Showing posts with label Ron Paul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ron Paul. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Republicans Throw Election For Obama, Blame Liberty Movement

A last word from Matt Larson suggests a likely influence for the presidential election.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

How Mitt Romney cheated his way to the GOP nomination

Doug Wead

New evidence is coming out about just how tough and dirty the Mitt Romney campaign fought to block the Ron Paul takeover of the Republican Party at the State Conventions last summer.

It may offer a little sneak preview of what a Romney presidency will be like. And make no mistake, barring war with Syria or some other dramatic October surprise, Romney will now win this election in a landslide. At least, that is my humble opinion, as one who loves and reads history. The economy will decide that.

It turns out that Mitt Romney and other Republican operatives were apparently very much aware of what was going on at the precinct, county, district and state conventions. This was not greedy state and country chairmen wanting to hang onto power so they could go to the RNC as delegates and get drunk. The hardball tactics were apparently approved and refined from state to state from Iowa, where the state chairman got money for the GOP and promises and conveniently kept a Santorum popularity vote win and a Ron Paul delegate win, out of the news for months, all the way to Tampa, where pudgy, Romney Brownshirt goons raced along the streets in golf cart-like vehicles, looking for demonstrators to divert into chain fence cages beyond view of the media. Welcome to Romney’s America.

Remember Arizona? Where there were accusations of voter fraud and physical violence against Ron Paul delegates? Where delegates were sweated out, kept in 100 degree temperatures without air conditioning and without breaks for water or toilet, in hopes of getting them to give up?

Remember Nathan Sproul?

Remember my blog last summer, claiming fraud and miscounts and ballots taken away for the night to be recounted with numbers changed the next day? Well, Mr. Sproul called Ron Paul headquarters and threatened a lawsuit so I had to take down one of those blogs. Now, what I wrote last summer, as a voice in the wilderness , is being published openly by the New York Times. The mainstream media didn’t mind seeing Ron Paul get mauled but their precious Obama is another matter. Now there are public reports of voter fraud at the hands of Mr. Sproul and a new revelation that he has recently been on the Republican Party payroll to the tune of millions of dollars and assigned to do his deeds in five states.

There is more. It turns out that Nathan Sproul is now linked to Karl Rove who may have hired him as well. Rove has a curiously malevolent streak of his own. In Tampa, at the Romney coronation, Rove suggested – in jest we all presume – the murder of fellow Republican Senate Candidate Todd Akin, who had won the Missouri primary fair and square but now refused to resign and let Rove’s favorite candidate, who had lost, take his place.

Akin misspoke on abortion. Rove, who misspoke on murder, is to be excused.

See: Karl Rove tied to shady GOP operative Nathan Sproul

Meanwhile, a major television network is now finally tracking the story of the Louisiana State GOP. Remember how Romney-Santorum people hired off duty policemen, telling them to arrest troublemakers when they pointed them out? And then after they were voted out and new Ron Paul people were voted in to run the convention they had the hired off duty policeman arrest the new duly elected chairmen who was manhandled? One was knocked to the ground another had his fingers broken while in police custody? Well, that is going to court. Yes, the Ron Paul victims will win, but the Romney people could care less, they got what they wanted and no apology has been offered. Welcome to Romney’s America.

Remember our Ron Paul hero in Missouri, Brent Stafford, who was elected county chairman in St. Charles? Who was arrested and hauled off to jail by off duty police hired by Romney people? He was finally acquitted and the Romney person who ordered the arrest actually applauded the court’s decision. Stafford, may file a lawsuit as well, but the Romney people won’t care. They got what they wanted.

Perhaps the most damaging news of all for the Romney campaign is the emerging story of Charlie “The Cheater” Nejedly. Charlie was caught in Maine, wearing a Ron Paul sticker, passing out fake Ron Paul slates at the Maine State Convention which the Romney people had clearly lost. He was outed on the floor in Maine and soon afterward overheard talking to Romney’s likely nominee for Attorney General, campaign legal counsel, Ben Ginsburg. According to the source, Ginsburg told Nejedly, “We need to get you to Boston.”

