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archives: january 2004
saturday, january 31, 2004French Shari'a Watch This year the Paris suburb of Evry will televise the mass ritual sacrifice of sheep for the Muslim Eid festival: Paris Suburb to Televise Slaughter of Sheep. (Hat tip: Hulugu.) PARIS, 31 January 2004 — The Paris suburb of Evry, which has one of France’s largest Muslim populations, has decided to install video screens to enable the local faithful to watch some 3,300 sheep being slaughtered for Eid this year. No Evidence CIA Slanted Iraq Data Investigations into the prewar intelligence on Iraq show no evidence the CIA slanted the data. Richard J. Kerr, a former deputy CIA director who is leading the CIA’s review of its prewar Iraq assessment, said an examination of the secret analytical work done by CIA analysts showed that it remained consistent over many years. No Flying Pigs Here, Move Along The Associated Press is doing backflips of approval and delight over the sermon preached today at Mount Arafat in Saudi Arabia: Top Saudi Cleric Assails Terrorists. AP always surrounds the word “terrorists” with scare quotes when it’s used by a Western source—but notice the complete absence of quotes in this article. MOUNT ARAFAT, Saudi Arabia - Saudi Arabia’s top cleric called on Muslims around the world Saturday to forsake terrorism, saying those who claim to be holy warriors were an affront to the faith. Sorry, Sheikh baby, but I prefer to call it a “reason,” not an “excuse.” Let’s look a bit closer at this highly-touted denunciation of terrorism: “Is it holy war to shed Muslim blood? Is it holy war to shed the blood of non-Muslims given sanctuary in Muslim lands? Is it holy war to destroy the possessions of Muslims?” he asked. Do I even have to point out that there is no condemnation of holy war against non-Muslims who are not “given sanctuary in Muslim lands?” (Another word for this “sanctuary” is dhimmitude—second-class citizenship akin to Jim Crow laws.) And do I need to mention that in yesterday’s sermon in Mecca, one of his fellow freaky Sheikhs said: “Oh God, give victory to the mujahedeen (holy warriors) everywhere,” al-Taleb said. “Give them victory in Palestine. Oh God, make the Muslims triumphant and destroy their enemies, and make this country and other Muslim countries safe. Oh God, inflict your wrath on the criminal Zionists.” But back to Sheikh al-Sheikh: Al-Sheik also criticized the international community, accusing it of attacking Wahhabism, the sect whose strict interpretation of Islam is followed in Saudi Arabia. Islam forbids hijacking of planes? That’s a pretty forward-thinking 7th Century religion. And of course, the Saudis would have us believe that the best way to combat this awful terrorism (which is only terrorism when it harms Muslims) is for them to become even more fundamental and rigid in their adherence to the brutal codes of shari’a: Al-Sheik warned against “changing the religion’s basics” in school curricula. They're Still Trying Several flights from Britain and France to the US have been canceled for security reasons. (Hat tip: zulubaby.) On Friday, U.S. officials said new intelligence indicated BA flight 223 and Air France flights from Paris to an unspecified U.S. city could be terrorist targets. There was no immediate word from the French authorities on any cancellations. Not So Peaceful for the Sheep Muslims Pray at Mt. Arafat Despite Security Concerns. “Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance,” said Information and Culture Minister Fouad bin Abdul-Salam bin Mohammad Farisi, adding that the Muslim faith had been portrayed negatively since the September 11 attacks. “...and of course, deadly stampedes and animal sacrifice,” Farisi continued. “Don’t tell PETA!” Pilgrims on Sunday will throw stones at pillars on the spot where the devil is said to have appeared to biblical patriarch Abraham - the scene of deadly stampedes in past years. Hitler Makes the List After awarding the 1994 Nobel Peace Prize to Yasser Arafat, how much lower can the Nobel Committee go? Ten years later, we may get to find out. Among the nominees for the 2004 prize are Slobodan Milosevic and ... Adolf Hitler. (Hat tip: Valentine.) Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler and former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic have made it to the list — every member of all the world’s parliaments, university professors from law to theology, ex-winners and committee members can submit names. friday, january 30, 2004The Mind of Our Enemies VDH: The Mind of Our Enemies. Just because we are spending billions and are tied down in Afghanistan and Iraq does not mean that we must remain complacent with Syria and Iran. Each problem has its own unique solutions. If the two countries continue to aid and abet the insurrectionists, then we, in turn, can promote and fund dissident groups, isolate them diplomatically, and as a last resort contemplate military options that do not involve either invasion or occupation. Indeed, precisely because Syria and Iran see our difficulty in Iraq as being in their own interests, we must find creative ways to remind them that the killing of Americans and the destabilization of Iraq would be, ultimately, their own worst nightmare. Word of Mouth For several months I’ve been receiving occasional emails that say they’re “notifying” me that “someone is researching” my background, from a site with a domain name that’s a variation on word-of-mouth.org. I always assumed it was a scam of some kind, but after receiving another one tonight I finally Googled the thing and discovered this interesting tidbit at (where else) snopes.com: Urban Legends Reference Pages: Computers (Word of Mouth). Jerusalem, 8:48 am Bret Stephens lives near the site of yesterday’s terrorist mass murder in Jerusalem. Here is his heart-breakingly surreal account of what he witnessed: Jerusalem, 8:48 am. Survivors lay on the pavement. One elderly man had flecks of human tissue on the back of his coat and scalp, but otherwise he seemed uninjured. Another man was bleeding from his ear, which had been sliced in half. A woman held her face in her hands, and everything was covered in blood. Life Is Many Things Jerusalem Post Editor Saul Singer remembers his brother Alex, murdered by one of the Palestinian Arab prisoners released this week by Israel: Life is many things. This week’s prisoner deal, however, made the issue unavoidable for my family and a number of others who lost soldiers in Lebanon. Among the released prisoners was Anwar Yassin, who had another 13 years to serve of his 30-year sentence for killing Alex Singer, Ronen Weisman, and Oren Kamil on September 15, 1987. Read the whole thing. Quakes Continue at the Beeb Andrew Gilligan is out. And he’s whining furiously about the Hutton report: He said: “If Lord Hutton had fairly considered the evidence he heard, he would have concluded that most of my story was right.” Peaceful Religion Watch An audience of 500,000 people who made the hajj pilgrimage to Mecca listened today as Sheik Saleh al-Taleb issued the customary demands for Allah to kill, destroy, and inflict his wrath: Millions of pilgrims pray outside Mecca as hajj nears end. (Hat tip: Tim R.) MINA, Saudi Arabia (AP) — The cleric who delivered the sermon Friday at the annual hajj pilgrimage had a simple request: God grant victory to Muslims fighting around the world. Notice that it’s the Belgian Muslim who expected an even more radical sermon—to match what he hears at home. Arafish Says...
After briefly greeting the school gathered in a large aquarium in his Muqataa headquarters here, they in turn pledged their loyalty to the 74-year-old symbol of Palestinian resistance. Slouching Toward Big Brother After September 11, most Americans felt that some tradeoffs between personal liberty and national security were warranted, and I still believe this was a correct feeling. But in this thought-provoking article, security expert Bruce Schneier warns that we need to make sure the people in charge of national security don’t have a skewed perspective on how far those tradeoffs should go: Slouching toward Big Brother. In December, a provision slipped into an appropriations bill allowing the FBI to obtain personal financial information from banks, insurance companies, travel agencies, real estate agents, stockbrokers, the U.S. Postal Service, jewelry stores, casinos and car dealerships without a warrant—because they’re all construed as financial institutions. Starting this year, the U.S. government is photographing and fingerprinting foreign visitors coming into this country from all but 27 other countries. I’m not sure I agree the fingerprinting of foreign visitors is a bad thing, but allowing the FBI to gather personal information from all those agencies without a warrant is definitely disturbing. Schneier argues that it’s not a matter of the Republicans or Democrats being in charge; it’s a matter of the police being in charge. ...The Department of Justice, fueled by a strong police mentality inside the administration, is directing our nation’s political changes in response to Sept. 11. And it’s making trade-offs from its own subjective perspective—trade-offs that benefit it even if they are to the detriment of others. Bruce Schneier is the author of a book about security which I’ve read and highly recommend; a very entertaining and readable explanation of the basic concepts of security, with sensible guidelines for evaluating risks and tradeoffs intelligently: Beyond Fear: Thinking Sensibly about Security in an Uncertain World. UW Newspaper Hits Bottom One of the standard lies of Palestinian propaganda is that the Israeli government somehow deliberately provokes incidents like yesterday’s bus bombing in order to manufacture an excuse to launch incursions into sacred Palestinian land. It’s a twisted rationale, and very typical of terrorist groups like the PFLP, who employ such tangled immoral rhetoric to justify their atrocities. And today University of Wisconsin student newspaper The Badger Herald publishes an article pushing this lie, by Fayyad Sbaihat—who is alleged to be a member of the PFLP, and is majoring in chemical engineering at UW-Madison: Bombing in Jerusalem surprises no one. (Hat tip: Jax.) After the Israeli attack on Gaza Wednesday, a Palestinian militant said he would “hit inside Israel, until the Israelis make Sharon regret this incursion.” A response came, whether it was the full or a partial response is to be seen over the next few days. The bombing in Jerusalem was an expected and desired (by Sharon) outcome of the Gaza incursion, and the emerging fact is Sharon will soon have as much Israeli blood on his hands as he does Palestinian. The link above leads to a page where you can leave a comment about Sbaihat’s article. Here’s an entry from December in which Sbaihat is discussed, with more links to info about this person. It no longer surprises me to find university newspapers publishing this kind of sneaky, murder-enabling garbage, unfortunately. Wesley Clark Courts Radical Muslims According to the New York Daily News, Democratic candidate Wesley Clark sought the political support of the Muslim American Society and the Islamic Circle of North America—two Muslim groups that have been linked to terrorism by numerous sources, and are currently under investigation by the FBI: Clark appealed to group suspected of terror link. (Hat tip: Morgan.) The Democratic presidential candidate’s videotaped message was played Dec. 27 in Chicago for the annual conference of the Muslim American Society and the Islamic Circle of North America - a Queens group being probed by the FBI counterterrorism agents, said two federal law enforcement officials. If that last statement is true, what does it say about how seriously Clark is taking the war on terrorism? He didn’t know? thursday, january 29, 2004Hizb'Allah Via Mexico At least one alleged Hizb’Allah terrorzoid has already used our sieve-like border with Mexico to sneak into the US: A question about Hizballah and Mexico. Now, turn to May 3, 2003. That’s when FBI agents searched the Dearborn, Mich., residence of Mahmoud Kourani, a 32-year-old illegal alien from Lebanon. The Terrorist and the Archbishop
Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, left, awards Archbishop of Canterbury Dr. Rowan Williams the Bethlehem 2000 medal during a special ceremony at his office in the West Bank town of Ramallah Thursday Jan. 29, 2004. (AP Photo/Nasser Nasser) MPAC Attacks Emerson In an uncredited hit piece, the Muslim Public Affairs Council has launched a completely unhinged attack on Steven Emerson: Steve Emerson’s Self-Serving Distortions. (Hat tip: Baldy.) The real difference between Steve Emerson and Salman Rushdie is that Emerson is a bigot who has made a career of rhetorically shooting Muslims first and asking questions later. Exhibit A is his announcement that Muslims were behind the Oklahoma City terror attack. Before any facts were available, the impartial and unbiased Steve Emerson had kangarooed his way to the incorrect conclusion that Muslims were behind the attack. But why let facts get in the way of a good argument? Has Steve ever gone to the American Muslim community and apologized for consistently slandering our community and attempt to make amends? Alas, Steve Emerson does not have that sort of integrity. See this telling analysis of Emerson’s work for more background: The way MPAC summarizes the Salman Rushdie case is very revealing: Salman Rushdie wrote a work of fiction that was seen as critical of the Prophet and his family, for which he garnered the anger of some Muslims outside the United States, and ended up with a death sentence issued by Ayatollah Khomeini. He never falsely accused anyone of anything, he just wrote a novel. Steve Emerson on the other hand is not under any death sentence, he is just being outed for his bigoted and ignorant statements. We at MPAC opposed the attempt by some misguided Muslims to condemn Rushdie, and we took a stand in favor of his free speech rights to be impolite. Under the ideal Islamic state, of course, neither Emerson nor Rushdie would have written such books. Creatures such as Emerson and Rushdie would never come to exist. And no “pure” Muslim would ever have to risk exposure to their foul, polluting, “impolite” ideas. The Nature of the Shark Here’s a perfect example of the Dark Ages mentality of the enemies of civilization. Despite the release of more than 400 Arab prisoners by Israel, for which Israel received the remains of three murdered IDF soldiers and a businessman with legal problems, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, the evil-minded “spiritual leader” of the Hizb’Allah death cult, shows absolutely no sign of gratitude, humility, reconciliation, or even ordinary human decency. Instead he reacts like a shark smelling blood in the water. In a speech at a festive ceremony held in honor Lebanese prisoners freed by Israel on Thursday, Hezbollah Secretary-General Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah said Israel would regret not releasing militant Samir Kuntar in the prisoner exchange deal the two countries carried out Thursday. "We Live in a Dangerous World..." I don’t agree with everything he says, but Joe Lieberman continues to impress me as the only Democratic presidential candidate with an ounce of plain old common sense: What They Said: Candidates’ Statements. “We live in a dangerous world. ... In a dangerous world, sometimes you have to use that power against dangerous people. The statements that this administration made before the war, the questions we now have about intelligence about the weapons of mass destruction, the failure of the Bush administration to be prepared for what to do after we overthrew Saddam have all unfortunately given a bad name to a just war. The fact is that Saddam Hussein himself was a weapon of mass destruction. ... I will never waver in my conclusion that the world is a safer with Saddam Hussein in prison and not in power.” Islamic France and Human Rights Robert Spencer makes a very good point about the French ban on the Islamic head scarf (the hijab): Islamic France and human rights. France seems to be placing all the hope it once placed in the Maginot Line in a strange and seriously flawed idea: that it can contain the forces of Islamic theocracy by outlawing the most innocuous manifestation of Islamic anti-secularism, the headscarf. Cycling Through Quicksand Yep, the site is loading slowly; sorry about that. (Our email has also been flaky.) The elves and pixies that secretly run the Internet have been fending off an invasion of gremlins with terrible vorpal blades, and it’s taken an awful toll on their fast-twitch muscle fibers. Had you going there for a second, didn’t I? Actually, Hosting Matters has been experiencing some network problems. They’re working on it, and we should soon be back to Warp 9. Aspiration, Not Desperation A piece at the Jerusalem Post by Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook shows beyond any doubt that the driving force behind atrocities like today’s bus bombing is not poverty. It’s not desperation, and it’s not lack of full employment. It’s an all-pervasive Islamic cult of death, deliberately and relentlessly hammered into the minds of Arab children from the time they are babies: Aspiration, not desperation. Palestinian mothers have been taught to aspire to death for Allah for their children. A mother explained recently on PA TV why she expressed sounds of joy upon hearing of her son’s death: “A mother makes sounds of joy because she wants him to reach shahada. He became a shahid for Allah Almighty. I wanted the best for him; this is the best for [my son] Shaadi.” Video of Jerusalem Bombing Here is a video of the aftermath of today’s Arab mass murder in Jerusalem. WARNING: it’s very graphic. And Again Palestinian Arab savagery strikes again: Jerusalem Bus Bomber Kills 10, Wounds 50. JERUSALEM - A Palestinian suicide bomber detonated a bag of explosives on a crowded Jerusalem bus outside Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s residence Thursday, killing 10 passengers and wounding 50 bystanders in the deadliest attack in four months. wednesday, january 28, 2004Dhimmitude at the Times In the New York Times, John Kearney wants the media to stop calling Allah “Allah,” and just use the name “God” to signify that Jews, Christians, and Muslims all worship the same deity: My God Is Your God. (Hat tip: davesax.) Last August the Washington Post Web site posed this question to readers: “Do you think that Muslims, Christians and Jews all pray to the same God?” One Muslim respondent wrote yes, each of the three major monotheistic faiths “pray to the God of Abraham.” But Kearney gives no evidence that the phrase “there is no God but Allah” is a distortion, just his own word. This is argument by assertion; politically correct wisdom received from on high. Hasn’t Kearney ever read a transcript of the Islamic supremacist sermons preached in Gaza City mosques? A real case could be made that the phrase as currently used by journalists conveys its precise meaning—that all other gods and all other religions are inferior to Islam. Kearney uses the CAIR-approved term “Abrahamic faith” to denote Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, and thinks the Muslim festival of Eid Al-Adha would be a good time to start implementing his shiny multicultural ideal world—a festival during which the God of Islam demands his followers sacrifice animals. With their own hands. Supermarket Chain Sells Sacrificial Sheep. Weapons of Mass Distraction Claudia Rosett says the debate over weapons of mass destruction is a red herring; the real threat is tyranny. We seem to be heading for the surreal conclusion that it is all right to be a murderous tyrant who only thinks he is pursuing weapons of mass destruction—even if he apparently believes it himself strongly enough to take the risk of kicking out U.N. arms inspectors for four years. Somehow, I am not comforted by the vision of a Saddam presiding over a country where he is allocating resources for WMD, terrorists are traipsing through, and whatever is really going on is anyone’s guess, including Saddam’s. Kay's Testimony C-SPAN is showing David Kay’s testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee; I recommend watching for yourself, because if you rely on media or politicians to tell you what Kay said you’re not going to get the truth. IDF Raids Islamic Jihad Every once in a while, the wire services slip up and release a photo that gives an inadvertent glimpse at the truth of the Arab-Israeli conflict; here’s one, as armed Palestinian terrorists take cover among unarmed “bystanders” during a fierce battle with IDF troops raiding an Islamic Jihad stronghold. Palestinians take cover during clashes with Israeli troops in the Zitoun neighborhood in Gaza CIty, Wednesday, Jan. 28, 2004. Palestinian medical sources said at least eight people were killed in the clashes. (AP Photo/Kevin Frayer) Arab terrorists cynically