Rice 9/11 Testimony
Here is the transcript of Condoleeza Rice's testimony before the 9/11 panel.
Haven't read it myself yet...
MemoryBlog Russ Kick of the web resource "The Memory Hole" has a blog, appropriately called MemoryBlog. Good tools for cutting through the media crappolla.
Timelock: if by April 1st, 2005--one year from the formal launch of this site--I don’t sell a book, script, ten short stories, get a play produced or get a decent job writing, I will commit Hari-Kiri live on the net. Sounds gimmicky, doesn’t it?
Don't get uncomfortable- stop by, I think you'll agree, his writing will save him.
Long live Dr. Menlo!
An Uncomfortable Feeling I found "Will the 2004 Election Be Called Off? Why Three Out of Four Experts Predict a Terrorist Attack by November" by Maureen Farrell to be pretty thought provoking in a really uncomfortable way.
Truth is getting to light, in starts and trickles; countering even the GOP spin barrage we see/hear in the media. More and more people are seeing through the hype. It doesn't seem as though the unelected fellow living at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave will do well in the polls in 2004 either. Read the article, give it some thought. When right-wing pundits all are "on message" about something like this it makes my skin crawl. The message goes something like this:
"If a terrorist group attacked the U.S. three days before an election, does anyone doubt that the American electorate would rally behind the president or at least the most aggressively antiterror party?" --David Brooks
"The Creative Maladjustment of a Nonconforming Minority"
"This hour in history needs a dedicated circle of transformed nonconformists. Our planet teeters on the brink of atomic annihilation; dangerous passions of pride, hatred and selfishness are enthroned in our lives; and men do reverence before false gods of nationalism and materialism. The saving of our world from pending doom will come, not through the complacent adjustment of the conforming majority, but through the creative maladjustment of a nonconforming minority."-- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Quotation from the site ImpeachCentral. Stop on by and give it a good peruse.
No new content until Monday. Make yourself to home, there are a bunch of news sources on the sidebar...
Where is Justice?
So much for International Law.
The U.S. will assure Israel that it will not have to withdraw to the Green Line in a future permanent settlement with the Palestinians. I'm not clear how and under what authority the US can contravene UN General Assembly and Security Council resolutions so readily.
UNGA Resolution 181 (II) concerning the Future Government of Palestine (November 29, 1947) establishes the parity of the two peoples with respect to their respective rights to establish states on the former mandated territory of Palestine, and the duty of both states to respect both minorities and the special juridical status of Jerusalem. UNGA Resolution 194 (III) (December 11, 1948) affirms the right of Palestinians to return to their original homes and lands, and to receive compensation for any losses incurred, as well as the right of resettlement for those Palestinian refugees choosing not to return, and compensation for their losses. The UN established the UN Conciliation Commission to uphold the rights of Palestinian refugees. UNSC Resolutions 242 and 338 (November 22, 1967 and October 22, 1973) require Israeli withdrawal from territory occupied during the 1967 and 1973 wars, and call for "a just settlement of the refugee problem." UNGA Resolution 34/70 (December 6, 1979) asserts the need for any solution of the conflict to be in accordance with the right of self-determination, regardless of what the parties might negotiate. UNGA Resolution 43/177 (December 15, 1988) acknowledges the 1988 Palestinian proclamation of a Palestinian state as consistent with UNGA Resolution 181. UNSC Resolutions 476, 480 and 1322 (June 30, 1980, November 12, 1980 and October 7, 2000) reaffirm the basic principle of international and UN law that it is inadmissible to acquire territory by force or conquest, as well as the unconditional applicability of the Fourth Geneva Convention to the civilian population of occupied territory.
The US has a history of using its' veto to stymie the application of international law to the Israel/Palestine situation. The veto against the UN condemnation of the assassination of elderly quadriplegic Hamas leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin and his caregivers is just the latest in a series of vetoes that defy the collective will of a majority of the world's governments.
Air America featuring "The O'Franken Factor" with Al Franken, talk radio with a thinking persons perspective. Check out the Air America roster.
Carlyle Investing in America, Sort of
The Carlyle Group doesn't come up on the evening news very often. It will serve you to be aware though of the groups connection to the Saudi's as well as the GOP and the US intelligence community. You'll recognize a bunch of names...
The Family Steering Committee for the 9/11 Commission urges the de-classification of the 28 blank pages of the Joint Inquiry Final Report that refer to Saudi Arabia. The Saudi government urges this also. The first link offered will show you why this won't happen.
Information Clearing House offers an enlightening 48 minute video on The Carlyle Group.
Lately The Carlyle Group has made the news in China, Russia and Korea. A Carlyle member shares a 6 person advisory board membership with William Frist's brother, Thomas Jr to help Avondale Partners negotiate "issues confronting growing organizations".
Carlyle Group is a majority stockholder of a company that specializes in decontamination of radioactive situations. In another that decontaminates anthrax. But there's more.
The Washington investment firm, run by a who's who of Republican heavyweights, including former Secretary of State James Baker and former Defense Secretary Frank Carlucci, has put money into about 300 different companies and properties. Those investments include United Defense Industries, a maker of combat vehicles, naval guns and missile launchers; and Sippican, a maker of submarine systems and countermeasures to protect warships.
They also include a New Jersey pharmaceutical firm called MedPointe, which just so happens to be one of only three companies licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to manufacture over-the-counter potassium iodide pills.
That's significant because potassium iodide can help protect against thyroid cancer in the event of exposure to large amounts of radiation -- from a small, easily transported nuclear weapon, say, or a terrorist attack on a nuclear power plant.
Are you feeling safer?
Is Fix in at 9/11 Commission? by Paul Sperry.
The fine print of the deal takes the chance of the commission taking sworn public testimony from any other White House official – including Rice's deputy Stephen Hadley, Bush's political adviser Karl Rove, President Bush himself or Vice President Dick Cheney – completely off the table. It also precludes the panel from having the option of calling Rice, who's made media statements contradicting evidence and sworn statements by other officials, back to testify.
Why would a White House "truth commission" purportedly looking for the facts fetter itself concerning substantive testimony when it has subpoena power on its side?
9/11 Panel Background
National Security Advisor Condaleeza Rice will testify before the 9/11 commision, under oath and in public.
The catch?
The commission quickly agreed to the White House demands, including that it not seek additional public testimony from any White House official.
Mr Cheney and Mr Bush will talk with the panel in private. Unsworn.
The Centre for Research on Globalisation has a fact filled paper by Michel Chossudovsky entitled "Who's Who on the 9/11 "Independent" Commission" that will give you a sense just how "independent" the questioning panel isn't.
Knowing that Philipo Zelikow wrote a book with Ms Rice seems pretty darn important. That Thomas Kean had business ties to Osama's brother-in-law (as has George Bush, filtered through his buddy James Bath who coincidently lost his ability to fly for the Texas Air National Guard a month later than his buddy George), Khalid bin Mahfouz seems important. Have you heard any of this on the evening news?
a 1999 audit conducted by the Saudi government that reportedly discovered that the bin Mahfouz family's National Commercial Bank had transferred at least $ 3 million to charitable organizations believed to be fronts for bin Laden's terror network.
You really need to spend a moment looking at the links to get a fuller picture. A piece of paper and a pen will help you keep track of the players and companies involved.
Along with another Kean Hess-Delta business partner, Mohammed Hussein al Amoudi, bin Mahfouz is being sued by 9/11 families for the WTC attack. James Baker is representing them against the lawsuit brought by the victims families.
Check out the connections. The panel steers the inquiry on the basis of the questions asked. And not asked. Consider these connections when you reflect on Mr Bush and Mr Cheney talking to the panel unsworn, in private.
I mentioned some odd coincidences yesterday concern what else was going on in America at the time 9/11 unfolded. Here's another.
Like everyone else in the United States, the group stood transfixed as the events of September 11 unfolded. Present were former secretary of defense Frank Carlucci, former secretary of state James Baker III, and representatives of the bin Laden family. This was not some underground presidential bunker or Central Intelligence Agency interrogation room. It was the Ritz-Carlton in Washington, D.C., the plush setting for the annual investor conference of one of the most powerful, well-connected, and secretive companies in the world: the Carlyle Group.
No Warnings, Ms Rice? Obviously, You Are "Out of the Loop"
John Ashcroft stopped flying in commercial aircraft the summer of 2001. San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown got a warning not to fly on September 10th. Ha'aretz reported that an Israeli company, Odigo, gave the FBI the IP address of a message warning two employees of the attack on the WTC, so the Intelligence Bureau could track the source of the message.
Newsweek magazine reported that Pentagon officials cancelled their 9/11 travel planes on 9/10.
An internal memo at Goldman Sachs in Tokyo alerted it's employees of a terrorist threat, recommending they stay away from government buildings- on September 10.
Anne Tatlock, CEO of Fiduciary Trust was at an event at Offutt Air Force Base sponsored by Warren Buffet when the hijacked jetliners crashed into the WTC, one directly through the trusts offices on the 92nd through 95th floors of the south tower. Thomas Kean of the 911 commision was a former director of Fiduciary Trust.
A jet from a Buffett subsidiary company, NetJets was shadowing flight 93 over Pennsylvania.
Dick Cheney tells Mr Bush to stay out of DC- he lands at Orfutt Air Force Base after touching down in Louisiana.
As the airliners were taken and eventually crashed NORAD was several days into exercise called Vigilant Guardian.
Charles Burlingame, the pilot of ill-fated flight 77 was reported in the Washington Post (9.16.01) to have worked up a response plan while working at the Pentagon concerning an airliner hitting the Pentagon.
The CIA was running a simulation of an airplane hitting the National Reconnaissance Office at this time. Dick Cheney was in the Situation Room to run the exercise.
The Amalgam Virgo 01 NORAD training exercise(.pdf) focused on Air Sovereignty, on joint training for unconventional threats- in June of 2001.
