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289 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in grammar. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches:
- 200silhouettes - andalusa the heretic
- 404 - Oh Great Master, the All Powerful Sun King
- 980707 - Jon Dondon
- _steel_ - Dr. Lonsdale
- aerdna - aerdna
- aevil - Amy without a last name
- agreatermind - a greater mind
- alfykins - Little Miss Persnicketty
- allie - imagination salvation
- allisten - Allison
- allycat135 - ally
- almeda - Almeda
- alonza - Alonza
- altenra - Lena
- amphetamine5000 - Andrew Ricci
- ananchel - Ananchel
- android81 - Andy
- angelictears - None of that Sweet Romance
- anghouedd - Anghouedd
- animate - We'll invent the wheel yet
- anomar - Ramona
- applelard - You're gonna want that cowbell!
- ariestar - a precious combination of awesome and honest
- arosebud918 - Amy Rose
- arosoff - Alexis
- askforjoy - ask for joy
- atarifaery - Aymie.
- atrojen - Hermione Granger
- axgop - Josh
- axiem - Axiem Terre-jen
- ayukawa - Amber Lea
- badfae - beware_the_faerie_gone_bad
- baleheadbabe - wrong jack, wench!
- battleangel - metal heart.
- bear - Kyllikki
- benthecube - Ben
- bink - Binkari
- biz0unced - Thom
- bklyngirl - A (Not So) Ordinary Life
- blankexpression - starving for truth
- bluespark - Seductress, third class
- bonedragon - ./make yourself
- bonne_tristesse - perfection ameliorated
- bonscott - wedel-jarlsberg
- bpthepond - killer
- brantastic - the slowest porcupine in town
- brenk - BrenK
- broken - Everyone on the dance floor is doomed.
- broknprmisering - as if it happening wasn't enough...
- brooding_soul - Brak, the Heartless Clam Slayer
- bulbousbouffant - Nathan
- bunglehead - jen the II
- bunnyriffic - Jacques Mattieu
- burnblack - a human supernova
- caf - CAF
- cannondale - bmt
- cellio - Monica Cellio
- cenobytia - charlie
- chibineko - neko
- chicken_hunter - andy
- chickyboo - TK
- chlaal - joan the english chick
- chrestomanci - My Very Own God
- chumducky - chumducky
- ciole - cio3j
- clavical_bones - [poor us]
- cliff_lemming - Penile Dementia
- clover16 - Kirstin
- coffeeandcigars - who needs sleep?
- consortium - The Consortium
- contrasedative - Sharon
- cormorant - Corvus Marinus
- corsakti - shoot to live
- cranbonite - The Excellent Neon Fish
- crushcore - with patient hands i can be cured...
- cuspie - Dawn
- daedreamnation - daedream Nation
- daltong - Dalton Graham
- dancingspring - la belle dame sans merci
- denonymous - Johnson
- dental_unit - finding out about fish
- dervish - Rachel
- diaryofahobbit - A Hobbit
- divisiblebyzero - i am the one who is kt
- doeadear - She breathes new life into my broken heart
- doinkheadfool - Ari
- donkey_hotey - donkey_hotey
- drakanjel - Anjel
- dreadedcunt - agraphia
- drew - drew
- duranki - Duranki
- dutchbuffy - the good girl from the bad neighbourhood
- dweezie - Amanda Shay Permenter
- eatthis - swallowing razorblades tastes like better days
- eferii - Manda Moo
- eirtae - Danielle
- ekirstina - ekirstina
- eleazar - Sidhe Baap
- elecktrik - pirate prude
- elektrobop - Brooklyn South
- elizaespana - much too tall for a boyfriend
- elsajeni - Eliza
- elwe - Ryan Gabbard
- emilydrewski - Riff Randall
- emperorxavier - Legion
- erratica - Low Art Gloominista
- euqubud - Dubuque
- evan - Evan Martin
- evilyn - Girl Who Plays
- eyeteeth - Wind Chime of the Apocalypse
- faeriechilde - just another misfit toy
- fairy_grrl - ~Heather~ <><
- falls2climb - someone has to take the fall
- flotron8 - Florindo
- fluzby - Sue Anne
- foampeanut08 - Laur
- frankie_cat - cute & evil
- freshmaker - 11ty hundred
- frightened - ... or vice versa
- frnkensteinchic - \w/ Death Whispered A Lullaby \w/
- frogmistress - Frogmistress
- frozen16 - Zlatko
- funnel101 - Tania
- gadfly - Gadfly
- gallyndur - Gallyndur
- gamahucheur - Daniel
- garbagemoron - A delicate boy
- gethsemane - Amba
- gfxjd - jD
- ghostwritten - these days...