rely on the essential morality of the IDF when they hide among non-combatants; if the Israelis were truly the genocidal monsters the Palestinians constantly allege, not one of the people in the photo above would be alive right now. Even though this raid was specifically aimed at Islamic Jihad cells that were attacking the nearby settlement of Netzarim, Reuters Palestinian stringer Nidal al-Mughrabi blames Israel for damaging the “road map,” gives top billing to Palestinian claims of civilian casualties, and buries near the bottom of the article the Israeli claim that all casualties were armed terrorists: Israel Army Kills 8 During Gaza Gunbattles. GAZA (Reuters) - Israeli troops killed eight Palestinians Wednesday in the deadliest raid in the Gaza Strip in more than a month, casting a shadow over a new U.S. push to salvage a battered peace plan. Earthquake at the Beeb BBC chairman Gavyn Davies has resigned. It comes after Lord Hutton said the suggestion in BBC reports that the government “sexed up” its dossier on Iraq’s weapons with unreliable intelligence was “unfounded”. Iran's Manhattan Project Speeding Ahead Having bought more time by making bogus agreements with the easily-hoodwinked IAEA, Iran is now moving into the “cheat” phase of their cheat-and-retreat cycle: Iran: Uranium Enrichment Halt to Be Short. TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran’s suspension of uranium enrichment will be short-lived and the Islamic Republic will restart the program whenever it chooses, Hassan Rohani, head of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, said Wednesday. Kay Blames Weak Intelligence I’m getting dizzy watching all sides trying to spin the statements of former weapons inspector David Kay; today Kay clarified his opinions in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee: WASHINGTON - Former top U.S. weapons inspector David Kay told members of the Senate Wednesday that the failure to turn up weapons of mass destruction in Iraq exposed weaknesses in America’s intelligence-gathering apparatus. Kay keeps telling everyone who will listen that there was a failure of intelligence; and every Western intelligence service agreed that Iraq did possess banned weapons. But there is definitely an ongoing attempt to mislead the public, as well—and the chief dissemblers are people like Howard Dean, who despite Kay’s very clear statements continues to twist the truth: “The administration did cook the books,” Howard Dean told reporters Tuesday. “I think that’s pretty serious.” tuesday, january 27, 2004Did Hitlerism Die with Hitler? Here’s a powerful essay/book review by Omer Bartov on the unpublished sequel to Mein Kampf, that asks the question: Did Hitlerism die with Hitler? (Again, thanks to all who emailed about this.) Must we read another ranting book by Hitler? This book is certainly as close to the heart of darkness as a book can be. But it should have been read in its time, and it should be read now. It was an explicit warning to the world of what could be expected from the Führer of what was to become for twelve terrible years the Third Reich. When Hitler wrote it, no one could tell whether his plans and fantasies would ever be transformed into reality. Much of what Hitler put together in this book could already be found in Mein Kampf, if anyone had bothered to read it, and other ideas were expressed unambiguously in his speeches. Yet it was difficult to believe that anyone in his right mind would try to translate such rhetoric into policy. It was generally thought that in power Hitler would be constrained by the realities of diplomacy, the limits of Germany’s power, the national interests of the Reich, and the military, economic, and political partners with whom he had to make policy. New Hampshire Live New Hampshire festivities are available to you live over the Innernut, at C-SPAN. Medal-tossing Kerry is on as I write this, talking about “defeating George W. Bush and the economy of privilege.” Vietnam Vet Wins NH In New Hampshire, it’s John Kerry (who served in Vietnam) by a length: Kerry Wins N.H. Primary, Boosts Momentum. MANCHESTER, N.H. - John Kerry easily won New Hampshire’s primary Tuesday, overpowering Howard Dean and other Democratic rivals for a second-straight victory to establish the four-term senator as the party’s presidential front-runner. Alas, Howard, we hardly knew ye. You Can Fool Some of the People... A poll commissioned by the Zionist Organization of America (carried out by the firm of McLaughlin & Associates) found that 67.4% of Americans do not believe Palestinian Arabs deserve their own state. (Thanks to all who emailed about this.) Hamas in the Florida Classroom Daniel Pipes and Asaf Romirowsky write about Mustafa Abu Sway, a visiting Palestinian professor at Florida Atlantic University—and a Hamas “activist:” Hamas in the Florida Classroom. Our little scoop met with yawns or with disbelief. Abu Sway himself denounced our article as a “witch hunt.” FAU ignored the revelation (“we have no reason to take any action”). The hometown Palm Beach Post published four skeptical responses, including an editorial insisting that “there is no known evidence” against Abu Sway. The MyDoom Virus Several people have asked whether we were under a DDoS attack today, but no; the slowdown you may have seen at LGF was probably caused by the massive traffic being generated by the MyDoom virus. UPDATE: Scratch that; MyDoom is a big problem, but it looks like the sluggishness may have been specific to our web host, Hosting Matters. Here’s a discussion at the HM support forum: Intermittent network issues. The problems seem to have subsided, and we’re zipping along at warp 9 again. Pakistan Nuke Scientists "Got Millions" Pakistan’s nuclear scientists got rich by spreading the tools of doomsday around the world: Scientists ‘got millions for nuclear secrets’. Leading Pakistani scientists who sold nuclear secrets to rogue states will be punished as “enemies of the state”, President Pervaiz Musharraf said yesterday. UN: Get Out of NY In Forbes Magazine, British historian Paul Johnson has a message for the United Nations: Get Out of New York! (Hat tip: Kae.) When America was the leader of a successful wartime coalition—and the world wished it to continue in that role—it made excellent sense to place UN headquarters in New York. But those days have long passed. America has accepted its world-policeman destiny, and the UN is merely a minor obstacle to the successful performance of that task. The place has become a mere theater of empty rhetoric and shameless deals supporting a growing tide of anti-Semitism and racism and—let us not be mealymouthed—state crime. It is a place where near-bankrupt dictatorships can sell their votes to the highest bidder. The Islamification of the UK In Britain, there are now more Muslims attending a place of worship at least once a week than Anglicans: More attend mosques than church. (Hat tip: Norwegian kafir.) According to figures 930,000 Muslims attend a place of worship at least once a week, whereas only 916,000 Anglicans do the same. Muslim leaders are now claiming that, given such a rise of Islam in Britain, Muslims should receive a share of the privileged status of the Church of England. Iraqi Oil Bribes Revealed The Iraqi Governing Council is planning an investigation after a Baghdad newspaper published a list of companies, politicians, and individuals who accepted illegal “oil bribes” from Saddam Hussein: Iraq to Probe Alleged Saddam Oil Bribes. “I think the list is true. I will demand an investigation. These people must be prosecuted,” Naseer Chaderji, a Governing Council member, told Reuters. Frankenbouncer In New Hampshire yesterday, peace lover Al Franken attacked a heckler trying to shout down Howard Dean. (Hat tip: Michael S.) January 27, 2004 — EXETER, N.H. - Wise-cracking funnyman Al Franken yesterday body-slammed a demonstrator to the ground after the man tried to shout down Gov. Howard Dean. “And if somebody tries it, I’ll get down low on ’em and take their legs out!” bellowed the red-faced funnyman. monday, january 26, 2004French Jihad Watch Last week we noted a report that the car of Aissa Dermouche, the French Muslim leader appointed by Jacques Chirac to a high administrative position, had been bombed. Yesterday another “small blast” damaged a well known business school formerly headed by Dermouche: Small Blast Damages French School. NANTES, France - An explosion early Sunday damaged a business school formerly headed by a Muslim who was recently appointed a top administrator in France. The man’s car was bombed a week ago. Jailhouse Rock
A Palestinian woman ululates the intro to Jailhouse Rock while holding up pictures of the King, who she says is jailed in Israel, during a protest in the West Bank city of Ramallah January 19, 2004, demanding the release of the Memphis Mafia. REUTERS/Ammar Awad 9/11 Panel Gets to the Bottom Law enforcement and border security failures that contributed to the 9/11 atrocity are finally getting the scrutiny they deserve: Sept. 11 Panel Looks at Border Security. (Hat tip: zulubaby.) WASHINGTON - A border agent said Monday that the suspected ringleader of the Sept. 11 attacks raised enough red flags at customs — including having the wrong student visa — that he should been prevented from entering the United States. Hawkins Interviews Frum John Hawkins has a wide-ranging interview with David Frum, author (with Richard Perle) of the new book An End to Evil: How to Win the War on Terror. And of course, like most people with taste and discretion, he is a reader of LGF. Palestinian Child Abuse
In this undated but recent image released Monday, Jan. 26, 2004, by the Hamas group in the Gaza Strip, female suicide bomber Reem Raiyshi, holds her son Obida, 3, as they pose with weapons. Raiyshi blew herself up at the major border crossing point between Israel and the Gaza Strip, on Jan. 14, 2004, killing herself and four Israelis. (AP Photo/Hamas) This undated but recent image released Monday, Jan. 26, 2004, by the Hamas group in the Gaza Strip, shows Reem Raiyshi, right, in camouflage dress holding an assault rifle holding a copy of the Quran and an holding an assault rifle, speaking to her two children. Raiyshi blew herself up at a major border crossing point between Israel and the Gaza Strip, on Jan. 14, 2004, killing herself and four Israelis. (AP Photo/Hamas) Dean: Iraqi "Living Standard Worse" Howard Dean is sounding more and more like an uninformed Democratic Underground poster: Dean Says Iraqis Lived Better Under Saddam. (Hat tip: growler.) “You can say that it’s great that Saddam is gone and I’m sure that a lot of Iraqis feel it is great that Saddam is gone,” Dean said yesterday in answer to a question in Manchester. “But a lot of them gave their lives. And their living standard is a whole lot worse now than it was before.” French Shari'a Watch An excellent piece by Barbara Amiel asks the question: Is France on the way to becoming an Islamic state? (Thanks to all who pointed this out.) France is facing the problem that dare not speak its name. Though French law prohibits the census from any reference to ethnic background or religion, many demographers estimate that as much as 20-30 per cent of the population under 25 is now Muslim. The streets, the traditional haunt of younger people, now belong to Muslim youths. In France, the phrase “les jeunes” is a politically correct way of referring to young Muslims. This is a subject that has come up at LGF many times; guess who is way out in front in our poll on Shari’a in Europe? Kay: Iraqi WMD Components in Syria Former chief weapons inspector David Kay told the Telegraph he discovered evidence of shipments of material from Iraq to Syria: Saddam’s WMD hidden in Syria, says Iraq survey chief. In an exclusive interview with The Telegraph, Dr Kay, who last week resigned as head of the Iraq Survey Group, said that he had uncovered evidence that unspecified materials had been moved to Syria shortly before last year’s war to overthrow Saddam. MoDo Phones It In Iowahawk has been exploring the trash bins behind the New York Times building again, and this time he came up with the first draft of a new piece about the State of the Union address by a well-known star columnist: MoDo Phones It In. WASHINGTON — Gag me with a Spoon! The Fresh Prince of Smirkville smirked with such gnarly break-dancing enthisiasm, that one is hard pressed to find the appropriate 1987 pop culture reference. Who’s the guy’s political consultant — Adrian Zmed? He was so in-your-face, smirking his trademark smirk, it was disturbing to think of that trademark in-your-facial smirkery in charge of military Top Guns like Tom “Maverick” Cruise. It’s a good thing he stopped drinking and started talking about God. Frankie says Relax Don’t Do It. sunday, january 25, 2004Kay: "Not a Political Issue" Democrats are doing their best to score political points from CIA weapons inspector David Kay’s statements that he doesn’t believe Iraq had WMD stores—despite Kay’s own cautions that the issue was a failure of intelligence, not a deliberate attempt to mislead: Kay: Lack of Iraqi WMD Requires Review. “I don’t think they exist,” David Kay said Sunday. “The fact that we found so far the weapons do not exist — we’ve got to deal with that difference and understand why.” We Got Mail! An admirer in Santa Clara California used our contact form this morning, and gave the probably phony address of hasbiyallah@hotmail.com. Mr. Hasbiyallah found LGF through this Google Search, and his reaction to LGF exemplifies the tolerance and good humor we’ve come to expect from representatives of the Religion of Peace™: What’s up with all the sh*t against Muslims on your site? Do you f*cking forget that all the extremism if fueled by your f*cking occupying hook-nosed brethern in Israel and thier slaves in the US administratoin? Don’t you f*cking know that even Kay and Powell have admitted there is no WMD in Iraq? Under such circumstances, what else do you expect from the oppressed and crushed around the world but a call for jihad and resorting to extremism? Just f*cking ask yourself: why wasn’t there any terror attacks before any of this happened? The whites colonized the Muslims, killed them by millions in Africa, ME and Asia. Left them only to put thier f*cking puppets to rule them. Massacred Jews and made Muslims the scapegoats and got rid of them and gave them a piece of our land in ME. Isreal the only recognized racist entity on earth. Being Jew give u the right to automatic citizenship. So much for the only democracy in the world! What democracy? occupying others home and having democracy for yourselves while driving out people who lived there for thousands of years? Right of return for Jews based on them living there 2000 yrs ago? well, then leave the Americas, all you white ass mother f*ckers and let the true original inhabitants of this land remain here. if this doesn’t make sense, then zionism if f*cked up and out the window. what the f*ck do u say? A Reminder... ...that if you see a message saying you’re not allowed to post comments, or use our forms to send email, it may be because I’ve had to completely block AOL addresses from using those functions of LGF. There is a group of truly nasty and very persistent creatures who have been using AOL accounts to post unwelcome comments, and because of the way AOL works the only method of blocking these haters is to disallow all AOL users. (From time to time it may also be necessary to block other ISP ranges, depending on the extant amount of troll spewage.) I’m sorry for the inconvenience, and there’s nothing personal toward anyone whose comment gets blocked, but that’s how it’s gotta be. If you can use a non-AOL account, you shouldn’t have a problem. We're Frank Sinatra Dennis Miller says 9/11 changed him, and comes up with an incredibly accurate comparison: The United States right now is simultaneously the world’s most loved, hated, feared and admired nation, he said. Islamic Scholar: Women Driving is "Sinful" Man, these guys are pathetic. (Sometimes you just have to say it.) Women Driving Cars Is a Sinful Thing: Al-Qarni. MAKKAH, 25 January 2004 — Sheikh Ayed Al-Qarni, the well-known Islamic scholar, has denied telling the press that it was permissible for women to drive cars in Saudi Arabia. Al-Qarni was responding to reports in Arab News and other papers published two weeks ago. Pathetic. Islamic Nuclear Cravings Discovered by Internet Haganah on an Arabic site registered in Egypt called know-islam.com, an illustration titled “The Beauty of Destruction.” http://files.know-islam.com/bandr/BeautyOfDestruction00.jpg
Nasrallah Gloats Over Prisoner Swap Apparently Israel will be going ahead with their incredibly foolish prisoner swap with Hizb’Allah, in which they will exchange 435 Lebanese and Palestinian prisoners for the remains of three Israeli soldiers and an Israeli businessman who may also be dead. The leader of Hizb’Allah, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, isn’t even trying to hide his smirking sense of triumph: Nasrallah: Thursday will tell who is alive and who is dead. Hizbullah’s leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah in a press conference in Beirut earlier Sunday said he would release details of the prisoner exchange once the deal was completed, in the next two to three days. Mad Dr. Dean Mark Steyn’s new column is about Howard Dean’s stunning transition from raving, shrieking wildman to heavily tranquilized milktoast: Mad Dr. Dean jolts Kerry campaign to life. In his interview with Diane Sawyer from Vermont’s charmingly restored Norwich Inn, he seemed to be fading into the authentic colonial wainscoting. The Vermonster had become, in ‘80s karaoke terms, the Calmer Calmer Calmer Calmer Calmer Chameleon. At Thursday’s Democratic debate in New Hampshire, the calmer he got — ”balanced budgets, fiscally conservative manageable budgets, budgets in balance fiscally conservative” — the more the bored Dean watchers speculated that he was about to go berserk, like kids at the zoo eager to start lobbing pebbles at the slumbering gorilla. The Nuclear Black Market The Washington Post has more disturbing information on the discovery of a nuclear black market that aided the Libyan weapons program, including the revelation that one of the “secret factories” that manufactures components is located in Malaysia—whose ex-prime minister Mahathir Mohammad has on many occasions called for Muslims to arm themselves with modern weapons: Probe of Libya Finds Nuclear Black Market. The scale of the black-market operation — described by one expert as an “international supermarket” for nuclear parts — exceeds anything seen before, and it was undetected by Western intelligence agencies until recent months, the officials said. The same operation also is believed to have aided Iran, they said. It’s another benefit of the Bush foreign policy that we’ve become aware of this nuclear conspiracy; let’s hope it’s not too late. Mars Is Crowded The second Mars rover, Opportunity, has landed and is working beautifully: Second Mars Rover Sends Pictures to Earth. Swaddled in protective air bags, Opportunity plunged into the martian atmosphere at more than 12,000 mph and bounced down on Mars at a force estimated to be just two to three times that of Earth’s gravity. Engineers had designed it to withstand as much as 40 G’s, said Chris Jones, director of flight projects at JPL. saturday, january 24, 2004Amazon: Now Part of the Electoral Process Interesting: Amazon has a page where you can donate money (from $5 to $200) to your favorite presidential candidate’s campaign: Amazon.com: Presidential Candidates. Ilan Ramon's Diary A Native American searching a Texas field after the crash of the Columbia space shuttle made an amazing discovery. January 23, 2004 — JERUSALEM — Disintegrating pages of a diary that an Israeli astronaut wrote during the doomed Columbia space shuttle mission were miraculously found in Texas, it was disclosed yesterday. Jihad Unspun and Google News Honest Reporting criticizes Google News for including the work of Jihad Unspun, a really whacked-out, seemingly pro-jihad (so over-the-top that some say it’s a CIA “honeypot”) web site that often publishes incredibly vile antisemitic articles. I’ve complained several times myself to Google News about Jihad Unspun, and also about their inclusion of Khilafa.com—an openly radical British Qutbist-Islamic web site. Honest Reporting includes contact information for Google News, at the link above. Mass. Man Cleared in Rape Case Last December we noted the story of Hossam Mousa, a Massachusetts pizza shop owner whose Egyptian wife alleged that he held her captive and beat her. On Thursday, all charges against Mr. Mousa were dropped after key elements of the wife’s testimony failed to check out: Husband cleared in rape case: Wife will head back to Egypt as charges dropped. Last month, the wife’s restraining order against Mousa was lifted after she denied statements recorded in the police report, blaming it on bad Arabic translation. Arafish Says...
