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Below is user information for Popocatapetyl Duckworth. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:gloriajn (186798) Paid User gloriajn
Army of Me
Name:Popocatapetyl Duckworth
Website:Gloria's Yahoo! Calendar
Location:Seattle, Washington, United States
AOL IM:AIM status Gloria1956 (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 8330186 (Add User, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status GloriaJN (Add User, Send Message)

Trading Cards
Paid Account Edition
User Number: 186798
Date Created:06/17/01
Number of Posts: 668

I'm an African-American returning college student with Asperger's Syndrome who is atheist, vegan, Unitarian, ADD sufferer, and bisexual. (Relationship status: complicated.) I have one more quarter to go (as of November 2004) in a two-year Applications Support (Information Technology) Certificate Program at Seattle Central Community College where I'm a Dean's List student and Phi Theta Kappa member! I also sing Soprano I in the Seattle Lesbian and Gay Chorus.
Strengths: Highly intelligent, geeky, good listener, quick learner, youthful looking, possess a soothing voice.
Weaknesses: Overly-sensitive, ill-at-ease in social situations, disorganized, messy, hate private jokes, refuse to watch comedies in a movie theater.
Special Skills: Making up song parodies, troubleshooting computers, singing, stepping into an unfamiliar situation, remembering words to songs not heard in more than 30 years.
Weapons: Vengeance and a steely glare.
Quote: To see a world in a Grain of Sand, And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour. -- William Blake

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"When I meet up with her, it's an Event." -- [info]seattlejo

Welcome to my journal. :-) The majority of my posts are FRIENDS ONLY.

Check out my wish list AND my Think Geek wish list. Buy me stuff. :)

Listen to my voice.

Magic Number17
TemperamentWhat You Lookin' At?
SexualJust Say No
Likely To WinTime Off For Good Behaviour
Me - In A WordWhirlwind
Brought to you by MemeJack

I am a geek!
Are you?

Version: 3.12
GAT d- s:+ a+ C+++ UB--- P L+ E---- W++ N++ o+ K w--
O---- M-- V-- PS++ PE+ Y-- PGP- t+ 5+ X- R* tv+ b+ DI++ D---
G-- e++ h--- r+++ x+++

