connectionism, computation, non-conceptual content)
- Jack Copeland (computation, AI, logic)
- Peter Danielson (artificial morality, rationality)
- Hubert Dreyfus (philosophy of AI and technology, Heidegger, etc)
- Stan Franklin (computational models of consciousness)
- Robert French (connectionism, representation, Turing test)
- Stevan Harnad (symbol grounding, Turing test, consciousness, etc)
- Larry Hauser (AI, consciousness, philosophy comics, etc.)
- David Israel (foundations of AI, semantics)
- Jaron Lanier (virtual reality, philosophy of AI)
- Ron Loui (reasoning, foundations of AI)
- J. R. Lucas (mechanism, Gödel and AI, time, etc.)
- John McCarthy (foundations of AI)
- Marvin Minsky (foundations of AI)
- Hans Moravec (AI & robotics)
- Gregory Mulhauser (robots, consciousness)
- Jordan Pollack (connectionism, dynamic systems)
- John Pollock (reasoning, AI, decision theory)
- William Rapaport (foundations of AI)
- Aaron Sloman (foundations of AI, rock consciousness)
- Brian Cantwell Smith (computation, metaphysics)
- Ron Sun (connectionism, symbols, consciousness)
- Eliezer Yudkowsky (AI, technology, singularity)
Philosophy of cognitive science
- William Bechtel (represention, connectionism, neuroscience, etc)
- Mark Bickhard (representation, computation, etc.)
- David Buller (evolutionary psychology, AI, metaphysics)
- Carl Craver (philosophy of neuroscience, mechanisms, etc)
- Robert Cummins (representation, evolution, etc)
- Chris Eliasmith (dynamic systems, philosophy of science)
- Jay Garfield (theory of mind, pain, Buddhism, etc)
- Philip Gerrans (delusions, theory of mind)
- Robert Gordon (folk psychology, simulation)
- Rick Grush (foundations of cognitive science, perceptual content)
- Brian Keeley (philosophy of neurobiology, artificial life)
- Joshua Knobe (psychological explanation)
- Pete Mandik (neuroscience, consciousness, representation, objectivity)
- Shaun Nichols (theory of mind, moral psychology, etc)
- Dan Ryder (representation, neuroscience, dispositions)
- Eric Schwitzgebel (theory of mind, belief, consciousness)
- Stephen Stich (theory of mind, rationality, etc)
- John Sutton (memory)
- Tim van Gelder (dynamic systems, connectionism, reasoning)
Philosophy of language
- Kent Bach (philosophy of language & mind)
- David Braun (philosophy of language, belief, causation)
- Elisabeth Camp (metaphor, etc)
- Ben Caplan (direct reference, names, etc)
- Christopher Gauker (philosophy of language & mind)
- Delia Graff (philosophy of language)
- Mitchell Green (philosophy of language, etc.)
- Richard Heck (philosophy of language & logic, mental content)
- Richard Holton (philosophy of language, metaphysics, ethics)
- John Humphrey (Kripke's Wittgenstein)
- Henry Jackman (philosophy of language and mind, William James)
- Frank Jackson (philosophy of language, ethics)
- Bjorn Jespersen (philosophy of language, logic)
- Gary Kemp (truth)
- Jeffrey King (philosophy of language)
- Manfred Kupffer (demonstratives, apriority)
- Ernest Lepore (philosophy of language and mind)
- Peter Ludlow (semantics, externalism, linguistics)
- Diego Marconi (semantics, Wittgenstein)
- Marc Moffett (propositions, semantics, etc)
- Michael Nelson (philosophy of language, metaphysics)
- Pavel Materna (semantics, intensional logic)
- Christian Nimtz (two-dimensionalism, analyticity, etc)
- Gary Ostertag (descriptions, etc)
- Michael Pelczar (philosophy of language, metaphysics)
- Carlo Penco (philosophy of language, AI)
- Jaroslav Peregrin (philosophy of language and logic)