Secret Nuclear Factories The discoveries coming out of Libya are truly chilling, revealing an unsuspected underground nuclear black market, possibly even with its own secret factories for machining “sensitive” parts: Libya Nuclear Components Said Headed for US. (Hat tip: Roll-aid.) The Washington Post reported in Saturday’s editions that Libya’s quest for atomic weapons was aided by a sophisticated nuclear black market that offered weapons designs, real-time technical advice and thousands of sensitive parts — some apparently manufactured in secret factories. Musharraf Details Nuclear Program Extraordinary revelations about Pakistan’s nuclear program from Pervez Musharraf: Pakistan Details Its Covert Nuke Program. “We are carrying out an in-depth investigation and...we will sort out everyone who is involved,” Musharaff said on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum meeting in this Alpine resort. Suffer the Little Children You may have seen the stories about British Liberal Democrat MP, Jenny Tonge, who provoked outrage with her statement that if she were Palestinian, she might become a suicide bomber. Well, this story is even worse than it appears on the surface—because Tonge is also the party’s frontbench spokesperson for children. (Hat tip: rosh.) The veteran Liberal Democrat MP, Jenny Tonge, has been asked to step down as the party’s frontbench spokesperson for children. friday, january 23, 2004Antisemitic French Comedian to Be Prosecuted Last year we noted a report about French “comedian” Dieudonne M’Bala M’Bala, who appeared on French television dressed as an Orthodox Jew, shouting “Heil Israel” while making the Nazi salute. Today a report came over the AP wire that Dieudonne will be prosecuted under French hate crime laws: PARIS - A well-known French comic will be prosecuted for on-air antics that included dressing up as an Orthodox Jew and decrying an “American-Zionist” axis, the Paris prosecutor’s office said Friday. Thousands of Hamas Supporters in Nablus On the Muslim day of prayer, thousands of Palestinian Hamas supporters poured out of the mosques of Nablus filled with that lovin’ feelin’ ... for Hamas master creepazoid Sheikh Ahmed Yassin: NABLUS, West Bank (AFP) - Some 2,500 sympathizers of the hardline Islamic group Hamas took to the street of this northern West Bank city in support of its spiritual leader, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, whom Israel has threatened to kill. RoPMA. In the Jerusalem Post, Khaled Abu Toameh writes that the increasing popularity of the Hamas death cult may spell doom for the Arafish: Kiss of death? (Hat tip: zulubaby.) Another Hamas official, who asked not to be named, said some of his colleagues expressed concern that Arafat, with the backing of the international community and the Palestinian public, would try to eliminate the Islamic movement and all Palestinian opposition factions. Crackdown on Al Qaeda-Linked Charity One link in the Golden Chain of terrorist financing that runs through Saudi Arabia is finally coming under attack—the Islamic “charity” known as Al-Haramain: U.S., Saudi Arabia Fettering Charity Linked to Terrorism. U.S. officials yesterday released pages of declassified intelligence about Al-Haramain in the four countries. The documents allege that the charity was a major financier of terrorists in Indonesia, that a Tanzanian employee of the organization helped plan the 1998 bombings of two U.S. embassies in Africa and that Kenyan employees planned assassinations of American officials. Howard's Tinfoil Hat Brigade Wow. At deanforamerica.com, Deaniacs discuss whether the Bush administration perpetrated the September 11 attacks: 911 Stunning Development. (Hat tip: Ms Andi.) It’s almost pitiful to read the comments from the few sensible folks trying to stop the tinfoil people from taking over. jonathanclassof99 Ever Feel Like You're Being Watched? LGF reader Shtetl G requested a picture of puppies: Arab One-Track Mind Watch Arab leaders at the World Economic Forum are obsessively seething again about US support for Israel, as they do at every opportunity, and accusing the Bush administration of “hypocrisy” because of its policy of “democratizing” the Arab-Muslim world: Arabs slam U.S. over democracy. (Hat tip: scaramouche.) At a public debate at the World Economic Forum in Davos, senior figures from Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Iran accused the Bush administration of ignoring Israeli weapons of mass destruction and human rights abuses towards Palestinians while pressuring Arab and Muslim states to disarm and democratise. In truth, there is less hypocrisy in the Bush administration’s policies toward the Arab world than in those of any previous US government. I know statements from Arab leaders are not expected to contain logic, but how is it “hypocritical” to support the only democratic state in the Middle East, while promoting democracy in the dozens of surrounding totalitarian countries? The people accusing the US of double standards are the cronies and bagmen of dictators and hereditary monarchies, and their credibility is nil. Maariv International LGF reader NC let me know that Israeli journal Maariv is finally available online in English. Better or Worse?
Victor Davis Hanson takes stock of Thematic in the Democratic primary campaign is that the United States is worse off now than it was before the invasion of Iraq. The harangues from some of the candidates have been quite unbelievable: Saddam Hussein’s capture did little to improve our security; we cannot prejudge bin Laden’s guilt; we are less safe than ever before and hated to boot; and so on. Musharraf Admits Nuclear Leaks Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland, Pakistani president Pervez Musharraf admitted that Pakistani nuclear scientists have been selling secrets: Musharraf: It Appears Scientists Sold Secrets. DAVOS, Switzerland (Reuters) - Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf said on Friday it appeared Pakistani scientists had sold nuclear secrets abroad, but reiterated Islamabad’s position that there had been no official involvement. thursday, january 22, 2004Arab Media Seethes Silently President Bush’s State of the Union speech was not a big hit in the Arab world: Bush’s speech leaves Arab commentators speechless. CAIRO (AFP) - Newspapers in Egypt and Syria took pains to highlight US President George W. Bush’s omission of any reference to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in his State of the Union address. Spirit Goes Haywire Ouch. This is not good news from the Spirit rover on Mars; after scientists yesterday were doing handstands about the great data they were getting from the rover, it suddenly stopped transmitting—just as it began to examine its first rock sample: NASA: Spirit Rover Not Sending Data. NASA last heard from Spirit early Wednesday, its 18th day on Mars. Since then, it has only sporadically returned random, meaningless radio noise, scientists said. Initially, the scientists believed weather problems on Earth caused the glitch. They said they now believe the rover is experiencing hardware or software problems. Anti-Terror Technology Israel Unveils System to Beat Bus Bombers. (Hat tip: Steven Zak.) RAMAT HASHARON, Israel (Reuters) - Israel unveiled a system on Thursday aimed at stopping suicide bombers boarding buses and carrying out attacks like those that have killed hundreds of people in the past three years. Angriest Dwarf Gets Sheepish “Look, I’m not a perfect person. I have my warts. I sometimes say things that get me in trouble. I wear suits that are cheap. But I say what I think and I believe what I say, and I’m willing to say things that are not be popular but ordinary people know are right,” he said. “In other words, I lead with my heart and not my head. That’s the only chance we have against George Bush.” Isn’t that a perfect appeal to his base, though? Leads with his heart, and not his head. It’s more important to feel than to think. Now there’s a quality we want in a President. Iran Involved with 9/11? Lots of people have emailed about this story; it could be a red herring, but if proven true it certainly would have huge implications: Terror trial witness links Iran to 9/11. On what had been the eve of his widely expected acquittal, the trial of the second person charged by German authorities as an accomplice of the Sept. 11 hijackers was thrown into turmoil Wednesday after prosecutors disclosed the existence of a surprise witness purporting to link Iran to the hijackings. Tick, Tick, Tick International Atomic Energy Agency chief Mohamed ElBaradei is warning that unless Iran cooperates fully with the investigation into their nuclear program, he will be forced to consider the matter at length. And possibly even refer it to ... the UN Security Council. IAEA to Iran: Cooperate or Face Consequences. “They know it’s very important for the agency to come to a conclusion that the Iran program is for peaceful purposes,” he told reporters at the World Economic Forum. I feel like I’m watching a film called “The Making of the Iranian Bomb,” with an international cast of knaves, fools, and weaklings. Gimli Battles the Race Card At FrontPage, Robert Spencer goes to battle for John Rhys-Davies: Gimli Battles the Race Card. wednesday, january 21, 2004Lantos Invited to Libya Democrat Tom Lantos, the only Holocaust survivor ever elected to the US Congress, will go to Libya to see if Gadhafi’s renunciation of nuclear weapons is genuine: Rep. Lantos to Check Libya’s WMD Program. WASHINGTON - A senior Democratic congressman plans to go to Libya this weekend at the invitation of Moammar Gadhafi to check on the Libyan leader’s pledge to dismantle his nation’s nuclear weapons program. Got One in Minnesota Minnesotan Charged With al-Qaida Support. (Hat tip: zulubaby.) MINNEAPOLIS - A federal indictment unsealed Wednesday charged a Minnesota man with conspiracy to provide material support to the Al-Qaida terrorist network. Authorities said the man acknowledged being at training camps in Afghanistan at the same time as Osama bin Laden. Cleveland Islamic Groups Back Damra The Islamic community of Cleveland, after initially calling for him to step down, is now rushing to the defense of Fawaz Mohammed Damra, Imam of the Islamic Center of Cleveland, following his arrest for connections to Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the Sami al-Arian case: Damra is forced to take paid leave. (Hat tip: Morgan.) In a videotape from April 7, 1991, that was made public in the fall of 2001, Damra is shown calling for attacks on Jewish people and referring to them as animals. Hanson: The Election of 1864 Reacting to the SOTU speech, Victor Davis Hanson is very worried about some of President Bush’s domestic policies—especially the guest-worker program—but he’s still a supporter: The Election of 1864. Muslim Speaker Attacks Israel at MLK Tribute The Israeli consul general in Montreal walked out of an interfaith memorial ceremony for Martin Luther King Jr., when Yahya Abdul Rahman of the Montreal Muslim News Network used his speech to launch attacks on Israel: Anti-Israel comments mar King tribute. Rahman had some very interesting comments when asked about his speech: Rahman said yesterday he has no regrets or apologies to offer, because “from my vantage point it was also a political event.” That’s an excellent summation of radical Islamic ideology and tactics; shower scorn on one of the most basic tenets of Western democracy—the separation of church and state—and at the same time invoke liberal guilt icons to confuse the multiculti crowd and excuse the most reprehensible intolerance. Road Map to Murderville Update The latest report on Palestinian Arab Violations of the Roadmap contains an eye-opening statistic: During the first 38 weeks since the Road Map was issued, there have been a total of at least 954 Palestinian Arab terrorist attacks or attempted attacks, in which 140 people were murdered and 743 wounded. Pakistan Islamists Seething Over Nuke Probe Pakistani Islamofascist groups are not happy about the investigations into nuclear technology leaks from Khan Research Laboratories, and are staging a series of protest rallies: Countrywide protests against detaining nuclear scientists. ISLAMABAD: Shabab-e-Millie (Youth of the Nation), to protest countrywide over the arrests of Pakistan’s nuclear scientists from Wednesday (today). Bad Cop / Not-So-Bad Cop The clerics and the princes are playing bad cop/not-so-bad cop in Saudi Arabia. After the highest religious authority in the Saudi entity said yesterday that women who don’t wear the veil “cause the doors of evil to open” ... His remarks came after Saudi Arabia’s leading businesswoman, Lubna Olayan, who delivered the opening speech at an economic conference in the Red Sea port of Jeddah this week, was shown on the front of local newspapers without a headscarf. ... today the Crown Prince took a more conciliatory stance: Reformist crown prince urges Saudi women to play it cool. RIYADH (AFP) - Reform is underway in Saudi Arabia but it must be step-by-step, Crown Prince Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz insisted as a storm raged over the role of women in the arch-conservative kingdom. Notice, by the way, that the second article doesn’t repeat that insane “doors of evil” line from the Grand Mufti, even though it’s obviously a more colorful quote. The media often shy away from the more deranged statements of Arab clerics. tuesday, january 20, 2004State of the Union Here’s the C-SPAN streaming video of President Bush’s State of the Union address. "Hey People It was Only a Tower" You’ll never confuse Egyptian pop singer Sha’ban Abd Al-Rahim with Bob Dylan; his past Arabic hit songs have included golden oldies like “I Hate Israel” and “Striking Iraq,” and in his hot new release “Road Map,” currently rocketing up the charts in Cairo and Mecca, he sings that the USA is the perpetrator of the September 11 attacks: “Hey People It was Only a Tower...” “‘Kharittat Al Tariq’ (Road Map) is the name of the song which gives voice to widespread views in the Egyptian street regarding the September 11th events and the U.S. - Iraq standoff. The song talks about the road map and includes quotes from U.S. President George W. Bush about the plan’s implementation. The song goes on to describe how America is the spitting image of Israel and it carries out its desires, making the world into a ‘jungle.’ But it does not stop at that point. Abd Al-Rahim goes on to boldly sing that the USA is the perpetrator of the September 11th attacks. An Al-Rahim groupie waxes ecstatic about his idol: One fan, Muhammad Ibrahim, told the Cairo Times that he knows the lines of the song by heart and he is proud of it. ‘To me, this is the first public and daring accusation made against America concerning the September 11th attacks and the song will soon be the number one hit in the Arab world,’ he said, pointing out that Abd Al-Rahim deserves to be recognized by all as the number one political singer in the Arab world — a reputation he already has on the street. (Pssst... the US gives Egypt more than $2 billion a year in foreign aid.) The Shriek Amaze your friends, confound your enemies, frighten household pets! Here it is, in MP3 format: Howard Dean’s gargled, hideous snarl. A Walk On the Addled Side In his new video, Evan Coyne Maloney tries to get inside the minds (?) of a group of a MoveOn.org supporters: Gettin’ a MoveOn. Dark Ages Spreading in Nigeria Saudi Arabia is very pleased with the progress toward an Islamic state in Nigeria, where about 200 people were killed in the Muslim riots that broke out in November 2002 during the Miss World pageant: Saudi to Finance Religious Teachers’ Employment in Kebbi. (Hat tip: Baldy.) The Saudi Arabian Religious and Cultural Attache in Nigeria, Sheik Abdul-Aziz, announced his country’s satisfaction with the remarkable successes being recorded in the implementation of the Shariah decision when the Kebbi State Governor, Alhaji Muhammed Adamu Aliero visited the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Abuja. EU Funds Disappear Investigators from the European Union’s fraud office are arriving in Israel this week to try to find out where all that money the EU’s been sending to the Palestinians is really going: EU Funds Disappear. (Hat tip: Elle Plater.) The European fraud-busters come at a time when allegations are mounting of corruption in the Palestinian Authority. IAF Strikes in Lebanon Responding to yesterday’s attack by Hizb’Allah that killed an Israeli soldier, the Israeli Air Force is hitting Hizb’Allah targets in Lebanon. Dean Wigs Out If you haven’t seen Howard Dean’s extraordinarily whacked-out speech from last night, you must. It’s an amazing moment of public unhingement, and it’s available on this page at C-SPAN; look for the link titled “Howard Dean Reaction to Iowa Caucus Results.” El Norte Victor Davis Hanson says that President Bush’s immigration plan is insane, and a disaster waiting to happen: El Norte. ...what about the hundreds of thousands of workers who either cannot or will not participate? Will illegal immigrants outside the program be stopped at the border, requiring more guards or an extensive wall? Or once here, are they now to be deported without their requisite papers? Will we see a return of the old green immigration vans, the “Migra” patrols of my youth that used to scour central California to pick up illegal residents for immediate transit back to Mexico? Are we to establish two alternate universes: some employers who bring in workers legally, and others who follow the old non-system of paying largely cash wages to workers who show up at the local lumberyard parking lot or hotel lobby? Clothes Make the Man When Howard Dean wants to party, he breaks out the kaffiyeh. Democratic presidential hopeful former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean greets supporters after his address during his caucus night party in West Des Moines, Iowa, Monday, Jan. 19, 2004. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya) Because nothing says “merriment” like a stylish Palestinian Fatah head rag. monday, january 19, 2004Iowa Surprise Kerry Wins Iowa Caucus in 11th Hour Surge. DES MOINES, Iowa - John Kerry rode an 11th-hour surge to victory in Iowa’s kickoff presidential caucuses, upsetting Democratic front-runner Howard Dean and stunning caucus favorite Dick Gephardt. Kerry’s comeback blew the nomination fight wide open, setting the stage for a free-for-all in New Hampshire’s follow-up primary. Bild: RAF Bombers "Ignored Auschwitz" A very old debate with no clear winner has been reopened with the release of the RAF’s reconnaissance photos of Auschwitz; the argument has been raging at LGF, and now it has erupted in Germany as well, with the appearance of an article in the top German newspaper Bild: RAF bombers ‘ignored Auschwitz’. “Why were the concentration camp thugs not bombed?” a headline in yesterday’s Bild asked, above an aerial photograph of Auschwitz in southern Poland, where about one million people - mainly Jews - were murdered. UPDATE: Some might say—and yes, I’d be one of them—that Germany had forever forfeited its right to hold opinions on matters such as these. A Fatwa For Gimli European Muslim groups and their apologetic dhimmis are seething again—this time they’re offended by remarks made to an American interviewer by John Rhys-Davies, who was featured at LGF last month for his unabashedly pro-Western views. Bubba Gibbers Speaking in Saudi Arabia, Bill Clinton rhapsodized Mohammed as a sort of Arab Henry Ford, and said that if cars had been around 1400 years ago (stay with me here), not only would Mohammed have made the desert kingdom the first automobile producing nation on earth, he would have even let the women drive! Saudi Arabia bars women from driving and being seen in public with men other than family members. OK. That’s stretching a metaphor w-a-a-a-y past the breaking point. LGF News Feeds Page In our constant quest to feed the monkey of news addiction, we have a new feature: LGF News Headlines. This is a simple RSS news feed reader, showing the current feeds from several BBC pages, the Telegraph, the Department of Defense, Yahoo Politics, and Google News. You will find the link to this page in the right sidebar, just above the “World News” heading. Suggestions are welcome for other RSS feeds to include on this page... French Shari'a Watch A nice deadpan headline from al-Reuters wire service: Marches, Bomb Mar French Drive to Integrate Muslims. PARIS (Reuters) - France’s drive to better integrate its five million Muslims looked shaken Monday after a weekend of protests against a looming ban on Islamic veils and a bomb attack on the car of a senior public official of Muslim origin. Somehow, while no one was looking, that tiny minority of extremists seems to have turned into a majority: The French Council of the Muslim Faith (CFCM), the state- sponsored umbrella group meant to help Muslims find their place in French society, is deeply split between its moderate leader and more powerful Islamic groups outraged by the veil ban. sunday, january 18, 2004French Jihad Watch This may be the start of something big: Car bomb targets French Muslim leader. (Hat tip: Kragar.) Hours after up to 40,000 Muslims marched against a planned ban on Islamic headscarves in state schools, a carbomb attack on a newly appointed prefect of Algerian origin dramatically underlined the scale of France’s problem in assimilating its immigrant Muslim community. Video of Ambassador Mazel Dutch television has actual film of Israeli ambassador Zvi Mazel at the opening of Stockholm’s Museum of National Antiquities, showing that he did not lose it and trash the entire exhibit, as the press originally spun it; he walks calmly around the exhibit unplugging the spotlights, then pushes one of the (unplugged) lights into the water. Streaming video is available on this page, but I don’t know how long it will be there. The show is the Saturday 22:00 broadcast, and here are the direct links: Windows Media dialup.
