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Below is information about the "Cognitive Science" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:cogsci (114898)  
Name:Cognitive Science
About:Cognitive Science is an interdisciplinary study of the mind which features notions of "representation" arising from models of computation, mechanisms of evolution, and work in the fields of language and vision. This community was created with the intention of bringing LiveJournal members interested in cognitive science together, giving them a place to discuss ideas and topics related to cognitive science.

This is not a community for promoting your own communities, no matter how closely linked they are to the field of cognitive science. If you're interested in promoting your community, please take it to a community such as [info]community_promo. All promotional posts will be deleted. Thanks.

This community is maintained by [info]gillan. Please direct comments, complaints, questions to my personal journal or our email.
Interests:40: analogy, anthropology, artificial intelligence, biology, cognition, cognitive musicology, cognitive science, computation, computer science, computers, cultural anthropology, emotion, evolution, genetic algorithms, genetics, imagination, intelligence, interpretation, knowledge, learning, linguistics, machines, meaning, memory, metaphysics, mind, music, neural networks, neurology, neuroscience, perception, philosophy, psychology, representation, sight, software, symbolism, technology, understanding, vision. [Modify yours]
Members:637: View Members .
Watched by:545: 0loves1, 2drunk2type, 2fargon, ___iou, _pig_, _qwerty_, a_la_prochaine, aaronpj, abominari, abuse, achingtobe, ad3002, adamas, adifferentblue, adriang, agent_smith, agoddess, aiprofessional, alacrity, alfawolph, aliceroberts, alisandre, allogenes, alphanigga, amara_, amiaana, amisha, amoebasshadow, amoken, anetode, angharad, angrydwarf00, anjuutsu, anonymizer, anothererratum, antinats, apeth, apocalyptic_ash, apparent, aprily, aprivatefox, arbac, architect, ariose, arkineux, arrgghh, arriya, artzombi, asciilifeform, ash_night, asimont, asmodeus1, asteriatic, autodidacticphd, ayin, banazir, baranoouji, barlow, bean_dame, bearik, being_angyl, belaja, benjamin_1975, beststephi, binaryfiend, bioproject, birdmadboy, bizza, blacktigr, bladerenvangras, blue_sock, bob, brachah, brandnewinjury, brats_acrobats, brianinspace, brittsaqt, brotherofophir, bullywug, burntflowers, camilleophelia, catecumen, catkin, cavedwellers, centralasian, certainaffinity, chewygui, chiprunner, christophrawr, coconono, codewhore, cogentsage_bp, cogsci03, colinmarshall, conchis, conradin, consequentiam, contentlove, contrariandoer, cooltude, cosmodromo, count_condu, crawlintwoel, ctac, current_event, cutinhalfblues, cygnus7, d1101, damiel, dangerzooey, darkdreamsir, davetheknaive, ddrdez, deadkytty9, deahamlet, deathjoy, demon_cock, deobserver, deus_x, deviant_mute, devo_bxxp, dgabi, diaryofahobbit, diatton, dingodonkey, discommoding, djresistor, dkmnow, dmtri007, dnonwoo, doctorfunk, dolwyddelan, dragonguyver, drainboy, dv8ionofmachine, egosumquisum, electrophage, eletyl, ellie_desu, ellinoora, elyria, emre, en_ki, enigmaticself, enigme, ephemeral_ether, erzsi, euro, eurotrashfuck, eusebius, ...
Account type:Free Account

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