It now appears that Charlie “the Cheater” worked the Massachusetts convention too and that he was a paid staffer on the Romney payroll. What’s worse, he is a Notre Dame graduate, which leads to all kinds of conflicts for this author. I grew up in South Bend and I love Notre Dame. And this week they play Brigham Young University. And Manti Teo’s parents are in the audience. Oh my? What can I do?

I will still root for Notre Dame, of course, but Mitt Romney “the cheater” may have to wait for me to cool down a bit. What was he thinking? I know what he was thinking? He was thinking that we would all come around and vote for him instead of Obama because of the economy. So he could cheat and fake to his heart’s content. But the more clearly in focus it becomes the less impressed I am of Romney’s America. Where are we headed?

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Audit of the Federal Reserve Reveals $16 Trillion in Secret Bailouts

The first ever GAO(Government Accountability Office) audit of the Federal Reserve was carried out in the past few months due to the Ron Paul, Alan Grayson Amendment to the Dodd-Frank bill, which passed last year. Jim DeMint, a Republican Senator, and Bernie Sanders, an independent Senator, led the charge for a Federal Reserve audit in the Senate, but watered down the original language of the house bill(HR1207), so that a complete audit would not be carried out. Ben Bernanke(pictured to the left), Alan Greenspan, and various other bankers vehemently opposed the audit and lied to Congress about the effects an audit would have on markets. Nevertheless, the results of the first audit in the Federal Reserve’s nearly 100 year history were posted on Senator Sander’s webpage earlier this morning:

What was revealed in the audit was startling: $16,000,000,000,000.00 had been secretly given out to US banks and corporations and foreign banks everywhere from France to Scotland. From the period between December 2007 and June 2010, the Federal Reserve had secretly bailed out many of the world’s banks, corporations, and governments. The Federal Reserve likes to refer to these secret bailouts as an all-inclusive loan program, but virtually none of the money has been returned and it was loaned out at 0% interest. Why the Federal Reserve had never been public about this or even informed the United States Congress about the $16 trillion dollar bailout is obvious — the American public would have been outraged to find out that the Federal Reserve bailed out foreign banks while Americans were struggling to find jobs.

To place $16 trillion into perspective, remember that GDP of the United States is only $14.12 trillion. The entire national debt of the United States government spanning its 200+ year history is “only” $14.5 trillion. The budget that is being debated so heavily in Congress and the Senate is “only” $3.5 trillion. Take all of the outrage and debate over the $1.5 trillion deficit into consideration, and swallow this Red pill: There was no debate about whether $16,000,000,000,000 would be given to failing banks and failing corporations around the world.

In late 2008, the TARP Bailout bill was passed and loans of $800 billion were given to failing banks and companies. That was a blatant lie considering the fact that Goldman Sachs alone received 814 billion dollars. As is turns out, the Federal Reserve donated $2.5 trillion to Citigroup, while Morgan Stanley received $2.04 trillion. The Royal Bank of Scotland and Deutsche Bank, a German bank, split about a trillion and numerous other banks received hefty chunks of the $16 trillion.
“This is a clear case of socialism for the rich and rugged, you’re-on-your-own individualism for everyone else.” – Bernie Sanders(I-VT)
When you have conservative Republican stalwarts like Jim DeMint(R-SC) and Ron Paul(R-TX) as well as self identified Democratic socialists like Bernie Sanders all fighting against the Federal Reserve, you know that it is no longer an issue of Right versus Left. When you have every single member of the Republican Party in Congress and progressive Congressmen like Dennis Kucinich sponsoring a bill to audit the Federal Reserve, you realize that the Federal Reserve is an entity onto itself, which has no oversight and no accountability.

Americans should be swelled with anger and outrage at the abysmal state of affairs when an unelected group of bankers can create money out of thin air and give it out to megabanks and supercorporations like Halloween candy. If the Federal Reserve and the bankers who control it believe that they can continue to devalue the savings of Americans and continue to destroy the US economy, they will have to face the realization that their trillion dollar printing presses will eventually plunder the world economy.
The list of institutions that received the most money from the Federal Reserve can be found on page 131 of the GAO Audit and are as follows..

