Below is user information for See you then, Unscarhead.. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.
User: | lazy_daze (1255156) |
| You can't tell me at breakfast? And on the train? And at the station? Okay. I can tell you then. And then. And then. |
Name: | See you then, Unscarhead. |
Location: | Leicester, United Kingdom |
Birthdate: | 09-03 |
E-mail: | lazy_daze | @ | |
AOL IM: | teh lazy daze (Add Buddy, Send Message) |
Yahoo! ID: | lazy_daze03 (Add User, Send Message) |
Bio: | Hello all. I originally got this LJ to lurk and keep up with other people's LJs, but, such is the pull of LJ and the fandom, I have now become somewhat of an active member of this wonderful fandom. I post mainly about the fandom - inane ramblings, recs, links, all sorts, with the odd snippet of RL thrown in. And sometimes fic, if you're lucky!
I am an obsessive slasher - in particular Harry Potter, in particular H/D. The boylove owns me, frankly ♥
I am also a rather ridiculously obsessive nocturne_alley fangirl and can often be found squeeing/angsting/wibbling/speculating at nraged :D I am an NrAger and proud ♥
just_harry/potterstinks OTP!!1one!
24th June 2004: RIP Remus, Pansy and Lisa.
And...goodbye, Lucius.
I refuse to remove this from my userinfo, even though now nocturne_alley has come to an end. Once an NA fangirl, always an NA fangirl. Thank you, NA.
Although H/D is my OTP when it comes to fics, I'll pretty much read any pairing. Not many squicks here :DD
And just because I can, a list, by no means exhaustive, of various pairings of interest: Harry/Draco, Harry/Snape, Harry/Remus, Harry/Ron, Harry/Sirius, Remus/Sirius, Harry/Neville, Ron/Draco, variations of Weasleycest, Hermione/Ginny, Ginny/Luna, Hermione/Pansy, Ginny/Tonks. And many more that I can't think of right now :D
Just to be sure: this journal features slash (and femmeslash), both works of and squeeing and rambling about. If you don't know what that means or have an aversion to it, I suggest you find somewhere else to play. Kisses! Love me xxx
About me: Am an A-Level student in the East Midlands of good old Blighty. Meh. You can tell pretty much everything else of import from the above and my interests. Whaddya mean you're too lazy to read them?! Ahem.
hpreadaloud This is the coolest project ever, headed by the lovely kat99999 and now co-modded by yours truly (it's our bebe): Get the fandom to read the HP books aloud, a chapter at a time, until we have all the books as an audio file read by fandom members across the globe. Please, join and spread the word! We need lots of members :DD
Feel totally free to friend me, I will respond by squeeing and friending you back. You can never have too many friends, and I love getting to know new people.
Credit for my wicked NA mood theme to the brilliant tabiji.
ICONS: Designed by me, created by botherd and her sexcellent iconising skillz ♥. Icons feature art from the incredible talent of: glockgal, greeksong, sherant, lunulet, seviet, fiendling, lizardspots, joosetta and Alessandra Sunk. I bow down to their collective amazingnessosity.