Democratic commission member Richard Ben-Veniste disclosed this week that Rice had asked, in her private meetings with the commission, to revise a statement she made publicly that "I don't think anybody could have predicted that those people could have taken an airplane and slam it into the World Trade Center . . . that they would try to use an airplane as a missile." Rice told the commission that she misspoke; the commission has received information that prior to Sept. 11, U.S. intelligence agencies and Clarke had talked about terrorists using airplanes as missiles. Ms Rice, you should testify under oath or quit. Obviously as National Security Advisor you were "out of the loop" information wise concerning the national security of the United States of America.
Or you are a liar.
A Few Thoughts on "Missile Defense"
Fourty-Nine retired Generals and Admirals have counselled the Bush Administration to toss the unproven "missile shield" idea aside in favor of spending defense budget money where it can succesfully be used.
"to secure the multitude of facilities containing nuclear weapons and materials and to protect our ports and borders against terrorists who may attempt to smuggle weapons of mass destruction into the United States." Why would Mr Bush want to throw 10.2 Billion dollars at a missile defense shield that is untested, making it the highest funded arms program in the current GOP bag of tricks?
It is one element of a larger missile defense effort -- estimated to cost $53 billion over the next five years -- that will use ships at sea and other methods to track and deflect missile launches. Navy Secretary Gordon England announced Monday that a specially equipped Aegis destroyer will be positioned this fall in the Sea of Japan, where it will be an alert for North Korean missile launches.
Let's follow the money. Below I list some missile defense "biggies" and where thier campaign contributions went- I offer the percentage that went to GOP coffers.. Boeing $184,400 64% General Dynamics Corp Lockheed Martin Corp $756,041 61% Northrop Grumman Corp $741,772 60% Raytheon Co. $396,644 53% "Axis of Influence: Behind the Bush Administration's Missile Defense Revival" can fill you in on the confluence of Neocons, lobbyists and industry insiders that both promote and gain from this unproven weapons system trhat has already cost taxpayers 160 billion dollars. Yes, the report is nearly two years old- but it serves up the meat on the matter, offering history and players to give you context for the todays news reads.
The Union of Concerned Scientists offers a graphic with links showing just how artificial tests of this system are. With the amount of money flowing into a system that has failed so readily in tests that are obviously non-reality oriented one might come to the conclusion that the whole deal is rigged, a subsidy for GOP aero-space supporters. You'd be wrong. The same non-working systems have been sputtering halfassedly through tests through the Clinton presidency as well. A history of "fixed" tests have followed this "missile Shield" concept since it's inception under Mr Reagan. I say "followed" because the truth of the tests rigging doesn't usually see light right away- it took 9 years for the truth of its bogus 1984 tests to come to light.
The top ten states benefiting from development of the missile shield, 1998-2001: Alabama $4,018,262,000 ( Red State) California $3,213,418,000 (Blue State) Virginia $716,019,000 (Red State) Colorado $459,776,000 (Red State) Massachusetts $323,462,000 (Blue State) Florida $248,747,000 (Grey Area?) Washington $99,217,000 (Blue State) Maryland $95,615,000 (Blue State) New Mexico $84,878,000 (Blue State) Utah $81,511,000 (Red State) Total Funds Contributed: $9,340,905,000
Recent article: The top U.S. weapons tester told Congress Thursday it was too early to say if a multibillion-dollar missile shield -- due to start deployment this year -- would thwart a North Korean attack.
Article from '99>
"They can't get it to work, but the political momentum is probably irresistible," said John Pike, a space specialist with the Federation of American Scientists and a longtime critic of the program.
The Center for Defense Information offers up current, factual information on missile defense "tests". Read and learn. Your tax dollars at work. Or not.
An Afterthought Donald Rumsfeld is a long time proponent of this consistently failing program. We have covered that he has "cooked the books" to counter a CIA estimate that Missile Defense was unnecessary while he chaired the "Commission to Assess the Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States".
A non-effective missile defense plan that enriches corporate contributors while actually increasing the worlds arms-race. Effectively keeping arms manufacturers rolling in the green in a world made less stable.
Same as it ever was...
Clarke: Truth Served
The folks at Compassiongate have about a bunch of information you should know about Richard Clarke, the Bush Administration on terrorism and the reality of present administration readiness to protect the US from Al Qaeda attacks pre 9/11, versus a readiness to implement a Neocon plan go after Iraq, start Democratizing the middle east...
Impressive documentation, Compassiongate.
You might want to navigate around the site, it is quite well done. Be sure to e-mail the URL to everyone you know.
To get right to the heart of the matter uggabugga offers two simple timelines, one highlighting the difference between the Clinton/Reno "top priority" treatment of terrorism as a threat to the US and of the Bush/ Ashcroft seeming dismissal of a terrorist threat here. Cutting funding for counter-terrorism says it all. The other timeline illustrates what Richard Clarke relates on 60 Minutes.
Truth Served?
Condoleezza Rice will speak with the 9/11 commission again, in private, her testimony unsworn.
Doesn't fill me with confidence that the truth will be served. The Washington Post points out a bunch of discrepancies in what Ms Rice has told the media concerning Bush administration terrorism preparedness pre-9/11 as well Ms Rice's comments on Richard Clarke.
In an op-ed published Monday in The Washington Post, Rice wrote that "through the spring and summer of 2001, the national security team developed a strategy to eliminate al Qaeda" that included "sufficient military options to remove the Taliban regime" including the use of ground forces. But Armitage, testifying this week as the White House representative, said the military part was not in the plan before Sept. 11.
The Center for American Progress "Claim vs. Fact: Administration Officials Respond to Richard Clarke Interview" can help you document present administration dissembling on both Clarke and its role in heeding intelligence reports calling for a domestic attack.
Not everyone thinks seeking the truth about 9/11 is a good idea.
WOODRUFF: One person who is unhappy with the fact these hearings were held at all is Georgia Senator Zell Miller. He's a Democrat who's supporting President Bush for reelection. Miller tells me that this week's hearings, he thinks, could be a bad thing for the United States.
SEN. ZELL MILLER (D), GEORGIA: But I think it could do great damage to this country. I think that our enemies, our terrorist enemies, look at what's happening here and they see all this bickering, they see this divisiveness, they see this disunity and they will interpret it as weakness and instability.
Here is a Zell Miller quote from 1998.
"...you can remain a person's friend without excusing his behavior. In life, every action has a consequence. He'll have to live with the knowledge of what he did for the rest of his life. And that's tough punishment for a man who understands history like he does." Yup, he is talking about Bill Clinton.
We all wear the blue dress now, folks.
The political reality of the situation is, it doesn't matter whether you have censure, resignation or impeachment," Miller said Monday. "The fact is, his credibility is shattered and your credibility is what politicians operate on." Miller circa '98 is quite quotable in light of the actors and actions Miller supports, now, under the Bush regime.
"I'm talking about what came after that: sending his aides out to continue the lie. That particularly galled me because he was betraying them every day," Clinton lies bad. Bush lies good. I get it.
"It's really hard to watch a man that you love betray others, betray his family and his friends, and debase himself and diminish the office." Good words to remember, Mr Miller.
Good Mind Food Over at American Samizdat a link shows that Noam Chomsky now has a blog.
In his own words: Richard Clarke
We are hearing lots of spin about Richard Clarke.
Hear him in his own words on NPR's "Fresh Air" (Windows media). See/Hear him speaking with the 9/11 commission.
Clarke has 30 years of government service under three Republican Presidents and one Democrat. Hearing him talk paints a pretty clear picture of a government body asleep at the wheel considering a domestic terrorist threat, while plotting to prepare for war, oddly enough following the Plan for a New American Century blueprint that echoes the Dick Cheney (with later refinements from Wolfowitz and Powell) "Defense Strategy for the 1990's".
After three straight days of television interviews on the same topic by a variety of White House officials, National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice told reporters at the White House Wednesday that Clarke's charges were "scurrilous."
"Scurrilous" coming from a National Security Advisor who will not talk to the 9/11 commission under oath? Indeed.
Rice's willingness to brief Fox executives is especially intriguing in light of the fact that she continues to refuse to brief the bipartisan panel that is investigating the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
It might be good to let the Commission know what some of your concerns and questions concerning 911 are.
National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States 301 7th Street, SW Room 5125 Washington, DC 20407
Washington Office Tel: (202) 331-4060 Fax: (202) 296-5545 info@9-11Commission.gov
Nor is Ms Rice working with Democracy in the world. Advocating that the President of Haiti not stay in Jamaica seems a blow to Democracy.
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
Could this news article from June 2003 indicate why Sheikh Ahmed Yassin was killed?
The spiritual leader of the Palestinian militant group Hamas says it has decided to suspend "fighting operations" against Israelis. In a television interview in Gaza City, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin said this was not yet a formal ceasefire, and that Hamas was working with other Palestinian factions on a joint statement.
This article from October 2003 is telling as well.
"In the past we declared a unilateral ceasefire, we gave the Israeli enemy a truce for 50 days, but they did not commit to it even for one day. They continued with their killings and crimes, with demolishing houses and building settlements. "So we have to study where the national interest lies: with resistance, or with declaring a ceasefire."
'Military battle'
Hamas has been calling for a mutual ceasefire, one that would mean an end to Israeli assassinations and incursions as well as Palestinian attacks.
Judging by public statements, Palestinian officials have also adopted that approach.
US reaction to the assassination was perceived as "near open support" according to an article in Haaretz- initially that is. State Department spokesman Richard Boucher later in the day reflected the worlds outrage.
He said the United States was "very troubled" by the events in Gaza. He also avoided condemning Israel explicitly, but turned the White House's general call for calm into a message aimed at Israel, urging Jerusalem to avoid further action that would make it difficult to restore calm.
From an editorial in todays Haaretz.
