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08.27.2004: President Denies Affiliation With Credible Swift Boat Patriots Exercising Their Right to Speak Freely About John Kerry's Mega-Overrated Vietnam Vacation: "But let's pretend there really is a connection between my posse of known political assassins and these self-loathing nutjobs who want to settle a score because they didn't have the guts to protest a war they knew was being fought poorly on every front. Would it really matter?"
08.24.2004: Letter from Bush/Cheney '04 Chief Counsel Benjamin Ginsberg Offering Immediate Resignation Following Revelations of Ethical and Legal Conduct
08.20.2004: Letter from Mrs. Richard Cheney to Homosexualist Governor James McGreevey Expressing Utter Disgust on Behalf of Normal Women Everywhere
08.16.2004: Responding to Hurricane Charley: President's Remarks to Floridican Voters Promising Billions in Big Government Deficit Dollars
08.13.2004: First Lady Laura Bush's Guide to Understanding So-Called Stem Cell Research and Other Kinds of Pseudoscientific Flapdoodle
08.10.2004: Complete Text of President Bush's Heartfelt Campaign Rally Remarks to Undecided Swing-State Amishese Voters
08.07.2004: President's Congratulations to His Little Brown Nephew George P. Bush on the Occasion of His Marriage to a Lanky Ann Coulter Impersonator
08.02.2004: FAITH-BASED ENTREPRENEUR ALERT: Q3 2004 Applications for Taxpayer Dollar Handouts Are Now Being Accepted!
07.30.2004: Jenna and The Other One Bush, the First Twins of the United States of America, Answer Your Questions on "Ask the White House"
07.27.2004: President's Address Heralding "National Luxury Ranch Maintenance Week" as Patriotic Alternative to Watching Sicko Democratic Hatefest in Faggachusetts
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   Convention Week:

Can True Christian convention delegates survive The Big Apple? Only by studying the GOP Guide to New York.

John Kerry claims to be a hero. But what makes for truly honorable military service? Watch the latest campaign ad to find out.
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DRAFT REGISTRATION: Non-Homo Adults! Reserve Your Mandatory Front Row Seat in the War on Islam!
Arab Interrogation Rules: All-New Kinder, Gentler Guidelines for Torturing Maybe-Terrorist Trash
Defending Marriage: The Proposal to Amend America's Constitution to Conform to Biblical Principles!

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