The segment about ambassador Mazel is about three quarters of the way into the show. (Hat tip: ami.) UPDATE: You can put your name on a petition to support Ambassador Mazel here. French Shari'a Watch A suburb of the French city of Lyon, Venissieux is becoming known as a hotbed of Islamic terrorism: Muslim Radicalism Flowers in French Town. (Hat tip: scaramouche.) Six residents of Venissieux were arrested Jan. 6 in connection with the planned 2002-2003 New Year’s celebrations attack, including a local imam, or prayer leader, Chellali Benchellali, his wife and son. Another son was arrested in 2002. Behind the Hijab Demonstrations Watch has posted a translation of an article in the French journal Libération about Mohammed Ennacer Latrèche, the man behind the French Muslim Party (PMF) who sponsored yesterday’s demonstrations in Paris against the French hijab ban. (Hat tip: Merde in France.) The son of an Algerian Imam from Strasbourg, Latrèche founded his party in 1997, after studies in Syria. His ambition was then to “liberate Muslims from the influence of the Socialist Party, the Zionist party.” He regularly drew attention to himself at the local level. Elected officials and the police have accused him of “overheating” the young on housing estates. In 2000, during the trial of a policeman who had killed a youth, Latrèche denounced “racist” jurors and a “partisan” justice, and led fifty demonstrators in prayer before the Strasbourg courthouse. However, it is the repeated incidents during many demonstrations that would make it impossible to associate with him. As recently as 2000, Licra [The International League Against Racism and Anti-Semitism], filed a complaint against him following the anti-Semitic slogans shouted during an event in support of the Palestinians. In 2001, he took aim at the philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy and the journalist Alexandre Adler. In 2002, he distributed pamphlets including maps from which Israel had been excised. The start of the war in Iraq gave him his 15 minutes of fame. He organized and participated in an operation of human-shields in Baghdad with several youths from Strasbourg neighborhoods. He also appears publicly with the Holocaust denier Serge Thion and co-edits “the Judeo-Nazi manifesto of Ariel Sharon” with Ginette Skandrani, the militant pro-Palestinian. Those close to him explain the silence of the local media regarding Latrèche by claiming that the former are “controlled by the Jews.” Here’s Monsieur Latrèche in action, wearing a very comfortable-looking Western-style sport jacket. Protest organizer Mohamed Latreche shouts slogans in a microphone behind a veiled woman as hundreds of Muslims take to the streets in Paris Saturday, Jan. 17, 2004, to protest the French government plan to ban religious attire in public schools. (AP Photo/Laurent Rebours) Sharon Backs Ambassador Mazel Yesterday I wrote that Israel’s ambassador to Sweden, Zvi Mazel, who staged a wonderful piece of performance art when he physically shut down an antisemitic exhibit glorifying a suicide bomber, would probably be forced to apologize and resign; well, today I’m happy to report that I was wrong. Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon is backing Mazel all the way. The artwork depicts a small ship in a rectangular pool filled with red-colored water. The ship carries a picture of Islamic Jihad bomber Hanadi Jaradat, who killed herself and 21 bystanders in an Oct. 4 suicide bombing in Haifa, Israel. saturday, january 17, 2004British Academics Seething Senior British academics have been whipped up into a snarling, vicious pack of starving carnivores by the new Ridley Scott film about the Crusades—which they say ‘panders to Osama bin Laden’. Sir Ridley Scott, the Oscar-nominated director, was savaged by senior British academics last night over his forthcoming film which they say “distorts” the history of the Crusades to portray Arabs in a favourable light. The Meaning of Jihad An excellent post on yet another attempt by Islamic scholars from four nations (Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia) to define the true meaning of jihad, at Robert Spencer’s Jihad Watch. It does no good simply to pretend that this is not so and hope that it will go away; it must be understood because it is a fundamental cause of innumerable conflicts around the world today. If we don’t understand the goals and motives of our opponents, how will we possibly prevail against them in the “war of ideas” that is so central to the war on terror? Michael Moore Slimes Weasely Clark Idiotarian of the Year runner-up Michael Moore introduced Wesley Clark today in his inimitable way, showing why he came so close to grabbing the 2003 Fiskie: Clark Hints at Bush’s Military Service. Moore manifestly represents the looniest of the loony left, unscrupulous and unserious; it’s a real tragedy to see the Democratic Party degenerate so far that candidates for the presidency are pleased by the endorsement of this buffoon. PEMBROKE, N.H. - Wesley Clark suggested Saturday that questions remain about President Bush’s Vietnam-era service in the Texas Air National Guard, but the retired general stopped short of endorsing a comment by actor-director Michael Moore that Bush was “a deserter.” Incredible WWII Photos Released A treasure trove of high-resolution aerial photographs taken by the British Royal Air Force during World War II will soon be available online. More than five million aerial photographs of World War II are to be made publicly available on the internet. The BBC story includes a few photos from the archive, and these two are absolutely chilling—showing the Auschwitz death camp one year before liberation, when the Nazi murder machine was functioning at high gear. In the first, you can see the large plume of thick smoke from the crematorium, which at that time was kept operating 24 hours round the clock, at upper left: The second shows a line of prisoners filing out of a barracks building for roll call: Antiwar = Pro-Hijab The Campus Antiwar Movement is meeting this morning before marching over to San Francisco City Hall and the French consulate to whine and scream about France’s ban on religious head wear. If you’d like to attend (bring a camera if you do), they’re getting together at the Starbucks at 1231 Market St, 10:30 am this morning, for double soy lattés and frappucinos before hitting the streets to declare solidarity with the Muslim Student Association. (Hat tip: Ms Andi.) UPDATE: Banagor went to the demonstration and got some photos... Israeli Ambassador Smashes Swedish Art Exhibit The Israeli ambassador to Sweden completely lost it at the opening of a new exhibition at Stockholm’s Museum of National Antiquities, and smashed an exhibit glorifying the Islamic Jihad mass murderer who blew up the Maxim restaurant: Ambassador wrecks suicide bomber exhibit in Sweden. Located in the museum’s courtyard, “Snow White and the Madness of Truth” depicted a smiling Hanadi Jaradat, the Maxim restaurant suicide bomber who killed 21 patrons and staff as well as herself on October 4. Her photograph was placed on a little boat floating in a basin filled with water dyed red. A big LGF thumbs-up to ambassador Zvi Mazel. It’s about time people stopped tolerating this sort of corrupt, debased, antisemitic “art.” Oh, I’m fully aware Mazel will be forced to apologize and possibly resign—but he’s a hero to me. And it’s beyond despicable that Sweden would allow this abomination to be exhibited at their national museum. friday, january 16, 2004Out With the Old, In With the New Lots of readers emailed about this one; on the same day they forced Robert Kilroy-Silk out of his job for stating some simple truths about the Arab world, the British Broadcasting Corporation hired a reporter from JihadTV: Al-Jazeera editor leaves for BBC. According to an al-Jazeera spokesman, Ibrahim Helal said he had had “a tempting offer” from the BBC. French Dhimmitude Watch France’s Defense Minister, Michele Alliot-Marie (who is a woman), tells the US it should be listening more to the Arab-Muslim world and its overwhelming sense of humiliation: French Minister Blasts Certain U.S. Ideas. Outlining the views of France, she said while terrorism is a great threat, its causes must be addressed, which she identified as “the sense of frustration in the face of injustice and poverty.” “Implicitly holding Israel accountable?” Something tells me there’s more to Alliot-Marie’s remarks than is being reported here by the AP. Virginia Jihadi Royer Pleads Guilty Former blogger and CAIR official Randall Todd Royer (aka Ismail Royer) has entered a surprise guilty plea in his trial: Va. Jihad Activist Pleads Guilty. A key member of an alleged Virginia jihad network pleaded guilty to federal weapons and explosives charges today, denying that he intended to harm Americans but acknowledging that he and his co-defendants had sought to fight on behalf of Muslim causes abroad. Rhys-Davies on Medved Michael Medved is talking with John Rhys-Davies (who plays Gimli the dwarf in the Lord of the Rings) right now; you can listen to streaming audio here. As we pointed out last month, Rhys-Davies is an anti-idiotarian. Silk Sacked Robert Kilroy-Silk has been sacked: Kilroy to step down from BBC. (Hat tip: Colt.) Robert Kilroy-Silk has agreed to quit as presenter of the BBC’s morning talkshow after 17 years just a week after the row blew up over his anti-Arab diatribe in the Sunday Express. Consummated in Cairo Robert Spencer has an illuminating piece about the 2003 Cairo Conference—a Moronic Convergence of epic proportions, attended by representatives of the Western far left and the Islamic world’s most radical ideologues: Consummated in Cairo. The polarities of the Conference were exemplified when Ma’mum Hudaybi, leader of the Egyptian radical Muslim group the Muslim Brotherhood, shared the platform with Revolutionary Socialist Kamal Khalil. The Brotherhood, founded in Egypt in the 1920s, was the first modern radical Muslim organization. It still states that one of its goals is, according to a website operated by a Brotherhood sympathizer, “mastering the world with Islam.” The Brotherhood proclaims: “Allah is our objective. The messenger [i.e., the Muslim Prophet Muhammad] is our leader. Quran is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.” Teach Your Children Well
A Palestinian boy holds a picture of Reem Raiyshi, the woman who blew herself up Wednesday at the major crossing point between Israel and the Gaza Strip killing four Israelis, during a rally in support of Hamas Spiritual leader Sheik Ahmed Yassin in the southern Gaza Strip town of Khan Younis Friday, Jan. 16, 2004. (AP Photo/Khalil Hamra) Our Primordial World Victor Davis Hanson on the power of pride: Our Primordial World. Where Americans see skill and subtlety in taking out Saddam Hussein and a costly effort to liberate a people, many Iraqis, even as they taste freedom, drive new cars, and see things improve, talk instead of humiliation, hurt pride, or anger at their own impotence — whether whining over the morticians’ make-up work on Qusay, or ashamed about Saddam’s pathetic televised dental examination. Iraqis scream on camera that we should not stay another minute, but even more often whisper that we better not leave yet. Too often they seem to be mostly angry that we, not they, took out Saddam Hussein. While the tyrant’s departure was a “good” thing, it would have been even better had he killed a few thousand Americans in the process — if only to restore the sort of braggadocio lost by the Baathist flight and antics of a mendacious Baghdad Bob. Got One in Germany Another RoP member arrested and charged in Germany with planning terror attacks against US and Jewish targets: Germany Charges Tunisian with Planning Qaeda Bombs. BERLIN (Reuters) - German state prosecutors said on Friday they had charged a Tunisian man, allegedly trained by al Qaeda in Afghanistan, with trying to form a “terrorist group” to attack U.S. and Jewish targets in Germany. Got One in Dearborn Feds: Man hid terror cash. (Hat tip: Ethel Carol.) DEARBORN — Federal agents found thousands of dollars and evidence of wire transfers when they searched the house of an illegal immigrant charged with providing material support to terrorists. This is the first direct evidence I’ve seen that Hizb’Allah is taking advantage of our porous border with Mexico to infiltrate the US. How to Stop Nuclear Terror Here’s a very good piece at Foreign Affairs by Graham Allison: How to Stop Nuclear Terror. (Hat tip: Motti.) Allison argues for a “zero tolerance for nuclear weapons” policy that would require very strict international controls on the means of production, and says that the United States is not doing what needs to be done to prevent an eventual nuclear terrorist attack. A “no new nascent nukes” approach will require ensuring that all nuclear aspirants, especially Iran and North Korea, stop producing heu and plutonium. This effort should begin under the auspices of inspections mandated by the Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), including the NPT’s Additional Protocol that allows more intrusive inspections of suspected nuclear sites. But two other elements must also be added to the current system: a prohibition on the production of fissile material, and actual enforcement mechanisms. Enforcement should begin with political and economic sanctions for recalcitrant states but should also include threats and the use of military force if necessary, whether covert or overt. Enhanced export controls and greatly strengthened intelligence capabilities (especially human agents) should focus on preventing the work of nuclear aspirants and stopping sales from potential suppliers. Ratification of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (which the Bush administration has rejected, despite support from four former chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, including Secretary of State Colin Powell) and the negotiation of a cutoff in production of fissile material in current nuclear-weapon states would reinforce this principle. Moonbat Alert! Posting from the University of Nottingham in the UK, an apparent devotee of the Religion of Peace™ wishes for all LGFers to be exterminated, and says: Whichever God is up there, if He is as benevolent and compassionate as I believe Him to be, then He shall mete out the kind of justice you scum deserve. Hmm. “Benevolent. Compassionate.” You keep using these words. I do not think they mean what you think they mean. Yassin Living on Borrowed Time Israel Says Hamas Leader Yassin ‘Marked for Death’. “He is marked for death and he had better dig deep underground, where he won’t be able to tell the difference between day and night,” Deputy Defense Minister Zeev Boim said of Yassin. Iraqi Council Curbs Women's Rights This is not good news from Iraq; Shi’ite members of the Iraqi Governing Council have voted to abolish civil codes that give women more freedom than in most Islamic countries, putting family law under the jurisdiction of shari’a: Women in Iraq Decry Decision To Curb Rights. (Hat tip: NC.) BAGHDAD, Jan. 15 — For the past four decades, Iraqi women have enjoyed some of the most modern legal protections in the Muslim world, under a civil code that prohibits marriage below the age of 18, arbitrary divorce and male favoritism in child custody and property inheritance disputes. Yesterday I quoted George Will’s column for City Journal, in which he asked: Will two years suffice for America—as Woodrow Wilson said of the Latin American republics—to teach Iraq to elect good men? These regressive elements within Iraq must be defeated; if shari’a is allowed to take away women’s freedom, the entire Iraqi effort risks failure. An aside: an annoying trend in mainstream media is to refer to theocratic troglodytes like these Shi’ite council members as “conservative.” But Western political categorizations are meaningless in terms of Islamic politics; when Western media uses them, they inform us more about their own bias than about the politics involved, by associating “conservatives” with the worst elements of Islam. thursday, january 15, 2004Poll Suggestions, Please? Well, now that the Fiskie Award voting is over, and every lefty blogger in the universe has weighed in on what a disgusting horrible excuse for a human being I am, no better than a serial killer or Osama bin Laden, a coward, an extremist, a ghoul, a bad web designer, etc. ... I figure it’s time for a new poll. And yet, I’m drawing a blank. Perhaps it’s the psychic pain of so much vilification, causing my aura to become matted and tangled. Perhaps it’s the turkey sandwich I had for lunch. But if anyone would care to suggest a topic for a multiple choice style poll, post it in this thread, please. Yellowcake Discovered in Rotterdam Here’s a report on a possibly significant discovery, concealed within a shipment of scrap metal originally from Iraq—two pounds of uranium oxide, otherwise known as “yellowcake.” (Hat tip: Daniel A.) AMSTERDAM, Netherlands - A recycling company found uranium oxide — a radioactive material also known as yellowcake — in a shipment of scrap steel it believes originally came from Iraq, the company said Thursday. Hamas-Lovin' Granny Meet Anne Gwynne: a 65-year old Welsh grandmother with an affinity for Islamic terrorists. Anne Gwynne, a former bank manager in Aberystwyth, has lived as an ambulance nurse in the West Bank town of Nablus. Death Cult Hails Female Bomber Palestinians Hail Female Bomber As Hero. “She is not going to be the last (attacker) because the march of resistance will continue until the Islamic flag is raised, not only over the minarets of Jerusalem, but over the whole universe,” Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahar said. ... Religion of Totalitarianism At the same time as Saudi front groups around the world scream, whine, and organize email campaigns at the slightest criticism of Islam, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia shows us that these groups are only trying to make the rest of the world just like home sweet home—a totalitarian, Islamic supremacist state that doesn’t allow criticism: Freedom of Expression Not at Cost of Islam. (Hat tip: NC.) JEDDAH, 15 January 2004 — Saudi Arabia will not allow anybody to attack the Islamic faith in the name of freedom of expression, Crown Prince Abdullah, deputy premier and commander of the National Guard, declared yesterday. Red Mars NASA’s Spirit rover is now a-ramblin’ on the surface of Mars. Spirit was to have taken less than two minutes to travel the 10 feet from the unfolded petals of its lander onto Mars. Engineers said the move likely would be the riskiest of Spirit’s entire three-month mission. Can We Make Iraq Democratic? Plenty of informative reading in the current edition of City Journal, highlighted by George Will’s piece raising serious questions about the feasibility of democratizing Iraq. It is counted realism in Washington now to say that creating a new Iraqi regime may require perhaps two years. One wonders: Does Washington remember that it took a generation, and the United States Army, to bring about, in effect, regime change—a change of institutions and mores—in the American South? Will a Middle Eastern nation prove more plastic to our touch than Mississippi was? Will two years suffice for America—as Woodrow Wilson said of the Latin American republics—to teach Iraq to elect good men? Yassin Personally Authorized Female Bomber The “spiritual leader” of Hamas, a wheelchair-bound locus of festering evil named Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, personally gave his blessing to female suicide bomber Reem al-Rayashi: According to Channel 2, Reem Salah al-Rayashi, 21, the mother of two small children, approached Hamas several times with the request to be a suicide bomber. Motherly Hate
