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User:villainny (1161698) Paid User villainny
God of randomly typing monkeys
Hoping for Hamlet. Will settle for fanfic.
Website:My stuff at Skyhawke
Location:United Kingdom
AOL IM:AIM status spacedoutdaisy (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status villainny (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:"You have potential. I'm here to bring it out."

"Potential as what?"

"As a human being. You have all the basic ingredients. You're really very likeable, when you put your mind to it. You make people laugh, when you can be bothered, and you're kind... you just... you just don't do anything. You get lost in your head, and you sit around thinking instead of getting on with something, and most of the time you think rubbish. You always seem to miss what's really happening." High Fidelity: Nick Hornby.

I spend a lot of my time talking about fanfiction, sex, porn, slash, and wanking. If any of this offends you, please don't bother reading it. See how easy it is?

by Jhonen Vasquez

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Memories:61 entries
Interests:56: addictive shareware games, alan cumming, alan rickman, alex garland, beta reading, cider and black, cross dressing action men, daydreaming, discworld, drabbles, eddie izzard, eloquent insults, eyeliner, fanfiction, festivals, gigs, godflicking, godpoking, godsmacking, good omens, graphic novels, harry potter, hhgttg, invader zim, jhonen vasquez, johnny the homicidal maniac, kids near water, lord of the rings, lucifer, magnificent bastards, neil gaiman, pirates, radiohead, reading, remus lupin, rpging, severus snape, simian, slash, slave labour graphics, snape, soul coughing, squee, squicky pairings, stephen maturin, tattoos,, terry pratchett, theban band art, vertigo comics, vetinari, vetinari/vimes, vicarious sex, vimes, vodka, writing. [Modify yours]
People97:_hannelore, afrai, akujunkan, amanuensis1, amethyst_lupin, anuanu, askance, atdelphi, aubrem, autumnchestnut, basingstoke, blackdracaena, brevisse, casira, cassidyblue, cellia, cereal, chasehunts, cluegirl, coell, copinggoggles, copperbadge, cursive, daegaer, darkkitten1, debchan, delirieuse, dementedsiren, derryderrydown, donnaimmaculata, essayel, faith_rayne, fandom_pillory, ficbymarks, fiendling, florahart, fluffyllama, fruufoo, gabes_meister, gmth, goseaward, hp_femme, idlerat, iibnf, immora, innerpoise, isiscolo, jinxster, juniper200, ladyjaida, lakedeal, lamardeuse, laurelwood, lizardspots, luciferrous, lunulet, luthien67, lyricalnights, maeglinyedi, manpurse, mctabby, melpemone, melusinescales, mimine, minkhollow, mistersleepless, mousapelli, nimori, notassuch, psychodragon82, pureblood_icons, r_becca, resonant8, schiarire, sealgair, setissma, seviet, sharp_tongue, slytherin_dream, snapetoy, sociofemme, sparrohawk, swiftpaws, swtalmnd, tahira_saki, tammaiya, tboy, tradescant, trollprincess, underlucius, venivincere, vikytickytembo, vileseagulls, villainny, vimeslady, wikdsushi, ygrane
Communities12:basicbases, discworld_rpg, drabblesmith, guild_of_damn, hp_uncut, lower_tadfield, merry_smutmas, metaquotes, poetry_is, rest_backstory, restituere, restituere_rpg
Feeds3:calnhobbes, comic_getfuzzy, officialgaiman
Friend of:168: ___precious___, _cadenza, _hannelore, adinaj69, afrai, akujunkan, amanuensis1, amethyst_lupin, anoddplace, anonymous_satan, anuanu, aqua_alta, arachnethe2, askance, atdelphi, aubrem, aurennia, autumnchestnut, babycakesin, beckyhoadley, biichan, blackdracaena, brevisse, c_carol, casira, cassidyblue, cereal, championlurker, chasehunts, cheshire_sphinx, cluegirl, coell, copinggoggles, copperbadge, crimsonclad, cursive, cyanei, daisy_does, dancingskeleton, darketherdream, darkkitten1, debchan, delirieuse, dementedsiren, derryderrydown, donnaimmaculata, dragonessasmith, els_chan, exiledyears, eyrai, fahye, faith_rayne, fandom_pillory, ficbymarks, fiendling, florahart, fluffyllama, fruufoo, gaaak, gabes_meister, gaiamyles, gaycrow, gmth, goseaward, guardantares, gwendolen, halogirl8, hp_femme, i_smile, icarusancalion, iibnf, immora, isidore13, isiscolo, jinxster, juniper200, kiss_me_hard, kleenexwoman, ladyjaida, ladyjosephine1, ladykardasi, lakedeal, lamardeuse, laurelwood, leogryffin, lettaque, lovewilltearus, luciferrous, lupinus_bicolor, lurvesnape, luthien67, lyricalnights, lysrouge, maboroshi_korax, maeglinyedi, manpurse, mctabby, melpemone, meridian_star, merrycontrary, mickat24, mimine, minkhollow, mooncharm, morgan_du_lac, mousapelli, ms_popularity, nimori, not_sally, notassuch, okami_kun, orange_angel, permetaform, plottwist13, polpotter, pookizegreat, psychodragon82, r_becca, raevenwynter, ragepoint, rajazz, randomblade, resonant8, rinewen, rubyrosered, ruhgozler, salome_, scarah2, schiarire, scizo_frenic, sealgair, sending_my_love, setissma, shadafakup, shadiness, sharp_tongue, shoeless_girl, silverthistle, slashingthefox, slytherin_dream, snitchnip_chill, sociofemme, sparrohawk, storydivagirl, suziannabean, swiftpaws, swtalmnd, tahira_saki, tammaiya, tartanshell, ...
Member of:8: basicbases, guild_of_damn, lower_tadfield, merry_smutmas, metaquotes, paidmembers, rest_backstory, restituere_rpg
Account type:Paid Account

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