Last week's cabinet decision to kill off the Hamas leadership broke the rules of the game, and could move the armed conflict to areas never seen before. For the first time the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has taken on a religious dimension since the target chosen by Israel was an Islamic leader whose symbolic stature went far beyond the borders of the country. Moreover, the declared decision - to assassinate the entire political and spiritual leadership of the Hamas, on the grounds that they initiate terror operations and are responsible for them - pushes them into a corner where they have nothing left to lose. It will also provoke them into adopting a particularly extremist approach, hoping for unusually spectacular terror attacks that would revive their own deterrence against Israel and reestablish the balance of fear on which the violent conflict has taken place until now. Abdel Aziz Rantisi is heir to the leadership of Hamas. He is now a target for the IDF. It is thought that the resistance group will keep the identity of it's leaders secret to ward off more assassinations. Rantisi promises more violent resistance.
Just what Sharon needs to keep in power; and to secure his "facts on the ground", illegal settlements on the land of the Palestinian people, Gaza, the West Bank.
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.-- Gandhi
Israeli/Palestinian Violence
It seems whenever there is a glimmer of hope for peace and justice in the Israel/Palestine, just the slightest glimmer of hope, the Israeli government ratchets up the violence.
Killing a quadriplegic old man as he left a place of prayer as well as the people pushing his wheelchair, not to mention innocent bystanders is a case in point. Assassination from US provided Apache helicopters raining rockets in a populated area is obscene, no matter what Sheikh Ahmed Yassin is accused of.
Sharon has succeeded in igniting a third intifada, while the second one he launched by "visiting" the Temple Mount with a thousand soldiers was still smouldering on.
Thanks to the Israeli "Separation Wall" which cuts well into 1967 UN mandated Palestinian Territory Palestinian folks are living in a virtual prison, a system of bantustans that remind one of South Africa's apartheid policies.
Navigate this site by photographer Eyal Dor-Ofer and get a real world perspective on the Wall. There are a number of galleries to explore.
Look at this map and get a sense of just what the government of Isreal is taking from the beleagured Palestinian people. Words are not as effective as a graphic representation is when it comes to understanding much of the dynamic of the Israel/Palestinian conflict. A map makes clear what words can sugercoat.
Palestinian folks are having trouble getting enough food to eat.
The report found that 40 percent of Palestinians - or 1.4 million people - are now classified as food insecure, meaning they don't have access on a continuing basis to the food they need to live normal and healthy lives.
Another 1.1 million people, or 30 percent, are threatened with becoming food insecure if conditions continue, said the report.
The West Bank and Gaza are Palestinian Territories. Any real peace would see Israel dismantle illegal settlements- that means ALL of them. Dismantling settlements in Gaza and sending the folks to the West Bank is not a solution- or legal under international law.
First, settlements have a stranglehold over Israeli politics. Particularly today, with unremitting terrorist attacks against innocents, the Israeli body politic is unable to effectively voice its growing discontent over settlements.
There is a second problem - the Israeli government's dishonesty. Just look at what Zeev Schiff, Israel's most respected security analyst, had to say about settlements this month in the Israeli daily Ha'aretz: "When it comes to the (settlement) outposts, the issue has involved the spreading of one of the state of Israel's biggest lies - not only a lie that was told to the Americans but an ongoing lie that the Israeli public is being fed."
Schiff revealed that despite Israeli government claims that some settlement outposts were being dismantled, the number of outposts grew steadily during Sharon's tenure. Moreover, the government has deliberately skewed the numbers. Schiff cites information confirming that at least 90 outposts have been set up. "The only viable conclusion," says Schiff, "is that Washington must apply pressure to Israel for its own sake."
Zionist history prescribes the power politics and genocide we see today.
Individual Arabs may perhaps be bought off but this hardly means that all the Arabs in Eretz Israel are willing to sell a patriotism that not even Papuans will trade. Every indigenous people will resist alien settlers as long as they see any hope of ridding themselves of the danger of foreign settlement.
That is what the Arabs in Palestine are doing, and what they will persist in doing as long as there remains a solitary spark of hope that they will be able to prevent the transformation of "Palestine" into the "Land of Israel".
...they are not a rabble but a nation, perhaps somewhat tattered, but still living. A living people makes such enormous concessions on such fateful questions only when there is no hope left. Only when not a single breach is visible in the iron wall, only then do extreme groups lose their sway, and influence transfers to moderate groups. Only then would these moderate groups come to us with proposals for mutual concessions. And only then will moderates offer suggestions for compromise on practical questions like a guarantee against expulsion, or equality and national autonomy. --The Iron Wall by Vladimir Jabotinski, 1923
The Threat of Christian Theocracy
"Secular schools can never be tolerated because such a school has no religious instruction and a general moral instruction without a religious foundation is built on air; consequently, all character training and religion must be derived from faith . . . We need believing people." Adolf Hitler, April 26, 1933, from a speech made during negotiations leading to the NAZI-Vatican Concordat of 1933
Did you know that the top 7 ranking Republicans have a 100 percent ranking from the Christian Coalition, meaning that their votes were 100 percent consonant with the fundamentalist perspectives of those religious extremists? Are you concerned with a government that increasingly links "god talk" with miltarism? Do you know the difference between New Millenialist and Christian Reconstructionist?
Theocracy Watch can help you gain understanding of the phenomenon of right-wing radical Christianity and how this Christianity-without-Christ has come to empower the most reactionary and repressive elements in our society.
Liberals Like Christ is a very informative website for the thinking Christian.
Domestic Disinformation
"... a principle familiar to propagandists is that the doctrine to be instilled in the target audience should not be articulated: that would only expose them to reflection, inquiry, and, very likely, ridicule. The proper procedure is to drill them home by constantly presupposing them, so that they become the very condition for discourse"--Noam Chomsky
Administration sources tell TIME that employees at the Department of Homeland Security have been asked to keep their eyes open for opportunities to pose the President in settings that might highlight the Administration's efforts to make the nation safer. The goal, they are being told, is to provide Bush with one homeland-security photo-op a month.
A Department of Homeland Security function that I was unaware of. Technically I'm guessing "posing" the President for a photo-op once a month to "highlight the Administration's efforts to make the nation safer" is taxpayer funded propaganda. As well as taxpayer funded campaigning, subtle or not.
The Department of Homeland Security also would like to use the entertainment industry to help us have "the proper perspective" on it's message and mission. In seeking to fill the DHS "entertainment liaison officer" position that would facilitate a Homeland Security/Hollywood nexus the strategic power of "entertainment" as propaganda is clearly recognized, as is the industries willingness to work hand-in-hand with the DHS.
Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge is aware of the entertainment industry's impact on the department's image. While on a recent visit to Los Angeles, he met with entertainment industry executives who asked him how they could help the Homeland Security effort, Scolinos said.
The Pentagon has a long history of working with film makers. Film producers get access to military equipment, bases and consultants. The military gets last word on scenarios offered and dialogue.
"There was a tension, almost until the day filming began, which manifested itself in our comments which went unanswered by in subsequent drafts of the script. When the filmmakers realized that unless the services were satisfied with the script, approval would not be granted, the changes were finally made." further on In short," Major Georgi wrote of the changes, "military depictions have become more of a 'commercial' for us."
The Pentagon has had good success with the use of PR biggies The Rendon Group to shape our perceptions for both Gulf Wars.
Karen Ryan, the PR professional that read the governments new Medicare bill propaganda, ending her reports with "In Washington, I'm Karen Ryan reporting." is reported to have made a career over the last few years of posing as a "reporter" to promote her clients products.
"In my experience over the past thirty years, every White House- save one,the Gerald Ford White House -has on occasion willfully misled or lied to the press."--David Gergan
Dr Nancy Snow offers background on the history of US foreign and domestic propandanda campaigns, their techniques and targets. Eye opening stuff.
It's from the IPA that we get the so-called 7 "tricks of the trade" in propaganda campaigns: name calling (bad label for an idea), glittering generalities (associating your campaign with a virtuous concept like freedom or democracy), transference (using authority and prestige to transfer message), testimonials (celebrity endorsements), plain folks ("of the people" is always good), card stacking (selection of facts or illustrations to prevent best and worst case scenarios), and band wagon (everybody is doing it; "we are of one mind").
Think. It's Patriotic.
Noam Chomsky's work, "Necessary Illusions: Thought Control in Democratic Societies" is available in its entirety here on the web.
Follow Up I mentioned the James Mann article "The Armageddon Plan" which spells out Rumsfeld Cheney involvement in extra-Congressional "Continuety of Government" planning in a piece from February 23 called "Shadowy Government", as the link shows Common Dreams has the full text of the Atlantic article posted.
Going, Going, Gone Lou Dobbs offers an A-Z listing of companies that send jobs offshore. Give the listing he compiled, "Exporting America" , a look over.
Two "Must-Reads"
From Seeing the Forest I came across an article that gives much food for thought. "The Apparat -- George Bush's Back-Door Political Machine", let me know what you think. The sidebar at Media Transparency, where the article is located offers resources to use to learn about the big money shapers of public perception, as do links in the body of the piece. Learning about these big money think tanks lets us see how a powerful minority worldview can jockeyed the perspective of many Americans into positions that actually go against their best interests.
The potency of right wing politics and opinion molding lies in the architecture of the movement. That is, its constituent organizations think and act strategically. Agendas, priorities, and propaganda are directed from the center. Members are disciplined and dedicated to the narrow theology of the right.
The disparate streams of conservative thought and action -- social, economic, religious, libertarian, and corporate -- set aside major differences and march to a single drummer -- with the tempo set at weekly tactical conferences in Washington.
This cohesion has undeniably had a large impact on the American body politic. The far right coalition now effectively controls the three branches of the federal government, overriding the checks-and-balances against rampant political power built into the Constitution. Conservatives now also set the terms of the national political debate through their dominance of the unofficial "fourth estate," the media.