Citigroup: $2.5 trillion ($2,500,000,000,000)
Morgan Stanley: $2.04 trillion ($2,040,000,000,000)
Merrill Lynch: $1.949 trillion ($1,949,000,000,000)
Bank of America: $1.344 trillion ($1,344,000,000,000)
Barclays PLC (United Kingdom): $868 billion ($868,000,000,000)
Bear Sterns: $853 billion ($853,000,000,000)
Goldman Sachs: $814 billion ($814,000,000,000)
Royal Bank of Scotland (UK): $541 billion ($541,000,000,000)
JP Morgan Chase: $391 billion ($391,000,000,000)
Deutsche Bank (Germany): $354 billion ($354,000,000,000)
UBS (Switzerland): $287 billion ($287,000,000,000)
Credit Suisse (Switzerland): $262 billion ($262,000,000,000)
Lehman Brothers: $183 billion ($183,000,000,000)
Bank of Scotland (United Kingdom): $181 billion ($181,000,000,000)
BNP Paribas (France): $175 billion ($175,000,000,000)
and many many more including banks in Belgium of all places

View the 266-page GAO audit of the Federal Reserve(July 21st, 2011):

Friday, August 31, 2012

RNC "Scripted" Rules-Reality Check takes a look at how the most controversial rule change in party history was not legitimately passed

RNC Teleprompter Had the Results of the Vote Before the Vote Was Taken

Daily Paul
Here is what you did not see on the "mainstream" news media. The teleprompter had the results of the vote before the vote was taken.
Text: in the opinion of the Chair, the "ayes" have it! Go to the 2:00 minute mark to see the pre-fabricated "opinion of the Chair"

[Washington Examiner] Aug 30, 2012
"RNC Chairman Reince Preibus and House Speaker John Boehner on Tuesdayrailroaded the party’s grass roots in order to shut down any debate over rule changes or the decision to unseat 10 Ron Paul delegates elected in Maine.
I was on the floor at the time, and I saw these party leaders chairing the convention simply ignore points of order and objections. They also ruled that the Ayes had won a voice vote when the Noes pretty clearly shouted louder. It’s hard to get more undemocratic than simply making up the results of a floor vote." ~ Timothy P. CarneyRead more

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Geographically Challenged GOP Members Forced to Remind Themselves of Their Country of Origin

Editor's Note: The only close comparison to this phenomenon is the "Twit of the Year" award depicted by Monty Python in the 70's. While quashing dissent in a way that is remarkably un-American, they collectively remind themselves of their country of origin. Bravo!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

RNC rollcall: Ron Paul Delegate Counts Ignored, Shouting Ensues

Editor's Note:  Paul's leadership during this crisis is noticeably absent.  Well educated, civics-minded people that were numerous enough to change the outcome of the election are abandoned and disenfranchised by Ron Paul himself.

Iowa was 22 Paul/6 Romney, but the woman at the podium only counted Romney

Iowa cast for Paul! And they didn’t even acknowledge it

Maine, 14 Romney, 10 Paul. Again, Paul not recorded by the podium

They just did that to Minnesota, where Paul won like 40 votes to Romney’s 6

I’ve never seen a convention roll call take place during rush hour GOOD point! I haven’t either in 64 years! They don’t want the country to see how they’re handling the count…I guess


RT @robport: ND delegate just texted me saying they were instructed to chant “USA” to drown out dissent. #RNCpowergrab”

Delegates are being instructed to chant USA USA to drown out the Paul supporters. Considering that the Paul delegates are being robbed of their votes, it’s getting heated in there. I’m going around to various sources to find out what’s going on. CSPAN turned off the sound of the screaming by the Paul supporters that they’re being “robbed” and by the rethuglicans shouting them down.

The Paul supporters I’ve known are not exactly low key people.. usually angry young men. Keep those cameras rolling, and HOPE that the MSM has enough fucking hair to actually report on how much Romney is NOT wanted.

