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Below is information about the "The Satyrs Lounge" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:satyrs_lounge (625989) satyrs_lounge
Name:The Satyrs Lounge
Sharing is Caring.

This is an ADULT community. Only open-minded people of legal age in their state or country are allowed to join (typically 18+). If a minor is found within, they will be swiftly removed.

This is a forum for Satyrs, those of us who enjoy sex, sensuality, and the seeking of pleasure.

Anyone welcome of any sexual preference, kink, fetish, position, experience, curiosity, et al.

Here in is a place of joy and beauty, a grand hall of reclining figures in various states of undress. Some sip wine, others kiss or make love.

Come in, pull up a cushion, and share . . . after all, sharing is caring. *sly smile*

The only rule? Be respectful of others. Intolerance will not be tolerated. Those who break the rule will be summarily flogged and sent out to the cold, cruel world, never to experience the joy of flogging again. *wicked smirk*

(In web terms, you will be banned from the community!)


This site is affiliated with Think Kink, [info]thinkkink, and [info]kinknews:


[NOTE: While there are occasional references to RPG's here (roleplaying games), this is not an RP community. If you seek such forms of entertainment I recommend:

As the world turns, these are the days of their eternities.
Interests:150: 69, alcohol, bacchus, bdsm, beauty, bi, bisexual, bisexuality, bite, biting, bondage, bottom, changeling, chasing, crossdressing, d/s, daydreaming, discipline, dominant, domination, dreaming, dreams, dryads, eccentric, eclectic, ecstasy, ecstatic, erotic, erotica, exhibitionism, fae, fairies, fairy, fantasy, fantasy creatures, fetish, fondling, foreplay, fuck, fucking, gay, glam, glamour, gluttony, growl, haptics, hear, hedonism, hedonists, heterosexual, heterosexuality, homosexual, homosexuality, horny, incubi, incubus, inebriation, intercourse, kama sutra, kinky, kiss, kisses, kissing, languid, lesbian, lick, lounge, lounging, love, lust, magic, magik, majik, masochism, masturbate, masturbation, mermaids, mouth, music, mystical, mythical, naiads, nude, nudists, nudity, nymph, nymphs, oral, oral sex, orgies, orgy, pagan, pan, pan flute, penis, pixie, pixies, pleasing, pleasure, pleasure seekers, poly, polyamory, polygamy, pornography, rhps, rocky horror picture show, roleplay, s&m;, sadism, saliva, sated, satiate, satyr, satyrs, see, semen, senses, sensory, sensual, sensuality, sex, sexual, sexual positions, sexuality, sight, smell, spanking, spiritual, sprites, strange, submission, submissive, succubi, succubus, suck, taste, tongue, top, touch, transgender, transsexual, transvestite, ts, vagina, visual, voyeurism, weird, wicca, wiccan, wine. [Modify yours]
Members:166: _synthetica_, aerynne, alekseira, ancillary, angelvasectomy, animale, autumngray, azraphael, backrow, beautiful_quest, bellwethr, berserkir, bigteacup, billporn, blackthornglade, blue_centaur, braydz, briarfox333, brillig01, bzarcher, callow_lilly, camyinthesky, chainedangel, coldfriction, com_pan_ion, corieopsis, crowborja, daiku, dancing_star, darkangelbliss, dauntlessorrow, david_777, demonalissa, desir_vert, dopple_penis, dryan77, eetmewithtoast, elemirion, elfric, elspethdarkrose, emokilla, erisreg, evilcupcakes, ewysiwyg, fadingmemories, fairytailocom, fallenone666, faolan_dubgall, fashonablygrfik, fatalcurves, ferret, finchy, fitzjustice, free_kittens, furrat, gabigabs, galahads_lover, genpyris, gentleman_wolf, goddess_dot_com, gothiksukkubus, graveyard_plume, grizzlydan, gwydionone, hakuyama, hopendures, indigopowder, ingenue0, jadasc, jcfiala, jerich0, jillette, joezer, just_julie, kathrynstclaire, kevinfilan, kevynallen, kitsunegirl, kittenflirt, kore_dot_com, kyriani, kyriedj, lapisrosae, leatherdykeuk, lemonysnicket69, let_me_see, lionmage, llamax, lostsatyr, malice_xrated, mauilovich, meninaiscrazy, messiah4, messiah_dilah, mikey_ex_nihilo, missmaenad, molasses, moonphisto, mr_skin, mustnotsleep, myclaudia, nakychick, nemesis_dot_com, nobodyknowsimme, noctifer, paideia8, paka, pan_dot_com, patersoph, patstewartva, peachauto211, pokemewet, psyton, quaker_whore, queen_titania, ques_nova, rakehell, randomangels, reiak, robkaiote, rorinsaphirearm, satyr69, satyrkitty, satyrnoir, sdoirm, sedatesoul, serena_bliss, sexual_dream, shofmann, singswithtrees, skarlette, skycladman, skyewolf1, smallraven, snowowl, spankmetotears, straysatyr, sugarymalice, sumatrae, switchkitty, tavinsatyr, terminalx, thesecretgrrl, thestuffness, thetoy, thnktfthbx, tiresia, tomorrowsorrow, twizt3dang3l, vicomte_valmont, vortex, want_a_sundae, we_happy_few, weavr, weishaupt, whorekneestud, wolf_359, wolfieboy, wolfofkromer, wonderland_sim, wyndwyck, wyrdsatyr, xijoeix, xntric, yahazim, zenten
Watched by:136: aerynne, ag_unicorn, alekseira, alternatewoman, ancillary, angelvasectomy, animale, azraphael, beardy, bigteacup, billporn, braydz, briarfox333, bzarcher, callow_lilly, chainedangel, charack, coldfriction, com_pan_ion, crowborja, dancing_star, darkangelbliss, david_777, demonalissa, desir_vert, dopple_penis, dryan77, eetmewithtoast, elemirion, elfric, elspethdarkrose, emokilla, erisreg, evilcupcakes, ewysiwyg, fadingmemories, fairytailocom, faolan_dubgall, fashonablygrfik, fatalcurves, finchy, fitzjustice, free_kittens, gabigabs, galahads_lover, genpyris, gentleman_wolf, goddess_dot_com, graveyard_plume, grizzlydan, indigopowder, jadasc, jcfiala, jillette, just_julie, ka_haku, kathrynstclaire, kevinfilan, kevynallen, kinkypriest, kitsunegirl, kittenflirt, kore_dot_com, ladyofswords, lapisrosae, lazarusoutcast, leatherdykeuk, lemonysnicket69, let_me_see, lionmage, lostsatyr, luna_sirena, mauilovich, messiah4, mikey_ex_nihilo, missmaenad, molasses, moonphisto, mr_skin, mustnotsleep, mwah_co_uk, myclaudia, nakychick, nemesis_dot_com, nobodyknowsimme, noctifer, paideia8, paka, pan_dot_com, patersoph, pokemewet, quaker_whore, queen_titania, ques_nova, rakehell, robkaiote, satyr69, satyrkitty, satyrnoir, satyrsexslave, sedatesoul, serena_bliss, sexual_dream, shofmann, singswithtrees, skarlette, skycladman, skyewolf1, smallraven, snowowl, spankmetotears, supplesoftlips, switchkitty, tavinsatyr, thesecretgrrl, thestuffness, thetoy, tiresia, tomorrowsorrow, urwretchedfate, vicomte_valmont, vortex, want_a_sundae, we_happy_few, weavr, weishaupt, wolf_359, wolfofkromer, wonderland_sim, wyndwyck, wyrdsatyr, xdsub, xijoeix, xntric, yahazim, zenten
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