30.17751% - Total Geek

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The WeatherPixie

Note to LJ Admin: My personal information is listed in the first chronological post to my journal. In case of emergency, you are authorized to view that post to obtain the information.
Memories:138 entries
Interests:146: "friendly", 2001: a space odyssey, 80's music, activism, adult add, algebra, alias, ambient music, american splendor, amplectere potestem "et", anti-aging, asperger syndrome, aspergers, astronomy, atheism, biographies, bisexuality, bjork, björk, blue danube, bob and ray, bollywood, british humor, cartoons, chai, civil rights, civilian space program, classical music, coffee, computers, concerts, coronation street, crime stories, cthulhu, dancing, david lynch, daytrips, depression, diamanda galas, dreadlocks, dreams, early music, ebay, ex-christian, feminism, flashdance, flowers, foreign film, french culture, frugality, garrison keillor, geeks, george carlin, get fuzzy, goth fashion, grace jones, grad school, gregorian chant, harvey pekar, helen gurley brown, hello kitty, hiking, hugs, humanism, iceland, incense, intelligence, internet, japanese pop culture, judge shows, kissing, language, linux, love, m. night shyamalan, mae west, makeup, math, mathematics, mixtapes, movies, mystery science theatre 3000, nancy & sluggo, nerds, nina simone, oregon coast, parties, photography, pink lip gloss, poetry, polyamory, pop culture, powerpuff girls, pullman, puns, purple, python, radiohead, recovery, reggae, relationships, sandals, seattle, shyness, singing, six feet under, slgc, social anxiety, song parodies, song poems, songwriting, south park, soy lattes, sponge bob square pants, st. jude, star trek, subgenius, sushi, synchronicity, talking, tea parties, techno, thai food, the beatles, the prisoner, they might be giants, thrift stores, thunderstorms, tofu, tori amos, travel, trivia, twin peaks, unitarian, unix, urban legends, vegan, vegetarian, velvet, vi, wombat, wombats, words, yard sales, yo la tengo, zines. [Modify yours]
People262:7patches, abarnabas, adrienne_elder, aekajin2, agua_clara, aiela, aladriana, althea105, amai_unmei, angelhead, angeltrouble, angilong, animegothgrrl, anisoptera, annaoj, anubisismydad, ariesgirlie, artemii, artvixn, ashley_y, bandhiaduit, baratron, baxil, bcholmes, bias_cut, bionicwoman, black_pearl, blackperson, bluecayuga, blurt, boubabe, brian1789, browngirl, burgundy, byrdie, cagekitten, caraeileen, carminerose, cassidyrose, catelin, celestyna, charlesks, chr0me_kitten, cindygerb, corsakti, corvuscrx, cow, craigp, crazedwombat, cuedus, curlygrrrl, dbrus, deborama, delicata77, desolina, dianthus, dieppe, diesilla77, diony, dissolvedgrrl, djuberheblich, doorinward, dorkgirl, drakemonger, dreamingcrow, dryadgrl, dubhtaobh, dustbath, dykestar, dyskodyke, edbook, eeyore_grrl, eggsafety, elfric, elfs, elisem, elynne, erynn999, eternuslux, etoile_noire, exchristian_net, exotic_fruits, exploitseattle, exterra, faeriechilde, feline, fey, fignewton, firecat, funnyoldcatlady, futabachan, gaaneden, geekchick, geothermal, grocerygetter, groovyvegan, grrangela, gryph, gurdonark, gwytherinn, gyngersnap, hazelchaz, heiwalove, hello_kitti, holyoutlaw, hopeforyou, iceblink, icprncs, illandaria, indyansel, insomnia, ironymaiden, jacqui, jb98, jeliza, jenett, jenk, jenkitty, jinian, joedecker, jonathanshade, josienutter, joystormer, julesong, juliebata, k4bidyke, karenthecroccy, kawaiimiaka, keithn97201, klwalton, kyooverse, l2g, ladysprite, laurelian, laurex, leduck, lisakit, lisiblac, locarbing, loitl, look, lothie, louisedunn, lovesfruit, lovingmyvirus, lyfesgood, lyrical1, lysana, mac_arthur_park, mactavish, magn0lia, marea93, marsbird, marykaykare, marzilla, mery_bast, mew, mightypen, minnaleigh, mrdorbin, mysticchyna, naesa, nayad, nellorat, neural_girl, nex0s, noelfigart, nolly, nubianamy, octobrianaoz, odosonata, omahas, pameladean, pixelbunny, pixiecrinkle, pixxelpuss, popecrunch, porcinea, purplepaisley, queensheba, queerbychoice, quietshell, rachelkb, radarrider, rainbowlishus, rampling, rawfewd, rawmisa, red_frog, rhonan, riverheart, rivka, roadnotes, roane, rosefox, rosylavie, rubylou, runnerwolf, samvimes, sarahh, sarastro_us, scooting, sea_gaagii, searob, seattle_fashion, seattlejo, semperfiona, serenejournal, sevoo, shaktiqueen, shannonkringen, shuttercrow, silkything, sillz_, skycrashesdown, slyfoot, soaring_phoenix, soaringstar, solcita, soleklypse, starstraf, status, stitchinthyme, stuntdouble, supergee, sylvanfae, tabbifli, tangleofthorns, tavalon, taxqueen, teal7, technodyke, technoshaman, tenacious_snail, terebi_me, tericol, thatmathchick, the_maenad, theangelina, theolive, therealjae, thespian, timecrash, torquemada, trista, tyrsalvia, umzio, virtual256, volento, vraptorz, wadejeffry, walbourn, wenchita, whereisbeck, who_is_she, wild_irises, wiserhawk, wolfieboy, wordygrrl, xruth, zaratyst, zeldajean
Communities215:_adorkable_, academics_anon, adhd_seattle, adults_add, allears, amovieaday, animal_rights, animecon, applyingtograd, as_info, askpoly, asperger, astronomy, atheist, baaaaabyanimals, bandocafe, bbsers, beadwork, being_friendly, big_calculators, bipolypagangeek, blasphemers, buddhists, changeyourworld, cheapvegan, coffeefetish, comicgetfuzzy, comm_news, commercials, compersion, con_central, con_costuming, cooking, costume_con, craftgrrl, craftiq, crochet, curly_whirly, de_ex, decofun, devilishfashion, dharma_punx, disney_icons, divinemisso, diyrevolution, dot_cattiness, dot_pedantic, dot_poly_snark, dot_warmfluffy, dumpster_diving, dumpsterdive206, dumpsterdiving, dyed_and_vain, dyehards, eating_cheap, erase_stigma, exchristians, fashion_factory, fave_rave, fgp, fieldtrips98052, flip__floped, flylady, folksdoingstuff, fortrade, franco_fil, freestuff, frugalindulgent, frugality, gaiaconsort, geek_swap, geeksunite, gender_petition, gentry, girlgeeks, give_stuff_away, giveitawaybob, goodthings, gothfash, gradschool_hell, gradstudents, hair_perfection, hardware, holiday_wishes, homemakers, hot_nerds, iains_wake, ilovehellokitty, instructors, justcrap, kith_and_kin, kustomkreationz, lacournoire, lipgloss_pals, listyourself, lj_maintenance, lj_nifty, ljers4eternity, ljtravel, logic_forum, longevity, loveandacademia, mailart, marble_madness, mastercleanse, math_class, math_help, math_jokes, math_research, mathematics, meet_seattle, mermaid_wings, miss_west, moonlovers, music_80s, natural_naps, naturalhair, nerd4point0, nerd_haven, nerdcorps, nocontext, norwescon, o_a, oddnews, oreos, otakutribe, paidmembers, pauper, pennypinchers, pervygeekfancy, physics, pi, politicartoons, poly_talk, polyamory, poor_skills, postmortem, promo_friends, puns, raw_veganism, rawfoods, s2styles, sakuracon, scientificwhims, seapolytea, seatown, seatowndeviants, seattle, seattle_dining, seattle_events, seattle_trade, seattlebuysell, seattlecentral, seattlecheapass, seattlecraft, seattledykes, seattlef2f, seattlegeekjobs, seattlegothic, seattlejobs, seattleljbash, seattlepagan, seattlepoly, seattlevegans, shemadethis, sistercircle, slow_poke_poly, snarky_haiku, socbiters, software, spcc, spokanism, square_circle, squarepants, storybookland, straight_dope, student_cooks, subgenii, synchronous, teafortwo, teasociety, tech_supporters, technicalsuport, technopaganism, the_hot_nerds, the_macabre, the_tea_garden, thenerdclub, tongue_twisters, twelvers, twinpeaks, ubergeeks, umustdie, unitarians, united_perverts, urbanlegends, uw, vegan_talk, vegetarian, veggie_grocery, vegrecipes, vegreview, visionary_art, wazzu, weirdosofcolor, welovegeeks, wepinchpennies, windows_tips, wiscon, without_cruelty, wombabes, wordoftheday, worldnotebooks, ww_clothingswap, zine_scene
Feeds18:apod, boondocks, calnhobbes, comic_getfuzzy, foxtrot_feed, memepool, moby_journal, modrnwrld_comic, nndd, nonsquitor_feed, redmeat_rss, reuters_oddly, ripleys_feed, seattlejoblog, seattlejobs_rss, seattletechjobs, sinfestfeed, wilwheaton