- gillygirl - GillyGirl
- gizmorox - I'm not hostile, I'm annoyed
- gjstruthseeker - Jules
- glynnis - Glynnis
- gocoolmandi - mandi
- goldbug - goldbug
- grammarboy - Maxwell Pointdexter
- grammarcore - grammarcore
- grammarglamour - Test Subject
- grammarnazi - GrammarNazi
- greekdaph - Daphna
- grlathena - Carolyn
- grrlpoet - GRRLESQUE
- gruyere - Mephistopheles of Pancakes
- gsctreize - The Big Scary Master
- halfcat - Buffy
- haloform - laurie
- happy2beso - Miss Happi Tubeeso
- happymartian - The Martian
- hcwoodward - Hilary
- heahthuh - Heather
- hektic666 - mike skiba
- hellamander - Steinbeck
- heptachlor - Robbie
- hillhouse - _
- hissy - [&] so it goes
- hudson - The Danimal
- hybrid1013 - Abbie Kite
- hybridhavita - Omi
- hyperdonut - foxie wolvsie
- icantdenyit - Erin
- icydid - jamie
- id_still_jam_ya - id_still_jam_ya
- ijon - Asaf Bartov
- illscientist - Bruno Puntz-Jones
- iluvyuri - Eddy
- indignantfig - bex
- infinitey - shade of dawn
- insatia - Insatia the Wonder Girl
- itallow - meg
- james_bondage_x - Emily
- jannygirl - ----x----
- jaymosch - Ouch
- jeanster04 - Sarah
- jeff8163 - Jeff
- jen_the_great - Generic Mild Mannered University Student
- jenchembear - jenchembear
- jennalah - Jennalah
- jennynumberone - the human heart in conflict with itself
- jewelsvs - Julie Marie
- jillwise - jill
- jimmyruweird - Explodey Applehead
- jingoro - Daric Scott Jackson
- jinian - Pillbug Super-genius
- jlbmedia - ~~Jessica~~
- jmichiko - jacob
- jodamiller - Joshua
- joeyclaren - Calliope
- jojofries - JoJoFries
- joonzmoon - joonzmoon
- jordanb - Jordan
- jrivka - a tale of love, loss, and more loss.
- julietori - Julie
- jwitchbaby - mendel the dancing chasid
- ka_crow - Ka Crow
- kamoku - Lawton
- kapthowdy - father dowling
- karamazov - Voice of Reason
- karma26 - Rosalie
- kassyd - Kassy D.