Anyone paying attention sees the obvious fact that we are beholden to right wing media if we choose to get the news from "mainstream" corporate information sources. Coupled with a hard right executive office as well as judicial branch we have to have hope that the will of the people can be advocated by legislative arm of government. In "America as a One-Party State" Robert Kuttner speaks to us of the slide to the right of the Senate and Congress leaves us in a virtual autocracy due to changes in legislative process. When joined with a collaborative media and the spectre of an election this fall tallied by unaccountable "black box voting" electronic voting machines democracy as we know it seems under assault.Benjamin Franklin, leaving the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, was asked by a bystander what kind of government the Founders had bestowed. "A republic," he famously replied, "if you can keep it." There have been moments in American history when we kept our republic only by the slenderest of margins. This year is one of those times.
Haiti- Round Up the Usual Suspects
Round Up the Usual Suspects...
Stan Goff's "Time for Kerry to Step Up On Haiti" gives a history of the players involved in the current Haitian Coup and their connections to the Reagan/Bush era Iran/Contra activities as well as their position in the current Bush regime. To have a mental context to analyze the days news concerning Haiti also requires knowledge of US involvement in the region as well as in the tiny nation's affairs that are much to the detriment of Democracy.
Roger Noriega is the Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, and the lead plotter in the recent coup against the democratically elected government of Haiti. Before that, he was the United States Ambassador to the Organization of American States (OAS). During Iran-Contra, he was an aide in the Bureau of Latin American Affairs of the US State Department. The other felonious characters in the Contra-Crack scandal were Elliot Abrams, John Negroponte, John Poindexter, and Otto Reich. The Vice President during this episode was George Herbert Walker Bush, former Director of Central Intelligence.
These guys are all now re-employed by the administration of George W. Bush. Otto Reich was in Noriega's current position in 2001 and now is the US representative to the US-dominated Organization of American States (OAS). Reagan had Reich resign to protect his king when the story of the Cocaine-Contra connection broke, because Reich was easily connected by any journalist with five minutes to spare to CIA assassin Felix Rodriguez and terrorist Luis Posada Carriles. Reich specialized in disinformation, planting fake stories in the press about Nicaraguan MIG's and Sandinista "atrocities" against Miskito Indians. Reich was also the US Ambassador to Venezuela, when he tried to secure the release of Orlando Bosch, a Miami-Cuban mafiosi who bombed a civilian airliner. That downing of a civilian passenger airline from Cuba was the same attack in which Posada Carriles had also been implicated. Both George W. and Jeb Bush are connected to anti-Castro Cuban terrorists, a move that has been politically expedient in Florida...
Dissident Voice has a wealth of information on Haiti to get you up to speed.
"Iraq On The Record: The Bush Administration's Public Statements On Iraq"
From the web resource "Iraq On The Record: The Bush Administration's Public Statements On Iraq", presented By Rep. Henry Waxman:
The Iraq on the Record Report, prepared at the request of Rep. Henry A. Waxman, is a comprehensive examination of the statements made by the five Administration officials most responsible for providing public information and shaping public opinion on Iraq: President George W. Bush, Vice President Richard Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of State Colin Powell, and National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice.
This database identifies 237 specific misleading statements about the threat posed by Iraq made by these five officials in 125 public appearances in the time leading up to and after the commencement of hostilities in Iraq. The search options on the left can be used to find statements by any combination of speaker, subject, keyword, or date.
Medicare Lies and Propaganda: Bush Business as Usual
"There's an old saying in Tennessee - I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee - that says, fool me once, shame on - shame on you. Fool me - you can't get fooled again." --George W. Bush
Mr Bush knew that the Medicare bill strongarmed through Congress would cost more than the GOP sponsors let on, more than a billion dollars more than the 395 billion dollar price tag it was touted as costing. He was aware that 14 conservative Republicans would vote against the bill if it cost over 400 billion dollars over the next 10 years. So he lied to his own party as well as the rest of Americans. The bill passed 220 to 215 amid allegations of Republican vote buying, 54 to 44 in the Senate.
The Whitehouse threatened to fire it's own Medicare actuary, Richard Foster, if he told the truth that his figures showed the program to cost 551 billion.
MoveOn.org documents this all this underhandedness.
On January 30th Scott McCllelan, in light of what we know now, lied about what the President knew, and when.
Q Scott, to follow on that, are you telling us, on the day the President signed it and presented it to the American people, made it law, he either thought it was going to cost $400 billion over 10 years, or he didn't know how much it was going to cost and he didn't care?
MR. McCLELLAN: No, the President -- in fact, you just heard from the President -- we've been going through our budget process; the budget will be released on Monday. The President was briefed just, I believe it was two weeks ago today when he was briefed on this aspect of the budget and was informed about the new -- or I guess this was the first estimate -- that we put forward the estimate that the HHS actuaries came up with in that budget process. emphasis mine The fellow that Richard Foster said threatened to fire him, Tom Scully, left his position a week after the Medicare bill he helped craft was passed; to join the healthcare lobbying firm Alston and Bird. HHS Secretary Tommy Thompson supplied Scully with a code of ethics waiver (askance Federal regulations and Health and Human Services code) in May 2003 to negotiate with healthcare related firms, firms with "substantial interests in matters pending" concerning Scully's post as Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).
Federal agencies have been ordered to stop issueing ethics waivers in light of this case. Now only the White House can approve such waivers.
Representitive Billy Tauzin, who wrote the Medicare bill reportedly recieved a 2 million dollar job offer from PhRMA the lobbying giant for the pharmaceutical industry.
In the 2000 election cycle Republicans gleaned 69 percent of pharmaceutical industry connected giving totaling 26,707,861 dollars. 2002's election cycle saw 29,366,851 dollars contributed, 74 percent to Republicans. So far in 2004 $6,246,964 dollars have been contributed, 67percent to Republicans.
But it gets worse. The Federal Government supplied news outlets with tapes purporting to show reporters Karen Ryan and in the spanish language version Alberto Garcia heaping praise on the new Medicare law. The trouble is, they are paid actors reading government scripts, not journalists. A couple of the videos end with a woman's saying "In Washington, I'm Karen Ryan reporting."
Kevin Keane, HHS assistant secretary for public affairs says that Ryan is a freelance journalist, not merely an actor. It seems clear that if the woman is reading a prepared script she is an actor. She was paid with taxpayer money- to deceive taxpayers.
The Bush administration plans to spend 80 million dollars on advertising the Medicare plan "$12.6 million for advertising this winter..."
Your tax dollars at work.
The World STILL Says No to War! Global Day of Action Against War and Occupation Saturday, March 20
United for Peace and Justice is asking us to sandwich this important event day by scheduling a meeting with our Congressperson on March 19 (during Senate Recess, they should be in home districts) to advocate sensible Iraq policy , followed up by a call in day on Wednesday, March 24 to further impact our legislators in DC.
Help get the word out.
Posted some of my favorite radio sites on the sidebar just now (scroll down). These all offer great audio pieces. This American Life is a favorite; the show first demonstrated to me just how powerful the medium of radio is. We've all had those moments when on reaching our destination we find the show on NPR is not quiet finished; then we sit , engine off, listening- the term "driveway moments" has been coined to label the phenomena.
It seems to me that the necessary descriptive powers that propel an audio piece offer the mind so much more to work with than a visual piece, that the medium demands more depth by its very structure. Also, the mind seems more open when not offered visual data, stemming prejudgement of the subject. Good radio seems to me sweetly subversive in that it allows people to experience the life experiances and perspectives of others, reminding us that "People are People", no matter what our background, way in the world or genetic makeup is.
Explore these sites to relax and refresh the next time you consider, remote in hand, wading through the however many channels of mostly crap your "electronic hearth" has to offer. Feel radio engage your mind.
Hearing Voices Sound Portraits Third Coast Audio This American Life Transom
The links will open in a new window. Enjoy. edited
Social Security Surplus
"The only time to use Social Security money is in times of war, times of recession, or times of severe emergency." --George Bush, five days prior to 9/11
A quote to hold in mind as you consider the Bush administration's use of the Social Security surplus. It was said as the economy was heading for the toilet, in a time when he was giving taxcuts to the richest Americans.
As he said to me in mid-September, "Lucky me. I hit the trifecta." --Office of Management and Budget Director Mitch Daniels relating what Mr Bush said to him post-9/11 Mr Bush and his administration are using the Social Security surplus to pad his budget. Social Security payroll taxes are being used to make the Bush taxcut for the rich economy look less bleak; 164 billion dollars are being taken to pay down the deficit this fiscal year alone. Without this financial shot-in-the-arm the deficit would be at around 639 billion dollars, reaching for the record deficit as percentage of GDP (6 percent) set under Mr Reagan in 1983. Remember, Mr Bush hit the trifecta...
People making over 87,900 dollars don't pay into Social Security. It seems that they should, especially in light of how Social Security funds are being used.
The average 2004 tax cut for the richest 1 percent--$59,292--is more than five times greater than the average retired worker's Social Security benefit.
The Trust Fund was intiated in 1983 to prepare the system for the projected retirement needs of the "baby boomer" generation who will cut the ratio of workers to retirees. The surplus payroll taxes taken in go to the Treasury Department which gives Social Security US treasury securities to cash in when needed in the future to keep the system afloat by slowly spending down the fund.
Where will the treasury get these spent trillions? Some people in government will have you believe these funds don't exist. Like Mr Bush's Social Security Commission.
When Social Security runs surpluses, it doesn't get any credit because it's just part of the government. But when it runs deficits, Social Security is on its own. This twisted logic in effect expropriates all of the extra money workers have paid into the system since 1983, when Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, among others, pushed through an increase in payroll taxes ? an increase whose purpose was to build up the trust fund that the commission, co-chaired by Mr. Moynihan, now says isn't real. Now why would government officials talk out of both sides of their mouths?
