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  • toss up 4
  • gop 45
Senate Race Projections 90%

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  • toss up 30
  • gop 212
House Race Projections 77%

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  • dem 16
  • toss up 4
  • gop 29
Governor Race Projections +6

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Bob Cesca

Bob Cesca

Posted: October 27, 2010 07:43 PM

When in Doubt, They Beat Up Women

What's Your Reaction:

Anyone who's ever spent extended time with very young children will know what I'm talking about here. Whenever a particularly spazzy kid who's perhaps a little too hepped up on sugary snacks can't articulate what he or she wants, they tend to act out. Sometimes violently. Spitting, biting, screeching, hitting.

I think you know where I'm going with this.

Despite the fact that they're probably going to win a considerable number of congressional seats on Tuesday, the far right appears to be unsatisfied with a significant electoral victory and is supplementing its would-be success by physically accosting anyone who isn't sporting an array of teabags erotically dangled from the brim of a tri-cornered hat.

Last week, hired goons working for Sarah Palin's hand-selected action figure candidate Joe Miller (With Life-Like Hair and Beard!) manhandled, handcuffed and detained a reporter. No serious violence committed here, except perhaps an indicator of future violence against the First Amendment should Joe Miller actually win. It's always a good sign when a potential U.S. Senator retains hired goons in order to arrest members of the press. But, then again, Miller thinks communist East Germany was simply the tops, so it seems to be all part of a larger set piece for him.

Of course, this was only a prelude to a supremely violent week in wingnuttia.

Outside the debate between Rand Paul and Paul Conway, a activist, Lauren Valle, was attacked, shoved to the ground and stomped on. Rand Paul supporters, along with an actual Rand Paul campaign staffer, displayed their insecure masculinity and newly "restored honor" by beating up a woman in plain view of cameras and other citizens who appeared to do nothing to stop the assailants. By the way, no one's talking about the other redneck in the green hat and plaid shirt who wrestled Valle to the ground, or the black-tee-shirted person who appears to step on Valle's mid-section. We can only assume they won't turn themselves in despite the Tea Party's widely publicized commitment to personal responsibility.

Further highlighting Tea Party honor and personal responsibility today, the chief woman-fighter at the scene, Tim Profitt, demanded that Valle apologize to him. I can only assume Profitt is suffering from the post-traumatic stress that resulted from Valle's head thwacking him on the sole of his defenseless shoe. Poor baby. (Appropriately posted on Twitter today: "BP to seek apology from Gulf of Mexico.")

Meanwhile, scores of far-right AM radio talkers, far-right bloggers and far-right blog commenters swung into action in a unified effort to blame the victim on this attack.

Erectile-dysfunction sufferer Rush Limbaugh, for example, implied that the attack was justified given the fact that Tea Party crazies are refusing to "grab the ankles" and "play nice." So if I'm correctly following Limbaugh's reasoning, one way to avoid (metaphorical?) anal rape is to wrestle a woman to the curb, American History X style, and step on her face. Nice. No wonder he's been married four times. He obviously has tremendous respect for women.

And yesterday in Virginia, a member of a rural Democratic committee, John Taylor, was ejected from an open-to-the-public Eric Cantor event in Louisa County. Reports indicate Taylor did absolutely nothing to precipitate his ejection from the coffee shop where the event was being held. After leaving, Taylor was violently accosted by police on the sidewalk in a ridiculously over-the-top display of excessive use of force.

This is evidently how the Republicans intend to handle dissent should they gain any sort of congressional majority. When they're not avoiding press scrutiny or party opposition, they're arresting dissenters. And when they're unable to rationally debate the issues, they lash out with violence.

It's a special brand of cowardice that's symptomatic of their utterly inexplicable and contradictory positions.

They insist the Democrats increased the deficit when, in fact, the Democrats and the Obama administration cut the deficit by $122 billion following the Bush-authorized 2009 budget. Allow me to repeat: President Obama cut the deficit by $122 billion. It's the largest one-year reduction in the federal budget deficit ever. Ever!

They're screeching about joblessness under the Obama administration even though the Democrats and the White House helped to create more private-sector jobs than the entire two terms of the Bush administration.

They've turned the stimulus into an obscenity even though it created at least 1.4 million new jobs.