- John Perry (philosophy of language & mind)
- Greg Ray (vagueness, semantics, logic, etc)
- Francois Recanati (philosophy of language)
- Gillian Russell (analyticity, inference)
- Jennifer Saul (philosophy of language, feminism)
- Cara Spencer (philosophy of language, belief)
- Jason Stanley (philosophy of language, metaphysics)
- Zoltan Szabo (semantics, metaphysics)
- Howard Wettstein (philosophy of language, philosophy of religion)
- Takashi Yagisawa (philosophy of language)
Philosophy of linguistics
- Nicholas Asher (formal semantics)
- Robyn Carston (pragmatics, semantics)
- Noam Chomsky (linguistics; also here and here )
- Kai von Fintel (semantics, modality)
- Graeme Forbes (belief semantics, metaphysics)
- Richard Horsey (linguistics, concepts, etc)
- Kent Johnson (philosophy of linguistics)
- Ami Kronfeld (reference, computation)
- Shalom Lappin (semantics, intensional logic, language processing)
- Robert May (semantics, Frege)
- Friederike Moltmann (semantics, metaphysics)
- Anna Papafragou (modality, pragmatics, theory of mind, etc)
- Terence Parsons (semantics, metaphysics, medieval philosophy)
- Barbara Partee (semantics)
- Jeff Pelletier (semantics, logic)
- Paul Pietrowski (semantics, innateness)
- Steven Pinker (linguistics, cognitive science, evolution)
- Paul Postal (linguistics)
- Philippe Schlenker (indexicals, descriptions)
- Mandy Simons (presupposition, disjunction)
- Dan Sperber (language, cognition, culture)
- Arnim von Stechow (propositions, tense, attitudes, etc)
- Richmond Thomason (semantics, logic, reasoning)
- Frank Veltman (update semantics, modality, etc)
- Bruce Aune (M&E;, Plato)
- Gordon Barnes (modality, philosophy of mind)
- Marvin Belzer (personal identity, fiction)
- Karen Bennett (supervenience, modality, mental causation, etc)
- John Bigelow (metaphysics)
- Alexander Bird (laws, epistemology, philosophy of science)
- Phillip Bricker (modality)
- Panayot Butchvarov (metaphysics, epistemology, ethics)
- Roberto Casati (spatial representation, topology, ontology)
- John Collins (causation, vagueness, etc.)
- Cian Dorr (metaphysics)
- Phil Dowe (causation, time travel, etc)
- Antony Eagle (probability, causation, etc)
- Matti Eklund
(ontology, truth, vagueness, etc) - Crawford Elder (metaphysics, philosophy of mind)
- Michael Fara (dispositions, epistemic logic)
- Kit Fine (metaphysics, logic)
- Eric Funkhouser (causation, properties, philosophy of mind)
- John Hawthorne (M&E;, philosophy of mind and language)
- Toby Handfield (dispositions, laws, rights)
- Reina Hayaki (modality, fiction)
- Thomas Hofweber (metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of language and logic)
- Tomis Kapitan (free will, philosophy of language and mind, indexicality)
- Peter King (metaphysics, etc.)
- Max Kistler (causation, content)
- Igal Kvart (causation)
- Ned Markosian (time, objects, free will, etc)
- Neil McKinnon (time, identity, etc)
- D.H. Mellor (time, etc)
- Peter Menzies (causation, etc)
- Mark Moyer (identity, supervenience)
- Stephen Mumford (dispositions, laws, etc)
- Tim O'Connor (free will, philosophy of religion)
- Josh Parsons (properties, time, ontology, etc)
- Laurie Paul (causation, ontology, time, etc)
- Robert Pendleton (time, free will)
- John Post (metaphysics, epistemology)
- Alexander Pruss (modality, time, religion, ethics, etc)
- Michael Rea (metaphysics, philosophy of religion)
- Carolina Sartorio (causation, moral responsibility)
- Theodore Sider (metaphysics, etc.)