Follow the money. For instance, two of John Kerry's biggest supporters, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley stand to reap a huge windfall should Social Security be privatized. And each firm has given 4 times as much money to the Bush campaign. Citigroup has given Bush twice as much.
Allen Greenspan counsels that Social Security benefits should be cut to trim the deficit. But he is behind the Bush tax cuts.
While the retirement funds of people making under 87,900 dollars are paying taxcuts for the rich and you see the 160 million surplus fund the attack and occupation of Iraq know things are getting better. In 1982 there were only 12 billionaires listed in the Forbes 400- the last one had 587, up from 476 the year prior. Like the President says in his speeches, things are looking up.
If you are interested in Equatorial Guinea ( as I continue to be), rent-a-battalion mercenary groups and oil stop by Hobsons Choice. He then introduces us to Kathryn Cramer (James has pertinent links listed) who offers sources pulling together Dick Cheney, Halliburton, Brown and Root, mercenaries and covert US military support:
But oil is just one reason for West Africa's growing demand for guns for hire. The US, for instance, is now more engaged in West Africa. But with troops tied down in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere, it's increasingly hiring private security firms to represent it.
In a recent speech, Theresa Whelan, a top official for Africa at the US Department of Defense, put it this way: "The use of contractors in Africa ... means that the US can be supportive in trying to ameliorate regional crises without necessarily having to put US troops on the ground, which is often times a very difficult political decision."
Your tax dollars at work.
The Squawkbox free comment box system put me in a funny place. After a year of using it, without warning, it became a pay system. Thing is, they had me by the, well, mmm, comments- to change the system is to lose a years worth of input from you, the community that supports my efforts with your continued presence.
I will not fold to these comment highjackers. I have refused their offer of the sites comments being freed up, after I pay for what was a free service that they had proffered a year ago- getting me "hooked" for free and then extorting a years worth of memories- and have gone with Haloscan; a free service that I see being used throughout the blogosphere (thanx skippy). Squawkbox stole Estimated Prophet's comments. Don't let the jerks take yours. The money involved is negligible. But doing business with a company that operates in what I see as an underhanded manner is unconscionable. A dollar is a vote in a capitalist society, whether a vote of confidence as in this case or a vote for some control on the national stage in the case of politicians taking gifts from lobbyists or campaign contributions.
Your comments have added a great deal to the blogging experience for me. Losing the last years was a difficult decision, a decision made easier when a fellow blogger pointed out that Squawkbox posts the commentors IP address, which being more computer savvy now than a year ago I realize has me looking like a thoughtless host.
Thanks for coming by and being part of Estimated Prophet.
Bush "Jobs" Are More Smoke and Mirrors
"I don't understand how poor people think." --George Bush, 8.26.03
You are probably aware by now that the Bush administration is comfortable playing fast and loose with facts and figures to manipulate the goodwill of the American people. That an attempt to change the classification of an individual serving burgers at McDonalds from "Service Industry" to fall under the heading of "Manufacturing" to pump up Bush employment figures is a technique of deception this administration is comfortable with.
We are told that unemployment is at 5.6 %, but we are not told that figure can be attributed to arcane statistical method; a manner of counting which lets the long term unemployed, those who have given up the search for non-existent jobs- these 392,000 former wage earners just disappear from the unemployment rolls. To get the benefit this sort of accounting gives the President imagine not paying your car payment for a year- then the bill disappearing and you can tell folks about your great credit rating. Ain't gonna happen to we "little people". Yet reporters, people paid to know better leave contextual facts out of the news.
Just to keep up with the population joining the eligible workforce 150,000 new jobs a month need to appear. 21,000 new jobs were created last month. All in the government sector. Much like the month of December there were no new jobs created. Zip. Zilch. You hear the soundbites, "A job created here, a job created there, they all add up and prove the good of my tax cut". Bullshit. Go to Jobwatch.Org and get the facts that conveniently get left out of the evening news and the speeches of the current White House resident. When the average Joe has little time to look into the facts and media soundbites of less than a minutes duration are what inform our collective opinion about these important issues Mr Bush can get away with these oft told untruths.
The media that should inform us has a vested interest in promoting GOP lies. Corporate America, those we trust to give us the news are owned by the same one tenth of one percent of the US population that contribute 85 percent of the itemized contributions funding our nations election campaigns. If we were told the truth the general sense of outrage engendered by an informed electorate might actually see taxes rise on those among us most able to pay them. You can imagine how unpopular this information is among America's monied elite, and why the realities of todays job market, although visible to you and me are not spoken of.
Counting the "missing labor force", people discouraged by long looking and people that never entered the job market unemployment is up to 7.1%. Those missing 2,808,000 Americans change Mr Bush's more rosy figure to reflect the reality that you and I see in our neighborhoods, towns and cities. Discouraged young people, those under 24 years old, are at a historic high- if they were participating in the workforce at the same level as in March 2001 the official unemployment level would be 6.6 percent.
Companies are more efficient, through technology work is getting done with fewer workers. Remember this when you here how America is "picking up". Mr Bush promised 2.6 million jobs this year (after promising 1.7 million last year- 53,000 jobs were lost in 2003, seeing his "taxcut for the rich" economic program come up 1,753,000 jobs short) and we have to hope he is right but his prediction seems more rhetoric than reality based.
About his much touted jobless taxcuts and our federal deficit, to cut the deficit in half by 2009 as he has claimed these are the changes that our nation will need to suffer:
Spending on defense and homeland security will fall by 14 percent as a share of the economy by 2009. Total domestic appropriations will plummet by 24 percent, with huge cuts in science (minus 19 percent), pollution control (minus 27 percent), transportation (minus 18 percent), disaster relief (minus 49 percent), education (minus 22 percent), housing assistance (minus 33 percent), and law enforcement (minus 20 percent).
He also figures in using the projected Social Security surplus of 263 billion dollars to more than halve the projected 501 billion dollar deficit. Our payroll taxes at work- but not as how they are intended.
More on that tomarrow...
John McCain On NOW
You should take a moment to read this Bill Moyers interview with John McCain that appeared on the PBS television show "NOW".
A teaser from it follows.
BILL MOYERS: The Non-Partisan Center for Responsive Politics says less than one-tenth of one percent of the country gave 85 percent, almost 85 percent, of all itemized contributions in our recent elections. What does that tell you, Senator?
SENATOR JOHN MCCAIN: Well, it tells me that it's huge amounts of money contributed by a handful of Americans that are dictating the legislative agenda here in Congress.
A quick and quite illumnating read. I am not a McCain fan but he does sound sensible here...
"Open Secrets" is a tool that can open your eyes to just who each candidate is beholden to. Take a second to research a candidate and be sure to bookmark it when your done.
Another Oil Coupe?
I'm going to get back to dissecting the news; I have been reading a bunch about the Constitution, the separation of powers between the branches of our government, executive, legislative and judicial and find I need a great deal of background to do justice to the piece on Presidential Executive Orders I have been planning. I wish my brain worked optimally- researching this to do well with it is taking a great deal of time...
I see that my comments system is down; I will see to fixing that presently. My apologies, I spend more time researching and writing this than attending to my e-mails; I must have missed any warning the comment company sent me...
Another Oil Coup?
We covered the case of Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, the oil rich dictator of Equatorial Guinea, an African country that may account for 25% of US oil imports by the year 2015 in a February 2 '04 posting. In the post I wondered aloud how long it would be before US service people would be "liberating" this oil producing "friend" of the US government, much like the overthrow of the government of Reagan/Bush1 friend, Saddam Hussein. The link is lengthy, but offers a good amount of background information about Republican US government support of Saddam, history that has seemingly been forgotten even though present administration folks such as Donald Rumsfeld were principle players in the financial and military backing of the bloody dictator through widened US trade and sales of high tech weaponry.
It seems that Obiang, as he is titled in news releases, may have been slated, much like Chavez in Venezuela and Aristide in Haiti for a coup. There seems to have been US involvement in this attempted coup as well.
Some of the priciple players in this thwarted coup have longstanding ties to South African private mercenary companies, as well as to both US (CIA) and British (MI6) intelligence services. The mercenaries arrested in Zimbabwe have implicated the Spanish government as well. Equatorial Guinea was, until its independence 36 years ago, a colony of Spain. Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar has had meetings recently with Severo Moto,self declared "President-in-Exile", the fellow slated to fill the power gap created by Obiang's violent ouster. Moto had been exiled to Spain from Angola for plotting a coup in Equatorial Guinea in 1997.
The mercenaries were caught in a sting operation as they attempted to collect 180,000 dollars worth of already paid for weapons and ammunition from Zimbabwe Defence Industries (ZDI) while landing in Zimbabwe. The arms company had informed Zimbabwe's Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) of the sale and forces were in place to arrest the soldiers of fortune as they picked up weapons including mortars and grenade launchers.
Corporate Military?
The plane carrying the would-be terrorists is registered in the US, although it had been sold to Logo Logistics, a company that claims the 64 mercenaries in transit where "security workers" heading to a mining company in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Charles Burrow, a senior Logo Logistics executive would not name the company. Logo Logistics employs Nick Du Toit, who has confessed to his involvement in the coup attempt and has further implicated the CIA , MI6 and Spanish government. Coup leader Simon Mann is an executive of Logo Logistics.
Mann was reportedly offered 1.8 million dollars and oil exploitation rights to pull off the coup. He and Du Toit both were involved in Executive Outcomes, mercenary group founded apartheid South Africa in 1991 in that disbanded when South Africa passed a law criminalizing all mercenary activity. This mercenary group morphed into Sandline International and relocated its headquarters to London. The "Private Military Company" was used by the British government to ship arms to Sierra Leone, circumventing UN rules which prohibited the UK from supplying them openly.
Executive Outcomes/Sandline International seems to make a practice of mixing war-for profit with resource exploitation. Along the lines of the Equitorial Guinea potential terrorism for oil rights we see that Sandline had a diamond connection to Sierra Leone. Executive Outcome's founder along with Simon Mann, Tony Buckingham is also a former SAS Commando. From the same London address Sandline shares Buckingham acts as CEO of Heritage Oil and Gas, a company paid by the government of Sierra Leone partially in mining rights for Executive Outcomes "work" . Interesting connection of seemingly disparate companies, don't you think?
Mr. Buckingham has made a killing by befriending and helping to power emergent Third World leaders. ... Buckingham's corporate empire includes Branch Energy, Heritage Oil and Gas, and the so-called private security services, Executive Outcomes and Sandline International.
The link above shows the incestuous relationship Buckinham and his companies have with death and exploitation in third world nations. Namibia, Papua New Guinea and Angola are some others not mentioned here. A lengthy and informative read. It is beyond my reach to illustrate the web of connections these mercenary criminals are linked to. Amazing stuff though.
As my earlier piece pointed out, Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo is obviously another bloody tyrant, albeit on a smaller scale than earlier US favorites Suharto and Hussein. There are diplomatic measures that can be utilized to effect change in other countries. The people of Equatorial Guinea deserve better. That a coup can occur in a country so important to both American interests at large and the interests of Bush/GOP backers such as Triton Energy, Exxon/Mobil and Chevron Texaco without US intelligence foreknowledgeis not credible. Especially in the light of the conspirators confessions. Is placing an oil company puppet in power furthering Democracy in the world? Or is it furthering power and profit for the many "Mr Buckinghams" and their parasitical ways?
Some food for thought: The present White House resident, George W. Bush said this, as quoted in Israels most respected newspaper, Haaretz:
God told me to strike at al Qaida and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did... Here is a quote from an aide to Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo:
"He can decide to kill without anyone calling him to account and without going to hell because it is God himself, with whom he is in permanent contact, and who gives him this strength,"
In Explanation
Thought to write a simple piece on Presidential Executive Orders. Unlike bringing under-reported news to your attention I find that unlike current events where I am well grounded when it comes what appears to be Presidential power wielded as supra-Constitutional fiat I have a lot of reading to do.
I hope to have something of merit to post tomarrow.
Endless War Necessitates the Draft
... the United States still has some 75,000 soldiers in Germany, 41,000 in Japan, 41,000 in Korea, 13,000 in Italy, 12,000 in the United Kingdom, and so on, down through a list of more than a hundred countries?plus some 26,000 sailors and Marines deployed afloat. The new jobs keep coming, and the old ones don't go away. Several times I have heard officers on Army bases refer mordantly to the current recruiting slogan: "An Army of One." The usual punch line is, "That's how many soldiers are left for new assignments now."
James Fallows discusses our overstretched volunteer military in his article "The Hollow Army" that appears in this months Atlantic Monthly.
Just posted today at Maryland's Gazette.net amongst listings for literacy, special ed and hospice volunteers is this volunteer opening:
The Selective Service System wants volunteers to serve as members of local boards. Volunteers must be citizens of the U.S., 18 or older, registered with the Selective Service (if a male), not be an employee in any law enforcement occupation, not be an active or retired member of the Armed Forces and not have been convicted for any criminal offense.
Along with conscientious objectors, ministerial and hardship deferments there is a new one , for medical personnel. If there is no Draft in the offing, why a new deferment category?
Bill S.89 should interest you.
S.89 Title: A bill to provide for the common defense by requiring that all young persons in the United States, including women, perform a period of military service or a period of civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, and for other purposes. Sponsor: Sen Hollings, Ernest F. [SC] (introduced 1/7/2003) As should its twin, H.R.163
Universal National Service Act of 2003 - Declares that it is the obligation of every U.S. citizen, and every other person residing in the United States, between the ages of 18 and 26 to perform a two-year period of national service, unless exempted, either as a member of an active or reserve component of the armed forces or in a civilian capacity that promotes national defense. Requires induction into national service by the President. Sets forth provisions governing: (1) induction deferments, postponements, and exemptions, including exemption of a conscientious objector from military service that includes combatant training; and (2) discharge following national service.
Amends the Military Selective Service Act to authorize the military registration of females.
Leaves a body wondering if there will be a Draft after the 2004 election...
Then there is the military "stop loss" policy that effectively keeps soldiers beyond their contractual obligations to the military, a sort of 'draft' all its own.
...the Army's most recent stop-loss order, issued Nov. 13 (2003), covering thousands of active-duty soldiers whose units are scheduled for duty in Iraq and Afghanistan in the coming months. Because the stop-loss order begins 90 days before deployment and lasts for 90 days after a return home, those troops will be prohibited from retiring or leaving the Army at the expiration of their contracts until the spring of 2005, at the earliest.
Charles Moskos, military sociologist found while interviewing American soldiers in Iraq that regular soldiers had ""higher level of morale than was anticipated" while reservists had lower morale. "Stop loss" figured into his findings, as does the modern day Catch-22 that sees reservist unable to be promoted- their home unit can't propmote them because they are in active duty in Iraq and they cannot be promoted in Iraq because they are reservists...
Folks like Tommy Franks don't help morale, concerning the loss of life in Iraq he had this to say.
People, especially reporters, he said, ask him if he thinks those lost lives are too high a price to pay. His answer is "absolutely not" . "If it costs 500, that's OK, or 5000, OK, or 50,000, that's OK with me."
I guess it is easier to be a bigwig in an air conditioned media center than a grunt dodging bullets in an unnecessary war easier to sport a cavalier attitude. On the positive side, he didn't say "Bring Em On".
Not since World War II have so many National Guard units been pressed into service abroad. Since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, more than 143,000 National Guard members have been mobilized worldwide, with the biggest single concentration expected this spring when more than 35,000 Army National Guard troops -- topping the wartime peak of 30,000 -- are slated to arrive in Iraq as thousands of their colleagues rotate home.
It looks like US troops will be in Iraq for decades. Say hello to US Force Iraq, complete with a four star general to run the show. Karen Kwiatkowski, Lt. Col. USAF (ret.) gives the lowdown on the US/Iraq political reality in her biweekly column "Without Reservations".
"I think one of the most important things we can do right now is start getting basing rights" in both northern and southern Iraq, Garner said, adding that such bases could provide large areas for military training. "I think we'd want to keep at least a brigade in the north, a self-sustaining brigade, which is larger than a regular brigade," he added.
Noting how establishing U.S. naval bases in the Philippines in the early 1900s allowed the United States to maintain a "great presence in the Pacific," Garner said, "To me that's what Iraq is for the next few decades. We ought to have something there ... that gives us great presence in the Middle East. I think that's going to be necessary." --Jay Garner
You may have heard the neoconservative duo of Perle and Frum pushing their book promoting endless war "An End to Evil: How to Win the War on Terror", on NPR. Patrick J. Buchanan takes the book and the BS philosophy behind in "No End to War: The Frum-Perle prescription would ensnare America in endless conflict" as it appeared in American Conservative Magazine.
The questions we are facing are bigger than progressive/conservative, bigger than Democrat/Republican. These are questions that speak to what it is to be a human being in our world.
Is endless war part of your vision for America?
Addenda: Over at American Samizdat Bill C posted this link to a Draft Timeline. American Samidat, always a favorite.
OK Bombing Revisited: A Web of Right Wing Extremists?
Why would the FBI destroy evidence that would widen the search for those responsible for the Oklahoma City bombing of the Murrah building that Timothy McVeigh got lone credit for?
The site imtv is a really good news source, I gleaned this story there..
A white supremacist group of bankrobbers, the Aryan Republican Army may have been involved in the bombing of the Murrah building. The FBI has that McVeigh called the Oklahoma "compound" that some of the bankrobbers were staying at, possibly to find accomplices for the action that took 168 innocent lives.
Physical evidence linking McVeigh and the white supremacists was augmented by statements of the robbers as well as a girlfriend. Agents ruled this evidence out on the basis of an alibi provided by the bank robbers- an alibi contradicted by one of them and which was shown to be false in light of car sales records that showed them to still be in the Oklahoma City area at the time of the bombing.
A bank surveillance video that may have been able to link McVeigh to the group was found to be "inconclusive" in identifying the convicted then executed "lone bomber"; the video was later destroyed, against FBI standard protocol.
Blasting caps that may have linked McVeigh to the extremist group were, in another incident, also destroyed.
The article explains that Dan Defenbaugh, FBI chief of the McVeigh investigation (now-retired) never was made aware of evidence linking McVeigh to this larger web of extremists.
Read the article, this synopsis doesn't do it justice.
Back in 2001, McVeighs defense attorneys argued that they needed more time, recieving thousands of pages of evidence, videos and photographsa week before his May 16 initial execution date. John Ashcroft gave them 30 days to do this.
"Thirty days, actually three weeks, was not enough time for us to read over 4,000 pages of documents, view the videos and the photographs that we got and conduct an investigation into what we believe is truly some very important excluded ... material by the FBI," attorney Chris Tritico said shortly after filing the appeal.
The appeal states that, if given the time, McVeigh's lawyers could show the FBI suppressed credible evidence that other people played a significant role in the bombing, which may change the jury's view of McVeigh's role and moral guilt in the bombing.
"There was also evidence, withheld by the government, that another person could well have been the mastermind behind the bombing," the appeal said. "Mr. McVeigh ... does not claim that the withheld evidence could change the guilty verdicts for murder. He does claim ... that he was denied due process when the prosecution withheld evidence concerning participation by others."
In fact, U.S. District Judge Richard Matsch did not let an ATF informant who had passed multiple polygraph tests testify with information that showed there was a larger conspiracy around the bombing of the Murrah building. Information that showed the ATF had foreknowledge of the blast. Information linking McVeigh to Elohim City, a 240 acre "compound" near Muldrow, Oklahoma that sported a guest list purported to be "a Who's Who of the radical right".
