The Newspaper
for and about
the U.S. Congress

‘Stand up with our President
and fight’

Forceful McCain
calls on Americans
to stick with Bush

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who probably possesses more bipartisan appeal than any other politician in America, forcefully underscored his support of President Bush last night, endorsing his “big stick” fight against terrorism.

He extended an olive branch to Democrats and independents alienated by the war in Iraq but vigorously defended Bush’s war leadership.


Blog threat as Schrock
quits seat

The blogger who triggered yesterday’s resignation of Rep. Ed Schrock (R-Va.) by spreading rumors that he is gay promised “there’s more to come.”

The gossip first surfaced two weeks ago on a Washington, D.C.-based Web log, or blog, The site links to an audio recording that it claims is Schrock calling into the MegaMates/Megaphone Line, a telephone service that men can use to meet other men.


New York City Ditty

Fall Senate races look
like two for the GOP

McCain readies for run
in 2008

Not quite, Mr. Brooks

Convention coverage
upsets CBS vet

What's Up
Your guide to the parties,
panel discussions, seminars,
marches and coveted
breakfasts, brunches, lunches, dinners, fundraisers and rallies

Reader contests


9/11 Commission Vice Chair and former Rep. Lee Hamilton (D-Ind.) testifies before the House Financial
Services Committee on cutting off terrorist fundraising.
Photo by Patrick G. Ryan

Bush poll surprise

Internal numbers show
Wisc., Mich., Pa. tilt
to President

Internal Bush-Cheney campaign polling shows that the president is beating Sen. John Kerry in three states that Al Gore carried in 2000, campaign staff members told GOP operatives this week.

The recent shift in polling data, buttressed by several recent public polls, has pleasantly surprised Bush campaign officials and calmed the nerves of antsy Republicans who had become frustrated and alarmed by the president’s lackluster numbers this summer.

Veep and Zell Miller to play
good cop, bad cop

Vice President Dick Cheney will serve as a character witness for President Bush in his speech tomorrow while leaving it to Sen. Zell Miller (D-Ga.) to launch the sharpest attacks on Democratic nominee John Kerry, according to sources close to the Bush-Cheney campaign.

Cheney’s speech will include two components: He will highlight the administration’s accomplishments and secondarily attack Kerry without mentioning him by name.
But it will be clear that Cheney, who kicked off the convention Sunday in a speech on Ellis Island, where he praised Bush’s leadership, is alluding to Kerry and what Republicans perceive as weaknesses in his legislative record.


McAuliffe pleads for peace
to focus on GOP record

More GOP New York

Gay Republicans threaten
not to endorse President

Same-sex marriage pales
as Nov. issue

Lawmakers shelve speeches
for standup comedy routines

Activists target
private convention parties

‘Hailstorm of truth’
fired by anti-antis

GOP gives candidates
a boost
on the podium

GOP centrists launch
new grassroots organization

Creative Coalition drags
celebrities out
to N.Y.C. appearances

La. state senators
support Romero

Republicans critical
of state party’s decision
to endorse Tauzin III

Rangel defends city turf


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