Veiled Threat Here’s a good piece by Christopher Caldwell on the rise of Islam in France: Veiled Threat. (Hat tip: DP.) French politicians were apt to brag during the Iraq war of how clearly their voice was heard in the Arab world. France indeed has sway there, but at the price that it must listen attentively to the Arab world’s wishes. The mufti of Egypt has darkly warned Chirac that the anti-veil law would “destroy the social peace of French society.” The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt has called it “an interference in the realm of Muslims’ personal and religious liberty.” And Hezbollah wrote that angry letter to Chirac. Interior Minister Sarkozy was thus heartened when Mohamed Sayyed Tantawi, the hugely influential imam of al-Azhar theological institute in Egypt, told him that France had the right to ban the veil. While Sarkozy’s visit was presented as a drop-in after a vacation, it was obviously of high diplomatic import. Bush in 41.2 Seconds Several people emailed about this very funny parody of those anti-Bush ads at Moveon.org (warning: colorful language): Bush in 41.2 Seconds. UPDATE: What do you mean, it isn’t a parody? Religion of Mass Murder
Reem Raiyshi a mother of two from Gaza, poses holding a Quran, the Muslim holy book, and a machine gun in this image released by Hamas and taken at an unknown location in the Gaza Strip in recent days. Raiyshi was named as the woman who blew herself up Wednesday at the major crossing point between Israel and the Gaza Strip, killing at least four Israelis and wounding seven others. (AP Photo/Hamas HO) Notice that the Associated Press is now openly crediting a terrorist organization for their photos of mass murderers. wednesday, january 14, 2004Coming Unarmed to the Battle Mix two parts “chicken hawk” fallacy with three parts moony-eyed envy, add a dash of holier-than-thou and a sprinkle of mean-spirited, and what do you get? This bizarre little attack on James Lileks, by Dennis Perrin, who also adoringly cites the “web-savvy anarchists at Infoshop.org.” PA Declines to Condemn The PLO apparently thinks they’ve conned enough of the world into believing Israel’s security fence is an “apartheid, land-grabbing separation barrier” that they can drop all pretense of “condemning” the latest Palestinian mass murder: Israel ‘to blame for Gaza attack’. (Hat tip: Tim Blair.) “Israel bears sole responsibility for what has happened as it continues the occupation, construction of the wall (Israel’s West Bank separation barrier), the closures and the escalation,” Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat’s chief adviser Nabil Abu Rudeina said. Arab Masses Long for Nukes LGF reader Tony Abu Tuz notifies us that the Arabic-language Al Jazeera (aka JihadTV) site is running a poll that asks: Do you support the Arabs having nuclear weapons? And the current results are (click on the left one of the two buttons below the radioactive symbol): Yes: 80.7%
Random Glitch Factor (I Hope) Just had a strange semi-problem with our weblog index; I repaired things, but have not been able to figure out yet what caused it. That’s why comments were turned off for a little while. Needless to say, I’ll be keeping an eye on the situation. The Reluctant UN The United States would like the United Nations to go back to Iraq. Kofi Annan is still having nightmares from the shock of finding out that even with all the appeasing and obstructionism and anti-Americanism that pours from the UN, the mujahideen will still attack them when they get the chance: U.S. Pushes for Reluctant UN to Return Staff to Iraq. Annan withdrew all international staff from Iraq in October after attacks on relief workers and the bombing of United Nations headquarters in Baghdad on Aug. 19 that killed 22 staff and visitors, including the mission chief, Sergio Vieira de Mello. About 1,000 Iraqis remain on the U.N. payroll for humanitarian projects. The Beginning of the French Jihad? Walid Phares has a very interesting piece about the Islamist significance of the hijab, and Chirac’s efforts to ban it in public places in France: The Beginning of the French Jihad? When women wear the scarf, Islamic fundamentalists consider it a pillar of their influence. They can deploy their statistical power onto others, and they project it as a make-or-break indicator of their growth. If the hijab (scarf) were used increasingly, the Islamists would feel on the ascent. If its use decreases, particularly by orders of a secular government, like France, the Jihadists have no choice but to wage war. AMECA Protests CAIR Intimidation I received the following email about a protest/seminar scheduled in front of the Anaheim office of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) on January 19. Readers in Southern California: here’s your chance to stand up and let CAIR know that you’re not dhimmis. ***
American Middle East Christian-Jewish Association
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 19, 2004 For more information contact Steve Klein AMECA TAKES ISSUE WITH CAIR, Council on American-Islamic Relations & ISLAMIC SLAVERY. We strongly protest the ongoing lawsuit of CAIR against Congressman Cass Ballenger, R-NC, and the intimidation of Paul Harvey and Dr. Laura Schlessinger and the Sudanese Government’s insistence of enslaving Christians and Animists in Sudan. American Middle East Christian-Jewish Association (AMECA) has learned of these ongoing tactics by CAIR frightening American Citizens from enjoying their cherished First Amendment. It has been determined that criticizing or suing our Judeo-Christian leaders is fair game for CAIR but turn about is not. While CAIR can criticize well-known Americans, those who criticize CAIR had better not even utter a word against CAIR or Islam that they don’t like or the lawsuits and demands of sponsors to cut shows will be served. AMECA will conduct a peaceful educational seminar in accordance with our First Amendment rights on the public sidewalk in front of the Anaheim CAIR office at 2180 West Crescent Avenue, Suite F, Anaheim, CA 92801, on January 19, 2004 from 10:30 AM - NOON. As it is Martin Luther King, Jr. day, we will also have a number of Sudanese who fled Islamic dominated Sudan to prevent becoming slaves of these Islamists. We will have a number of experts in Islam to share quotes from the Koran in both Arabic and English. We will provide an American civics lesson for both CAIR and those who wish to see our FIRST AMENDMENT exercised peacefully and profoundly: A RIGHT FOUND IN NO ISLAMIC CONTROLLED NATION ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD. Libya Ratifies Nuclear Test Ban Libya continues to show every sign of being honest about their intention to renounce weapons of mass destruction: Libya Ratifies Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. Libya’s nuclear program was far from producing a weapon and the treaty is 12 nations short of the 44 ratifications needed for it to enter into force. Still, the announcement by the U.N. agency overseeing the agreement appeared to be a further sign of commitment by Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi to give up nuclear weapons ambitions. PA Radio Celebrates Mass Murder Voice of Palestine, the official radio station of the Palestinian Authority, has been celebrating and praising today’s suicide bombing by a monstrous young mother: Arafat’s Radio Blesses Woman Bomber. In an unprecedented show of support for a human bomb attack, Yasser Arafat’s official radio greeted with elation the news of latest suicide assault in the Gaza Strip. No Chemical Agent Found Another false alarm; those Iraqi shells that initially tested positive for a “blister agent” are clean: Tests on Iraqi Shells Find No Chemical Agent. COPENHAGEN, Denmark — Mortar shells found in southern Iraq by the Danish military do not appear to contain chemical weapon agents as originally suspected, Fox News has learned. And Again Suicide bomber kills four at Erez crossing in Gaza. Three IDF soldiers and a civilian were killed and ten injured when a suicide bomber blew herself up at the Erez checkpoint in the Gaza Strip just after 9:30 on Wednesday morning. Palestinian death cult society is already idolizing this mother from hell, who abandoned her children to commit Islamic mass murder: Video grab image shows Palestinian suicide bomber 22 year old Reem al-Reyashi talking on an undated prerecorded amateur video, released on Janaury 14, 2004. Palestinians walk past fresh grafitti saying the name in arabic of female suicide bomber Reem Raiyshi, 21, far left, in Gaza City, Wednesday, Jan. 14, 2004. And the loathsome “spiritual leader” of Hamas makes the religious obligation component of this latest atrocity very clear: Reem Salih al-Rayashi is the first female suicide bomber from the Islamic fundamentalist terrorist group Hamas. The use of a woman bomber could signal willingness to compromise its religious principles in order to more easily carry out attacks. tuesday, january 13, 2004Here She Is, Miss Un-American It’s a time-honored tradition for the talented team of Cox and Forkum to provide the official illustration for the LGF Robert Fisk Award for Idiotarian of the Year (Fiskie for short), and they’ve come through in fine form to honor this year’s winner: Rachel Corrie. Internet Haganah vs. The Beltway Internet Haganah has apparently been contacted by a well-known three-letter federal law enforcement organization, who are not pleased with Aaron’s (highly successful) grassroots crusade to expose and close jihad web sites. Been Globally Dispossessed So Long It Looks Like Marxist Utopia To Me The World Economic Forum is taking place in Davos, Switzerland from January 21 to 25: WEF draws world leaders to Davos. (Hat tip: Baldy.) Last year the Davos meeting was the scene of a gigantic antisemitic and anti-American Moronic Convergence, and with Paul Bremer and John Ashcroft attending, this year’s event may drive the Euroleft into a serious psychotic episode: On Tuesday anti-globalisation groups in Switzerland called for further protests against US policy in Iraq. Iran's Manhattan Project Speeding Ahead So Iran signed an “accord” with the International Atomic Energy Agency that they would allow “snap inspections” of their nuclear sites. Of course, no inspections have actually taken place, but I’m sure they will. Would the mullahs lie to us? Would the IAEA? The second question seems especially pertinent, after reading the following story. It seems the IAEA built into that “accord” a rather huge loophole—a loophole big enough to drive a Fat Man through (and I don’t mean Michael Moore): Diplomats: Iran Amassing Atomic Enrichment Machines. (Hat tip: Colt.) But Western diplomats told Reuters Iran has made it clear that it was only suspending activities that fell under its limited definition of the term “enrichment-related” and has therefore continued acquiring enrichment centrifuge machinery. Why am I getting an uneasy feeling that the IAEA isn’t really working as hard as they could to prevent the Iranian Bomb? Islamic Center of Cleveland Imam Arrested Yet another prominent American Islamic leader has been arrested, for failing to disclose his past affiliations with Palestinian Islamic Jihad and other terrorist groups: Prominent Ohio Islamic Leader Indicted. Imam Fawaz Mohammed Damrah, who leads the Islamic Center of Cleveland, Ohio’s largest mosque, withheld information on his membership or affiliation with several groups, including the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, U.S. Attorney Gregory White said. In February of last year, we noted a report in the Cleveland Plain Dealer that Fawaz Damrah had been identified as “Unindicted Co-Conspirator One” in the indictment of Sami al-Arian. Looks like Damrah has moved up on the list. The Envelope, Please The people have spoken! And the winner of the Robert Fisk Award for Idiotarian of the Year 2003 is ... Boo Freakin' Hoo Reuters is shifting into high gear in their outrageously biased propaganda campaign against the Israeli security fence: Tears Run as Israeli Barrier Rises Near Jerusalem. ABU DIS, West Bank (Reuters) - Tearful Palestinians watched cranes lower huge concrete slabs into place at the edge of Arab East Jerusalem Tuesday as the latest sections of a disputed Israeli barrier cut them off from the city. Huge Support for Kilroy-Silk The Robert Kilroy-Silk story is taking an extraordinary turn, as 50,000 people have responded to a phone poll, supporting Kilroy-Silk’s right to free speech. Have the British had their fill of whining professional victims like the Muslim Council of Britain? 50,000 protest at BBC host’s suspension for anti-Arab comments. Fifty thousand people have voiced opposition to the BBC’s suspension of a popular television show after its host Robert Kilroy-Silk made inflammatory remarks against Arabs, a British tabloid newspaper said. It’s no secret where the Guardian stands (they want to see Kilroy-Silk pilloried, of course), but in this story they reveal that public support for the talk show host is running at 97%: Kilroy-Silk looks to be on the way out after interview with BBC rival. It is thought that executives feel they cannot ignore public opinion: a poll for the Daily Express yesterday showed that 97% of callers - about 22,000 people - agreed with the question: “Have BBC bosses been too harsh on Kilroy?"A similar poll for Sky News showed 93% support for Kilroy-Silk. monday, january 12, 2004Christian Science Monitor Hits Bottom, Digs The Christian Science Monitor has really crossed the line into serious moonbattery; in an article about David Frum and Richard Perle’s new book, they use for reference not only Indymedia—they also link to a post at the absolutely foul, openly anarchist web site Infoshop: Terrorism & Security. (Hat tip: Doss.) Sheer insanity. This shows you where the Christian Science Monitor gets their twisted views on Western civilization—and I have now removed them from our news links, something I should have done a while ago. Clinton: The "Narrow Lens of Terror" Bill Clinton is in Qatar at the US-Islamic conference where Muslims are seething about the US standing in the way of destroying Israel, and he says it’s all just a big misunderstanding: Clinton Discusses Muslims’ View of US. DOHA, Qatar - Former President Clinton said Monday that many Muslims have a distorted view of the United States because they often judge America solely on the basis of the Mideast peace process. I wonder how much the Arabs paid him for these jewels of wisdom. Indonesia: Genital Mutilation Half Price Sale In Indonesia, 90% of Islamic mothers surveyed support the barbaric practice of female circumcision—and hospitals are now offering a two-for-one deal: In the cut. (Hat tip: speedster.) Hospitals across Indonesia are offering new parents a one-price surgical package for their just-born girls - when they pierce their ears, they’ll circumcise the girls as well. Falling Under the Imam's Spell Mark Steyn says the Kilroy-Silk affair reveals something very disturbing about the oh-so-tolerant West: We are falling under the imam’s spell. And so, when free speech, artistic expression, feminism and other totems of western pluralism clash directly with the Islamic lobby, Islam more often than not wins – and all the noisy types who run around crying “Censorship!” if a Texas radio station refuses to play the Bush-bashing Dixie Chicks suddenly fall silent. I don’t know about you, but this “multicultural Britain” business is beginning to feel like an interim phase. Saint Rachel Goes For the Win We’re coming down to the wire in the voting for Idiotarian of 2003, and in a surprise reversal, Rachel Corrie has surged ahead of Michael Moore, with 28% of the vote compared to Moore’s 26.2%. Voting ends tonight at 11:59:59 pm Pacific time. Spies, Lies, and Weapons Kenneth M. Pollack, author of The Threatening Storm: The Case for Invading Iraq, has a thoughtful article in the Atlantic examining the possible reasons why we have not (so far) found the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq that every intelligence agency in the world predicted: Spies, Lies, and Weapons: What Went Wrong. (Hat tip: mal.) Religion of Blood and Body Parts The London Arabic-language daily Al-Hayat published an interview with Algerian Islamozoid Nabil Sahrawi, also known as Abu Ibrahim Mustafa, a leader of the Salafi Group for Da’wa and Fighting, in which he lays out the theological doctrine of jihad in an especially colorful way: The Islamic State Will Arise Only Through Blood and Body Parts. "Question: ‘After the September 11 raid, America put you on the list of organizations it is fighting. What is your response to this?’ Now Their Target is Europe The Observer has a report on an investigation of Islamic terror cells in Europe, suggesting that the bill is coming due for years of appeasement and unregulated immigration from Islamic countries: Terror cells regroup - and now their target is Europe. (Hat tip: SecHumanist.) Previously seen as a relative backwater in the war on terror, Europe is now in the frontline. ‘It’s trench warfare,’ said one security expert. ‘We keep taking them out. They keep coming at us. And every time they are coming at us harder.’ Bob's Your Anchor Proving once again that scrupulous fact-checking, honesty, and credibility are completely unnecessary qualifications for Arab journalism, Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf—yes, Baghdad Bob—has been hired as a commentator on Abu Dhabi TV: Bob’s Your Anchor. January 12, 2004 -- It’s the all-new Baghdad Bob - he’s cleaned up his act, dyed his hair and he’s back on the air. The WMD Road to Damascus Since shortly before the Iraq War, we’ve been hearing reports that Iraq smuggled their weapons of mass destruction to Syria. Today at National Review Jim Geraghty writes about an exiled Syrian journalist who claims to have very specific knowledge about these smuggling operations: The WMD Road to Damascus. One of the most troubling and intriguing theories has been the idea that Hussein smuggled them to Syria or some other nation before the war began. Now Nizar Nayyouf, an exiled Syrian journalist now living in Paris, claims to have contact with a Syrian military intelligence official who is confirming that theory. The O'Neill/Suskind Hoax Yesterday CBS News heavily promoted a new book by Ron Suskind, featuring allegations by former Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill that the Bush administration was planning to go to war against Iraq even before September 11. Today Power Line reports an email from author Laurie Mylroie, revealing that the document used in support of the O’Neill allegations was seriously misrepresented: Lid Blown Off O’Neill/Suskind Hoax. "In his appearance this evening on ‘60 Minutes,’ Ron Suskind, author of The Price of Loyalty, based to a large extent on information from former Secretary of the Treasury Paul O’Neill, made an astonishing, very serious misstatement. NYT Removes Interview With Assad David Gerstman of Israpundit has discovered yet another possible case of subterfuge on the part of the New York Times, where they suddenly “disappeared” a very inflammatory interview with Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, and are now stonewalling Gerstman’s inquiries. Donald Luskin has the details, including Gerstman’s speculations on why the Times might have done this. PA Demands Journalists Call Murderers "Martyrs" The Palestinian Authority now demands that journalists refer to all Palestinians killed in the Arab-Israeli conflict as shaheed—“martyrs.” (Hat tip: C.S.) Yussef al-Qazzaz, a senior official with the Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation, lashed out at Palestinian journalists for not placing the interests of their people above everything else, and dubbed some of them “primitive.” Of course they’re careful; because, in the time-honored Palestinian fashion, if journalists don’t follow the PA’s line things like this happen: Last week, Al-Arabiya’s correspondent in the Gaza Strip, Seif al-Din Shahin, was attacked and wounded as he was driving his car in the center of Gaza City. He said the attackers identified themselves as members of Fatah. Someone Tell Doctor Dean Since the capture of Saddam Hussein, attacks against coalition forces in Iraq have dropped by 22%. U.S. military officers say the decline in attacks, after months of growing intensity, is the first proof that Saddam’s capture and recent U.S. offensives have dampened, but not eliminated, resistance to the occupation. According to Howard Dean, the capture of Saddam has not made Americans safer—but clearly, the facts tell a different story. French Foil Biological Attack French police say they have foiled a biological poison attack by arresting members of a terror cell linked to a radical imam in Lyon: Al-Qaida terror plot foiled, say French police. (Hat tip: phillippe.) An interior ministry official said evidence from Islamist militants arrested in the Lyon area last week made it “very plain” that an attack with the deadly botulism or ricin toxins was being actively prepared. This is another wake-up call to Europe. When one of these groups finally succeeds in perpetrating such an attack (and eventually, one will), it will be very interesting to see the reaction from the Europeans—who seem to believe that if they continue feeding the crocodile of radical Islam, it will eat them last. sunday, january 11, 2004The Kilroy-Silk Affair Widens British dhimmis are falling over themselves trying to stick it to Robert Kilroy-Silk for his criticism of the Arab world, demanding that he abase himself before the extremist Muslim Council of Britain, and threatening that his comments could damage the owner of the Sunday Express: Kilroy, the ‘24-carat martyr’, urged to make amends. (Hat tip: NC.) As the row continued yesterday, legal and regulatory experts said Mr Kilroy-Silk’s rant could damage the chances of the Sunday Express owner, Richard Desmond, buying The Daily Telegraph. With all this talk about Kilroy-Silk’s comments being “incorrect,” not one of his critics has bothered to attempt to factually refute his statements. UPDATE: An Arab columnist for the most hate-filled, bigoted newspaper in Britain, the Guardian, calls for Robert Kilroy-Silk to be prosecuted for “incitement to racial hatred:” Islamophobia should be as unacceptable as racism. This one is really over the top, and actually attacks Kilroy-Silk for his criticism of the Islamic death sentence on Salman Rushdie: During the Salman Rushdie affair in 1989, he wrote that if Britain's "resident ayatollahs" could not "accept British values and laws then there is no reason at all why the British should feel any need, still less compulsion, to accommodate theirs". Buoyed by the support of liberals in a debate that was wrongly characterised as free speech versus censorship he went much further. "Muslims everywhere behave with equal savagery. They behead criminals, stone to death female - only female - adulteresses, throw acid in the faces of women who refuse to wear the chador, mutilate the genitals of young girls and ritually abuse animals," he wrote for the Daily Express in 1995. Sharon Criticized From the Right A huge crowd turned out today in Israel to protest Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s plan to dismantle settlements in the disputed territories: 100,000 rally for settlements. More than 100,000 pro-settlement activists turned out Sunday night for a demonstration in Tel Aviv in a frontal assault on Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s promises to uproot settlements and unilaterally withdraw from the territories. Howard Dean, In An Angry Mood
Speaking of Doctor Dean, in Iowa today he blew his stack at a retiree who dared to criticize his mean-spirited negativity and seething persona: Iowa Voter Blasts Dean for Knocking Bush. Dale Ungerer, a retiree from Hawkeye, Iowa, lectured Dean for nearly three minutes near the end of a forum aimed at winning voters for Iowa’s Jan. 19 caucuses. UPDATE: al Reuters has more detail on Dean's latest mouth-foot convergence: Voter Triggers Dean's Much-Talked About Temper. (Hat tip: NC.) But when Ungerer stood and tried to interrupt, Dean shouted: "You sit down. You had your say. Now I'm going to have my say." Howard Dean, In a Mellow Mood As a lifelong fan of inadvertently funny music, the kind of music that’s so bad it wraps around and becomes genius, Songs for Dean has been keeping me amused for the past half hour. (Hat tip: Cooper.) My favorite in this stellar collection has to be the “Howard Dean Rap,” featuring the pseudo-urban stylings of “Noah D.” Stop - and stare, say hey, lookie there! BBC Double Standard Here’s a very good illustration of the utterly blatant bias of the BBC, who suspend one contributor for criticizing the Arab world, while winking at another contributor calling Jewish settlers “Nazis” who should be killed: BBC chiefs accused of ‘double standards’ over TV presenter. (Hat tip: Filtrat.) Tom Paulin, the poet and Oxford don, has continued to be a regular contributor to BBC2’s Newsnight Review arts programme, despite being quoted in an Egyptian newspaper as saying that Jews living in the Israeli-occupied territories were “Nazis” who should be “shot dead". Arab Paranoid Conspiracy Watch The latest irrational conspiracy theory to come out of the twisted paranoia of the Arab world: “Secret Zionist” gangs are blowing up synagogues in France to boost immigration to Israel. The following are the words of Hafez Barghouty on PA TV: Brits Foil Suicide Bombing British police headed off a possible terrorist attack before Christmas, arresting an Algerian who was apparently preparing himself for a suicide bombing: UK Police Arrest Man in Suicide Bomb Plan. LONDON (Reuters) - British police arrested a man before Christmas who was suspected of preparing himself for a suicide bombing and who had links to al Qaeda, the Sunday Times newspaper said. Iran: Nukes Are a Basic Human Right Iranian “president” Mohammad Khatami says if the US wants better relations with Iran, they should accept Iran’s “right” to a nuclear program. Wow. Khatami singled out U.S. criticism of Iran’s nuclear program. Iran says its nuclear facilities are geared to producing electricity, not bombs and last month signed an international protocol binding it to snap inspections of its nuclear facilities. Seething and Whining Continues Absolutely no signs of introspection whatsoever at a conference on US-Islamic relations in Doha, Qatar, where Islamic scholars and hereditary dictators are once again seething and whining obsessively about a small country the size of New Jersey: U.S.-Islamic Conference Opens in Qatar. Muslims criticized the United States for its strategic relationship with the Jewish state — and an American panelist said those ties would never change. “Stupid Americans! Why can’t you see how much better the world would be if you’d only let us wipe out those evil Jews?” Of course, no mention was made of the Islamic world’s four wars of annihilation launched against Israel, or the insane antisemitic hatred preached by their spiritual leaders, or their support for a disgusting Palestinian terror war. Turning A Blind Eye You may have heard of the epidemic of rapes in Australia, committed by Muslim immigrants from Middle Eastern countries. But former Sydney detective Tim Priest writes that it’s going to get much worse, helped along by the multiculturalists: Don’t turn a blind eye to terror in our midst. (Hat tip: Baldy.) The problems in Paris’s Muslim communities are being replicated in Sydney at an alarming rate. Paris has seen an explosion of rapes committed by Middle Eastern males against French women in the past 15 years. The rapes are almost identical to those in Sydney. The rapes are committed not only for sexual gratification: there are also deep racial undertones, along with threats of violence and retribution. Premature Explodulation Another would-be Palestinian Arab mass murderer succeeded today only in blowing up himself: No virgins for Iyad. A bomb carried by a Palestinian exploded prematurely on Sunday in a West Bank village near the settlement of Immanuel, the army said. The bomber, identified by relatives as 19-year-old Iyad Bilal Masri, was killed in the explosion. saturday, january 10, 2004Possible Mustard Gas Found in Iraq Danish and Icelandic troops may have discovered hidden Iraqi shells filled with mustard gas today; this release from the Associated Press shows how the media elites have decided to play it: Blister Agent Found in Old Iraqi Shells. See, the chemical weapons were old. Why, the Iraqis probably buried ‘em and forgot all about ‘em. BAGHDAD, Iraq - Danish and Icelandic troops have uncovered a cache of 36 shells buried in the Iraqi desert, and preliminary tests showed they contained a liquid blister agent, the Danish military said Saturday. Nazimedia Meltdown Accelerates Arizona Indymedia is down. Israel Indymedia is down. “Palestine” Indymedia is down. Airports on High Alert The terror threat level has been lowered nationwide, but several US airports are still on high alert: Terror threat level still ‘high’ at eight US airports. Announcing the lowering of the threat level Friday, after 19 days of intense nationwide security precautions, Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge said that the United States would however “maintain particular vigilance around some critical resources and locales,” The Washington Post reported Saturday. Arab Press Freedom Watch Backs Kilroy-Silk The head of Arab Press Freedom Watch, Ibrahim Nawar, comes out in support of BBC reporter Robert Kilroy-Silk and his comments about the Arab world: Kilroy-Silk is right about the Middle East, say Arabs. (Hat tip: Peter Verkooijen.) "I fully support Robert Kilroy-Silk and salute him as an advocate of freedom of expression. I would like to voice my solidarity with him and with all those who face the censorship of such a basic human right. That last is a particularly salient point. Rather than knuckling under to the whining demands of extremist, professional victim groups like the Muslim Council of Britain, the Western press must start to find its critical voice and tell the truth about the world situation. No one is served by denying reality, least of all the oppressed masses of Arabs themselves. The real danger of groups like MCB, CAIR, AMC, and many others is that they are trying to take advantage of our Western concern for civil rights and fairness, to institute the same repressive censorship that dominates the Arab world and stifles their societies. Pathetic Nazimedia Meltdown Watch Here’s the story of two star-crossed lovers, Indymedia moderators, whose love affair went very wrong. So wrong a professional mediator failed to resolve it. So wrong it’s destroying the San Francisco chapter of Indymedia: Open Letter to the Global Indymedia Network from SF Bay Area IMC. (Hat tip: Jheka.) Read the comments for the full pathetic tale. And remember, these are the people who are going to save the world, stop war, and end racism. Cycling Diary
Palestinians: We're A State! Nyah Nyah! The Palestinian Authority practices “I know you are, but what am I?” diplomacy, in a laughable new announcement that they have the “right” to unilaterally declare themselves a state: Palestinians Insist on Right to Declare State. RAMALLAH, West Bank (Reuters) - A top Palestinian decision-making body on Saturday voiced its right to unilaterally declare a state in the West Bank and Gaza amid Israeli threats to take stand-alone measures of its own. Nazimedia Meltdown Watch The peace lovers at the San Francisco branch of Indymedia are fighting “visciously” [sic] among themselves: Open Letter to the Global Indymedia Network from SF Bay Area IMC. Our IMC has now split into two groups. When a few of the tech members began to have personal problems with other members of the collective, these tech members demanded a split of the collective. The resulting dynamics within the group continued to worsen. It created an environment that made it difficult to continue working together and also discouraged potential new people from joining the collective. While most members of the collective opposed any kind of split, the aforementioned tech members insisted that they would split anyway, because they wanted to and because they could. Bwahahahaha! friday, january 09, 2004The Global Ambitions of Hizb'Allah LGF reader “mad as hell” points out a thought-provoking article about the Iran-Lebanon connection, by Gal Luft of the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security: Hizballahland. Formed in 1982 by a group of young graduates of Shiite seminaries in Iran, Hizballah took as its main goal the exporting of Iran’s Khomeini revolution to Lebanon. Although its primary aim was to drive Israel out of Lebanon--Israeli forces had invaded the country in 1982 in order to disrupt and destroy Yasir Arafat’s PLO army, which had a death grip on the south--it was not Israel but the U.S. that became the first casualty of the organization and of its weapon of choice, the suicide attack. In 1983, a Hizballah activist killed 63 people at the U.S. embassy in Beirut; another drove a truck bomb into U.S. Marines headquarters, murdering 241 American servicemen. Got One in Idaho For quite some time we’ve been keeping an eye on the case of Sami Omar Al-Hussayen, a Saudi citizen studying for a PhD in computer security at the University of Idaho; today he was indicted for a number of terror-related offenses: Saudi in Idaho Charged with Supporting Terrorism. (Hat tip: Cornholio.) Sami Omar Al-Hussayen, a Saudi citizen who has been in custody since his arrest on Feb. 26, will be arraigned on Monday in U.S. District Court in Boise. If convicted, he could receive 15 years in federal prison. Idiotarian Finals Update After 2,634 votes, Michael Moore has again assumed the lead in our final vote for the Robert Fisk Award for Idiotarian of the Year 2003, with 26.6% of the ballots. You can’t hold the big man down! Rachel Corrie is making a surprisingly strong showing, though, with 25.2%, and could still surprise us all. It’s too early to count her out; there are more than two days of voting remaining. Saddam: An Enemy POW Interesting move. The first person in the “War on Terror” to be formally declared an enemy prisoner of war under the Geneva Convention is Saddam Hussein. The Pentagon’s first official statement about the 66-year-old captive’s legal status means Saddam is due a host of rights spelled out by the Geneva Convention on treatment of prisoners of war. Hitlerfest Won By Stone Iowahawk reveals that the far left “activists” at Moveon.org have a winner in their “Bush in 30 Seconds” commercial competition. Facing stiff competition from several other Hitler-themed entries, the prize goes to an Oliver Stone remake of a classic 1963 science fiction horror film: MoveOn Greenlights ‘They Saved Hitler’s Brain’. In the film’s opening scene, family patriarch Senator Prescott Bush (James Brolin) travels to Berlin in 1945 on a clandestine mission to secure exile for his Nazi benefactors and to secure a VW dealership franchise for Kennebunkport. In a tense bunker meeting, Hitler (Ethan Hawke in a cameo) is beheaded by a jealous Eva Braun (Natalie Maines) after he reveals that he has been having an affair with Bush’s young daughter-in-law Barbara (Susan Sarandon). Quick thinking by Hitler’s crack staff of missile scientists (led by Jack Black) saves the severed head, which Bush wraps in his Brooks Brothers overcoat, and all escape as the bunker collapses under heavy Soviet artillery. Why We Are Safer Charles Krauthammer takes a good swing at Howard Dean’s ridiculous comment that we are no safer after the capture of Saddam Hussein: Why We Are Safer. Howard Dean may end up as a footnote in history, but he has already earned a place in the dictionary as the illustration accompanying the word smug. He claims that not only was he right that we are not safer with Saddam Hussein captured; not only has he already been vindicated by history, all 21 days of it; but he has been so obviously vindicated that his opponents, bowing to his superior wisdom, have stopped their attacks on this point. The Same Old Thing Victor Davis Hanson compares the Middle East to the Stables of Augeas: The Same Old Thing. Thirty years ago, during the Yom Kippur War of October 1973, most of the Europeans of the NATO alliance refused over-flight rights to the United States. We had only hours in which to aid Israel from a multifaceted surprise attack and were desperately ferrying tons of supplies to save it from literal extinction. In contrast, many of these same allies allowed the Soviet Union — the supposed common enemy from which thousands of Americans were based in Europe to protect Europeans — to fly over NATO airspace to ensure the Syrians sufficient material to launch and sustain their surprise attack on the Golan. BBC Disgrace of the Day The BBC races to show their sensitivity and appease the seething, whining Muslim Council of Britain, suspending talk show host Robert Kilroy-Silk for daring to voice some simple truths about the Arab world: BBC halts Kilroy for race ‘rant’. The Kilroy programme will be taken off air immediately following comments made by Robert Kilroy-Silk in a newspaper article, the BBC has announced. Our Friends the Saudis It seems like the Arab News has been trying to appear more “moderate” lately, but the poisonous Jew-hatred simmering under the surface still erupts from time to time. Today’s “political cartoon” is one of their ugliest in quite a while. (Hat tip: Allah.) Palestinians Training for the Olympics An article by Molly Moore at the Washington Post sympathizes mightily with Palestinian athletes training for the Olympics: High Hurdles for Palestinian Athletes On Road to Olympics. (Hat tip: scaramouche.) The article dwells on how the Israeli occupation has damaged training facilities and prevented athletes from working together; every reference to Palestinian terrorism is qualified in that by-now-familiar formulation that casts doubt on Israel’s efforts to prevent their