They're pitching a fit about taxes while oblivious to the fact that, included in the stimulus, the Obama administration passed the largest middle class tax cut in American history.

And they're pissing in their big-boy pants over the bailouts, which were requested and signed by the Bush administration and have ultimately earned an eight-percent profit.

Hell, the word-salad chef herself -- the queen of the Tea Party -- Sarah Palin (along with her idiot sidekick Christine O'Donnell) still don't understand the purpose and intent of the First Amendment. Palin, for her part, believes the First Amendment allows Juan Williams to say whatever the hell he wants to say with impunity. Naturally, this is a doofish misinterpretation of the First Amendment, which was written to protect the people and the press from the government -- not to protect TV and radio personalities from their employers or from political activists.

Seriously, it has to be mind-bendingly frustrating to have to defend some of this nonsensical hooey. Couple all of it with the umbrella contradiction that the original Boston Tea Party was a protest against a tax cut in favor of the British East India Company, allowing the corporation to import tea to the colonies tax-free and therefore undercut the prices charged by independent importers. I always hesitate to mention this because I don't want to be held responsible for the subsequent far-right noggin meltdowns. Yes, the original Tea Party was in opposition to a corporate tax cut. Chew on that one, Tea Partiers.

So in the absence of rational and factual arguments, what are they left with? Inchoate violence and flailing rage directed at anyone who chooses to observe the nation's problems through the prism of objective reality and facts. We live in a counter-factual era, and no matter what arguments are made, and no matter how many sources we have on hand to make the case for reality, the far-right is more content to throw fists and fits. It just so happens that Stephen Colbert is right: "Reality has a well-known liberal bias."

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Anyone who's ever spent extended time with very young children will know what I'm talking about here. Whenever a particularly spazzy kid who's perhaps a little too hepped up on sugary snacks can't art...
Anyone who's ever spent extended time with very young children will know what I'm talking about here. Whenever a particularly spazzy kid who's perhaps a little too hepped up on sugary snacks can't art...
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rchham   6 minutes ago (12:11 PM)
Bob, Bob, Bob, you apparently missed this didn't you?

MoveOn and Republicorps member Fred Highton says he regrets initiating a physical altercation with a conservative Tea Partier at a political event at the University of Arizona earlier this month.

“If I’m going to take part in these political events, I need to learn some self-control,” Highton said.

Conservative James Massee released video of Highton grabbing his throat and face after the face-stomping video from a Kentucky rally for Republican Rand Paul.

Read more: http://dai­lycaller.c­om/2010/10­/29/moveon­-supporter­-remorsefu­l-after-ro­ughing-up-­conservati­ve-in-ariz­ona/#ixzz1­3xA29pI4
jedwightn   31 minutes ago (11:45 AM)
These folks are brown shirts. Tea Party, Republican and Evangelical all are synonyms for fascist! Rightist thugs have been stewing since they lost Congress in '08. Rush, Beck, Fox and their ilk whip them into a frenzy daily blinding them to reason. The country's in the balance and I guess we'll soon see in which direction we're heading after Tuesday's election.
Sister Bluebird   34 minutes ago (11:43 AM)
I appreciate the rant, I really do. And agree with 99 percent of it. But the fact is most Teabaggers are functionally illiterate. And when this crop finally passes on due to complications with diabetes and dementia, they will be replaced by another crop homeschooled with text books published by Bob Jones University. So FYI, this is just round one.
Imago   1 hour ago (10:55 AM)

Along with being snort-inducing funny, I think this may be the most coherent condemnation of the tea people's ugl.iness I've read.

Nicely done.
MrBadExample   2 hours ago (9:54 AM)
Bob, two thoughts here:
1) I've been around protest politics for the better part of 20 years. I've been to rallies where candidates were heckled, costumed protesters showed up and walked through the crowds, and other disruptive behavior took place. There was an AIDS activist who spent the 1992 campaign going to rallies and screaming at candidates who refused to acknowledge the disease. Candidates (and their handlers) understood that this was part of the game--videotape of their campaign people manhandling peaceful pests would not play well regardless of context. The amateur campaigners in the Tea Parties don't understand this.