- Brock Sides (metaphysics, history)
- Barry Smith (ontology)
- Nick Smith (time travel, vagueness, logic)
- Quentin Smith (time, cosmology, language, religion, etc)
- Norman Swartz (laws, modality, knowledge, etc)
- Achille Varzi (events, vagueness, topology, metaphysics)
- Peter Vranas (time travel, chance, ethics, etc)
- Ryan Wasserman (objects, etc)
- Brian Weatherson (M&E, language, metaphilosophy, decision theory, weblog)
- V. Alan White (free will, twin paradox, philosophy songs)
- Jessica Wilson (supervenience, causation, etc)
- Stephen Yablo (metaphysics, philosophy of mind and language)
- Ed Zalta (abstract objects, logic, language)
- Michael Bergmann (epistemology, free will)
- Tim Black (skepticism, contextualism)
- William Boardman (epistemology, metaphysics, logic, law)
- Laurence BonJour (epistemology, philosophy of mind)
- Albert Casullo (a priori knowledge, epistemology)
- Juan Comesaña (epistemology, practical reason, metaphysics)
- Joseph Cruz (epistemology, theory of mind)
- Keith DeRose (epistemology, philosophy of religion)
- Adam Elga (probabilistic reasoning, laws, etc)
- Richard Feldman (epistemology)
- Bryan Frances (skepticism, mental content, belief ascription)
- Tamar Gendler (thought experiments, imagination, etc)
- John Gibbons (externalism, qualia, reasons)
- Anthony Gillies (belief revision, formal semantics)
- Gilbert Harman (epistemology, ethics, mind and language)
- Daniel Hausman (philosophy of economics, causation)
- Adrian Heathcote (epistemology, art, physics)
- David Henderson (epistemology, philosophy of science)
- Christopher Hookway (epistemology, pragmatism)
- Michael Huemer (epistemology, metaphysics, etc.)
- Antti Karjalainen (skepticism, contextualism)
- Thomas Kelly (rationality, belief)
- Jonathan Kvanvig (epistemology, philosophy of religion, etc.)
- Nenad Miscevic (intuitions, semantics, political philosophy)
- Adam Morton (epistemology, ethics, etc.)
- Ram Neta (skepticism, contextualism, knowledge)
- James Pryor (epistemology, metaphysics)
- Ernest Sosa (epistemology)
- Wolfgang Spohn (reasoning, probability, causation, philosophy of science, etc)
- Matthias Steup (epistemology)
- Jonathan Sutton (epistemology, philosophy of language)
- David Truncellito (justification, quotation)
- Adam Wager (contextualism, tracking, qualia)
- Timothy Williamson (knowledge, vagueness, existence, etc)
- Chase Wrenn (epistemology)
- Crispin Wright (epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of mathematics)
Philosophy of physics
- Yuri Balashov (cosmology, spacetime, laws, metaphysics)
- Gordon Belot (philosophy of physics)
- Jeremy Butterfield (quantum mechanics, time, etc)
- Craig Callender (thermodynamics, quantum gravity, time)
- Rob Clifton (quantum mechanics)
- John Cramer (physics, science columns, transactional interpretation of QM)
- David Deutsch (quantum mechanics)
- Sheldon Goldstein (quantum mechanics, quantum computation)
- John Gribbin (popular physics)
- Hans Halvorson (quantum mechanics)
- Richard Healey (philosophy of physics)
- Nicholas Huggett (spacetime, philosophy of physics)
- Peter Lynds (time)
- David Malament (spacetime, relativity, etc)
- Jacques Mallah (quantum mechanics)
- Wayne Myrvold (quantum theory, Bayesianism, etc)
- Don Page (quantum mechanics, consciousness)
- Oliver Pooley (spacetime)
- Huw Price (philosophy of physics, metaphysics, time's arrow)
- Allan Randall (computational metaphysics, history)
- Robert Rynasiewicz (spacetime physics)
- Simon Saunders (philosophy of physics)
- Henry Stapp (foundations of QM, consciousness)