citizens from being murdered (while still being strictly correct): ...military operations in Palestinian cities and communities, which Israeli officials say have been taken to prevent suicide bombings and other attacks, have damaged some training facilities and sports clubs. ... Now, no one could deny that it’s better for young Palestinians to train for the Olympics than to get fitted for explosive vests. But the ones responsible for the hardships these athletes must endure are the Palestinians themselves, who have turned their backs on every chance they ever had to resolve the conflicts, choosing instead a genocidal, annihilationist, and ultimately suicidal path, and forcing Israel to institute the checkpoints, roadblocks, and now the security fence. The Washington Post is not doing the Palestinians any favors by continuing to enable their destructive behavior. This sort of writing without context produces gems like the following, that sound positive on the surface—unless you know a little more about the subject: "I feel I am carrying extra responsibility,” said Raad, who lives in the Palestinian community of Jabal Mukaber, on the southeastern edge of Jerusalem, and is coached by his father. “If I succeed, I’m doing something positive not only for myself, but for my country.” Sounds heart-warming, doesn’t it? A Palestinian Rocky, excelling against all odds, a tear in his eye as his National Anthem plays and the crowd cheers. But the Palestinian anthem, so blandly referred to by the Post as if it were a Middle Eastern Star Spangled Banner, is a perfect example of the real problem. How many national anthems can you name that sing about the joys of revenge? My country, my country UPDATE: LGF reader ZBeeblebrox brings up another point about the Washington Post’s context-free writing; how can you do a piece about Palestinians at the Olympics and not even mention the mass murder perpetrated by Palestinians at the 1972 Olympics in Munich? thursday, january 08, 2004New Space Exploration Plans As a long-time space exploration cheerleader, when I heard about President Bush’s newly announced missions to Mars and the Moon ... Three senior officials said Bush wants to aggressively reinvigorate the space program, which has been demoralized by a series of setbacks, including the space shuttle disaster last February that killed seven astronauts. ... I immediately clicked over to Rand Simberg to see what he had to say. Weapons Flow From Iran to Hizb'Allah The Jerusalem Post reports that Iran and Syria have been using the massive airlift of relief supplies for the Iranian earthquake to hide weapons shipments to Hizb’Allah. (Hat tip: zulubaby.) Taking advantage of the massive airlift of humanitarian aid to earthquake victims in Iran, Syria has reportedly allowed Teheran to resume their supplies of weapons to Hizbullah through Damascus. Forbidden Iran Tonight, January 8, at 9 pm, PBS’s Frontline show will be Forbidden Iran, about the Iranian Islamic government’s reign of terror and brutal suppression of student uprisings. In July 2003, Canadian journalist Zara Kazemi was beaten to death in an Iranian prison for attempting to report a story that Iran’s hard-line, theocratic government didn’t want told. Zerbisias: Idiotarian At the Toronto Star, poor Antonia Zerbisias has the weight of the world on her shoulders, doing real journalism, damn it, and all those dastardly blog lizards won’t leave her alone! Why, sometimes the little upstarts even have the temerity to ... criticize her! The nerve! Zerbisias is out there, somewhere. (Hat tip: Mississauga Matt.) Every day when I log on to my e-mail, I find at least 50 missives, mostly pro-Israel but increasingly pro-Palestinian as well, presenting their version of reality. Ugly debates rage over whether the Arabic-language news network Al Jazeera should be allowed into Canada because, quite frankly, some people don’t want its version of reality to be seen here. Entire Web sites spring up to monitor what journalists do, to call us “Idiotarians,” to condemn us as anti-Semitic or anti-Muslim, or to alert readers to bombard us with more e-mail. Other sites (memri.org) translate from Arabic what is claimed to be hateful daily news stories about Jews and Israel while other sites still (the newly launched aad-online.org) claim to do the same from Hebrew about Muslims and Arabs. I think she’s secretly disappointed that she didn’t make the final round. Survival of the Fittest Here’s a fascinating interview with Israeli historian Benny Morris, conducted by a bleeding heart Ha’aretz liberal: Survival of the Fittest. (Hat tip: Benay.) Morris is a liberal himself, who has come to some hard realizations about the nature of Israel’s existential enemies, as shown in the following excerpt: "There is a deep problem in Islam. It’s a world whose values are different. A world in which human life doesn’t have the same value as it does in the West, in which freedom, democracy, openness and creativity are alien. A world that makes those who are not part of the camp of Islam fair game. Revenge is also important here. Revenge plays a central part in the Arab tribal culture. Therefore, the people we are fighting and the society that sends them have no moral inhibitions. If it obtains chemical or biological or atomic weapons, it will use them. If it is able, it will also commit genocide.” The ISM's Jihad Against Arabs At FrontPage, Steven Plaut notices an ironic twist in the ongoing saga of the terror-enabling International Solidarity Movement, and their attempt to lionize member Tom Hurndall, shot by Israeli troops during a firefight with Palestinians: The ISM’s Jihad Against Arabs. The other near-martyr of the ISM is less known in the U.S. but is being beatified as we speak in the UK. He is Tom Hurndall. Israeli soldiers were on a mission last April in the Gaza border town of Rafiah, from which all the tunnels used to smuggle arms and explosives enter from Egypt, when they came under PLO fire. Hurndall was there, like all ISM provocateurs, to interfere with Israel’s military operations against the terrorists. At the time of the shooting, Hurndall, along with other ISM members and local residents, planned to set up a “peace tent” on one of the nearby roads to prevent IDF tank patrols from using it. BBC Reporter Tells Truth, Muslims Seethe The hair trigger offense sponges of the Muslim Council of Britain are pressuring the BBC to punish a reporter who wrote a column for the Sunday Express, in which he stated a few simple truths about the Arab world: Kilroy-Silk investigated for anti-Arab comments. (Hat tip: Morgan.) And, to no one’s great surprise, it looks like the BBC will probably get on their knees and beg forgiveness. The chat show host Robert Kilroy-Silk came under fire yesterday for attacking Arabs in a newspaper article at a time when the BBC’s other employees are being forbidden to express controversial views in the press. UPDATE: Here's the seething letter from the Muslim Council of Britain to the BBC: MCB Press Release. They have thoughtfully included the entire text of Kilroy-Silk's column, although they apparently formatted it with a cheese grater. wednesday, january 07, 2004Canadian Islamists Host a Neo-Nazi On Monday, we noted reports that neo-Nazi William Baker had been invited to speak at a Muslim conference in Toronto titled “Reviving the Islamic Spirit.” Today Daniel Pipes has more details on Baker’s sordid past: Canadian Islamists host a neo-Nazi. Baker was exposed in February 2002 in the Orange County Weekly in a major investigation by Stan Brin, titled “Hour of White Power: Reverend Robert H. Schuller relies on a man with ties to Neo-Nazis to build religious understanding.” Brin established Baker’s close ties to Willis Carto, the “dean of American neo-Nazi politics,” and revealed Baker’s many other insalubrious activities, including his chairmanship in 1984 of a neo-Nazi organization called the Populist Party. Soon after, the Crystal Cathedral’s Schuller expelled Baker and cut all ties to him. Democrats Unlearn 9/11 Daniel Pipes really hits the nail on the head in this new article about the profoundly unserious attitudes of the Nine Dwarves and their fellow travelers: Democrats Unlearn 9/11. For about a year, Republicans and Democrats agreed on the need vigorously to prosecute the war on terror. Intifadah Street James Taranto disagrees with my take on Egypt’s statements about the Camp David agreement being “a thing of the past.” He sees the tentative rapprochement between Iran and Egypt as more a part of a general trend toward gestures of peace in the Middle East, brought on by the Iraq War. While I do agree with James’ major point—that there’s a real shakeup in Middle East politics, most of it beneficial to the US—what worries me about an Iran-Egypt alliance is that it looks less like a desire for peace, and more like a desire to unite against common enemies. For example, note that the initial move was taken by Iran, who renamed a street in Tehran from Khaled Islambouli Street—Islambouli was one of the assassins of Anwar Sadat—to Intifadah Street. The Tehran City Council renamed Khaled Islambouli Street at a meeting Tuesday. Islambouli was the Egyptian army lieutenant who shot Sadat at a military parade in 1981. The street’s new name is Intifadah - after the violent Palestinian uprising against Israel, the Islamic Republic News Agency reported. Out of the Rathole LGF reader Y&Y; pointed us at this incredible photo of Saddam Hussein immediately after he was pulled from the converted septic tank in which he was hiding: Disclaimer: I went to Military.com and searched for the photo, but came up empty. So I’m not entirely sure whether this photo is genuine. It certainly looks realistic, though. UPDATE: The photo is now featured on Military.com’s front page. Idiotarian Finals Starting Over I’ve just discovered that Michael Moore slipped to third place in our Idiotarian of the Year finals because of a bug in the latest revision of my polling application, so I’m reinitializing the poll; starting over, in human speak. Since it was open less than 24 hours, and runs for five days, this seems like a fair solution. We wouldn’t want to cheat Mr. Moore out of a well-deserved one-year reign as King of the Idiotarians, if that’s what you, the voters, want. France Looks for Nonexistent Terrorist After rushing to deny any evidence of terrorism on the Air France flight canceled on Christmas Eve, the French are now quietly searching for a man who may have trained at a jihad camp in Afghanistan: France Seeks Traveler Who Missed Flight. The man, who was ticketed for Air France flight 68 from Paris to Los Angeles on Dec. 24, was believed to have trained in Afghanistan, have ties to al-Qaida and carry a French passport, ABC television news reported, citing unidentified American officials. Please recall, also, that the US has accused France of bungling the investigation by announcing the security alert and letting the suspect get away. Speaking of France, I see that the beleaguered Gallic nation is now at #2 in the Idiotarian of the Year finals—and Rachel Corrie has grabbed the #1 spot. In a surprise turn-around, Michael Moore has slipped to third place. Muslim Newspaper Publishes Hate A Canadian Muslim newspaper called The Miracle, distributed in mosques in British Columbia, has reprinted an antisemitic article by a mentally disturbed neo-Nazi racist that originally appeared at the pro-jihad web site Jihad Unspun: B.C. Muslim Newspaper Accused of Anti-Semitism. (Hat tip: Damian Penny.) Copies of a B.C. Muslim newspaper have been turned over to the province’s hate crimes unit after it published an article accusing “the Jews” of everything from faking the Holocaust to staging the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. ... tuesday, january 06, 2004Egypt Renounces Camp David Following up on the impending Egypt/Iran alliance, LGF reader Baldy points out an article with more extensive quotes from Egyptian foreign minister Ahmad Maher, making it very clear that Egypt no longer considers itself bound by the terms of the Camp David agreements: Maher says Camp David an issue of the past between Egypt and Iran. Egypt’s Foreign Minister Ahmad Maher said in Cairo on Sunday that Cairo considers the issue of Camp David as belonging to the past, stressing that Egypt is now eager to promote ties with the Islamic Republic, IRNA reported. OK. So can we stop sending that $2 billion to Egypt now, and put it to work hiring pro-American (or at least, not anti-American) college professors instead? Two Flags on Mars Josh Harvey notices that NASA’s Spirit spacecraft, currently residing at a Mars address, carries a plaque commemorating the Columbia Shuttle disaster with the flags of two countries: the United States and Israel. Jihadis, this is your cue to go nuts. Egypt: Candidate for Axis Membership Iran is reportedly about to restore ties with Egypt. If this happens, it means that a member of the Axis of Evil, one of the worst terror-sponsoring rogue nations on the planet, will be allied with Egypt—currently considered “friendly” toward the US (even though they are not), and recipient of more than $2 billion a year in US foreign handouts. The mullahs have been getting quite bold recently; their recent hoodwinking of the United Nations and Mohammad AlBaradei has got them all puffed up like bullfrogs. I wonder how much of this is due to confidence that they’re going to have nuclear weapons before anyone will act? Martial Law in Muslim Thailand A wave of violence in southern Thailand, courtesy of the Religion of Peace™, has led the prime minister to declare martial law: Muslim areas get martial law. (Hat tip: Jihad Watch.) BANGKOK — Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said yesterday he will enforce martial law in Thailand’s mainly Muslim south, where insurgents this week have seized weapons, burned schools and attacked police outposts, killing four soldiers and three policemen. Idiotarian of 2003 Finals The final round of voting for the Robert Fisk Award for Idiotarian of the Year is now open! You get one vote in this round, so make it count. Michael Moore is looking like this year’s favorite to win, but it ain’t over ’til it’s over... Libya to Make Peace with Israel This is a huge story that’s getting almost no coverage; wacky old Gaddafi continues to pull surprises out of his purple velvet hat, and his latest is an offer of a peace treaty with Israel: Report: Israeli delegation to visit Libya later this month. (Hat tip: Baruch.) Following the announcement by President Muammar Gaddafi last month that Libya is willing to forego its weapons of mass destruction, Israel has initiated diplomatic contacts with Tripoli. Iowahawk Waxes Taxonomic Iowahawk explains the puzzling phenomenon of Bush Tolerance Syndrome. Masquerading as Mainstream Sherrie Gossett’s article on the Orlando Islamic conference sponsored by the Universal Heritage Foundation (apparently a front group for the Islamic Society of North America), and on the funding and spread of radical Islam in America, concludes today with its third part. For completeness, here are links to all three parts of the article, a good source of information on the disturbing connections of many so-called “mainstream” Islamic organizations: Part One: WND goes inside ‘mainstream’ Muslim conference. Part Two: How U.S. extremists fund terror. Part Three: Masquerading as ‘mainstream’. monday, january 05, 2004Shari'a in Space Iran plans to be the first Islamic country in space: TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iranian Defense Minister Ali Shamkhani said Monday Iran would launch a locally made satellite within 18 months, the official IRNA news agency reported. We Got Mail! A few days ago, a person who identified himself as “Chris Stiner,” from an IP address that traces to Egypt and a probably phony Hotmail address, found LGF by searching for “interview with Everclear Islam” (for which we are Google’s #1 result, I’ll have you know) and sent the following endearing note with our contact form: Hey Charles and Mike, Dear Chris, Thank you for the note! It’s true that my very liberal-appearing hair has duped many into thinking I was cool. But really, now ... “Zionist pigs” destined to burn in hell? One might almost get the impression that you’re feeling a very un-liberal sort of hostility. But maybe it’s just the irritation of having to live in Egypt, which is pretty much hell already. My profound sympathies, Ned, the Zionist Pig Neo-Nazi Invited to Speak at Toronto Islamic Conference At a three-day Islamic conference in Toronto titled “Reviving the Islamic Spirit,” one of the featured speakers was William Baker—a neo-Nazi “evangelist” with a long history of connections to antisemitic groups: Pluralism is key, Muslim forum told. (Hat tip Randall.) The Toronto Star spends the first part of their account of the conference painting a rosy picture of the “pluralistic” atmosphere, before mentioning the fact that a neo-Nazi was invited to speak. In reference to another speaker at the conference, Chanicka denied that organizers knowingly invited someone who is alleged to have ties with American groups that have a racist agenda. The Orange County Weekly did a story on William Baker when he was fired from Robert Schuller’s Crystal Cathedral after his affiliations with extremist groups came to light: The Reverend Robert Schuller has quietly told self-styled “interfaith leader” William Baker to vacate his Crystal Cathedral office. The order came after an investigation published in OC Weekly revealed that Baker, who runs Christians and Muslims for Peace (CAMP), has a long history of anti-Semitic politics and held a leadership position in neo-Nazi organizations. The investigation also revealed that Baker had manufactured much of his alleged academic qualifications. Al-Battar Training Camp The terror gangs headed by Al Qaeda are now publishing another online magazine to accompany their Voice of Jihad: Al-Battar Training Camp – A Magazine Published by the Military Committee of the Mujahideen in the Arabian Peninsula. Voice of Jihad focuses on Islamic holy war ideology; Al Battar gets down on the killing floor, with practical techniques for turning Muslim kids into cold-blooded jihadi killers. Al-Battar’s Mission Moore Leads the Race The first round of voting for the Robert Fisk Award for Idiotarian of the Year will be closing this evening at midnight Pacific, so if you haven’t voted yet, today’s your final chance. Michael Moore vaulted into the lead early on, and with 11,698 votes cast so far, he hasn’t budged from the top spot. Arab League Behaves Predictably The cronies and bagmen of the Arab League are meeting in Tunisia for another pointless conference at which they’re denouncing terrorism “in any form,” vowing to fight against it even as they deny its existence: Arab ministers: Freedom fighters aren’t terrorists. (Hat tip: ploome.) Resisting foreign occupation can’t be considered terrorism, interior ministers from Arab nations agreed Monday, wrapping up a security conference in Tunisia. Seattle P-I: You're All Stupid! In a dead-on parody of snobbish, arrogant, hilariously reductionist loony leftism, a guest column at the Seattle Post-Intelligencer by Neal Starkman explains why George W. Bush is popular with the American people: You see? You see? Your stupid