
Drama Submission

Filed under: — jameth @ Jan 09, 05 | 10:30 am

We don’t have a drama submission form (yet).

For now, please visit my journal and leave a comment (anonymously, if you wish) in my most recent post with links to drama along with a synopsis. Someone will probably pick it up and roll with it from there.

Thank you for shopping LJ Drama.

Update: submit@ljdrama.org will also work now, thx to ghettofinger asking girlvinyl to do it!@#!! However, if you wish to remain a bit more anonymous and don’t know how to send fake emails, feel free to submit to my journal.


A Public Service Announcement re: Poop

Filed under: — hardvice @ Jan 08, 05 | 2:57 pm

Ok, so I thought this would be obvious to everybody by now, but since LJD died right in the middle of the Poop Drama, and since I am for some reason now getting comments from people who are all “OMG THIS IS SO FAKE!!!” more than a month later now that we’re back up:

Yes, it was fake. It was also revealed to be fake within a couple of hours. Congratulations on being able to see through a month-old hoax. You win FOREVER.

A whole tl;dr summary is available for the terminally slow over at The Encyclopaedia Dramatica, or rather a whole summary will be available if I ever get off my fat ass and finish writing it.

Now stop leaving me comments, k?

zomgz all your neo-ljd first writeups belong to weev

Filed under: — weev @ Jan 08, 05 | 12:14 pm

marginalwarfare has a hypothesis that the lead singer of the band CAKE is a mortal incarnation of Lucifer, the Lord of Darkness. He backs it up with a meticulous song lyric analysis that is tl;dr of masters-thesisian proportions. This dramabomb lies dormant for months until the band themselves find it and link back to it from their website, leading the way for a swarm of crazy fans to come comment.

Some of them scold him for insulting their band, some profess their love of Christ, and some seem to agree with all seriousness that this is compelling evidence. One even applies Qabalistic analysis (Kappa-Epsilon-Phi-Alpha-Lambda-Eta Omicron!) to show that Lucifer invented the Internet (and we thought it was Al Gore all this time). Then we have the priceless people like prolixe who blame their DSM-IV disorders on a band:

thank you for writing this! about a month before you wrote this entry, i was riding in the car with my then boyfriend and he had cake in the cd player. all of a sudden i had a full blown panic attack and told him he HAD to take that cd out of the player because something was disturbing me. he just sent me the link to this page tonight.

as macoto said, “I haven’t read the post but the backlash is pretty hilarious.”


Welcome back drama

Filed under: — ghettofinger @ Jan 07, 05 | 8:47 pm

Your old usernames/passwords should work. You can click here if you can’t remember your password. If you had posting access but now don’t or if anything is broken AIM: modrama dot com. You will need to be logged in to post anything. Threaded comments are working as well. Have fun and don’t forget to upload a user icon.


When the shit hits the fan….

Filed under: — ChrissMari @ Nov 30, 04 | 12:45 am

hardvicehardvice is mad as well… shit. It seems that our intarwebs hero jamethjameth sent him 3 fucking giant turds in a diaper via UPS.

i’m totally sick of that motherfucker jamethjameth. Seriously. You all might think this is dramatic and you all might think this is funny, but I am totally serious. This is not a joke.

Many people say that his journal is “the best of the internet(s)” and so forth. What a bunch of bullshit. He is the worst motherfucker on the face of LJ and quite possibly the worst person in the world.

He also called the police on Jameth and I predict seeing another round of internet restraining orders quicker than you can say “internet(s)".

Seriously though, this was fucking low and retarded even for the king of lj retards.



Filed under: — jameth @ Nov 29, 04 | 2:57 am



hk undersc0re: ljd needs new hosting
hk undersc0re: ugh
hk undersc0re: may be shutdown time
J a M e S 98101: oh NO
J a M e S 98101: what happened
hk undersc0re: well
hk undersc0re: the webserver its on now is dying
hk undersc0re: it needs backing up asap because it could die any minute
hk undersc0re: or it could live for another year
hk undersc0re: we dunno
J a M e S 98101: oh no
hk undersc0re: there is no replacement server when it dies
hk undersc0re: and there arent any more resources
hk undersc0re: everything is wearing out
J a M e S 98101: the beginning of the end
hk undersc0re: i may have a solution
hk undersc0re: but you should ask your flist if anyone wants to host
J a M e S 98101: i shall
hk undersc0re: i need to have ssh access to the server
hk undersc0re: real hosting, not like mydreamspace.com/~butterflykittens/ljdrama/
J a M e S 98101: hahaha ok
hk undersc0re: i need access to the server, php 5, and maybe perl
hk undersc0re: i forget what we have going
J a M e S 98101: asking now


please contact hepper if you can help us out.