And the t00b you see in some of those icons is, indeed, me :P *bows*
Lazy days, don't let them get you down Wear your smile, don't wanna see you frown (don't wanna see you frown) Don't let them get you down It could happen in any season We don't need any reason to Sit around and wait The world could change in a second so I find the sunshine beckons me To open up the gate of dreams... - Robbie Williams, Lazy Days
Memories: | 25 entries |
Interests: | 150: "fine", ♥, alan rickman, alex parks, androgyny, ant and dec, aqualung, backstreet boys, being a twin, being clever, being english, being lazy, bisexuality, boys, boysex, btvs, cho/ginny, daemons, dan radcliffe, dan/elijah, daniel radcliffe, disney, disney films, dom/billy, dra-co maaaal-foy, drabbles, draco, draco malfoy, elijah wood, england, f5ing na, fan art, fanart, fandom, fanfic, fanfiction, femmeslash, femslash, ficlets, friends, gay marriage, gay rights, ginny/cho, ginny/luna, ginny/tonks, girls, girls aloud, girlslash, golf, good grammar, good spelling, gryffindor, h/d, harry potter, harry potter slash, harry/draco, harry/neville, harry/remus, harry/ron, harry/sirius, harry/snape, having 150 interests, having a five word interest, hermione/ginny, hermione/pansy, hitting refresh, hundred reasons, i love them so much, internet, j.k. rowling, j_h/ps, just_harry, just_harry/potterstinks, keira knightley, kleenex balsam tissues, laughing, lene marlin, less than three, lifeguarding, lord of the rings, lotrips, love actually, love under will, luna lovegood, lupin's cardigan, m.b., m.b. is god, mark owen, maroon 5, mcfly, michelle branch, music, my fandom, my own company, nocturne alley, nocturne_alley, nraged, orlando bloom, orlijah, philip pullman, potterstinks, pr0n, pretty boys, pretty boys kissing, pretty girls, psychology, pwp, reading, reading fics, reading more fics, reading yet more fics, remus lupin, remus/sirius, reviews, ron weasley, ron/draco, rupert grint, rupert grint's hair, s club, s club 8, same sex marriage, six feet under, slash, slashiness, smut, songs about jane, spice girls, squeeing, stealing other people's interests, subtext, sugababes, swimming, t00bing, t00bs, tea, teh slash, the pun croc, the read aloud, the weasleys, underwater light, underwater light!draco, ust, weasleycest, westlife, wibble refresh repeat, wibblebot, wibblechat, wibbling, will young, writing slash. [Modify yours] |
Friends: | | 249: | _hdcomic, _thedarkroom, actress_krissie, adamasoda, addictedkitten, akiranopanda, ali_wildgoose, alicey, aliceyart, also_boni, alsoivy, amanuensis1, anatsuno, anemone_, angela_clover, angelspit, aome, aphykinns, ari_o, arwena, ashjay, ashkitty, babytyggeryss, black_dog, bookofjude, botherd, bubblebee, buttahmellow, candytaiyo, carylic, cattykinns, ceris, chaosmind, chasingtheblue, cherryflavour, chez_caillou, coldcoffeeeyes, conversant, copperbadge, crimson_stained, cursescar, cursive, cybele_san, cypress_vine, daisy_drabbles, dancingrain, darklites, debellatrix, digitalmeowmix2, dinahrae, dizzy_lizzy, dorkorific, dorrie6, dweiashards, ebilsoki, eclectictastes, eclipses, edajj, eleveninches, emmagrant01, enne_de_paix, epicyclical, eponis, esorlehcar, ewacat, fan_ta_ta_sy, feanari, fearlessdiva, fevvy, ficbymarks, fiendling, florahart, fluffyllama, franthephoenix, galenhiril, geoviki, glockgal, goldennotblonde, greeksong, grim_old_place, gryffingirl, hackthis, haz_l, heidi8, helenish, heliopath, hi1arity, hownovel, hp_femme, hp_trainwreck, hpbnfdm_lives, hugsnkisses_, icarusancalion, iibnf, illmantrim, immora, immortalbeauty, inkbug, invisiblehoney, iscaris, ishtar79, isiscolo, ivyblossom, ixchelmala, jaded_skys, jeaneis, jedirita, jessindistress, jimmy_rat, jitter_bug, jo_rowling, joosetta, julad, justfortytwo, kat99999, kazzik, kearie, kievstar, kitsune13, ladyjaida, lapin_agile, lasultrix, laurac0re, layha, lazy_daze, leadtippedarrow, legomymalfoy, lemonadekiss, lettaque, lilith_morgana, little_needle, lizardlaugh, lizardspots, loony_moony, lovedoesthat, lunatic_z, lunavega, lunicanca, lunulet, lunupix, maeglinyedi, maggie_malfoy, magsby, makesmewannadie, manynames, mark356, mawaridi, maybethemoon, mctabby, melpomene170, memorycharm, milenalupin, mirakate, miranskeeper, mistful, mon_starling, monochromal, mordororbust, muffinchan, nefeleo, nmalfoy, no_loafing, nopejr, nothingbutfic, novembersnow, ociwen, olivia_lupin, olympia_m, onechocfrogaday, pandarus, passo, penelope_z, penguin474, permetaform, petulans, phineasjones, pingviini, pinkwafer, pitchblackrose, plebeonwheels, portkey, pottyweepotter, prillalar, priscellie, pseudobitch, r_becca, reenka, resonant8, riikkarocks, rosesanguina, roxannelinton, roxyaddict, sarvihaara, saskia_rose, savvyscamp, scarlet_ink, selene_rain, serpentigena, seviet, sexyharryspecs, shaenie, sherant, silver_and_gold, silviakundera, sincelastjuly, sistermagpie, slashkilter, slightlights, sloanesomething, smagsby, snape_a_day, snaples, somniesperus, spare_change, sparkler__, sprengstoff, starcrossedgirl, starflowers, storydivagirl, stupidtrucks, summertime_love, switchknife, tabiji, taradiane, tempestus, the_familiar, the_plebe, thebratqueen, thessamunga, tigertune, tobymalfoy, tocomfortyou, tradescant, ukcalico, umbralin, unknownwisdom, untiemybinds, vignette00, vinyl_sticker, waccawheels, wayfairer, wednesday_tea, wednesdayschild, wickedcherub, wikdsushi, wildanjali, winsome1, xnera, yukipon | | 30: | alexparksfans, andropotterist, daily_snitch, danrad_daily, etern_alley, fame_academy_2, fanatic_alley, glockart, greenknees, hp_art_daily, hp_rps, hpangst, hpart, hpart_recs, hpguys_daily, hpreadaloud, hprwfqf, hpsmart, hpstoryfinders, keira_daily, metaquotes, na_icons, nraged, pornish_pixies, quickquote, rightclickchick, schoslashtic, thehandbasket, unplottables, wishforthemoon | | 2: | diagonalley_, leaky__cauldron |
Mutual Friends: | 175: _thedarkroom, actress_krissie, adamasoda, akiranopanda, also_boni, alsoivy, angela_clover, angelspit, aphykinns, ari_o, arwena, ashkitty, black_dog, bookofjude, botherd, bubblebee, buttahmellow, candytaiyo, carylic, cattykinns, ceris, chaosmind, cherryflavour, chez_caillou, conversant, crimson_stained, cursescar, cursive, cybele_san, cypress_vine, daisy_drabbles, dancingrain, darklites, digitalmeowmix2, dinahrae, dizzy_lizzy, dorkorific, dorrie6, dweiashards, ebilsoki, eclectictastes, eclipses, edajj, eleveninches, emmagrant01, enne_de_paix, eponis, ewacat, feanari, fearlessdiva, fevvy, ficbymarks, fiendling, florahart, fluffyllama, franthephoenix, galenhiril, glockgal, goldennotblonde, greeksong, gryffingirl, haz_l, heidi8, helenish, heliopath, hi1arity, hownovel, hp_femme, hp_trainwreck, hugsnkisses_, icarusancalion, iibnf, illmantrim, immora, immortalbeauty, invisiblehoney, ishtar79, jaded_skys, jeaneis, jessindistress, jimmy_rat, jo_rowling, joosetta, justfortytwo, kat99999, kazzik, kearie, kievstar, ladyjaida, lapin_agile, laurac0re, lazy_daze, leadtippedarrow, legomymalfoy, lemonadekiss, lettaque, lilith_morgana, little_needle, lizardlaugh, lizardspots, loony_moony, lovedoesthat, lunavega, lunicanca, lunupix, maggie_malfoy, makesmewannadie, manynames, mark356, melpomene170, memorycharm, mirakate, miranskeeper, mordororbust, muffinchan, nmalfoy, no_loafing, nopejr, nothingbutfic, novembersnow, ociwen, olympia_m, passo, penguin474, permetaform, petulans, phineasjones, pingviini, pinkwafer, pitchblackrose, plebeonwheels, portkey, pottyweepotter, pseudobitch, r_becca, riikkarocks, rosesanguina, roxannelinton, roxyaddict, saskia_rose, savvyscamp, scarlet_ink, selene_rain, serpentigena, silver_and_gold, slashkilter, smagsby, snape_a_day, spare_change, sparkler__, ... |
Member of: | 21: afamilyaffair, alexparksfans, bottom_draco, etern_alley, fame_academy_2, ginnyxluna, glockart, greenknees, hp_girlslash, hpangst, hpcrush, hpreadaloud, hpstoryfinders, lunatics_asylum, nraged, paidmembers, project_barney, quibbler_recs, rightclickchick, schoslashtic, wishforthemoon |
Account type: | Paid Account |