- katiesp - katiesp
- katmaxwell - british politician sex
- katrin - The Anti-Hair Band Hair Band
- kawaiiwhit - Whitney
- keishi - Lawton
- ketura - Jill
- khristomophelle - Khrisnege
- kimontherun - Kim
- kleverkira - Not Fire, Not Ice
- knavishanarchy - Anne R. Key
- ktl - Vice Supreme Dictator Jeff
- kunzgita - Gitalissa of Troy
- ladytabitha - Ticking Time-Bomb of Cheer
- lafemmeandita - La Femme Andita
- larenta - Larenta
- ldy - Ldy, the lemony, ligerish ducttaparian
- leilia - Lady Lark
- lenabean - Honeybunch
- leontyne - Stace
- lexophile - Read To Me
- lifer - Lifor
- lilchick216 - Lilchick216
- lindsalicious - the Pudgy Bunny
- lisabelle - lisa
- littleredhead - pomegranate
- lizzie9208 - Elizabeth Hartman
- lo5an - Lo5an
- logos - Madame X
- loudasthesun - that one guy with the glasses
- lovelies - && Prison Sex Apocalypse--;;
- loweeel - Arrogant Bastard
- lsdchick - i'm boring, don't read this
- luckydyke - further tales of a fourth grade nothing
- lutron - Null Pronoun
- lyndz - Music Box Superhero
- lynzi105 - Lynzi
- lysimache - jen
- lysistrata - Electric Weather
- maboo - Daniel, beyond the edge of the sepia
- macleod - MacLeod
- mactavish - Mary
- mannajo - mannajo
- manuka - Just a network plumber
- markaci - Mark
- marlatiara - Mrs. Prime Minister
- marthaxcore - Crystal
- maskdgrammarian - The Masked Grammarian
- matthewp - Matt
- mattmatt - Matt
- meggielaugh - young and in love
- melbel2u - Melanie
- mellowdrama - not an artist
- melodymuse - MelodyMuse
- mercuresque - Annabel
- mercuriosity - Brigadier Sir Charles Arthur Strong (Mrs.)
- midtownskye - bad star falling
- millennial - millennial
- mimeinashoebox - Antoinette
- minette - Hong Kong Phooey
- miraclelove - Chess Mommy
- misscallis - KK
- mistressdeath - Lovely In Her Bones
- moonwhip - Kate Elizabeth
- morada - Morada
- morethanthat - Katie
- morian - Morian
- morisot - Kata.
- mr_nocte - Nocte
- mrginseng - Ginseng
- msandromeda - miss andromeda
- mtheu2nut - M
- musique0615 - la Déesse Roux
- muskeeto - M.C.
- my_sihaya - when do I get a pony?
- myoldself - Sean
- mysnowsquirrel - sarah
- naiadea - strawberry switchblade
- nakedfeet - the artist formerly known as petunia puss
- nermil - I am … Sancho
- netdiva - Net Diva
- newedition - Carrie
- nglofile - Nglofile
- nicoalesce - miss nicole
- nightgarden - Rachel
- nikkienoname - quod me nutrit me destruit
- niro - Daniel Logghe
- nondescript - eNichma
- number42 - Dan Traut
- oddchild - like mercury to Hell
- oenone - bebe
- onceupon - Romania
- onrevolution - "Hef"
- operasu - Pronuncia
- oriongo - goo
- orngpezgrl - inconsequential and arbitrary
- owarimasu - owarimasu
- pan2 - Mark
- paraphasiclotus - Mistress of Domesticity, Yet To Master Electrics
- peachfairy - Amy
- peachke - Peachke
- pegasustamer - Never Settle
- pensee - Curling for Loonies
- peteface - pete
- pezzgrrrl - pezz g grrrl
- pfy - Rayner
- phlebas - Phlebas
- photobooth - Dawn Davenport
- phr00tsnax - L to the I to the Z
- phuzzi - Phuzzi
- piedpiper987 - Matty P
- pietins - jen
- piezocuttlefish - piezocuttlefish
- pinata - et al
- pinstriped - blonde on blonde
- pisser - pisser
- plasticgiraffe - ...
- polichinelle - Carolyn
- polystyrene_man - venus as a boy
- potkettle - David
- poubelle - La plus belle poubelle
- princessrach - Rachel
- proceedcyclone - Tia
- psychicbooty - Logan
- puddinhed - The Puddinator
- punkstress - Victoria
- purpleasylum - Zanna
- qousqous - Christopher Lewis Cotrell Doctor Qousqous Tsziar
- queenjbee - Jessica
- quethehell - Le Chris
- quirky_me - Flying Grasshopper
- raencloud - free-range karma
- rainherder - Silly Monkey
- reflexion - insipid
- relish - relish
- rockit - stephanie
- rosabuddatchery - Rosabud Datchery
- rosefox - Rose Fox
- s00sh - tyna
- s2sugarcoateds2 - Lindsay
- sailalias - erica
- sarahbobarah - s-s-s-s-sarah
- sarcasmosis - Chesterville McPwnington
- satori_in_blue - .
