Below is information about the "Synthpop/Electronic/Industrial ~ News/Concerts/MP3" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.
User: | help (59311) |
Name: | Synthpop/Electronic/Industrial ~ News/Concerts/MP3 |
About: | Welcome to the Synthpop/Electronic/Industrial music news page. Feel free to post any news, mp3's to download, concert/tour dates, or anything else pertaining to the above genres of music! |
Interests: | 19: ambient, atmospheric, concerts, darkwave, ebm, electronic, electronica, experimental, gothic, industrial, industrial dance, industrial rock, music, music news, new age, synth, synthpop, techno, trance. [Modify yours] |
Members: | 71: 4daysdead, adoryan, amyagogo, asira, bassist_needed, beecasjournal, bitter_reunion, bobydigital, childofnuitari, cjmarsicano, deadangr, deadthyme, decker, delirium, djmythadrall, dreamsoft, dresdenblack, dubaboutme, dyode419, ericjevitts, evilneedscandy2, expzine, gingko_retard, goblyndick, goodmusic, hemophylia, hero_inside, hindupez, inocent, julesnycsw, kling_klang_bed, krash_bang, krovvyflows, laurelana_jones, lilithsilver, llary, lookofevil, loopfick, maduro, majickblackcat, mdiwench, mel_scum, mercuryslavejq, n_s, neophyte_bullet, niiicolaaah, peeink, phobicvision, plastikengel, pogtanius, princessvicen, random_drivers, runagate_echo, russ658, screamingroses, selille, setmeaflame, spit_venom, squidb0i, tamedsoul, thegreatdoogie, thelosthighway, themadviolinist, thesorrowtree, tsottc, uworld003, violatorengel, water_drenched, whizzo_butter, xnoisexxstreamx, zeroghost |
Watched by: | 57: 4daysdead, ________getaids, adoryan, amyagogo, artzombi, bassist_needed, beecasjournal, blissbaby, cavedwellers, childofnuitari, cjmarsicano, crookedcrucifix, deadthyme, decker, disposablepoet, djmythadrall, dresdenblack, dubaboutme, dyode419, ericjevitts, expzine, gettinghigh, gingko_retard, goblyndick, goodmusic, gr33nfa1r1e5, growingup, hemophylia, hero_inside, hindupez, inqbus, kling_klang_bed, krash_bang, lilithsilver, loopfick, majickblackcat, mel_scum, mr_mandala, n_s, neophyte_bullet, niiicolaaah, phobicvision, princessvicen, resq_me, runagate_echo, selille, sullenangl, tamedsoul, thegreatdoogie, thelosthighway, undeciding, uworld003, violatorengel, vomitincereal, water_drenched, whizzo_butter, zeroghost |
Member of: | 2: paidmembers, synthpop_music |
Account type: | Free Account |