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Below is information about the "damaged property" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:damagedproperty (2271239) damagedproperty
Name:damaged property
About:the username should be self-explanatory but assuming it's not--this is a photography community for all things damaged.

limit text to a very minimum. I don't want stories about where you found it or how it was passed down your family for generations until your mother dropped it one sunday afternoon. some photoshopped text is okay, although photos should preferrably need no explanation. if possible keep images to 500 x 500 pixels, otherwise use a cut tag. post original photographs only.

this community is moderated.

Interests:60: abandoned, abandoned buildings, aged, appliances, art, beaten, bent, broken, busted, chairs, collapsed, computer monitors, corrosion, cracked, crippled, crumbled, crushed, damaged, decay, defective, demolished, disabled, disintegrated, dismembered, electronics, faded, faulty, flawed, fractured, fragmented, fridges, furniture, garbage, glass, glitched, graffiti, impaired, imperfect, irons, junk, mold, ovens, photography, pieces, remains, roadside junk, rot, rust, shattered, shot, sinks, smashed, snafued, tables, toasters, toilets, uncouth, violated, washing machines, windows. [Modify yours]
Members:109: _anatomyboy, acpizza, adorned, altoidsaddict, aprilfaces, aristhasia, asphyxxiation, avaline, azzie, batsani, beardy, bettie_spyder, bitchmobile, blueframmento, bluescreen, bootsinrain, brokenxxwings, caffeina, chromosphere, crazy_russian, crinoline, crivelli, crystaldreaming, dash23, de_minimus, deliriumcrow, dethany, donrufie, dyrknab, eldritch00, eldritch48, erzulie_eardrum, eurekagray, fairy, filter_tips, flip_style, forgive_, fornikate, funkymessiah, giltsurcingles, glimmervamp, goldrose, guyver7, herrtod, i_died___trying, ijustwannariot, impacts, inlaterdays, iyachtuxvim, j0j0bean, jenna77, kaos1ne, lastingchild, lemoncakes, lo5an, lollyrot__, lovedsoon, lucidtears, lunarworks, made2bsome1else, mamarose, mckenzee, megglesthemegh, mockduck, mrjustice, neevel, notyourbroom, oozethisbitch, ozmonkey, patty_puke, pdi, peripatetic, personage, pet_virus, photo_bio, planetbuster, plastic_diadem, plastikfantasy, prophetkun, ps__xo, psychococa, pumpkinbrat, pygmalion, ravennoir, rhovanion, rockygrrl, sandwitchmcgee, sharefantasy, shemovesshe, shesaid_shesaid, sheworeoleander, shooher, skrepkin, sloot, somavenus, sparrowrose, stich, teffdogg, teufel_1, theseidlewords, torgo_x, turtle_, velveteyez, verybadlady, vxo, whycanticry, willaston, xshesaiddestroy, zombienurse
Watched by:82: ___timetrap, _anatomyboy, acpizza, altoidsaddict, always_in_drag, aprilfaces, aristhasia, asphyxxiation, azzie, batsani, beardy, bettie_spyder, bootsinrain, bowtied, caffeina, crazy_russian, crobin, crystaldreaming, dash23, de_minimus, deliriumcrow, dixi, donrufie, dyrknab, eldritch00, eldritch48, erzulie_eardrum, eurekagray, evalux, fairy, flip_style, forgiv_com, funkymessiah, genki_dust, giltsurcingles, goofyrobo, guyver7, herrtod, inlaterdays, iyachtuxvim, j0j0bean, jcterminal, jenna77, kaos1ne, kingdumboffools, lastingchild, lemoncakes, lollyrot__, lovedsoon, lunarworks, mamarose, mckenzee2, nighterudite, nocturnalenigma, oozethisbitch, ozmonkey, passiongrace, patty_puke, pet_virus, plastikfantasy, ravennoir, rhovanion, rockygrrl, sharefantasy, shemovesshe, sheworeoleander, shooher, skrepkin, sloot, somavenus, sparrowrose, stich, tempest0402, teufel_1, thegovtsphone, torgo_x, uninvited, verybadlady, vxo, willaston, xshesaiddestroy, zombienurse
Account type:Free Account

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