This is very interesting. That party is deeply fractured, but the new realities of political funding mean that the only voices that matter are those of the billionaire club. I don’t know a single Republican who wanted Romney going into the primary season. In fact, the common refrain was “anyone but Romney”. But here he is. And this insulting count here today is just the most recent and obvious manifestation of the process that’s been going on for months and months, with party establishment telling their voters to shut-up and cheer for their better.

The Deception at the Heart of the Upcoming US Presidential Election

Editor's Note:  Actually, the "Internet Reformation" may be described as contributing to a big upswell of "free market thinking", but a free flow of information defines the folly behind letting "the magic of the market place" do our bidding.  That thinking has got us into this mess in the first place.

The Daily Bell

Romney's moment: The Republicans' chosen battleground is the very shape and scope of US government ... Mitt Romney has been introduced to the American people in many guises: the hard-nosed executive who saved Utah's Winter Olympics; the middle-of-the-road governor who brought universal health care to Massachusetts; the repentant and radicalised Right-winger who campaigned (twice) for his party's presidential nomination; and now, since the selection of Paul Ryan as his running mate, as the fiscal conservative to bring sanity to the nation's finances. – UK Telegraph

Dominant Social Theme: Paul Ryan believes in smaller government. This race is shaping up to be one of a legitimate clash of philosophies.

Free Market Analysis: It is almost time for the US presidential election. Let the lying begin. The biggest lie of all – an elite dominant social theme – is that Romney's running mate, Paul Ryan, is some sort of small-government budget cutter, and that Romney now shares that view.

But to accept Ryan's role, you have to accept the larger nonsense about this being a "generational" election – one defining America's aggregate "soul." To believe this, of course, one has to believe that modern US presidential elections actually bring change. This is hard to fathom. What's the difference between George W. Bush and Barack Obama? Not much, we'd suggest.

Even Ronald Reagan, probably the most libertarian president of the late 20th century, was more of a rhetorical change-maker than a budget cutter. He talked a good "small government" approach and seemed sincere in his sentiments but the reality was that fedgov swelled under his stewardship, especially military and Intel budgets.

Nonetheless, the power elite that wants to run the world is trying again to portray the US presidential election as some sort of important event. It is important to this elite because they seek an "electoral" buy-in. They want to give the impression of choice. Here's more from the article:

This week, in Tampa, Mr Romney will – if he can raise his voice above Tropical Storm Isaac – be attempting to synthesize these personae into something at once more complex and more simple: a commander-in-chief ...

Americans' attention will be on Tampa not merely because of the storm warnings, but because there is a palpable sense – thanks in part to the selection of Mr Ryan – of how much this contest matters.
Often in elections, what appears to be a cataclysmic contest of ideology turns out to be a choice between shades oftechnocracy. Not this time. The Republicans' chosen battleground is the very shape and scope of US government, not least since a combination of political and fiscal pressures mean that whoever is elected will face choices that could ultimately determine whether the world's greatest power remains not just prosperous, but even solvent.

Okay. Not so fast ... An article in the Daily Beast, admittedly not one of our favorite publications, gives us a different perspective on Ryan. Entitled, "Defense Hawks, Rejoice—Paul Ryan's Your Man!" and written by Eli Lake, the article reviews Ryan's stance on budget cutting and finds that his attitudes tilt toward "neocon" regarding America's "role in the world."

We learn that Ryan has been extensively briefed by such people as Elliott Abrams and Fred Kagan, both prominent militarists during the Bush years.

According to Lake, Abrams believes that Ryan's views are reflective of the historical GOP and thus, it is implied, he is more than ready to take up what could be said to be the "White Man's burden" – making the world safe for a certain kind of sociopolitical philosophy.

Ultimately, this philosophy is globalist and has little or nothing to do with the GOP or even presidential elections generally. US presidents are merely caretakers at this point.

Adam Kokesh Has Had Enough of "Ron Paul Inc."

Editor's Note: Despite what Jesse Benton says, Adam Kokesh does not seem troubled at all. His sound observations do not bring to mind a picture of a "troubled young man".