- Victor Stenger (foundations of QM, skepticism)
- László Szabó (quantum mechanics)
- Steven Weinstein (quantum mechanics, relativity)
Philosophy of biology
- Andre Ariew (innateness, evolution, etc)
- Mark Bedau (artificial life, evolution, emergence)
- Richard Burian (genetics, philosophy of science)
- Richard Dawkins (evolution)
- Kevin deLaplante (ecology, complexity)
- Stephen Downes (genetics, philosophy of science)
- Claus Emmeche (artificial life, philosophy of biology)
- Carla Fehr (evolution of sex, feminism)
- Peter Godfrey-Smith (evolution, genetics, philosophy of science and mind)
- William Harms (functions, cultural evolution)
- Mohan Matthen (evolution, color)
- Greg Mikkelson (ecology)
- Lenny Moss (genetics)
- Alex Rosenberg (evolution, reduction, bioethics, etc)
- Timothy Shanahan (evolution)
- Niall Shanks (evolution, bioethics, etc)
- Kelly C. Smith (philosophy of biology)
- Elliott Sober (evolution, probability, etc)
- Kyle Stanford (evolution, science, language)
- Kent van Cleave (evolutionary metaphysics, etc)
Philosophy of science
- Nick Bostrom (doomsday/anthropic reasoning, probability, transhumanism, etc)
- John Collier (philosophy of science)
- Ellery Eells (probability, confirmation)
- Branden Fitelsen (confirmation, logic, etc)
- Malcolm Forster (causation, simplicity)
- Ken Gemes (philosophy of science, Nietzsche)
- Adolf Grunbaum (philosophy of cosmology, psychoanalysis)
- Stephan Hartmann (probability, philosophy of physics)
- Richard Jeffrey (probabilistic thinking)
- Philip Kitcher (philosophy of science, epistemology, ethics)
- Alexander Levine (philosophy of science, metaphysics)
- Patrick Maher (probability, confirmation)
- Greg Ransom (philosophy of science)
- Howard Sankey (scientific realism, etc)
- Richard Scheines (causal inference, etc)
- Oliver Schulte (philosophy of science, epistemology)
- Peter Spirtes (causal inference, etc)
- Daniel Steel (causality, etc)
- Michael Strevens (philosophy of science, concepts)
- Alan Sokal (physics, parody; see also the Sokal affair)
- Paul Teller (philosophy of science, metaphysics)
- Paul Thagard (philosophy of science, cognitive science)
- Philip Thonemann (philosophy of science)
- Bas van Fraassen (philosophy of science, metaphysics, etc.)
- Roger White (confirmation, cosmology)
- Jon Williamson (causation, probability, Bayesianism)
Philosophy of logic
- Varol Akman (philosophy of logic & language, situation theory)
- Timothy Bays (philosophy of logic)
- J.C. Beall (philosophy of logic)
- Nuel Belnap (philosophy of logic, agency, time)
- Fabrice Correia (modal logic, ontology)
- John Etchemendy (philosophy of logic, computation)
- Hartry Field (paradoxes, mathematics, metaphysics, vagueness)
- Melvin Fitting (modal logic, philosophical logic)
- Luciani Floridi (information, computing, epistemology, ethics)
- Michael Glanzberg (philosophy of logic and language)
- William Greenberg (identity, logic, reference)
- Gary Hardegree (logic, truth)
- John Horty (logic, reasoning, agency)
- Vladimir Lifschitz (logic of reasoning and action)
- Gert-Jan Lokhorst (logic, Wittgenstein, philosophy of mind)
- John MacFarlane (philosophy of logic, M&E;, history)
- Matthew McKeon (logical consequence, modal logic)
- Mika Oksanen (logic, demonstratives, paradoxes)
- Lorenzo Peña (philosophy of logic, metaphysics and epistemology, ethics)
- Agustin Rayo (logic, language, mathematics)
- Greg Restall (logic, metaphysics)
- Peter Schotch (modal and epistemic logic)
- Gerhard Schurz (philosophy of logic, philosophy of science, etc)
