Shelter In Place

The holidays haven’t quite calmed down for us yet. Everyone in my family is travelling, so we decided to wait until January for Dave and me to fly to California to visit my sister and my folks. This was the first actual Christmas Day in my 38 years that I didn’t spend with my parents. It felt weird. But the good news we have an extra week to procrastinate shopping for gifts. Awesome.

We had already decided to have a “low consumerism” holiday, but I also opted for a “low activity” holiday season. Even with some extra time, I was still running around like a nut. Some people are lovely, and the atmosphere during the holiday season is nice. Though sometimes, when going out in the frenetic final days, even in our small town, I could see panicky wild-eyed folks in the grocery store. There were numerous reports of hit and run damage in supermarket parking lots. Manners on the road descended into post-apocalyptic jousting battles.

I just, um…no. I vote no.

I’m not anti-holiday. I think we need something in the middle of winter to look forward to. I’m just anti-nuttiness. I’m nutty enough my own self without added, all-encompassing shared crazy nuttiness. I have enough of my own, thank you.

I haven’t felt the urge to come out yet. I’m just going to lay low until we go to southern California, where every day on the road is a post-apocalyptic jousting battle. I’m polishing my machine guns now.


Happy Holidays, Dorkface!

Dave and I were in Portland last weekend, and we did our best to efficiently tackle all our various errands while we were in town. Rather than do everything on the weekend, we wisely decided to wait until Monday, thinking there would be fewer people out being nutjobs with the holidays approaching.

We did have to go to the post office and we were right about the nuttiness. On Monday morning, after rush hour, but before lunch, it was merely a crush of wall-to-wall people, not an outright stampede with people getting smooshed under a seething mass of holiday shippers.

Still, Dave looked at me and said “Maybe wait and do this later?” I do hate waiting in crazy lines, (unless there is beer at the end) but  I was resolute. We had a post office box to close and I didn’t want to put off doing it. I’d rather just deal with the 15 or 20 minutes of waiting in line, than have this task still hanging over me head for days or weeks. Gah.

So we waited. It was chaos. There was no telling where lines began or ended. People were hoisting giant packages over their heads, there was bumping and jostling, but pleasantly, no pepper spray or fist fights. The post office staff were in full gear. Every window was open and the line moved amazingly fast. It was a mere ten minutes before it was our turn.

We needed to forward our business mail from our PO box to Astoria. I filled out a form and handed over the keys to our post office box. This was not as common a transaction, so it took an extra minute or two for the clerk to make sure we had the right documents and signatures. We got a little refund. We got our mail forwarded and wrapped up. We were on our way.

Now, remember I said the place was packed? There were probably 50 or 60 people lined up in close quarters, with a few dozen more people milling about for various reasons. The whole place was solidly jammed full of people.

As we walked away from the counter, I heard the clerk say “Ma’am? Ma’am?” And because we had rounded a corner and he couldn’t see us, he then said “Dorkface!” to get our attention. “Dorkface! Dorkface!” In front of all those people.

I hurried back to the counter. “Did you just call me a dorkface?”

The guy chuckled. “I didn’t know what else to say, I just said what was on the forms.”

“I know, I know, I asked for it.” I told him. “That’s our greatest business asset, is being able to call each other dorkface.”

He just needed another signature on the form showing received the cash refund. I signed where he asked me to. Then he said,

“Happy holidays, dorkface.”

Stuff Is Nice

We have spent the past few years downsizing. We got rid of a lot of our “stuff” because we seem to move around a lot, and it is a pain in the ass to pack and haul extra crap we don’t need. We also got rid of our stuff because we wanted to live in [...]

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Shock Therapy

So you’ve heard me complain about being bored with the internet. I know, it’s blasphemous. When I have these occasional episodes, there is clearly something wrong with me. I need to realign my priorities and stop being distracted by the real world. So we are house sitting this weekend in a house that HAS NO [...]

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I’m Bored With The Internet

How is it even possible? How can someone get bored by the internet? IT’S THE INTERNET. There are cat videos. I just googled “cat video” right now and there were 1,890,000,000 results. Are there even that many cats on the planet? December is busy, even when I’m trying my damnedest not to be busy. And somehow, [...]

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Napping Problem

So, everyone like naps, right? Sleep is awesome. Naps are great. Sleeping at a time other than the conventional, acceptable “overnight” period of time is like a delicious indulgence. Especially if you’ve run a marathon, or if you are tired from sitting in front of a computer all day, or if you’re not the greatest sleeper, [...]

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