Friend of:170: abarnabas, aekajin2, aladriana, althea105, amai_unmei, angelhead, angilong, anisoptera, annaoj, anubisismydad, bandhiaduit, baxil, bcholmes, bimaryg, black_pearl, blackperson, bluecayuga, brian1789, byrdie, cagekitten, caraeileen, carminerose, cassidyrose, charlesks, chr0me_kitten, corsakti, cow, craigp, crazedwombat, curlygrrrl, deborama, delicata77, desolina, dianthus, dieppe, diesilla77, diony, dissolvedgrrl, djuberheblich, doorinward, dorkgirl, drakemonger, dreamflow, dryadgrl, dubhtaobh, edbook, eeyore_grrl, elfric, eternuslux, exotic_fruits, exterra, fey, fignewton, firecat, foolsguinea, funnyoldcatlady, futabachan, gaylemadwin, geekchick, geothermal, grocerygetter, groovyvegan, grrangela, gurdonark, gwytherinn, gyngersnap, heiwalove, hello_kitti, iceblink, illandaria, indyansel, ironymaiden, jacqui, jeliza, jenkitty, joedecker, josienutter, k4bidyke, karenthecroccy, klwalton, kyooverse, l2g, laurelian, leduck, loitl, lothie, louisedunn, lovesfruit, lyfesgood, lyrical1, lysana, mac_arthur_park, mactavish, magn0lia, marea93, marsbird, marzilla, mrdorbin, nardiaone, nayad, nellorat, neural_girl, nex0s, nolly, nubianamy, octobrianaoz, odosonata, pixiecrinkle, pixxelpuss, popecrunch, porcinea, queensheba, queerbychoice, quietshell, rachelkb, radarrider, rainbowlishus, red_frog, rhonan, riverheart, rosefox, rosylavie, rubylou, runnerwolf, samvimes, sarastro_us, scooting, sea_gaagii, seanmcguire, seattlejo, semperfiona, serenejournal, sevoo, shannonkringen, shuttercrow, silkything, slyfoot, soaring_phoenix, soaringstar, solcita, soleklypse, stitchinthyme, supergee, sylvanfae, taxqueen, teal7, technodyke, technoshaman, tenacious_snail, terebi_me, ...
Member of:194: _adorkable_, academics_anon, adhd_seattle, adults_add, allears, amovieaday, animal_rights, animecon, applyingtograd, as_info, askpoly, asperger, astronomy, atheist, baaaaabyanimals, bandocafe, bbsers, beadwork, being_friendly, big_calculators, bipolypagangeek, blasphemers, buddhists, cheapvegan, coffeefetish, comicgetfuzzy, commercials, compersion, con_central, con_costuming, costume_con, craftgrrl, crochet, curly_whirly, de_ex, decofun, devilishfashion, dharma_punx, disney_icons, dot_pedantic, dot_poly_snark, dot_warmfluffy, dumpster_diving, dumpsterdive206, dumpsterdiving, dyed_and_vain, dyehards, eating_cheap, erase_stigma, exchristians, fave_rave, fgp, fieldtrips98052, flip__floped, flylady, folksdoingstuff, fortrade, franco_fil, freestuff, frugalindulgent, frugality, gaiaconsort, geek_swap, geeksunite, gender_petition, gentry, girlgeeks, give_stuff_away, giveitawaybob, gothfash, gradschool_hell, gradstudents, hair_perfection, hardware, holiday_wishes, homemakers, iains_wake, ilovehellokitty, instructors, kith_and_kin, lipgloss_pals, lj_nifty, ljtravel, logic_forum, longevity, loveandacademia, mailart, marble_madness, mastercleanse, math_class, math_help, math_jokes, math_research, mathematics, meet_seattle, mermaid_wings, miss_west, moonlovers, music_80s, natural_naps, naturalhair, nerd4point0, nerd_haven, nerdcorps, nocontext, norwescon, o_a, oddnews, oreos, otakutribe, paidmembers, pauper, pennypinchers, pervygeekfancy, physics, pi, politicartoons, polyamory, poor_skills, postmortem, promo_friends, puns, raw_veganism, rawfoods, s2styles, sakuracon, scientificwhims, seapolytea, seatown, seatowndeviants, seattle, seattle_dining, seattle_events, seattle_trade, seattlebuysell, seattlecentral, seattlecheapass, seattledykes, seattlef2f, seattlegeekjobs, seattlegothic, seattlejobs, seattleljbash, seattlepagan, seattlepoly, seattlevegans, shemadethis, sistercircle, slow_poke_poly, snarky_haiku, socbiters, software, spokanism, square_circle, squarepants, storybookland, straight_dope, student_cooks, subgenii, synchronous, teafortwo, teasociety, tech_supporters, technicalsuport, technopaganism, the_macabre, the_tea_garden, thenerdclub, tongue_twisters, twelvers, twinpeaks, ubergeeks, umustdie, unitarians, united_perverts, urbanlegends, uw, vegan_talk, vegetarian, veggie_grocery, vegrecipes, vegreview, visionary_art, wazzu, weirdosofcolor, welovegeeks, wepinchpennies, wiscon, without_cruelty, wombabes, wordoftheday, worldnotebooks, ww_clothingswap, zine_scene
Account type:Paid Account

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