- Jeremy Seligman (logic, information)
- Nicholas Shackel (paradoxes)
- Roy Sorenson (paradoxes, vagueness, logic, M&E;)
- Peter Suber (all sorts, e.g. paradoxes, Nomic, software)
- Neil Tennant (philosophy of logic, concepts, truth)
- Johan van Bentham (logic, game theory)
Philosophy of mathematics
- Aldo Antonelli (set theory, logic, reasoning, etc)
- Jeremy Avigad (set theory, proof theory, logic, etc)
- John Bell (set theory, mathematics, logic)
- Andrew Boucher (philosophy of mathematics, computation)
- John Burgess (philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of language)
- Gregory Chaitin (foundations of math, algorthmic information theory)
- Mark Colyvan (philosophy of mathematics)
- Solomon Feferman (mathematics and logic)
- Torkel Franzen (philosophy of mathematics)
- Harvey Friedman (foundations of mathematics, set theory)
- Haim Gaifman (philosophy of mathematics and logic)
- Patrick Grim (fractals, incompleteness, evolution)
- Oystein Linnebo (Frege, logic, otology)
- Penelope Maddy (philosophy of mathematics)
- Gary Mar (philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of religion)
- Chris Pincock (philosophy of mathematics, Carnap, Wittgenstein)
- Panu Raatikainen (information theory, philosophy of mathematics, truth, realism)
- William Tait (philosophy of mathematics and logic, history)
- Jamie Tappenden (philosophy of mathematics and logic, Frege)
- Kai Wehmeier (Frege, mathematics, semantics)
- Stephen Wolfram (mathematics, cellular automata, physics, etc)
- Richard Zach (philosophy of mathematics)
Philosophy of religion
- Marilyn Adams (philosophy of religion)
- William Alston (philosophy of religion, epistemology)
- David Basinger (philosophy of religion)
- William Lane Craig (philosophy of religion, cosmology)
- Richard Davis (philosophy of religion, ethics)
- Steven Davis (philosophy of religion)
- Theodore Drange (philosophy of religion)
- James E. Faulconer (religion, postmodernism)
- Alfred Freddoso (philosophy of religion, history of philosophy)
- Daniel Howard-Snyder (philosophy of religion, epistemology)
- Robert Koons (philosophy of religion, metaphysics)
- Wes Morriston (philosophy of religion, time, ethics)
- Michael Murray (philosophy of religion, ethics)
- Graham Oppy (philosophy of religion, cosmology)
- Robert Pennock (evolution, creationism)
- Alvin Plantinga (philosophy of religion, metaphysics)
- Nicholas Rescher (philosophy of religion)
- J. Wesley Robbins (religious naturalism, pragmatism)
- James F. Sennett (philosophy of religion, freedom, abortion, etc)
- Quentin Smith (philosophy of cosmology, philosophy of religion)
- Michael Sudduth (philosophy of religion)
- Richard Swinburne (philosophy of religion)
- Dale Tuggy (philosophy of religion)
- Peter van Inwagen (philosophy of religion)
- Edward Wierenga (philosophy of religion)
- Joel Anderson (autonomy)
- Simon Blackburn (ethics, reviews)
- John Broome (normativity, practical reasons, economics)
- Michael Byron (ethics)
- John Davenport (ethics, Kant, continental philosophy)
- James Dreier (meta-ethics)
- Robert Frazier (ethics)
- Patricia Greenspan (ethics, emotion, free will)
- Bennett Helm (moral psychology)
- Robert Johnson (practical reason)
- Mark Kalderon (meta-ethics, philosophy of mind)
- Christine Korsgaard (agency, normativity)
- Hugh LaFollette (ethics)
- Michelle Mason (ethics, moral psychology)
- Elijah Millgram (practical reasoning, Hume)
- Albert Mosley (African philosophy)
- Graham Oddie (value, metaphysics)
- Douglas Portmore (consequentialism)
- Geoffrey Sayre-McCord (ethics, Hume)
