Below is user information for robont2. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.
User: | robont2 (1745694) |
| Call Me Don, Don Whoreleone Purveyor of filth, smut and the word cock |
Name: | robont2 |
Website: | It's Like Cheers For Pervs.... |
Location: | Milton, Ontario, Canada |
Birthdate: | 1969-12-04 |
Bio: | IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ IF YOUR PLANNING ON ADDING ME!!! I've hit the lj friends limit in my main journal (robont, if you want to add me please add this account. All entries from that account will be duplicated here so you'll get all the same great nekkid lj goodness :)
I see naked people.......
Welcome to the home of Strip LJ, 12 Babes of Christmas, Guess the boobs and a million other deviant lj games :) This journal is more of a community than a personal journal these days. There is a lot of interaction and a shitload of fun. Go ahead add me, ya know you want to... If you want to participate in strip LJ email me at and I will hook ya up :)
Things Other LJ'ers Have Said About Rob
"i had to look twice, i got a blue screen o death the first time...even my computer was in shock!!" - angeliis "This is a great idea. You're genius man. Pure genius." - dhotch76 "I think I love you Rob." - krets "So when I'm doing HelpDesk work today and some idiot calls me and tells me "the Internet is down"....I'm going to say its Rob's fault." - byron "You've raised your own bar....this is a stroke of brilliance." - serpah "I am impressed by your perverted creativity." - sabbat "DO YOU HAVE PAYPAL ?????" - browneye "You sir, are my hero. :)" - wbahner "Rob, you kick more ass than an ass kicking machine at an ass farm on St. Asses day." - gruggach "You're my new role-model. " - the_coach "My brain is now officially frazzled." - monkey
P.S-> If your looking for naked people most of those posts are friends only, add me and I'll add you back and BAM.. instant naked lj'ers ;-)
Logos and web advice provided by the nice people at NEAR Inc. :)
Email me at robont at
Friends: | | 411: | __shameless__, _feb_31_st, _unfaithful_, a1mfw, aceface, adameros, adragontattoo, airdrie, alachicky, albert71292, alchemi, alien010, aliki, alliiya, allyn, amanda_finch, ananachaphobiac, angry_user, anguissette, annevo, aquariumspast, arr0gance, atlaswalks, attaclone, avatar, awoehler, babyheads, badcanuck, baileyalex, balljar, banky_75, bardon, batcave, bellwether, belmikey, bergot, blergeatkitty, blu_occhio, blueyed_shygrl, bnanafish, bodine, bouncepogo, boxer4h, boyplankton, boywithoutaclue, breklor, bruiserboy, brynna, burningblue, buttler, bwsiii, caji31, carouselrose, catherine, catscan72, cattwomyn, celtic_bairn, chasing_amber, choppedlivertx, chrisbugg, christikr, cipster, circumambulate, cjmarsicano, come_undone, compwizrd, conandammit, conspirer, cortana, corwinok, crackerbob, craving, crushdmb, cutiepie74, cynical5679, d33z_nutz, d_snowman, daizygurl, darkclouds, darkknight9, darryn, daruba, dawna, dawndancer, death_in_fire, defamatory, denialinegypt, devila, devils_mouth, deza, dlanor, doch, dogtown, doitall, doll001, dorwrath, drasca, driph, dslartoo, dubiousx, dumbassblondeho, dyanearden, dynastaticlust, earthgoddess, easilydistractd, eastuhl, ebd21, eclipsedan, edwrd, ekoala, ellipse, elocinoco, en_ki, epitath, ericanderson, ericz, erratic69, eternalredneck, f_wise, faerywren, fataleplay, fatlip28, ferret, fiannatiger, flametodance, forbiddn, foreverart, free_gypsy, frog_freak83, frostythesuperv, fruguru, furcas, gemfem, geodoggie, gladiator3447, gmslegion, goddessdi, goldrose, goodwillstacy, gorgog, gothboi69, grendel, hardly_angelic, harroldsheep, hartley, he_never_sleeps, hecatesdaughter, hellbent42, hidden_hero, hisbeauty, hockeybrat, hogdog, honig, hooga, hub_, huntster, iamjosh, iamqueenb, ichicolco, idea_man, ijk, illicit, intimidator, invisibella, itssarahyo, iwantmore, jaime, jax50, jencombs, jenesaisquoi_, jennfromtx, jerris_darkrun, jerseygirl1983, jester5, jloopy, joecichlid, joemorf, joggingguy, johno, jonboi_net, joyfuldreamer, juffyba, kandyman, karinabaerchen, kayleighraven, keightball, kiltboy, kimberlys, kinkymale, kowboy, ktar, kyndig, ladyneight, ladyravn, lakeguy, last_exit, ldygabilan