Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "cds".
395 matches:
- 0_sotaum - #o-stotaum -> o nosso
- 21thingsiwant - things we want
- 30secondstomars - 30 Seconds To Mars
- 7th_core - The 7th Core
- 80sclaims - 80sclaims
- __crazii_insane - Craziily INSANE
- __reviews - __reviews
- _blackeyedpeas_ - _blackeyedpeas_
- _chickens_ - The Chickens Are Behind You
- _doubletrouble_ - _doubletrouble_
- _fragile_freak_ - Fragile Freaks
- _garagesale - sell &buy community
- _headphones_ - _headphones_
- _latina - Latina
- _life_is_a_song - Living Through Lyrics
- _mygeneration - Born in the '80s
- _room_tobreathe - _room_tobreathe
- _swap_stuff_ - _swap_stuff_
- _yayness_ - Thats Yayness!!!
- a_perfect_trade - trade with us!!
- accessorization - TRADE BUY SELL
- admit_italready - Own Up To The Truth Already
- advice4teens - Advice 4 Teens Community
- afterschool - |||*afterschool special*|||
- alabamachicks - I'm a proud Alabama Chick
- album_reviews - Album Reviews
- albumoftheweek - albumoftheweek
- albums - Music - Album Reviews
- all_about_music - all about music
- allthingsmusic - all-things-music
- aloha_dough - conspicuous consumers united
- alt_trade - alternative trade - sell
- amnin - Bob Reznor
- amoeba_music - Amoeba Music Community
- amoebamusic - Amoeba Music
- amp_effect - Amplitude Effect
- anal_mart - Anal*Mart Or Wal Mart 800
- ancient_records - music can save my generation
- anonymous_deed - anonymous deed sharing
- anti_hot_topic - Anti-Hot Topic
- antiriaa - Anti RIAA/DMCA/SSSCA/CARP
- art_pirates - The Millennial Pirates
- artists_haven - inspiration
- aryan_race - aryan_race
- ask_amber - Ask Amber!
- asylum_dollz - asylum dollz
- au_electro - .au electro
- auctions - sell your stuff or find stuff to buy!
- audgepaudge - AudgePaudge
- auspunktrade - aus punk trades
- bamacutiepie89 - Leigh Anne
- bandrp - Krist and the Recordable Sidewalk
- bargainbitch - bargain bitches say what?!
- bargains - the flea market
- bathroom_cats - bathroom_cats
- bay_area_gguys - Gay guys in the bay area
- bbnml - Band Boys 'n' Music Lovers
- bcde - Burned CD Exchange
- beastieboys - Come and Rock the Sure Shot
- beautifullies - beautiful lies
- best_day_ever - Best_Day_Ever
- bi_juggalettes - The Bi Juggalettes Community
- billsbdayharem - Bill's Birthday!
- blademinds - aggressive skating
- blinkerboi - ~*.::Supa-Dupa::.*~
- boingo_haven - Elfman
- boston_bands - boston_bands
- bostonswapmeet - bostonswapmeet
- boxheads - Boxy Brilliance
- bravoviathelj - Bravo Fucking Bravo
- breathingwords - An active working poetry community...
- brianmay - Addicted to the Gov'nor
- burndisc - BurnDisc.
- buy_sell_trade - Buy/Sell/Trade
- buymyvinyl - buymyvinyl_!@#%&
- buythis - Buy This
- by_the_beat - By the Beat Indie Zine
- cast_recording - cast_recording + the musical soundtrack community
- cd__swap - cd__swap
- cd_collections - CD Collections
- cd_reviews - better than a magazine review
- cd_sale - cd_sale
- cd_swap_au - Sharin' the music love across Australia.
- cd_swappers - !
- cd_tausch - CD-Tausch
- cd_trade - cd_trade
- cdswappin - TRADE CDS
- cdwhores - Cd Whores
- ceedeeswap - ceedeeswap
- chat_kids - chat kids
- checkoutmyband - checkoutmyband
- choirfreaks - Choir Freaks!
- chriscagle - Cagleheads
- circlejerk - Circle Jerk
- claim_a_cd - Claim a music cd or two!