- David Schmidtz (ethics, social philosophy)
- Mark Schroeder (reasons, meta-ethics)
- Kieran Setiya (practical reason, ethics)
- Russ Shafer-Landau (ethics)
- David Shoemaker (ethics, personal identity)
- Michael Smith (meta-ethics, practical reason)
- Jordan Howard Sobel (ethics, paradoxes, etc)
- Robert Streiffer (ethics, M&E;)
- Peter Unger (ethics)
- J. David Velleman (practical reason)
- R. Jay Wallace (ethics, practical reasoning)
- Ralph Wedgwood (meta-ethics, epistemology)
Social and political philosophy
- Felicia Ackerman (death, feminism)
- Elizabeth Anderson (political philosophy, feminism)
- Richard Arneson (justice, equality, etc)
- Campbell Brown (equality, consequentialism, omnipotence)
- Joshua Cohen (political philosophy, democracy)
- Ronald Dworkin (legal philosophy, objectivity)
- William Edmundson (philosophy of law)
- Jon Elster (social/political philosophy, rationality)
- Stephen Esquith (democracy, war)
- David Estlund (justice, free speech, etc)
- John Gardner (legal philosophy)
- Jürgen Habermas (political philosophy, etc)
- Sally Haslanger (race, feminism, metaphysics)
- Lester Hunt (political philosophy, applied ethics, Nietzsche)
- David Kahane (social and political philosophy)
- Simon Keller (political philosophy)
- Christian List (collective decision-making, social choice)
- Diana Tietjen Meyers (feminism, ethics)
- Louis Pojman (equality, philosophy of religion)
- Joseph Raz (philosophy of law, practical reason)
- Malcolm Smith (legal philosophy)
- Robert Talisse (political philosophy, pragmatism)
- Christopher Zurn (political philosophy)
- William Grey (bioethics, paranormal, time, etc)
- John Hardwig (bioethics, death, epistemology)
- Richard Hull (bioethics, medical ethics, etc)
- Dale Jamieson (environmental ethics)
- Christopher Kaczor (applied ethics, religion)
- Alex London (medical ethics, Aristotle)
- Steven Luper (death, invention)
- Andy Miah (bioethics, sports)
- Harlan Miller (abortion, science, desire)
- William Ruddick (medical ethics, etc)
- Peter Singer (applied ethics)
- Alan Soble (philosophy of sex, love, & gender)
- Tom Tomlinson (medical ethics)
- Gary Varner (animal rights, environmental ethics)
- Gregory Currie (imagination, fiction)
- John Dilworth (aesthetics, representation)
- James Harold (aesthetics, value)
- Thomas Hibbs (film, TV, popular culture)
- Richard Shusterman (art, music, continental philosophy, etc)
- Julie Van Camp (art law, philosophy of dance, etc)
- Rob van Gerwen (aesthetics, Kant)
- Nick Zangwill (aesthetics, ethics, metaphysics)
Ancient and medieval philosophy
- Julia Annas (ancient Greek philosophy, ethics)
- Dirk Baltzly (ancient Greek philosophy)
- Alan Fox (Chinese philosophy)
- Cynthia Freeland (ancient philosophy, aesthetics, feminism)
- Chad Hansen (Chinese philosophy)
- John Kilcullen (medieval philosophy)
- Gyula Klima (medieval philosophy)
- Phillip Mitsis (Stoic philosophy, Locke)
- Robert Pasnau (medieval philosophy)
- Robin Smith (Aristotle)
- Paul Vincent Spade (mediaeval philosophy)
- Paul Studtmann (Aristotle, metaphysics)
- Shimizu Tetsuro (medieval philosophy)
- Thomas Williams (medieval philosophy)
17th and 18th century philosophy
- Richard Arthur (Leibniz, etc)
- Andrew Carpenter (Kant, philosophy of language and mind)
- J. Thomas Cook (Spinoza)
- Edwin Curley (Spinoza, Hobbes, Descartes, Locke)
- Stephen Darwall (Hume, Kant, meta-ethics)
- Paul Hoffman (Leibniz, free will)
- Martin Lin (Spinoza)
- Kurt Mosser (Kant, epistemology)
- Lex Newman (Descartes, Locke)
- David Owen (Hume, Locke)
- Stephen Palmquist (Kant, etc.)