My mother was a bitch, so I had her killed

Filed under: — BubblesOnX @ Nov 26, 04 | 4:21 am

Everyone, meet Rachelle. Rachelle is just your average dysfunctional LJ member. Her mom is a bit of a bitch, but hey, we all know what that’s like.

Oh, did I say her mom is a bitch? Rather, I meant to say her mom was a bitch. Our darling Rachelle had her mother murdered. Read the official account from the Alaska State Troopers Press Release.

It also seems that she won’t be online for a while, either:
“Just to let everyone know, my mother was murdered

I won’t have computer acess until the weekend or so because the police took my computer to go through the hard drive. I thank everyone for their thoughts and e-mails, I hope to talk to you when I get my computer back.

Feel free to let her know just how much you’re going to miss her.

Thanks to cnnxcore for the submit.

EDIT: See also her picture journal, courtesy of ChrissMari.


Filed under: — kkk_membership @ Nov 26, 04 | 3:15 am

Oh haaay guiez! We here at LJDrama would like to wish you and your family a happy happy Thanksgiving! I think we should all be greatful not just because itzmike turned commenting back on in his internet diary, but because it’s such a wonderful day to be a girl hating feminist.



i’ll give you the two fucking black eyes you deserve you fucking whore.

Filed under: — andrew @ Nov 25, 04 | 7:53 am


sara awkwardrhythm explains to her friends list that she is no longer straightedge. that’s cool. her life, her decision. plus we are going to go drinking soon.

allofmyprophets who is NAILED TO THE X and a fine upstanding member of the wisconsin pro-life closeted homo and suspected rapist (but that’s another story) scene, comes in and talks some shit. EDGE BREAK, FACE BREAK !

some highlights:

sellouts will sink, and i’ll personally take them apart.

it’s worthless and spineless individuals like this whore who ruin the straight edge name. call us violent, call us preachy but never fucking downplay our devotion because of trend following hot topic sluts like this girl.


this is exactly the type of trendy too far left attitude that is ruining feminism.

dearest lj drama readers ! please educate me. i need to know how it’s being a good feminist to make threats of violence against a woman for breaking edge.

i think allofmyprophets needs the following things:

1. two strong long island iced teas
2. a blunt of the finest british columbia bud
3. a few rails of coke off of some scenester girl’s boobies
4. 20mg valium.

if i lived in wisconsin and was straightedge, i’d be violent too.


I mention this as a warning to your anonymous commentators because I’m sure this post will be used as evidence.

Filed under: — andrew @ Nov 23, 04 | 11:07 pm

first, a little bit of background. vixen was at one point involved with soshesays, who is a delusional klonopin-addicted rich girl from marin who gallavants across the globe with mummy and daddy’s money and writes facetious livejournal entries about places she’s actually never been.

there’s obviously a lot going on here, and you should read the post because i’m not exactly sure what’s happening. the first post in question is here and contains the best anonymous comment EVER MADE ON LIVEJOURNAL, EVER:

Also: he sent me a two litre Mountain Dew bottle filled with his own semen. I was only able to drink maybe half at most before it began to sour. I used the remainder as glue for posters asking anybody who has been raped by BO to please contact me at a Hotmail address. I thought it was clever to recycle his semen in a way which will further the righteous campaign for supreme karmic justice.

eventually soshesays after taking half a bottle of clonazepam comes in and makes imaginary legal threats against vixen. hilarity ensues.

drama continues in the thread here with more inane babbling from soshesays, who really ought to lay off the benzodiazapenes and start drinking that two litre bottle of semen. it’s good protein.

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