The spiritual leader at Elohim City is the Reverend Robert Millar. Elohim City had a close association with the Christian Identity Movement and The Covenant, the Sword and the Arm of the Lord which had its own grievance against the United States government. See D.E. 2191 at 33. The federal government conducted a raid on the CSA on April 19, 1985--exactly ten years to the day prior to the Oklahoma City bombing. See Id. at 33-34; D.E. 2840 (Pretrial Conference: Volume m--Sealed, January 1997 at 181). Members of the CSA now reside at Elohim City.
One of the members of CSA turned on the organization and testified at the trial of Richard Snell in Arkansas. Snell was on trial with others on charges of sedition--that they conspired to destroy the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City with a rocket launcher in the early 1980s. Id. Snell was convicted on unrelated capital charges, sentenced to death in Arkansas, and was executed on the very day of the bombing in Oklahoma City--April 19, 1995. Id. One of his last statments [sic] before he was executed was, "Governor, look over your shoulder, justice is coming." D.E. 3410 at 16 (Pretrial Hearing--SEALED--Not Provided to Defendant Nichols, March 10, 1997). (Information in public press reports). His body is buried at Elohim City.
The above quote is from Petition for a Writ of Mandamus of Petitioner-Defendant, Timothy James McVeigh and Brief in Support, a legal action his lawyers instituted to bring about a reviewing of a district judge's denial of discovery motions. Pretty intriguing stuff. If you have time you should give it a look. The McVeigh case is not as nearly cut and dried as mainstream media would have us believe.
Terry Nichols faces state murder charges for 160 people killed, plus a charge for the baby of a pregnant victim. Nichols is already serving time for the deaths of eight federal agents in the Murrah blast. He now faces the Oklahoma death penalty.
His attorneys plan to bring the existence of a far ranging bombing plot into play in Nichols defense; Aryan Republican Army bank robber Peter Kevin Langan Jr is thought to be a witness for the defense; Langan claims to have hard evidence linking five individuals to the bombing.
Kirk over at American Amnesia has posted his interview with Benjamin DeMott, give it a read. You may have read his piece on junk politics in Harpers, as I did and appreciate his trenchant analysis. His book "Junk Politics" is on my reading list.
No computer access til Monday. EP makes a great portal...
Neocon Richard Perle has resigned from the Defense Policy Board, ending 17 years there. Perle claims he doesn't want his outspoken radical neocon call for endless war and American Empire reflecting back on the Bush Administration.
17 years. That is through the Clinton administration. Take a look at the board members histories- how big is the difference between a Democrat and a Republican? The board members seem happy serving which ever branch of the center-right UniParty is in power.
So you are asking, "What is the Defense Policy Board?"
According to its charter, the board was set up in 1985 to provide the Secretary of Defense ?with independent, informed advice and opinion concerning major matters of defense policy.? The members are selected by and report to the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy?currently Douglas Feith, a former Reagan administration official. All members are approved by the Secretary of Defense. The board?s quarterly meetings?normally held over a two-day period?are classified, and each session?s proceedings are summarized for the Defense Secretary. The board does not write reports or vote on issues. Feith, according to the charter, can call additional meetings if required. Notices of the meetings are filed at least 15 days before they are held in the Federal Register.
The above quote is from an article from The Center For Public Integrity telling about Defense Policy Board members with conflicts of interest. The Center for Cooperative Research gives more background on board members affiliations and histories.
A bit of background on Perle from William Hartung.
Hartung will be speaking at The Socialist Scholars Conference at Cooper Union. The Conference will be on March 12 through 14.
Operation Garden Plot, FEMA: a bit of history
If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator --George W Bush
George Bush, one term President? Like father like son; it looks as if that could be the case, even with the support of his corporate media cronies, the truth about him, and his administration, is getting mainstream. Black Box voting aside...
What my reading has shown though is that the present regime in DC is much bigger than George W. Bush. In fact, when the highest office in the land is under threat and the Vice President goes into hiding, what are we to think? Who is the front man? Who is/are the brains of the operation?
"Am I the evil genius in the corner that nobody ever sees come out of his hole? It's a nice way to operate, actually." --Dick Cheney
The Neoconservatives that people the present administration have been involved in governance at some level for decades, bringing their marginal political philosophy to the fore; its' policy of endless war, and lies to control the subordinate masses, to head the most powerful nation on Earth. We all saw how this cabal got into the White House...
I really care about my work here at Estimated Prophet, and will offer documentation to back up what I have to offer; I don't want you to wonder if I am wearing a tinfoil beanie.
Operation Garden Plot There is a plan to allow the military to assist law enforcement in quieting "civil unrest".
Urban areas can be the scene of inner-city conflicts, labor disputes, and political struggles. Disturbances in urban areas are usually fueled by aggrieved members of the community. I'd like you to take a look at Field Manual (FM) 19-15 which spells out the military policy in controlling civil disturbance. The Field Manual is comprehensive; but I think you will be a bit more enlightened by giving it a good read. The way crowds are managed, the psychology behind say, behind soldiers holding their weapons at "safe port" so their bayonets are apparent to the folks in the back of the crowd, or when exploding CS grenades might be used rather than burning grenades to greater effect, even how a to choose between shooting protesters with either a rubber ring airfoil projectile or a CS powder containing CS projectile from the M234 launcher on your M-16.
The term "Rules of Engagement" is not used for domestic operations- the term "Rules for Use of Force" applies.
Alright, so perhaps the military can be called out for such domestic disturbances as riots, you may be thinking, remembering Los Angeles after the police we watched beat Rodney King so many times on the tv were aquited. The Los Angeles Riots saw deployment of active duty Marines and Army Troops, as well as federalized California National Guard Troops. The National Guard is not constrained by Posse Comitatus Act. Once Federalized it is constrained, while under the command of the Govenor it is not.
What we saw in place in Los Angeles was Department of Defense Civil Disturbance Plan 55-2, better known as "Operation Garden Plot". This plan to use the military to deal with widescale domestic dissent had its origins in the rioting and unrest of 1967. Although the riots in Newark, New Jersey; New York City; Cleveland, Ohio; Washington, D.C.; Chicago, Illinois; and Atlanta, Georgia; and Detroit, Michigan were mostly confined to African Americans, the growing antiwar movement offered another domestic concern. There were 160 incidents such as these in 128 cities in the first nine months of 1967, the National Guard was called out at least 25 times. President Johnson called a National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders into being to figure out the "why" of this mass unrest.
Army Chief of Staff Harold Johnson set up an task force to study the role of the Army in civil disturbances.
After Martin Luther King was assassinated rioting broke out in 19 US cities.
The army task force became the Directorate of Civil Disturbance Planning and Operations, which had a further name change to the Directorate of Military Support, working out of the basement of the Pentagon, it's headquarters known as "the domestic war room". A full time staff of 150 manned communications equipment in touch with the National Guard and the nation's military installations. A computer kept track of politcal dissent. And dissenters.
Ronald Reagan hired retired National Guard General Louis O. Giuffrida to implement a Garden Plot subplan called Cable Splicer. Giuffrida had earlier advocated "the detention of at least 21 million American Negroes in assembly centers or relocation camps" to counteract African American militancy. Reagan established a counter-terrorism training center, the California Specialized Training Institute; Guiffrida was commandant.
On October 30, 1969 President Nixon issued Executive Order 11490, cosolidating 21 Executive orders and 2 Defense Mobilization orders, assigning emergency preparedness functions to Federal departments and agencies.
President Ford created Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency (FEPA), in 1976, using Executive Order 11921, further consolidating Nixons order.
FEMA In 1979 President Carter brought the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) into being with Executive Order 12148, expending on Ford's FEPA.
President Reagan made Louis Giuffrida his "emergency czar" as head of FEMA. Guiffrida created a Civil Security Division at the agency, and set up a Civil Defense Training Center in Emmitsburg, Maryland, much like CSTI in California., where civilian defense personel were taught military police methods, counter-terrorism and survival skills. FEMA gained intelligence agency status by giving the National Security Council authority over the planning for civil defense and civil security by top secret National Security Decision Directive (NSDD) 26. Reagan further a senior-level interdepartmental board, the Emergency Mobilization Preparedness Board (EMPB) to develop a national policy statement on emergency mobilization preparedness.
Along with Guiffrida, Oliver North was a part of EMPB, having been assigned there by Robert McFarland from 1982 to 1984. Thier plans for an America run by FEMA and Presidential fiat where gaining attention. FEMA was collecting intelligence on American activists. A fact that placed them in conflict with Federal Bureau of Investigations Director William Webster. General Frank Salcedo, FEMA Director of Civil Security in the end had to turn over the 12,000 files his agency had collected. Attorney General William French Smith got wind of this and some of the details of the REX 84 readiness exercises conducted under President Reagan and involving 34 other agencies, an exercise that countenanced rounding up 100,000 Central American immigrants as well as taking control of the Department of Defense and shutting down the Constitution. Salcedo had been quoted saying "at least 100,000 U.S. citizens, from survivalists to tax protesters, were serious threats to civil security"
"Over the long term, the peacetime action programs of FEMA and other departments and agencies have the effect of making the conceivable need for military takeover less and less as time goes by. A fully implemented civil defense program may not now be regarded as a substitute for martial law, nor could it be so marketed, but if successful in its execution it could have that effect."-- Louis Giuffrida
Guiffrida was found to have used 170,000 dollars in FEMA funds to set himself up in a swank "batchelor pad" at the Emmitsburg training facility. He was let go and does not appear in FEMA's official history though he was there from its inception. FEMA was found to have spent its money on building a civil security infrastructure, but it neglected its given role, civil defense.
North was reappointed by McFarlane to the Office of Public Diplomacy, where he disseminated disinformation. Iran/Contra brought North's other crimes concerning Central America (including condoning Contra cocaine running into the US) and the crimes of many, some within the present administration into light. His FEMA/EMBP involvement became public as well; offering a glimpse into these malignant entities.