- Jay Rosenberg (Descartes, Kant,, metaphysics, epistemology)
- George MacDonald Ross (Leibniz, Hobbes, etc)
- Kelley Ross (Friesian philosophy)
- Lisa Shabel (Kant)
- Saul Traiger (Hume, philosophy of mind)
- Allen Wood (Kant, ethics, history of philosophy)
19th and 20th century philosophy
- Yoko Arisaka (Heidegger, Japanese philosophy, etc)
- Babette Babich (Nietszche, Heidegger, etc)
- Giovanna Borradori (Bergson, architecture, etc)
- Andrew Chrucky (Sellars, Broad, sense-data, etc)
- Charles Creegan (Kierkegaard, Wittgenstein)
- Rex Gilliland (Heidegger, Kant, etc)
- A.C. Grayling (Russell, Wittgenstein, epistemology, etc)
- Lars Hertzberg (Wittgenstein, moral psychology)
- Andrew Irvine (Russell, analytic philosophy)
- Stephan Kaufer (Heidegger)
- Justin Leiber (Wittgenstein, philosophy of mind, etc.)
- Andrew Lilico (Wittgenstein, metaphysics)
- Ronald McIntyre (Husserl, phenomenology)
- Kelly Parker (Peirce)
- Ian Proops (Wittgenstein, Kant)
- Joseph Ransdell (Peirce)
- Iain Thomson (Heidegger)
- Jay Zeman (Peirce, James, modal logic)
"Philosophical" cognitive scientists
- Bernard Baars (consciousness, A Cognitive Theory of Consciousness)
- John Barresi (self, consciousness)
- Daryl Bem (parapsychology, sexual orientation)
- Susan Blackmore (consciousness, memes, parapsychology)
- Robert Boyer (automated reasoning, logic)
- William Calvin (neuroscience, evolution)
- Axel Cleeremans (implicit learning, connectionism, consciousness)
- Rodney Cotterill (consciousness, neuroscience)
- Christopher Green (foundations of cognitive science)
- Anthony Greenwald (unconscious processes, implicit cognition, self)
- Stuart Hameroff (consciousness, QM, neurobiology)
- Elizabeth Loftus (memory)
- David Leopold (visual neuroscience, consciousness)
- Nikos Logothetis (visual neuroscience, consciousness)
- Bruce MacLennan (connectionism, consciousness, etc.)
- Ken Mogi (qualia, neuroscience, vision, etc)
- Alain Morin (self-awareness)
- Daniel Osherson (reasoning, vagueness)
- V. S. Ramachandran (neurology, synesthesia, perception)
- Zenon Pylyshyn (cognitive science)
- Geraint Rees (consciousness, visual neuroscience)
- Eyal Reingold (unconscious perception, implicit memory)
- Gerd Sommerhoff (consciousness)
- Roger Sperry (neuroscience, split brains, consciousness)
- Charles Tart (consciousness, transpersonal psychology)
- John Taylor (consciousness, neural networks)
- Francisco Varela (phenomenology, neuroscience)
- Max Velmans (consciousness)
- Daniel Wegner (will, control, etc)
Other interesting individuals
- Bill Adams (consciousness)
- Tom Clark (naturalism, free will, consciousness, etc)
- Christian DeQuincey (consciousness, spirituality)
- Philip Dorrell (consciousness, evolution, philosophy)
- Eric Drexler (nanotechnology)
- Bruce Edmonds (complexity, holism)
- Leon Felkins (paradoxes, social dilemmas, political philosophy)
- Liane Gabora (evolution of ideas, creativity, consciousness)
- James Gleick (technology, science)
- John Gregg (consciousness, metaphysics)
- Andrew Hodges (twistor theory, Alan Turing)
- Piet Hut (consciousness, astrophysics, computation)
- George Johnson (science journalism)
- Roger B. Jones (lots of philosophy, science, mathematics, etc.)
- Greg Nixon (consciousness, education, mythology)
- Howard Pattee (systems science)
- David Pearce ("HedWeb"; lots of good stuff)
- Jack Sarfatti ("physics/consciousness research group" & more)
- Cosma Shalizi (science, philosophy, everything else)
- Mark Sharlow (consciousness, physics, logic)
- Ken Wilber (integral psychology)
- Robert M. Young (philosophy of science, psychoanalysis)
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