- claim_an_item - Claim An Item
- claim_songs - Claim Songs And Bands
- claim_songs_ - **Claim Songs**
- cliche_rocks - ((Side-Note))
- cognitive_itch - Cognitive Itch: Song of the Day
- collectibles - Collectibles
- computerhelp - Computer Help
- coverplanet - coverplanet
- coversongs - we <3 cover songs
- criticscorner - Critics' Corner
- cult_of_wenis - wenis
- cyberpunkradio - The Lords of Music
- damnfreaks - Damn you, freaks! God damn you all... to hell!
- darklordscrypt - The Darklord's Crypt
- daveattell - Dave Attell Fan Network
- deftonesfans - 7 Words
- deleriousstars - Delerious Stars
- dixiechicks - Dixie Chicks Fanatics
- dj_exchange - Electric Kisses
- dmbphotos - DMB Photos
- dreamnoise - dream-noise
- dumb_road_signs - Too Dumb to Handle
- e_k_a_k_g - Emo Kids Against Killing Guitars
- ebay_tips - ebay_tips
- emoscene - ♪ Emo ★Kids★ Unite ♪
- euphony_ - Euphony_____Music
- everclear - I read all about you in my New York Times...
- everclearonline - EverclearOnline
- faithingravity - 9.8 meters per second squared
- fandom_swap - Live Journal Fandom Swap-Shop
- fansofaguilera - Christina Aguilera Fans
- fansofbeck - Beck Fans Unite!
- femalemusicians - Female Musicians
- fen_trade - Buy, Sell, Trade--Adventures in the Fen Trade
- find_new_music - *****Find New Music*****
- forallemptiness - for all the emptiness
- forsaleinboston - For Sale in Boston
- fortrade - fortrade
- fragile_love - beautiful addictions
- freakcentralcom -
- freedum_mafia - We Claim whatever we want
- fruppies - Livin' La Vida Fruppie
- garagesalejapan - Japan's Garage Sale
- geek_furs - geek_furs
- geek_luv - geek luv
- geek_swap - stuff trading community
- geekmart - GeekMart
- german_punks - German Punks
- gingerhalliwell - GERI HALLIWELL FANS
- girl_tune_trade - Women who Rock
- girlie_talk - no boys allowed.
- giveitawaybob - Give It Away, Bob!
- giving_tree - The Giving Tree!!!
- go_natural - Go_Natural
- gorgeous_ - `Gorgeous_
- gothaholic - gothaholic
- gothmart - Gothmart!
- groupie_whores - We are the Groupie Whores
- groupiesunite - Groupies UNITE
- grrlexchange - grrlexchange
- guy_named_james - Mr. James
- head_music - Head Music
- hear_it_here - post your mp3s!
- hear_to_learn - Mix Tapers Anonymous
- hh_at_mm - the cool kids
- hometheater - Home Theater Junkies
- hott_swappin - the hott swap
- hottopicemploye - Hot Topic Employee Lounge
- houseofsound - House of Sound ~ SW ON Musicians Community
- howdoesitgo - how does that song go again?
- humannaturefans - Human Nature Fans
- i2eveille - reveille community
- i_collect - LJ Users and their Collections
- i_d_v - indifferentvisions
- i_like_hotsauce - i_like_hotsauce
- i_love_to_shop - i_love_to_shop
- i_love_you_but - Gay Porn
- icon_idol - icon_idol
- iconsnmore - Iconz~ more
- igun - Industrial Gothic Underground Night
- iheartmd - For Magic Dirt Fans - The first md community on lj
- iheartrock - I Heart Classic Rock!
- ilikethisalbum - album reviews
- imho - In My (un)Humble Opinion
- impulse__buys - impulse__buys
- in_retrograde - in_retrograde
- indigogirls - indigo girls
- inxsmusic - INXS
- it_aint_stealin - fuck you richard branson
- its_all_gravy - x. its all gravy .x
- jackworship - Jack's Faithful Worshippers
- janisjoplin - Janis Joplin Fans
- jillsobule - Jill Sobule Fans
- joshuabell - joshuabell
- julyforkings - Fan Noise
- justmusic - No Politics
- keeg - geek
- kimberleyl_fans - Fans of American Idol's Kimberley Locke
- kmk_fans - Kings and Queens who are down with the krown!