2) I refuse to be lectured about campaign decorum by right-wingers. The coordinated campaign by Freedomworks and the Koch Brothers-funded teabaggers to disrupt the town hall meetings about healthcare reform are exhibit A. The Repub-funded 'demonstrators' who interrupted the 2000 vote recounts in Florida are Exhibit B. Ms. Valle is part of MoveOn, an organization that rules out violence in all cases and engages in nonviolent direct action. The Teabaggers seem to revel in the idea that their followers have guns and are amenable to 'Second Amendment Remedies' when democracy doesn't produce their desired results.

The Teabaggers don't have a problem with campaign disruption--they have a problem with democracy. As the protesters chant, 'this is what democracy looks like'.
Imago   1 hour ago (10:56 AM)
innesents   31 minutes ago (11:45 AM)
Do not forget the cherry picked crowds that were selected to meet with Dubbya. And, the people who were manhandled out of those meetings for “disrupting” them, usually with silent protests or the horrific message on a T-shirt. This is not new, just a variation on a theme that goes back to Athens. The only good thing is that the other side has not succumbed to the same tactics. That could possibly be why President Obama has not sunk to that level. He not only shows respect for the process, but for ALL the people involved.
fgtaylor   3 hours ago (9:03 AM)
where are the pictures of leftists throwing tea-partiers to the ground for holding up signs? there aren't any.
fgtaylor   3 hours ago (8:59 AM)
When a group of men throw a woman protester to the ground and step on her because they disagree with her, something is changing for the worse in this country. there is no denying that. and its not the only incident.
tea-party rule will bring more violence, particularly if they do not get everything they want in this mid-term election.
kamachanda   3 hours ago (8:55 AM)
Abusers often blame the victim of their abuse, saying "see what you made me do". For this to be true the abuser has to be a person of such importance and value that others are to tip-toe around them and avoid offending their moods through advanced mind reading (including the very very small print).
The truth is that such people are small, petty and insecure. They lash out to defend weak intellectual and dubious moral positions out of a fear of being overwhelmed by even the smallest questioning of their positions. These people are often the most immature and incapable people among us. They are now demanding an excess of representation in our government and hope to achieve that end through obtaining the votes of the gullible.
NCRepbulican   3 hours ago (8:55 AM)
These comments are quite enjoyable to read. I always take great pleasure in reading what the "tolerant" left has to say. You guys are amazing! Remember to vote next week, even if it won't matter one little bit. Cheers to the conservative tsunami.Take a look in the mirror and try to accept just one little bit of the blame. It will do you a world of good.
fgtaylor   3 hours ago (9:01 AM)
where are the pictures of leftists throwing tea-partiers to the ground for holding up signs? there aren't any.
kamachanda   3 hours ago (9:02 AM)
Re-read your own post, look at the cost of the Bush administrations deregulation, tax policies, tarp bailout and unfunded wars. Then look in the mirror and try to accept the appropriate amount of blame. It would do you a world of good, even though you would have to look at your politics and worry about how much harm you have caused.
nana-anne   3 hours ago (8:53 AM)
I can't help but think that the Republican candidates missed an opportunity to use the stupid violence of their goons to their advantage. Instead of placing the blame on the victim, in each case the GOP leadership should have roundly condemned those who perpertrated the violence. Then at least they would have appeared to be compassionate and law abiding, two traits which have disappeared from their ranks.
futfut   8 hours ago (4:26 AM)
No excuse for the stomp, it was violent and unnecessary, and this kind of over reaction should not be tolerated.

But she did provoke the whole incident by rushing Rand Paul 2 time under a disguise. The one who wrestled her down was just restraining her, too brutally in my taste, but who could know what were her intent. The stomp, again no excuse but you can see at least one person who immediately told him to stop, and the old lady trying to help her just b4 that.
tbrnotb   7 hours ago (5:30 AM)
Keep blaming the victim, boys!
marco01   8 hours ago (3:54 AM)
"Tea Party crazies are refusing to "grab the ankles" and "play nice." "

They only do that for their corporate masters, they give the rest of their fellow Americans the boot.
Rhonda Kelso   16 hours ago (8:06 PM)
Another reason that we need to vote!!
Donnie4488   17 hours ago (7:40 PM)
Kinda like Chicago,circa 1968.
Captain Antelope   23 hours ago (12:57 PM)
Of course they do. Most Republican men are unsure of their sexuality anyway.

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