minds! Stupid! Stupid! (Hat tip: V the K.) What? It isn’t a parody? Granted, there are certain subsections of the American polity that have substantially benefited from this presidency. Millionaires and charismatic Christians have accrued either material or spiritual fortification from Bush’s administration. But surely these two groups are a small minority of the population. What, then, can account for so many people being so supportive of the president? Holocaust Minimizers at Moveon.org Here’s a second Bush=Hitler advertisement submitted to Moveon.org, and (according to Drudge Report) streamed on their site: Moveon.org: Bush=Hitler. Islamic Dress for Non-Muslims in Malaysia Islamists in the government of the Malaysian city of Kuala Terengganu have instituted restrictive Islamic dress codes for all women in all work places—and that includes non-Muslims: Malaysian city rules on women. (Hat tip: Diana.) The rules, which ban even moderately revealing clothing, are an unprecedented attempt to impose the party’s values on the personal lives of non-believers in Malaysia. As hardline Islam takes over and begins the traditional imposition of totalitarian rules, it invariably wipes out local customs. Where is the outcry from the left’s guardians of world culture? The traditional loosely draped Malay headscarf will be banned and the rules will apply to all work places. Aftershocks Here’s a good piece by Michael Ledeen on the situation in Iran, where a devastating earthquake has revealed the huge ideological gap between the mullahs and the people they rule—and also revealed the West’s capacity for denial of reality: Aftershocks. All of this makes it more perplexing than ever that serious people like Colin Powell continue to believe that there is some nice way to “solve the Iranian problem.” Would that it were so. But, as we are reminded every day by the wonderful dentist in Baghdad who bravely blogs away at www.healingiraq.com, in the words of Jonathan Swift, “It is useless to attempt to reason a man out of what he was never reasoned into.” The regime in Tehran is not reasonable, it is fanatical. It has waged war against us for a quarter century and it intends to destroy us. It claims to act in the name of all Islam, and views us as the greatest Satanic force on earth. It will not come to terms with us, because its very essence is hatred of us and of everything we represent. Knowing that the vast majority of its own people hate the regime and loves America, it murders, tortures, and oppresses them. When the mullahs appear to be acting reasonably and tell us they wish to help us fight terrorism, it is a deception, not an expression of their real desires. EU Letter Bomb Watch More letter bombs have been sent to European Union officials, all of them postmarked from Bologna, Italy: Two EU Officials Receive Letter Bombs. BRUSSELS, Belgium - Two letter bombs addressed to senior members of the European Parliament burst into flames and another was intercepted Monday, bringing to at least seven the number of explosives mailed recently to European Union targets. This doesn’t sound like an RoP project; they usually make sure there are enough explosives to finish the job. Could be an Italian anarchist group, with an anti-EU grudge. Pakistan's Nuclear Diaspora Muammar Gaddafi’s son has told the London Sunday Times that Libya paid Pakistan for plans and components to make nuclear weapons. Pakistan is frantically spinning and denying. Pakistan: Libya Nuclear Report Unsubstantiated. ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistan said on Monday a British newspaper report that said Pakistani scientists sold plans to make nuclear bombs to Libya appeared unsubstantiated, but any official complaint would be investigated. sunday, january 04, 2004Searching for Fedex The LGF Search Requests page is showing a lot of searches for “fedex truck pictures” (or variations thereof) from widely separated US cities: New York, San Jose, Orlando, Little Rock, just from four quick lookups. Curious. Palestinians Must Maintain Moral Edge Ramzy Baroud, editor of the Palestinian Chronicle, says that Palestinians have to knock off the suicide bombings and the shootings of little girls, or they risk losing the moral upper hand. Words. Fail. Me. Palestinians have the right of self-defense, and the unequivocal right of ridding themselves of the occupation. These rights are protected in international law and require little debate or intellectual tussling. But it is wrong for the occupied — who surely have the moral edge — to use the same illegitimate means as the occupier. International law makes a clear distinction, as should the Palestinian resistance, between occupying military forces and civilians. If Palestinians waver from this crucial line of reasoning, their historically virtuous struggle risks being tainted with moral corruption. Raw Pix from Mars LGF reader “Engineer” tipped us to a site where you can see the raw images transmitted from the Mars Exploration Rover Mission. More "Bush=Hitler" Inanities at Moveon.org The barking moonbats at Moveon.org have gone all the way Hitler with the latest anti-Bush video posted at their site in an ad selection campaign. The Republican National Committee site makes the ad available, in Quicktime format—and yes, it really is just as bad as it sounds. Dead Man Talking Al Jazeera, always eager to spread the message of jihad, is airing a new audiotape that’s supposedly the work of Osama bin Laden: Al-Jazeera Airs Purported Bin Laden Tape. CAIRO, Egypt - The Al-Jazeera satellite channel broadcast an audiotape Sunday purportedly from al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden, in which he urged Muslims to continue fighting a holy war in Iraq and the Middle East rather than cooperate with peace efforts. Iran Wants More It’s hard to feel good about being a Good Samaritan when the beneficiary acts like this: Iran says time not right for high-level US mission, more gestures needed. TEHRAN (AFP) - Iran’s foreign ministry said the time was not yet right to receive a high-level US delegation and urged Washington to clarify its policy and make further gestures of goodwill so a resumption of dialogue could be considered. Palestinians Enraged by Anti-Terror Pledge Palestinian nongovernmental organizations are refusing to sign an agreement that they will not aid terrorists: Palestinian NGOs reject antiterrorism pledge. (Hat tip: zulubaby.) The organizations said Saturday they are planning a popular campaign in the West Bank and Gaza Strip to express their opposition to the document. Egyptian Plane Crash: Terror? DEBKAfile looks at the possibility that yesterday’s crash of an Egyptian chartered jet in the Red Sea was an act of terrorism: Too Soon to Dismiss Terror as Cause of Egyptian Air Disaster. (Hat tip: Ethel.) The Sharm el-Sheikh air disaster recalls the last Egyptian air disaster in 1999 when EgyptAir’s 990 Boeing 767 crashed opposite the American coast of Massachusetts shortly after takeoff, killing all 217 aboard. At the time, the Egyptian authorities attributed the disaster to unusual atmospheric conditions on the East Coast, a claim never confirmed by US authorities. In a subsequent federal probe, US aviation authorities established that the co-pilot, Jamil Batouty, who was not supposed to be on duty at the time, took over the controls and put the plane into a sharp nosedive shouting Allah is Great! in Arabic. saturday, january 03, 2004Berkeley ISM Tool Whines The American woman detained along with Swedish MP Gustav Fridolin for participating in a nonviolent riot in Israel happens to be from ... drum roll ... Berkeley! Berkeley activist jailed in Israel. A Bay Area peace activist is being held this weekend in an Israeli jail after her arrest during a demonstration in the occupied West Bank. And now she fights for the rights of those who want to execute lesbians and gays by stoning. Pedagogy of Hate At the Jerusalem Post, an excellent opinion piece by Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook on the tragic, evil brainwashing of Palestinian children into a life of hatred and murder: Pedagogy of hate. If you want to know what’s really at the heart of the Palestinian conflict with Israel, don’t ask politicians or diplomats. Go to Palestinian children. IED: Intrauterine Explosive Device The latest news about the reason for those canceled British Airways flights is that the US had very specific intelligence about a female suicide bomber. (Assuming the Mirror isn’t making stuff up again.) A BA flight to Washington was cancelled at the last minute yesterday after an intelligence tip-off that a woman suicide bomber planned to blow up the plane over the US capital. Governor Dean: Worst Nuke Security Rating in US Howard Dean, who misses no opportunity to slam the Bush administration for being weak on homeland security, was warned repeatedly as Vermont governor about lax security at the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant. The warnings, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press, began in 1991 when a group of students were brought into a secure area of the Vermont Yankee nuclear plant without proper screening. On at least two occasions, a gun or mock terrorists passed undetected into the plant during security tests. Palestinian Child Abuse
Palestinian children march carrying toy weapons during a parade celebrating the 39th anniversary of Arafat’s Fatah movement at the Khan Yunes refugee camp in the southern Gaza strip(AFP/Said Khatib) New Year's Riots ala Francaise France apparently has a new way of celebrating New Year’s Day: More than 300 cars set ablaze as violence mars French celebrations. (Hat tip: norar.) FRANCE witnessed an orgy of vandalism as rioters set more than 300 cars ablaze, in what has become something of a New Year tradition. Dude, Where's My Fiskie? Michael Moore grabbed an early lead in the voting for the 2003 Fiskie Award, and is staying in front even as the rest of the top ten nominees get shaken out below him. And believe me, below Michael Moore is not a position in which you want to be. You could even say that Moore rocketed away from the other contenders, except that the image of Moore “rocketing” anywhere under any circumstances is highly disturbing. A Reminder... ......that if you see a message saying you’re not allowed to post comments, or use our forms to send email, it’s because I’ve had to completely block AOL addresses from using those functions of LGF. There is a group of truly nasty and very persistent creatures who have been using AOL accounts to post unwelcome comments, and because of the way AOL works the only method of blocking these haters is to disallow all AOL users. I’m sorry for the inconvenience, but that’s how it’s gotta be. Changing the Face of Foreign Aid US to Begin New Approach on Foreign Aid. WASHINGTON - A revolution in U.S. foreign aid, rewarding countries for how they govern, is finally ready to get under way, almost two years after first promised by the Bush administration. It should be very interesting to see the criteria for judging which countries deserve US aid. Will the Palestinian Authority qualify? Will Egypt? All Roads Lead to Pakistan Here’s a deeply scary report on Pakistan’s role as the spider in the center of the web of Islamic nuclear proliferation, and the activities of the “father” of Pakistan’s nukes, Abdul Qadeer Khan: From Rogue Nuclear Programs, Web of Trails Leads to Pakistan. (Hat tip: dennisw.) Dr. Khan returned to Pakistan in 1976 after working in the Netherlands, carrying extremely secret centrifuge designs — a Dutch one that featured an aluminum rotor, and a German one made of maraging steel, a superhard alloy. He was charged with stealing the designs from a European consortium where he worked. Saudi "Scholars:" Don't Follow Infidels A group of highly placed Saudis has signed a document warning the kingdom not to change the religious supremacism and hatred taught in Saudi school books: Saudi scholars warn against changing school books. (Hat tip: Baldy.) RIYADH, Jan 3 (Reuters) - Some 150 Saudis, including judges, university professors and a cleric with links to Muslim militants, have signed a document warning the kingdom against changing its Islam-based school curricula. Inside the Universal Heritage Conference In the beginning of December, LGF noted an upcoming Islamic conference in Florida, featuring a stellar cast of radical Muslims including the senior imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, who is on record calling Jews the “grandsons of monkeys and pigs.” Sherrie Gossett attended the Florida conference and stayed for the rescheduled talks by radicals, after all the other media droids had left. (Knowing that regular media would want to finish early and file softball stories, the conference organizers rescheduled the meetings featuring jihad ranters as late in the day as possible, and took their names off the programs.) In the first of a three-part report, Gossett provides interesting detail on the backgrounds of some of the conference speakers: WND goes inside ‘mainstream’ Muslim conference. (Hat tip: Athos.) KISSIMMEE, Fla. – Just as a Florida Islamic conference was trying to recover from one media controversy, they were mired in another when Islamic speakers who have voiced support for suicide bombers and referred to Jews as “Jewish crackers,” “apes” and “pigs” freely addressed the crowd and were warmly embraced by conference leaders. Palestinian Child Abuse
Palestinian children hold toy weapons as they stand next to masked militants from the Fatah movement during the 39th anniversary of Arafat’s Fatah movement, 02 January 2004, at the Khan Yunes refugee camp in the southern Gaza strip.(AFP/Said Khatib) friday, january 02, 2004One Across The Bow Yo, Allah. Are you trying to send a message to the mullahs? Meteorite hits Iran. (Hat tip: Gustavia.) TEHRAN (Reuters) - A meteorite has hit northern Iran causing minor damage to property but there were no immediate reports of casualties, state radio has said. Questions About Benin 727 Crash Was the Boeing 727 that crashed off West Africa on Christmas Day the same aircraft that mysteriously disappeared from Angola last May? Questions Surface About Benin Jet Crash. The Mullahs Bite The religious thugs who rule Iran are spewing venom at the US, to shore up their sense of honor after accepting our aid, and to keep the people’s anger focused on the Great Satan: U.S. Criticized Over Iran Relief Efforts. "The Americans, by publicizing their aid to Iran, have ineptly tried to implement their duplicitous policy of creating a rift between the Iranian nation and government,” state radio said in an unattributed commentary, adding that “our people’s solidarity” will stop that from happening. Spencer on Washington Journal Robert Spencer, director of Jihad Watch, will be on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal show tomorrow, Saturday, at 7:45 am Eastern. You can watch video over the web at this page. Iraq's Future - and Ours At Commentary Magazine, another great new essay from Victor Davis Hanson: Iraq’s Future - and Ours. (Hat tip: mal.) Iraqi Guerillas Pose As Journalists Iraqi jihadis shot down a US helicopter today west of Baghdad, then posed as journalists in order to attack soldiers guarding the crash site. In Baghdad, U.S. Army Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt said enemy fire likely brought down the OH-58 Kiowa Warrior that crashed near Fallujah, a flashpoint in the insurgency. Krekar Arrested in Norway Mullah Krekar, “spiritual leader” of the Al Qaeda-linked Iraqi Islamist group Ansar al-Islam, has been arrested in Norway (where he has had refugee status for more than 10 years), on charges of attempting to murder his political enemies in Iraq. (Hat tip: Jihad Watch.) Krekar was arrested at his apartment by agents with Oekokrim, Norway’s elite police unit, and was being questioned, Grimstad said. Palestinian Child Abuse
Palestinian children hold toy guns as others hold posters of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat during a rally marking the 39th anniversary of the founding of the mainstream Fatah Movement in the Khan Younis refugee camp, southern Gaza Strip, Friday Jan. 2. 2003 (AP Photo/Khalil Hamra). The Palestinian daughter of top Islamic Jihad commander Mekled Hameid marches with a pistol, during an anti-Israel rally at the Jabalya refugee camp in Gaza, January 2, 2004. Thousands of Islamic Jihad supporters attended the rally to mark the first week after the death of top Islamic Jihad commander Hameid, who was killed during an Israeli air strike on his car last week in Gaza. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem A Precision Weapon Here’s an interesting look at some of the guys making a difference in Iraq—Army snipers who pick off mujahideen from as far as half a mile away: In Iraq’s Murky Battle, Snipers Offer U.S. a Precision Weapon. (Hat tip: Hugh Hewitt.) thursday, january 01, 2004Swedish MP to Be Deported Swedish parliamentarian Gustav Fridolin, as you can see from the photo accompanying this article at the Jerusalem Post, likes to mousse his hair into a sort of reverse DA. He also likes to hang out with the ISM tools, Israeli anarchists, and their Palestinian minders when they non-violently attack Israel’s security fence with bolt cutters as “protesters” use peaceful slingshots to non-violently hurl large rocks at Israeli guards: Swedish MP detained, to be deported. A Swedish member of parliament was among eight demonstrators detained by Judea and Samaria Police on Wednesday following a violent clash in Budrus, a West Bank village some four kilometers from Modi’in. They were protesting the construction of the security fence on the village’s lands. ... An interesting point about these peacefully violent protests: the one on Wednesday was staged at a place where the fence exactly follows the Green Line. Pro-fence activists said Wednesday’s clash proved that protesters opposed the fence even when it hugs the 1967 borders. Islam Is Not As Tolerant Another Vatican official speaks out about the oppression of non-Muslims in Islamic countries, and Islamic intolerance of other religions: Islam not as tolerant as us: cardinal. Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, who recently retired as the Vatican’s foreign minister, told the French Catholic daily La Croix this week that Christianity and Islam faced “an enormous task” of learning to live together in mutual tolerance. May the "Best" One Win The first round of voting for the 2003 Fiskie Award is now open: Idiotarian of 2003. As described earlier, in this round you get five votes that you can spend however you like. The top 10 nominees after five days will go on to the final round. BA Flight Held in Washington Happy new year! Looks like the jihadis weren’t able to pull anything off yesterday; but the government was certainly very nervous about something: Agents Detain British Airways Jet at Washington Airport. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. security officials detained a British Airways Boeing 747 on arrival at a Washington, D.C., airport on Wednesday night and spent several hours questioning passengers, airline and security officials said. The article does not say whether any of the passengers were detained. |
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