Below is information about the "popkids!" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.
User: | popkids (663707) |
Name: | popkids! |
About: | pop kids of the world unite!
This community was created by and is run by nicecream |
Interests: | 125: aden, aislers set, ana d, anna waronker, apples in stereo, april march, audiopants, b'ehl, barcelona, beach boys, beat happening, beikoku ongaku, belle and sebastian, benett, beulah, big star, birdie, bis, bunnygrunt, cat power, chisel, churchbuilder, ciao bella, clock strikes thirteen, cub, dear nora, donovan, dressy bessy, elephant 6, elf power, figurine, flashpapr, flin flon, fonda, francois hardy, from bubblegum to sky, gaze, go sailor, godzuki, guv'ner, heavenly, helium, henry's dress, his name is alive, holiday, holland, hot pursuit, ida, imperial teen, indie pop, julie doiron, k records, kincaid, kindercore, kings of convenience, kittycraft, komeda, ladytron, land of the loops, le mans, liz phair, lois, marine research, mark robinson, mates of state, mirah, motown, neko case, new wave, nico, of montreal, one star, papas fritas, pavement, plumtree, poundsign, power pop, push kings, quasi, rose melburg, saint etienne, sean lennon, sissy bar, sloan, slumber party, slumberland, spoon, stereolab, sukpatch, superchunk, syrup usa, takako minekawa, ted leo, teenbeat, that dog, the b-52's, the busy signals, the california oranges, the cardigans, the clientele, the essex green, the flashing lights, the four corners, the french kicks, the go-go's, the high llamas, the kinks, the ladybug transistor, the lilys, the lucksmiths, the mondo crescendo, the new pornographers, the salteens, the softies, the zombies, triangle, true love always, tullycraft, tuscadero, velvet underground, versus, winterbrief, wolfie, ze malibu kids, zumpano. [Modify yours] |
Members: | 284: 0loves1, 123kidtable, 1974, 2scoopsplease, ____aeroplane, ____electrostar, __cycles, _airplanesounds, _annihilate, _bug, _ishkabibble, _physics, _pizzabox, _thegoodfight, _zap, accusehistory, actionchrist, advancecassette, aftershocks, airica, akissandaslap, alifeinbooks, amertishiro, angelfoodfodder, anthonydavis, anthy, arthurunknown, artofactingweak, ashes87, astridica, atomspunk, augustagain, augustnow, autumnsweaters, awallflower, awkwardscilence, baaaah, bangbangyoudead, battiades, battle_unicron, beans45601, beauty_stupid, blanket_fort, bluelovesbrown, boyincognito, burningblack, burythecat, cellblockthree, cheshireaffair, chordorganblues, cinerama, cometgain, concietta, contended, corduroystairs, craktron, crispsuper, cristinky, currentlyautumn, danielisarocker, dansette, de_sadesky, deictic, dexterred, dictioncanary, disco_violante, dothebee, dropkickqueen, drugstoreromeo, dudewheresmy, dutchairplanes, echoing, eighties, eightpinkrobots, emmaxdiscovery, emoavenger, emodorkus, evahesse, evilsocks, excusemyfrench, fauxarbres, feedkillchain, feio, fightonusc, flourbomb, fotow00t, fwapacha, garagedream, goodnight_love, grabthar, greyparade, grids, happinesspie, happyshinygirl, hathos, hausfrau, heart_caves, heavenontv, hellojenny, herrdoktor, hey_sandy, hipsterqueen, holden21, holdmylife, hoverinsombrero, humpingfridges, hypocrit, ihatesnard, in_the_poppies, in_thecity, indiematt, indiepop, inlandboy, instantpleasure, intrntnlnois, ixzist, jackiesadork, je_suis_cache, jealouslime, jessicapancakes, jetsethips, jimmy_nothin, joyfulsorrow, june_july, just_a_baby, justlikehoney, karmadream, kick_shara, king_arthur_3, kirstyn, kissmyindie, kissykissymouth, kittycrusader, koalas_in_love, kyobu, laccidentpronel, laconia, lambchopstix, lazyjane5, leighandtheheat, lemetro, leonajulia, letigrette, lifewontwait, londey, londosaur, lookout_records, loose_button, lovebites, luv_, macchapanda, madamehollywood, maddiecat, madflowr, madmikeisadork, malarky87, maraca, mechajesus, meiosis_, mere_a_gogo, merescience, milkypop, missbritishpop, missjanemarple, missjealousea, mnemonicus, modlass, modthrash, morriganlefey, mrsensible1995, myfeeblestance, nakedifiwantto, negative_utopia, nicecream, ninjafeline, noise__, nontoxicglue, not_so_emo, notarobot, obenelephant, odyshape, ohsosoupy, omankoshojou, oneantagonist, onlyindreams22, oohmyolivia, osakaaquaboy, oscars_trashcan, palemovie, pancakesforone, pariskills, persist, photo_whore, pilot_pop, plasticsouls, poignantly, powerpopzen, presleyrocks, princessvince, pronunciamento, punkhermit, quivver, rabychan, rakastaa, redhotkiss, redwall966, retrovolt, sallymcvegas, sammiches, satanvadgulligt, satellite_girl, save_the_maeve, savetheents, scifisteve, searchndestroy, seedinthewind, semolina, sewage, sharkohno, she_war, shemuffin, skyandstars, skywriting, sleepingonsnow1, smothered, sndslkanw_trany, snugglesuits, soearly90s, sound_effect, space_geek, spacegirl_ibiza, spatulove, spearminthead, spentcigarettes, squee777, stab_nostalgia, starlanoir, starscantstay, starshy, stateparks, staticmess, stellanova, stephen_cramer, stephencramer, summer_burkes, sundaydream, sunnies, superball, taijian, talon_79, teenagefbi, telethons, thatismyname, the_occupant, thebrontosaurus, theeasybeat, thefinalexam, themanmachine, thememorygirl, thepenelf, tinymicrophone, tiphareth_star, traumas, trixigrrl, trustyrusty, tweeturtleken, urbandk, vacation_, velma_007, verybestfriend, violetamber, violhaine, wakinguptoyou, walkietalkiegrl, wasabirobot, weelassjen, weirdnurse, white_lies, wrong_posture, xjoshhatesyoux, yinda, youandwhatarmy, yourredshoes, zacharydaiquiri |
Watched by: | 177: 0loves1, 123kidtable, 1974, 2scoopsplease, _airplanesounds, _bug, _physics, _pizzabox, _troubadour, _zap, accusehistory, actionchrist, airica, alifeinbooks, anthonydavis, artofactingweak, ashes87, augustagain, augustnow, autumnsweaters, awkwardscilence, azfactor, bangbangyoudead, battiades, battle_unicron, beans45601, bluelovesbrown, burythecat, cheshireaffair, chordorganblues, cometgain, concietta, cultureindustry, dacuteturtle, dansette, de_sadesky, dearcoquette, delinquentgirl, dexterred, dothebee, dropkickqueen, dutchairplanes, eatmysunshine, emmaxdiscovery, emodorkus, evahesse, evilsocks, explodingsunset, fauxarbres, feedkillchain, feio, fotow00t, fwapacha, gabrieceleste, garagedream, happyshinygirl, hathos, hausfrau, herrdoktor, hey_sandy, hipsterqueen, holden21, i_need_hugs, ihatesnard, in_the_poppies, indiepop, instantpleasure, intrntnlnois, jackiesadork, jessicapancakes, joyfulsorrow, june_july, just_a_baby, justlikehoney, karmadream, kathrynyu, kick_shara, king_arthur_3, kissmyindie, koalas_in_love, krimana, lazyjane5, leighandtheheat, leonajulia, lighthammer, londey, londosaur, lookout_records, loose_button, lovebites, macchapanda, madmikeisadork, mechajesus, meiosis_, melinaballerina, merescience, mnemonicus, modlass, morriganlefey, mrsensible1995, nakedifiwantto, ne1cool, negative_utopia, nicecream, noise__, obenelephant, odyshape, ohsosoupy, onlyindreams22, osakaaquaboy, palemovie, pancakesforone, pariskills, photo_whore, pilot_pop, powerpopzen, presleyrocks, princessvince, pronunciamento, punkhermit, rabychan, redwall966, remyzero, retrovolt, rhayne, robotleisure, sallymcvegas, satellite_girl, save_the_maeve, savetheents, shadowdisease, sharkohno, shemuffin, skyandstars, skywriting, sleepingonsnow1, sndslkanw_trany, snugglesuits, space_geek, spacegirl_ibiza, spatulove, spearminthead, starscantstay, starshy, stateparks, stellanova, stephen_cramer, summer_burkes, talon_79, teenagefbi, ... |
Member of: | 1: ofmontreal |
Account type: | Free Account |