- scopo - scopo philiac
- screamingsiren - Screaming Out Loud
- screamingvenus - criminally vulgar
- seekyr - seekyr
- senhor - Tobin
- serendipite - []slave[] [of] []sensation[]
- shaegirl - Rochelle
- shatteredclock - Id
- sheeprustler - Being Acrostic Could Help
- sine - sine nomine
- sineala - Elena
- sjh3585 - Promiscuous Doughnut
- skaloop - That's right...
- skepanie - the last great innocent
- skrach - Sam
- skreyola - Nonsense and Nuance - Skreyola
- slithytove - This week's pile of elf stories
- smallstar - smallstar
- smb - SlapAyoda
- sngingcircusdog - Singing Circus Dog, Esq.
- soletitrain - cindy
- soulamei - Ashleigh, dammit
- soulcrusher - A.
- soysauce - nancy drew
- sparklemaster - My cut and paste life...
- spazziest_moves - electronic dork tool
- spooble - spooble
- stagechic - Shley
- starladear6 - Starla / 蛍の天使 / 那皑秘
- steen182 - steeb
- stellare - sorry arrie
- stess - The Goddess
- stipe - Dai Aku
- stormys - Stormy, the inedible one
- strippedangel - textbook anatomy.
- substance_p - C-10
- subvertedstyle - Subverted Style
- suenos - L.Elena
- sugarbaybe - I am a girl anachronism.
- suibhne_geilt - Eric of Clann tSuibhne
- sultry - Jennifer
- superjohn - Rule 42(b)
- superstarj414 - Jeff
- superviixen - Viix
- swimmer247 - Dulcinea
- swordsman - Micah
- sylphon - crunchy but not troublingly crunchy
- tabbi_cakes - tabbi_cakes
- tajg1703 - Tara
- teachit_host - teachit_host
- tenkiya - The Posthumous Adventures Of
- tgjelly - Tg Jelly
- the_maenad - (The Other) Sandra
- theapplepicker - Jenny Girl
- thecupisblue - Stumpy
- theena - Theena
- thehunter - Hunter
- thickeye - thickeye
- thidwick - Sarah M.
- threedays - if i could soar i'd try to take these wings & fly
- tigerbright - Tiger Lily the Ginger Cat
- tiktok - tiktok
- timmydeee - Mighty Town Idol
- tinekabok - tineka
- tlc71076 - koeR TracY
- tmbg126 - Anna
- tonique - Toni
- tonybologna - Antonius of Bolognia
- torgleson - Melissa
- trillain - Lain.
- trollopfop - Tenshi Androgynous
- truro - Juche Idea!
- tuppydoo - Lori
- twentyfive - twentyfive
- ugly_quail - Steady Rabbit
- ukelele - warm fuzzy puddle of phonological love
- ultramagnetic - ultramagnetic
- unix - Unix
- usedandconfused - wendy lane 3/4
- uzi978 - UZi
- vagabondsoul - Let me be your dictionary
- vaguelygreggy - Greg
- vaguelyspecific - Andrea
- valancyjane - valancyjane
- valera - Valera
- value_meal_2 - Shorty
- vampireinlove - Caro
- vanswingedangel - vicarious
- verb - _____ing
- vfc - The chilled-out entertainer
- vikkilynn - Vikki
- violahead - Catilza
- viridescence - language or the kiss
- vuelo - L.Elena
- waderapspoorly - Liz
- wageslave - Lucan
- wardcleaver - Ward Cleaver
- wawen98 - Lauren
- wendaliscious - girlfriend in a coma
- wickedgirl - Audiophile
- witchyprincess - hopeful
- woofiegrrl - etoile
- wowbagger - Flicker
- wushupork - wushupork
- wwiinngg - an ornery hipster
- x_wifey - ♥ maya.
- xinu - Xinu
- yellowducky - Keri.........
- yidrae - Flamingo
- youngoat - youngoat
- yttrium_yellow - Zsazsine, Keeper of Iceland
- yummi - nicole.
- zapruder - The Imperious Sausage
- zebra188 - Tina