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User:goblyndick (718743) goblyndick
Oh, shit!
What the fuck did gobLyn do now?
Name:GobLyn Dick
Website:gobLyn's Booty -Buy/Sell/Trade, comics/music/toys
Location:Fremont, California, United States
Bio:I was born. I wait for death.
And then I kick your ass!
Memories:14 entries
Interests:150: a split second, a winter chapter, absurd minds, accessory, aghast view, android lust, anguish, arzt + pfusch, aslan faction, attrition, bay area rivetheads, beavers, blue eyed christ, blut engel, c-drone defect, celtic, cenobita, cocteau twins, control theory, controlled bleeding, cyborg attack, cynyc,, darknessizeverywhere, das_funboy, dava-n-tage, dc comics, dead kennedys, death, death in june, decoded feedback, dekonstrukt, die, din_fiv, dirk ivens, dive, dominion, drop black sky, dungeons & dragons, dust of basement, ebm, einsturzende neubauten, electro assassin, equilibrium, evil's toy, explosives, fad gadget, fatal rupture, feindflug, fiction8, flesh field, foetus, fornicuit, fremont rivetheads, front 242, funker vogt, g.i. joe, galaxxy chamber, gang of grim, gijoe killaz, goblyn booty, gothic, grendel, healthy morbidity, history of war, hocico, i say go, in the nursery, industrial, infact, informatik, insekt, jell-o wrestling, justjerky, keith giffen, kicking ass, kill sister kill, killing, killing fields, killing game, killing machine, killing time, klinik, knives, kode iv, kompressor, kraftwerk, lords of acid, machine guns, meat, midnightmare, misfits, moebius, moev, ncc, noitekk, odor of pears, osprey press, pink metal, pirate booty, pirates, placebo effect, poison elves, polar, project pitchfork, psyclon nine, psyclon_nine, pulse legion, pzycho bitch, radio star, re/work, resident evil, rivet_g00nsquad, rivetgirls, robert bisno, runes, s.i.n.a., san francisco, serpents, shadow circus, sicsence, siouxsie & the banshees, skinny puppy, sleeping dogs wake, specimen, stiletta, suicide commando, switchblade symphony, tactical sekt, talla 2xlc, tesseract7, the azoic, the creeps, the darkest hour, the dust of basement, the klinik, the sisters of mercy, things for killing people, tot same, turning sand into glass, unwoman, usagi yojimbo, virgin prunes, vodka, war, when i say go,, xorcist, xymox, yelworc. [Modify yours]
People290:1eyedkunt, 2canman, 7circlerecords, _bat_, _blue_skittles_, _deadstar, _spankz_, acriah, adriwoman, aeschere, aislinfey, anaxsunamune, andraculoid, androidheart, antikorekore, aporia, aquaregalia, artsychic369, atakra, atropab, attenaej, audux, azaezel, azoic, baconmonkey, baza_dekoy, belladonna23, bio_vital, bitch_dom, bkkbabygirl, blaugirl, bloodyclass, bobbdobolina, boirozzlyn, bonegrrrl, booshook, brokendo11y, burnin_it_blue, burningroses, c_death, caffeina, catyanna, charack, chemicalangel, chxstfamine, conure_ifau, crotchgoblin, crunchpod, d_squirrel, daggrwitch22, dangerine, danielw, danielwarden, dark_desirez, darkangeltina, darkdecay, darkmas, deamonbutterfly, deathguild, deckards_sixth, defcode, defloweringyou, digikitten, digitalcunt, digitalobscura, dirtydie, dismemberedneko, disposablepoet, distortedsoundz, dj_apocalypse, dj_arkady, dj_evol_eno, dj_kreepy_v, djall, djblackwidow, djcoldheart, djdotstatik, djgyn, djinnaya, djkenny, djophelia, djravage, djschmitty, djtotentanz, djxfixi8, doomkty, dream_logic, drkscrtlv, drunkenmongoose, eastbaysteve, el_olvidado, electrojunk, elektr0death, epsilonminus, essenceofthemus, evergrey, evildeadboy, evilyoungflesh, evinced, evoltwin, experimentium, extol_involute, faerygurl, faethenztatik, fallen_angel_7, faye_valentine, final_resource, fleshandbones, fornicuit, forrestblack, fuckgsus, gearheadpawl, glitter_cunt, goblyndick, gobo23, goth_kitty, gothickatt, greenfaerie, grendelprime999, h0cic0chica, hafnir, hatedenemy, haz_mat_girl, hazed_clarity, hektikat, hellraver, helterskelteroc, hepcat56, hexx_13, hocicodegato, humanerr0r, i_am_weightless, ifonlytonight, ilovezombies, inebrigoth, inqbus, intergalactik, intoxicat, irate_patient, itarilyni, jackalr, jett_black, joe_christ, kalidream, kalischild, karlito1984, kerminator, keven_ugly, kidney_thief, kifar, kitty_blackwell, kompressorpower, kreepygurl, kriegschrei, kristinchaos, kukhuvud, kyber, kyronfive, labmouse42, lanc0rv2, latweaka, leggylady, lemondropgirl, lenanyx, leperchan5, litlblkangl, lorax999, lucky13, lydia976, lynxcat, machina, machina13, madampc, malibish, maschinegunbaby, meatoz, meepzorp, melting_girl, mikecreep, miragination, missmorganna, missmorte, moonshae, mopmonster, mystic_guide, necroholic, nemesisn72, nerozero, netik, nicefuckingtree, nicevenn, nietenmaedchen, noivad, nokturna, nsferatu, nullzero, omegashade, op_annihilate, opal_maow, panzermaschine, pathogen, pfaffy, phoenixrysing, phonenix, phreaki_boi, pinkertnmermaid, pinksparklepop, plastikengel, pollytrance, prd, psychomofo, psychomorbidity, pulsatingfluid, pussydroid, pygmalion, rabbitron, radario, rainn9, ravingsanity, razor_dolly, revglenn, rickamortis, riversprite, rivetpepsquad, rivetpunk, rough_angel, rzr_grl, saintjudas, sanguina, sarahravia, sashiegirl, scary_kisses, scorchcake, screeamqueen, selectronica, setmeaflame, sexycuteness4u, shadowcircus, shar_katye, shatter707, side_line, siphet, skinheadbrian, skreamingbeauty, slimspooky, slut_and_a_half, sp_hexonxonx, starscream242, steeplerot, stored_images, strange_emmy, synthesizedwave, synthetik_smurf, synthetiksoul, teknoir, terrorfakt, terrorfakt_ny, the_grrrl, thebarbed1, theonebob, theungodlyhour, thisrandomlife, tjcrowley, torchcrimson, treatmecruel13, trojan_skinhead, ubermensch, uberthug, ultraluxe, ultraminx, unwoman, useacoathanger, velvetsiren, version2, vietnamwar, violenze, vxnervegas, waffen, warpedplastic, wasteddream, wirklichkeit, xriotgrrrlx, xsubstanzx, xxbluegirlxx, yoshio, zachsturbate, zapevaj, zeenobia, zeonchar, zjande
Communities102:_obsession, abq_underground, acidkizz, adarkersideofnj, au_cybergoths, azgoths, brightongoths, brisgoth, c_a_t, canberragoths, cangothfash, chicago_gothic, chigothloli, clubbed2death, cogoths, dallasdarkside, darkalabama, darkbaltimore, darkedmonton, darkottawa, darkwave, deadfaktory, dutchgothic, ebmusic, edgar_society, flgoth, g_w_g, german_goths, gi_joe, goth_asheville, gothic_zone, gothicbc, gothicboston, gothiciowa, gothicmaine, gothicmodels, gothicwaterloo, gothiotheque, gothireland, gothmississippi, gothupny, help, hocico, houstongoths, industrialnatun, jaxgothicindust, ks_mogoths, lagoth, marvel_universe, melbournegoths, merseygoths, migoth, mke_darkside, mspgoth, ncgoth, nerdcorecrew, newenglandgoth, norse_mythology, nycgoth, nynjgoths, ohiogoths, ohiovamps, okgoths, orlandofl, penngoth, perthgoths, philly_goth, poisonelves, portlandgothic, psyclon_nine, punks, pvgoth, revolution_pa, rivet_g00nsquad, rivetwhore, rtp_goth, rvagoth, sacto_ebmgoth, sdgoth, seattlegothic, seattleindust, sf_industrial, sfcybergoth, sfgoth, sfrivethead, shadowscene, shefgoth, south_fl_goth, southbaysfgoth, squaresoft, stlouisgoths, tampa_gothic, temple_u_goth, terror_ebm, transmetro, txgoth, uk_goffs, undergroundgoth, vancouvergothic, wessexgoth, whitby, wisgoth
Friend of:166: 2canman, _blue_skittles_, _spankz_, acriah, aeschere, aislinfey, andraculoid, androidheart, aquaregalia, atakra, attenaej, azaezel, azoic, baza_dekoy, belladonna23, blaugirl, bloodravage, bloodyclass, bobbdobolina, bonegrrrl, burnin_it_blue, burningroses, c_death, caffeina, catyanna, charack, chemicalangel, chxstfamine, conure_ifau, crunchpod, d_squirrel, daggrwitch22, darkangeltina, darkmas, digitalobscura, dirtydie, dismemberedneko, disposablepoet, dj_kreepy_v, djblackwidow, djgyn, djschmitty, doomkty, drkscrtlv, drunkenmongoose, eastbaysteve, el_olvidado, elektr0death, epsilonminus, essenceofthemus, evildeadboy, evilyoungflesh, evinced, experimentium, fallen_angel_7, final_resource, fornicuit, forrestblack, gearheadpawl, glitter_cunt, goblyndick, gobo23, goth_kitty, h0cic0chica, hafnir, hektikat, helterskelteroc, hepcat56, hexx_13, inebrigoth, inqbus, jackalr, jett_black, joe_christ, kalidream, kalischild, karlito1984, kerminator, keven_ugly, kidney_thief, kifar, kompressorpower, kreepygurl, kristinchaos, kukhuvud, kyronfive, labmouse42, latweaka, leggylady, lenanyx, leperchan5, lydia976, lynxcat, machina, malibish, maschinegunbaby, meatoz, mikecreep, miragination, missmorganna, moonshae, mopmonster, mystic_guide, nemesisn72, netik, nicefuckingtree, nietenmaedchen, noivad, nokturna, nsferatu, omegashade, op_annihilate, opal_maow, pfaffy, phoenixrysing, phonenix, phreaki_boi, pinkertnmermaid, pinksparklepop, pollytrance, prd, psychomofo, pulsatingfluid, pygmalion, rabbitron, radario, revglenn, rickamortis, riversprite, rough_angel, saintjudas, sanguina, screeamqueen, shadowcircus, shatter707, siphet, skinheadbrian, skreamingbeauty, sp_hexonxonx, starscream242, steeplerot, strange_emmy, synthesizedwave, synthetiksoul, thauron, the_grrrl, thebarbed1, thejessicka, theonebob, theungodlyhour, ...
Member of:37: _obsession, chicago_gothic, clubbed2death, cogoths, darkwave, ebmusic, flgoth, gi_joe, gothic_zone, gothiciowa, gothicmaine, help, industrialnatun, ks_mogoths, marvel_universe, mke_darkside, ncgoth, nerdcorecrew, norse_mythology, nycgoth, ohiogoths, orlandofl, penngoth, philly_goth, poisonelves, portlandgothic, punks, rivet_g00nsquad, rvagoth, sacto_ebmgoth, sf_industrial, sfcybergoth, sfgoth, sfrivethead, shadowscene, squaresoft, transmetro
Account type:Free Account

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