Garrett Quinn

At one point during the Ron Paul Revolution there was no bigger advocate for the advancement of the Texas congressman than Adam Kokesh. He was the poster boy for disaffected military veterans and agitated twenty-somethings who gravitated to Paul’s unique blend of paleoconservativism and libertarianism. Kokesh organized Veterans for Ron Paul, donated an estimated $1,000 to the campaign, led marches, and even ran for Congress in New Mexico in 2010. He was Mr. Ron Paul for President.

Sitting backstage at the unofficial Ron Paul Festival at the Florida State Fairgounds in a tight “Liberty” t-shirt Kokesh tells me that’s all over.

"I am not a Ron Paul supporter anymore," said Kokesh while waiting for a band to go on.

"I support his message, love the man but there was a point that turned for me back in January and if anything I should have been more upfront about it sooner. I used to be able to say no matter how much money or support you invested in him he would use it as effectively as you would to forward the message, advance the cause. I can’t say that anymore," he said.

Kokesh referred to the Paul political organization as "Ron Paul Inc." and said he was attempting to transition over to "Rand Paul Inc.," something he is not thrilled about.

"I like Rand but he’s not one of us. He’s not a voluntaryist like his father. He’s an ally and a principled conservative."

Is Rand a libertarian?

"No, absolutely not," said Kokesh.

Ron is though, right?

"Absolutely," he answered.

What about Gary Johnson?

"In the intellectual sense but not in the philosophical sense," he said.

According to various Paul fan sites Kokesh was banned from the official Paul campaign event at the Sun Dome. Kokesh poo-pooed the rally, noting all the empty seats at a venue that was smaller than the one used for a similar rally in 2008. When reached by phone, Paul campaign manager Jesse Benton declined to comment on these claims but did say, "We respect Adam’s service but he's a very troubled young man. We just hope he can get his life together."

Kokesh didn’t want to talk about his relationship with the campaign but had harsh words for Benton. "If [Benton] wants a career as a political operative, that's fine," he said, "but nobody that donated to Ron Paul for the right reasons, because they believe in the message, is going to give money to anything that Jesse Benton has his name on."

Though disaffected with the Paul campaign, Kokesh said he plans to stay active in electoral politics.

"I feel like I am behind the curve of the movement. I had an unhealthy emotional attachment to the campaign, to the idea of the Ron Paul presidency and what he represented. I let it affect my decisions in a negative way," he said.

*Author's note: An earlier version of this post said that Kokesh was having a beer during this interview. He was not.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Peter Schiff Confirms Jesse Benton Paul Festival Sabotage

12160 | Peter Schiff reads a text message from Jesse Benton to Paul Festival Organizer Deborah Robinet.

Kokesh Banned from Ron Paul Festival

Editor's Note:  The following exchange between Adam Kokesh and Webster Tarpley seems to mark the beginning of Kokesh's reassessment of the Paul Campaign.  Whether co-opted or initially conceived as a honeypot to draw and weaken opposition to the Romney machine, the Paul campaign has succeeded in leaving millions disenfranchised by this political process. 

The following instructions regarding Adam Kokesh are contained in the packet of information for volunteers being trained to help at Ron Paul’s Sun Dome Rally–expected to draw over 10,000. The event will be broadcasted live on CSPAN Sunday afternoon.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Romney Executes Republican Party Power Grab

Zeke Miller

The Establishment wins a round over the grassroots.  “Awful,” says the conservative Blackwell.

Campaign counsel Ben Ginsberg walks at a private donors' conference
for Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney at
The Chateaux at Silver Lake at Deer Valley Resort in
Park City, Utah, Saturday, June 23, 2012.
The Republican National Convention Rules Committee voted 63-38 to approve a new rule allowing granting the Republican National Committee — and Mitt Romney — sweeping new powers to amend the governing document of the GOP.

The move came at the encouragement of Mitt Romney supporters on the committee, including Romney's top lawyer Ben Ginsberg, who stressed that it would grant "flexibility" to Romney and the committee to adapt to changing political environments. The rule allows the RNC to amend the party's rules without a vote by the full Republican National Convention. And it offers the Republican Establishment a new tool to keep at by Tea Party initiatives that threaten to embarrass or contradict party leadership and stray from a planned message.

Romney, as his party's nominee, exerts significant influence over the RNC, which is made up of elected party officials from all 50 states, while the larger Convention Rules Committee is larger and has a more grassroots membership.

"This is necessary for the world in which we find ourselves in," Ginsberg told the committee, adding that it is "important for the political survival of the party in the electoral context," for the committee to be able to change the rules as it sees fit in the intervening four years between conventions.

Virginia delegate and RNC member Morton Blackwell strenuously objected to the proposed rule change, calling it "the most awful proposed amendments I’ve seen presented to this committee.”
"This is dangerous, it amounts to a power grab," he said. "We are abandoning the historic process by which are rules are adopted."

The Romney allies waited until Friday to propose the amendment, choosing to avoid giving the opposition time to organize by proposing it at the preliminary Rules meeting on Wednesday or during more than three years of RNC Rules Committee discussions.

South Carolina delegate Drew McKissick, who objected to the rule change, echoed Blackwell's charge, warning that nearly any rule could now be amended by 3/4 of the Republican National Committee.

"It’s definitely a power grab by the campaign, the committee," he said. "It’s bad juju. Once you let the genie out of the bottle they can do anything."

Monday, August 13, 2012

Kim Dotcom Resists, Pussy Riot Protests and the Insane Clown Posse Sues ... Internet Reformation Rolls

Daily Bell

Your life is precious ... precious, yeah
So don't you forget it, get it, no
You decide who you are
You decide who you are.

~ Kim Dotcom, lyrics to "Precious"

Dominant Social Theme: These people are all criminals! If only the world had a single corpus, we could throw everyone in jail at once.

Free-Market Analysis: As the power elite that wants to run the world continues to race against time more and more brutally, what we call the Internet Reformation becomes ever more visible.

It is becoming more visible because as the elites shove the world toward global governance, people being shoved, some of them, push back.
In the past week, we've seen three high-profile instances of this sort of resistance. Kim Dotcom, CEO of destroyed Megaupload, has launched a website to proclaim his innocence and begun releasing surprisingly tuneful pop music to plead his cause and shape his public image.

Over in Russia, the punk girl band Pussy Riot is finishing up a trial that sees them accused of violating the sanctity and physical space of the Russian Orthodox Church to protest Vladimir Putin's endlessly authoritarian reign. One of the members made an eloquent closing statement that we reproduce in part below.

Most recently, the Insane Clown Posse has filed a lawsuit against the FBI declaring the group and its followers to be a "gang." We last wrote about the Insane Clown Posse here:

In Defense of the Insane Clown Posse

It seems to us that the Internet Reformation is gaining traction, inevitably, as we long ago predicted. We first pointed to Congressman Ron Paul as an embodiment of the modern Reformation but as the powers-that-be push forward on all fronts, they are assaulting many other bright and courageous people who then step to the fore.

The initial Reformation was in part sponsored by the power elite, and the elites are trying to take over THIS reformation as well. But the trouble with taking over the Internet is that one has to do it in full VIEW of the Internet.

Confusion, therefore, is employed. "They" are using apparent false flags like Julian Assange, Anonymous and even faux alternative currency movements to undercut the tremendous progress that free-market thinking has made over the past decade.

But as we long ago predicted, the Internet Reformation is fairly unstoppable at the moment. The European Union is falling apart, the global warming scam is unraveling, the war on terror has not gone as planned in Afghanistan and many other elite promotions have been exposed in detail on the Internet.

The ancient power elite, that evidently wants to run the world and uses its control of central banks to fund its mania, is in no sense defeated but it is facing challenges that it has not faced since the Gutenberg Press itself began exposing the power structure 600 years ago.

Then, the Church was riven, a New World was discovered, two vast revolutions were initiated and the cause of freedom was at once massively advanced and then, after a time, retarded.