- knox_musicians - Knoxville Musicians
- korn_kids - Children of the Korn
- kristinesa - Kristine Sa, J.Cabrera, KastXL, & Nemesis Records
- kzim - DJ Gir
- letthemusiclive - Its All About The Music
- lifeisasong - lifeisasong
- liquidradio - LiquidRadio?
- ljdanielles - The Danielles of Live Journal
- ljtradingpost - Trade your stuff.
- llama_spit - The Salivating Llama
- lollipop_skars - Lolita Scarred.
- lookoutrecords - lookout! people who know about......
- lordsunladymoon - Light on Love
- lost_records - Unjustly Maligned or Ignored Records
- lovelyrics - Whitney
- lovexohate - + [L]o.v e xO h/at.[e] .
- lyric_love - lyric_love
- lyrical_madness - lyrical madness
- lyricalprose - Lyrics Galore
- lyricsluts - your eyes were cinnamon
- macaroonshindig - macaroonshindig
- madonna_trade - Madonna_trade
- maiden_stuff - Iron Maiden [ Rarities & Shit ]
- makemeamix - the responsible mixtape traders
- matthew_west - Matthew West Fans
- megleechin - We heart Meg Lee Chin
- minnesota_music - Record it, Live it, Love it
- missingdigit - missingdigit
- mix_cd_traders - Mix CD Traders Community
- mix_whores - mix whores
- mixhoors - Whores of the Mixtape
- mixtape - Music Experience
- mixtapering - mixtapering
- mockfest - Fight Me
- mollyzen - The Molly Zenobia LiveJournal Community
- moocanada - Moo Canada
- morbid_michigan - Outsiders
- mp3cdexchange - Mirrorglassball
- mp3trader - MP3 trading community
- murder_in_paint - and if you need me i'll be here
- music_geeks - Music Geeks
- music_is_mine - the day the music died
- music_purchases - music_purchases
- music_r_us - Musicophiles unite!
- music_toasties - music whore
- musical_daze - musical_daze
- musical_traders - musical_traders
- musicbiz - MusicBiz
- musicforcats - Mr. Cat on the Radio!
- musicians_unite - musicians community
- musickwhore - MusickWhore
- musicmusings - Music Musings
- musicstuff - Album Music Reviews
- musicxchange - Van Goghs Music Trade
- must_be_muses - Must Be Muses
- must_be_poets - must be poets
- n3t_beauty - <3
- name_the_tunes - name_the_tunes
- named_shamed - named & shamed
- namethattune - Name That Tune!
- nc_metal - NC Metal
- network23 - Network 23
- nfmusic - The Newfoundland Music Scene Community
- nikki_rocks - Nikki McKibbin Fans
- ninbleedthrough - Bleedthrough: Fans of Trent Reznor
- ninja_x_crew - Ninja Crew
- noise_pollution - Noise Pollution: A Community For Music Addicts
- non_top40 - The Musical Underground
- not_so_cool - The unique ones
- nowherekids - ♪ Smile Empty Soul ♪
- october1st - 1st
- oftheday - ____ of the day!
- only_the_best - only the best
- osugaragesale - The Original OSU/Columbus Area For-Sale Community
- ozproductions - ozproductions
- pbguide - The Poor Bastard's Guide
- personal_v - personal_v PAINTBALLERS
- pillar_freaks - Pillar_Freaks
- pink_irish - Everything Pink and Irish!
- pissin_razors - pissin_razors
- playlist - favorite five songs
- plu - Pacific Lutheran University
- poppunkmixtape - poppunkmixtape
- posse_gumi - The Posse
- postyourmix - Post Your Mix!
- premade_layouts - request your layouts here :)
- psycho_corner - psycho_corner
- punkmart - punkmart!