, lethebasii, lethecerulre, liatha, ljsurfer, lorgar, lostsoulgirl, lovinlady, lucky_groom, luckychance, lundi_bleu, luvtruche, madbodger, magbastard, maroku, maruchina, mattg, mdntepoet, measured_chaos, megarandom, metalgurgi, metri8, mhmmm, mi_ciana, mic_schasser, mickr, midnightmadness, milh0use, miracle7077, misssolaria, mjk57, mo0t, modbass, moehnetiger, mousepor, movieman76, mrbungle1975, mrguard, mrkamikaze, mrpata, n3m3sis42, nakedramblings, napalmmk9, natiracerj, ne, neflhim, neurotikaus, nilsigma, nolemming, obanion, obryantcj, oceacat, olliesmama, one_true_nate, orcho5000, ournickname, pacalissanctum, paigedwinter, pandemona, panheaduk, papaveraceae, paradox816, parchin, party_for_one, pdxpigglewiggle, pendragon93, penguininbondge, petite_tadpole, pfrank, phillydad, phlogiston, photo_guy, pinkjules, poetpaladin, pogeea, poifekt, polyranger, pradagirl, professorchaos, prolixfootle, psiveteran, punkinpea, punkinpeaspics, punkrockadam, purpleronnie, queadluun_uar, randallsquared, ranty, rapture_tastes, red_room, reprobayt, resilience, reverend_gb, reynen, rhinoplastique, risquezebra, robont, robont3, rowanchey, rsvpu2, rubje, ruinfox, rustmon, saansaansaan, sabbat, samantha2448, samuelpepys, sassenach, sassylass, sawguy, scathedobsidian, scopo, scotch333, seaofcyn, sebatical, secret_identity, semos, senator_jaiz, serref, sexandmyclitty, shadowviolet, shalafi49, shann, shazam, shemchadash, shutterboxes, signal15, silentbob037, sixtyniner, skos, skumm01, slammerman, smkoenig, snacks84, solelysearching, somecrazyvegan, speakerwiggin, speedracr, spider280, spiritgirl, spuffylover24, spymunster, squidflakes, sssexygirl, st_lucifer, starfish1277, starkirin, stasis_loque, static_eddie, sugarbeet, swoozie, sykomonkey, tafkap, tamih, taybar19, teckwriter, tempestmir, tessima, testinggoddess, tetoffender, thalen, that_horny_man, thatpr0nguy, the_caper, the_fae, the_jug, theamused, thebadpaladin, thedeathofmusic, thekinz, themightyjimbo, themurf, thetripartite, theunblonde, thomask, thomboy84, thornn77, tieespie, tiiana, tommysgirl69, topazgrrl, treylis, trinity619, trista, tropicalpalms, tuchas, twentyfive, twisteddaydream, tzadkiel, ubu, undefined_lust, underkyman, velcro_girl, velocityrapper, vincentx, vinnydmook, visionblue, voicetrack, vortex, wanky, waymerich, wc, wilmygirl, wirehead, wnut, wolf63, wolfieboy, wyvernspawn, xaemyl, xmagneticnorthx, xo_nay_xo, xtempx, yesfan5, yoliesraft, zoo_keeper |
Friend of: | 411: __shameless__, _feb_31_st, _unfaithful_, a1mfw, aceface, adameros, adragontattoo, airdrie, alachicky, albert71292, alchemi, alien010, aliki, alliiya, allyn, amanda_finch, ananachaphobiac, angry_user, anguissette, annevo, aquariumspast, arr0gance, atlaswalks, attaclone, avatar, awoehler, babyheads, badcanuck, baileyalex, balljar, banky_75, bardon, batcave, bellwether, belmikey, bergot, blergeatkitty, blu_occhio, blueyed_shygrl, bnanafish, bodine, bouncepogo, boxer4h, boyplankton, boywithoutaclue, breklor, bruiserboy, brynna, burningblue, buttler, bwsiii, caji31, carouselrose, catherine, catscan72, cattwomyn, celtic_bairn, chasing_amber, choppedlivertx, chrisbugg, christikr, cipster, circumambulate, cjmarsicano, come_undone, compwizrd, conandammit, conspirer, cortana, corwinok, crackerbob, craving, crushdmb, cutiepie74, cynical5679, d33z_nutz, d_snowman, daizygurl, darkclouds, darkknight9, darryn, daruba, dawna, dawndancer, death_in_fire, defamatory, denialinegypt, devila, devils_mouth, deza, dlanor, doch, dogtown, doitall, doll001, dorwrath, drasca, driph, dslartoo, dubiousx, dumbassblondeho, dyanearden, dynastaticlust, earthgoddess, easilydistractd, eastuhl, ebd21, eclipsedan, edwrd, ekoala, ellipse, elocinoco, en_ki, epitath, ericanderson, ericz, erratic69, eternalredneck, f_wise, faerywren, fataleplay, fatlip28, ferret, fiannatiger, flametodance, forbiddn, foreverart, free_gypsy, frog_freak83, frostythesuperv, fruguru, furcas, gemfem, geodoggie, gladiator3447, gmslegion, goddessdi, goldrose, goodwillstacy, gorgog, gothboi69, grendel, hardly_angelic, harroldsheep, hartley, he_never_sleeps, hecatesdaughter, hellbent42, hidden_hero, hisbeauty, ... |
Member of: | 1: paidmembers |
Account type: | Paid Account |