Reagan signed Executive Order 12656 putting the NSC at the helm of national security emergency preparedness policy. FEMA is now at hand to assist in policy implementation and co-ordination with Federal agencies, state and local governments. It advises the NSC on mobilization preparedness, civil defense and continuity of government among others.
FEMA is now... The Department of Homeland Security's Emergency Preparedness and Response Directorate.
What got me reading about this was the Sydney Morning Herald article "Foundations are in place for martial law in the US" The reading I've been doing points to the fact that a small group of hardliners has been in the background of GOP politics during some of the most shameful incidents of US history in the past 30+ years.
You should be aware, as stated in FM 100-19 "Principles of Operations Other Than War"
Perseverance - Prepare for the measured, protracted application of military capabilities in support of strategic aims. Domestic support operations may require years to achieve desired effects. They may not have a clear beginning or end decisively.
More tomorrow...
Been working on a piece, but it still isn't done. I'll post it tomarrow...
Over at Kurt Nimmo's Another Day In Empire there is a thought provoking piece on Osama Bin Laden. Last I heard the guy was ailing, needed a dialysis machine. That was around the inception of the yet unfinished but somewhat forgotten Afghan Adventure. You'll also finds a piece on the reinstatement of the draft, S.89. A bunch of good reading- food for thought.
Shadowy Government
Deployed "on the fly" in the first hours of turmoil on Sept. 11, one participant said, the shadow government has evolved into an indefinite precaution. In the current issue of Atlantic Monthly (March 04) James Mann has written an article called "The Armageddon Plan" which tells about the involvement of both Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld in a clandestine plan to ensure "continuity of government" in case of a nuclear attack hatched by the Reagan Administration. Cheney and Rumsfeld, both partisans of the 1976 "Team B" effort to thwart approved intelligence were in the position to know that a Soviet attack on the US was not a reality based threat assessment. Yet then Congressman Cheney and Rumsfeld, CEO of Searle, not even then a part of elected US government, were principle actors in a Reagan plan that would circumvent Constitutional lines of Presidential succession while leaving elected Congress out of the equation entirely. Iran/Contra criminal Oliver North was a part of this secret project. He was also at this time involved in the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) planning that brought the disaster relief agency formed under President Carter into a new role: what was called "Civil Defense"planning.
They included executive orders providing for suspension of the constitution, the imposition of martial law, internment camps, and the turning over of government to the president and FEMA.
The above quote is from the Sydney Morning Herald. I hope to touch on this in another post, which may take a few days.. I find it very alarming to see a continuity of neoconservatives influencing government policy in ways that seem highly anti-democratic. Neoconservatives that are now in the highest posts of our government. That you see and hear on the airwaves, in the daily paper. People we need to learn about, whose "track records" need to be made familiar to every American. It is as if "We the People" are left in the dark by the media that should serve as with the key information we need to form an informed electorate. But back to the case in hand. The order of Presidential Succession runs like this, I'll offer the names of the present administrators, offering a partial listing, the "Top Ten".
1. Vice President of the United States - Dick Cheney 2. Speaker of the House - Denny Hastert 3. President pro Tempore of the Senate - Ted Stevens 4. Secretary of State - Colin Powell 5. Secretary of the Treasury - John Snow 6. Secretary of Defense - Donald Rumsfeld 7. Attorney General - John Ashcroft 8.Secretary of the Interior Gale A. Norton 9.Secretary of Agriculture Ann M. Veneman 10.Secretary of Commerce Donald Evans As Mann relates the Reagan Administration fear was that the USSR would attempt to enact the same nuclear strategy that the US was planning; that is to "decapitate" the Russian civilian and military leadership through nuclear strikes targeting officials and their lines of communication. To prevent this end in America three teams were set up that included Cabinet officials and folks like Cheney and Rumsfeld who had high level executive branch experience and ideally a connection to the national security apparatus as well . James Woolsey, PNAC signer and later director of the CIA was a team leader at one point. The Cabinet members would be figureheads in the public eye, issueing orders as "President" while defering to the more experienced chief of staff in the background.
Reconvening Congress was seen as overly bothersome. There might be those that would balk at the administrators now held in charge. The primary goal of this project was to get a workable chain of command going in case of nuclear attack. An unsworn President that could control the military was what was sought under Reagan. One has to wonder about just who would have their finger on the button of the worlds largest nuclear arsenal during these conditions. Six or seven three star generals had this responsibility, as did several NORAD big wigs. Yup, NORAD, the folks that have no answers concerning 9/11.
The program went from a policy of running the would be clandestine governments from a few hardened facilities that were predictable to more far flung ones it was thought the soviets would be unable to keep track of. Big rigs pulling lead lined trailer of communications equiptment and 4 bys with the administrators would light out to hidden spots on parklands and in resorts across the US. This mimicked the process US intelligence saw the Soviets practicing. FEMA base Mt Weather and Camp David were supplemented by other, more discrete, hardened hideaways. GlobalSecurity.com has an interesting list of them including one under the Green Briar resort.
During the Presidency of the elected President Bush these exercises went on. During the Clinton years they were shelved as being unrealistic in light of the fall of the Soviet Union. 16 year spy Robert Hanssen, who shares the distinction of belonging to the same church where the Tridentine Latin Mass is offered (a Mel Gibson favorite) and same fundamentalist fascist religious organization as his boss at the time Louis Freeh and Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, Opus Dei revealed how these plans operated to the Soviet government.
The new millenium's Pearl Harbor, the 9/11 disaster brought these plans back to the fore.
Q Mr. President, is there a shadow government in place since September 11th? And --
THE PRESIDENT: A shadowy government or a shadow government?
Perhaps "to the fore" is not an accurate phraseing. Senate president pro tempore of the time, Robert Byrd had not been told that the Bush administration had instituted this "shadow government" plan; and he was third in line of Presidential succession.
In television interviews on Sunday, the leading congressional Democrat, Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, confirmed that neither he nor any other congressional leader had been consulted about the plan. Asked whether this constituted a secret government, not just potentially in the future, but in actuality today, he replied, "I don't know. I don't know what their role is, what their current authority is, because we haven?t been informed. You'd think one person in Congress would know, and whether a congressional and judicial component is included." O.K, to be clear we live in a Constitutional Federal Republic with a strong democratic tradition. But if the third person in line for Presidential succession is unaware of the Bush Administration "Continuity of Government" plan does this plan strike you as either Constitutionally correct or in the least democratic? But there was a briefing given on this plan, that overlooked Robert Byrd who as was stated is in the line of Presidential succession. The Secretary of the Senate Jeri Thomson and the Senate Seargent at Arms were said to be told of these plans September 22, after the 9/11 disaster, but it seems they were not told much.
Lenhardt and Thomson said in a statement last night they "visited a classified location to receive information regarding [presidential] line of succession in the event of a national emergency. We were not briefed on a program involving executive branch personnel being assigned on a rotating basis to insure operation of the executive branch." The WaPo article said this.
House Minority Leader Richard A. Gephardt (D-Mo.) first learned from a reporter about yesterday's classified briefing for congressional leaders on the contingency plans, his aides said. White House press secretary Ari Fleischer blamed a "scheduling matter" and said Gephardt had "already been talked to," which Gephardt's aides said was untrue.
The White House also disputed lawmakers' claims that they had not been advised of the administration's contingency plans, reported last week in The Washington Post, involving scores of career government officials taking rotations in underground bunkers outside of Washington. Sen. Robert C. Byrd (D-W.Va.), who as Senate president pro tempore is third in line to the presidency, and Senate Majority Leader Thomas A. Daschle (D-S.D.) had said they were not informed of the plans. So it seems although 70 to 150 civilian managers are sent to hardened bunkers to ensure continuity of government in the case of an attack on Washington these individuals are just there to implement executive branch policy. From my reading I could find no reference to House or Senate or Judicial members being included to insure the Constitutionally mandated "checks and balances", and a closer reading sees that members of the Democratic Party are kept outside the loop concerning this "shadow government".
Because Bush has decided to leave the operation in place, agencies including the White House and top civilian Cabinet departments have rotated personnel involved, and are discussing ways to staff such a contingency operation under the assumption it will be in place indefinitely, this official said. The material I link to is from a year ago when the existence of this "shadow government" was made public to us and our legislators. What this body was up to was shadowy then, and just as indistinct now.
What I can find is that the American Enterprise Institute (which counts Perle, Jean Kirkpatrick, Gingrich, Michael Ledeen, Lynne Cheney and Irving Kristol and among its scholars and fellows) and The Brookings Institute (illuminating but dated reference), are working together to promote their Continuity of Government Commission that as Phyliss Schlafly stated to the Senate Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Property Rights on August 29, 2003:
An elite group of former Clinton advisers and former public officials of both political parties gathered at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington to announce their proposal to convert the House of Representatives from an elected body to an appointed body in the event of a national emergency. This group calls itself the Continuity of Government (COG) Commission, and the acronym is apt. The COG Commission is trying to be a cog that manipulates our constitutional process of self-government.
We need to be very vigilant. Tommy Franks spoke about what could occur with another 9/11 type terrorist attack.
the potential of a weapon of mass destruction and a terrorist, massive casualty-producing event somewhere in the western world-it may be in the United States of America-that causes our population to question our own Constitution and to begin to militarize our country in order to avoid a repeat of another mass-casualty-producing event. Which, in fact, then begins to potentially unravel the fabric of our Constitution.
On one hand a terrorist attack that could be used by the political elite to further curtail the very liberties we hold as defining what sets America apart, think PATRIOT Act, CAPPS. Police infiltration of civil rights and anti-war groups.
Keep in mind, here in the cradle of world democracy, a country that exports the democratic concept to the world, when all was said and done, despite the Supreme Court appointment, history shows Gore won the Presidency according to the vote in Florida