Let’s get the Occupy Wall Street Across America message out. To know what is happening across America, I’ve put together a combined rss feed that updates as people add posts to their blog. I’m still adding feeds as they are assembled, and researching the best way to include Facebook page rss data.
So here it is. (Bloggers, please consider adding this rss feed to your sidebar): http://feeds.feedburner.com/occupywallstreetacrossamerica
There’s a free phone Android phone app found at Market search for Occupy America. No ads are being displayed.
No revenue is being generated from this feed, I just am doing my part to get the word out.
PS, This is what I noticed as I compiled this feed and looked at the feeds from across America:
==>Occupy is all over America, even in Puerto Rico. http://occupypuertorico.weebly.com/fotos.html (my fav is image 25).
==>Every group has its own voice. This video from North Hampton caught my eye http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PFfVqaJNR4
==>Although I do find a lot of data when I Google “Occupy end the fed” All across America, only one city has the motif “End the Fed” as their official FB image. It seems most occupy groups know we need to ask for “good government that works for us” rather than to “end the fed.”
==> I felt this spoke to me, and I understood the movement in general.
Here’s what I like there at Carson City: “I see a lot of people still confused, lets sum this up of what this movement is and is not:
1. This movement IS NOT about hand outs. We still believe in working for what you earn, and that hard work pays off. That system only works given an adequate amount of jobs to do so with wages that actually coincide with cost of living.
2. This movement IS NOT to end corporations. Its to end corporate per…sonhood, corporatism, to keep corporations out of politics, to limit their financial contributions to elect the representative which will cater to their (generally illegal) needs.
3. This movement IS NOT Anti-American. We care about this nation even more than they do and that is why we are fighting to restore it. If we just left it in the hands of those it’s in now it would just continue to get worse.
4. This movement IS NOT about anarchy. Somehow along the lines this turned into the United Republic of America. We are not trying to overthrow the government, but restore it back to its democratic roots.
5. This movement IS NOT affiliated with any known political party. Do not let anybody trick you into thinking it is. This was started by the people, for the people.
This movement IS about change. IT IS about correcting the corrupt. IT IS about taking back what is ours. IT IS about the unjust discrepancy between the rich and poor. IT IS you, IT IS me, IT IS America. At least 99% of us, even more if you are only accounting for those who aren’t congress or their financial backers.
Last but not least IT IS going to work, so if you don’t know you better ask somebody” (end)
Thanks, I’m at 507-581-1119 if you have q’s. Hang tight.