- punkmartca - Punk Mart Canada
- punkrawkdotnet - Punk Rawk
- punksnotdead - PunksNotDead
- radioactivebull - Radioactive Bull
- random_claimz - claim anything! =]
- random_muzick - random_muzick
- randomaholic - Selective Randomness
- randomlyrics - I Feel Like Posting Lyrics
- randomshite - Random Shite
- ratemyplaylist - winamp slaves
- ravergrrls - -*`-._ride a rainbow to the stars_.-`*-
- rcfans - rockwell church fans
- review_o_rama - Review-O-Rama
- reviewit - post your review
- rhymeswithshake - Rhymes With Shake
- roadmusic - roadmusic
- robotofsteel - Robots, Pirates, and Dinosaurs
- roleplay_cd_mix - Role Play CD Mixes
- samgoody4me - Sam Goody Employees Unite
- sanjoseanime - San Jose PPL who like Jpop, Jrock, Anime and Manga
- scarf_whores - scarf_whore
- scaryminds - Scary Minds
- self_starter - The Self-Starter Foundation Community
- send_me_songs - Looking for some new rawkin' songs? Check here!
- shakiraholics - Shakiraholics Anonymous
- share_the_music - share the music
- sharethejoy - Music for the Masses
- shopping - Shopaholics Anonymous
- shopping_lists - Not as Vapid as You'd Think...
- showyourroom - Look at this mess
- sillylovesongs - Silly Love Songs
- simple_topic - Simple Life
- singsindigital - Sings in Digital
- slash_this - trading
- so_cal420 - Avid Smokers
- sockolina - @ $0ck princ3ss
- song_claims - Song Claims
- songmeanings - Song Meanings
- songs_you_chose - soundtracks of our lives
- songwerds - Music and Lyrics
- soundtest - soundtest
- soundtracks - Soundtracks
- sparkly_swap - Sparkly Swap Trading Community
- spice_girls_ - SPICE GIRLS FANS
- steevssongofday - Stephen's Song of the Day
- stopthedrama - . . Stop the Drama . .
- streamconscious - Stream of Consciousness
- street_teamers - Street Team
- stupidobsession - stupid obsession
- style_guru - style_guru
- swapper - Swapper
- ta_tranceaddict - TAs with LJs
- takeourpicture - takeourpicture
- talk_music - For the music obsessed
- tape_sex - tape_sex
- tapetrade - Tape Trade
- tattoo_me - tattoo_me
- tc_thriftstore - Twin Cities Thriftstore
- templeofrock - Temple Of Rock
- thaimusic - Thai Music
- the_autumns - The Autumns
- the_cranberries - The Cranberries Community
- the_music - EVERYTHING MUSIC!
- the_oddities - the_oddities
- the_police - Spirits in a Material World
- the_swapperoos - A cool place for swapping anything and everything
- thebinkycrew - *****
- thedrewfanclub - thedrewfanclub
- themusicbiz - The Music Business Community
- thepedsarmy - The Peds Army
- thktldy - 이명은
- thriftstoreuk - Sell, Buy + Exchange UK
- tlldethdouspart - Andia and Dabbid
- toricollector - Tori Collectors
- torontogoth - Toronto-Goth
- traders - traders
- tradeselluk - Trade/Sell UK
- tradeshows - Trade Shows & Expos
- tradestuff - Trade Stuff
- trashtalk - [:::::Trasher Angels:::::]
- tunapride - tuna sistahs
- tynkrbelltrades - Tynkrbell Trades Online Community
- typicalteen - Typical Teen
- uber_geek_squad - Secret Society for Uber Geeks
- uber_l33t - greg
- uk_ska - friends of the underground
- undies_club - undies_club
- unknown_mistery - unknown
- v_arious - v_arious
- voilascrew - cd swap
- vs - veruca salt community
- wantlists - Wünsche und Nachfragen
- warpedradio - Warped Radio
- weirdness - WeiRD PeoPLe
- whatisthis - don't get mad at me
- wholelifestory - wholelifestory
- witsandhalfwits - Tell us a joke!
- wpg_tapetrading - Winnipeg Tape Trading
- writenoise - UK Music Writers
- wyckedbytch - *^*HaMpToN RoAdS pEoPle*^*
- x_mart - x_mart
- x_rantnrave_x - x_rantnrave_x
- xbloodredsnowx - blood red snow
- xgirlyrock - Girly Rock - YUKI / JAM
- xkellyosbournex - xKellyOsbournex
- xratemex - xratemex
- xthriftwhoresx - xThrift- Store- Whorex
- xxnoxxheartxx - xxnoxxheartxx
- yearboogers - The Uncool Kids
- you_review - you review!
- yourdesire_ - Claim anything your little heart desires!
Interested users
The following users are interested in cds. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
462 matches: