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User:boatmusic (566344) boatmusic
Name:boat music
Location:delta, Canada
AOL IM:AIM status go away birds (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Bio:a portfolio, info and prints of my photographs are available here

my more "real" journal is here

my poems are here
Interests:1: ordinary magic. [Modify yours]
People185:100squares, 448, _gutterfly, _justcrash, _lepistol, _movienevermade, _parenthetical, a_snowstory, absolution, abstraction, adreeena, aiteo, akebono, alceria, aliceinanything, alturas, ana, andalus, andsuch, angenweag, anisetta, annaleely, anonymousblack, antimyth, arki, aslant, aurilia, autumnsweater, awayslow, bahia, barbiella, belgianwaffle, blackcustard, blackkeywaltz, bougainvillea, carkass, ch_a, circadian, coast, coronis, cradlemyheart, ctrl_alt_mag, cyrenafame, dadederakh, dance_aslife, deathbyinnuendo, denouement, diciembre, disfigurine, dreamsmall, duerme, duotang, dzhyn, effinay, electric_jesus, enfold, eternall, evitalerue, facade, fakingartsy, fameisoverrated, farfromyokohama, fellapart, filoillogico, flowerfalls, foldandtear, foxleaps, freedryk, freshdaily, ghostjoke, guardediris, hafssol, halfheard, harold_penis, heaving, heddcold, hiverner, horseys, huoxu, imaginarylove, inslowmotion, intercom, inthe, jen_shumate, jennheifer, jesusfixme, juan_, justlikewater, killposuers, kings, kitchenkiller, klayzen, lacatapillar, laheringer, last_dance, ledoutesale, lightleaks, liquor, littlesea, logue, londontheory, lotophagous, lotusmilk, lovedsoon, maison, makeshift, mariposa, medousa, mephitis, messes, midafternoon, monochromatic, month, motorcyclebook, mulhollandshine, mychopsticks, nervous_wreck, nightafternight, nineteen, nitnit, no_type, october_eyes, octohelpme, oranges, orchidbones, overstrung, panaripoff, paperthinwalls, pbj4brkfst, philtre, pistolstar, pseudofamous, quena, quietdear, recure, ripening, rockerina, rubybulbs, runofftorio, sadpixeleyes, salts, salvationarmy, seastones, sherrila, silentearth, singingfingers, singingsmile, skein, skiversoul, slowfolding, slowgrind, softer, solona, somersault, somny, sonicdefmonkey, spicada, starcake, stationgoodbye, subsoil, substitutescene, sunday, sundaysex, symptom, tarsh, telephones, teratos, the_impulse, thedianthus, thenyouwake, thesea, tile, tonydanza, touchyou, tplushdame, translucent, tree_sick, unifiedtheory, unlike, vetosoup, whitemyrrh, wingless, worded_snapshot, wrighter, yes_you_can
Communities3:photophile, pictography, unpoet
Account type:Free Account

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