It took the elites about 400 years to fully control the damage. They didn't really overcome it until about the 20th century, and now the Internet Reformation has undone much of the globalist progress that was made.
Let's take these three examples cited above and analyze how they may be contributing to the current Reformation.

The violent raid on Kim Dotcom's mansion may soon be seen as disastrous overreach by US Federal authorities. It was no doubt thought that 400 pound Kim Dotcom was an easy target. He could be mocked and generally demonized as a greedy, overweight criminal.

But those in the upper reaches of this elite global conspiracy are still floundering when it comes to confronting the damage the Internet is doing to their plans.

Copyright was apparently invented by the power elite of the day to retard information flow from the Gutenberg Press. It was a brilliant stroke, at once slowing injurious information and placing many informed communicators on the side of the state itself because copyright would enrich them.

But in a 21st century Internet world we need only to turn to natural law to decide how well copyright works now. Laws that demand egregious violent enforcement and then are STILL flouted are dysfunctional ones. They are in legal parlance "positive" rather than natural. Like prohibition, they don't work.

People sense that the powers-that-be are on the wrong side of the copyright issue, thus some of the sentiment supporting Kim Dotcom. You can see some of our articles here:

The Creepy Pursuit of Kim Dotcom by Corporate America and Why it Matters

VIDEO: Internet Piracy – Who are the Thieves?

Both New Zealand and American authorities are being handed one defeat after another in this case, including a judicial invalidation of the very warrant that was executed on Kim Dotcom.

The elites behind this raid – the West's top dynastic families and their enablers and associates – may eventually come to regret making Kim Dotcom their number one target. He is big, increasingly angry and something of a marketing genius.

It may be that Vladimir Putin shall also regret HIS foray into further authoritarianism. Putin is worried about his legitimacy as a ruler and has decided that making a case against three pretty young women collectively called Pussy Riot will provide the shock value he needs to calm protest against him.

But late last week it backfired with Nadezhda Tolokonnikova's closing statement, which, in our humble view, is so good it's almost dumbfounding. You can find the full statement at Infowars and Business Insider. Here's a little:

We are absolutely not happy with—and have been forced into living politically—by the use of coercive, strong-arm measures to handle social processes, a situation in which the most important political institutions are the disciplinary structures of the state – the security agencies, the army, the police, the special forces and the accompanying means of ensuring political stability: prisons, preventive detention and mechanisms to closely control public behaviour.

Nor are we happy with the enforced civic passivity of the bulk of the population or the complete domination of executive structures over the legislature and judiciary. Moreover, we are genuinely angered by the fear-based and scandalously low standard of political culture, which is constantly and knowingly maintained by the state system and its accomplices.

Look at what Patriarch Kirill has to say: "The Orthodox don't go to rallies." We are angered by the appalling weakness of horizontal relationships within society. We don't like the way in which the state system easily manipulates public opinion through its tight control of the overwhelming majority of media outlets. A perfect example is the unprecedentedly shameless campaign against Pussy Riot, based on distorting facts and words, which has appeared in nearly all the Russian media, apart from the few independent media there are in this political system.

The full text of the speech has by now been broadcast and texted around the world. Putin, who is evidently and obviously an ally of the Western power elite (he just returned from an Israeli love fest) made a mistake going after these girls.

The FBI meanwhile made a mistake targeting Insane Clown Posse, which is now going to sue them for falsely labeling them and their followers as a "gang."

The Insane Clown Posse is not a gang. In any case, if the far more insane laws against drugs and other private practices were lifted there probably wouldn't be any gang violence, especially if monopoly central banking were done away with, along with public schools, so that the economy could recover and people could find jobs again.

The FBI also played a big role in the raid on Kim Dotcom and it is very likely as the Internet Reformation continues the FBI's increasingly aggressiveness on behalf of the power elite shall meet rising pushback from the Internet Reformation.

The FBI has been exposed on the 'Net for creating and fostering false-flag terrorist episodes and has evidently and obviously covered up whatever really happened on 9/11. Like the CIA, which evidently created al Qaeda, the FBI's tactics have been exposed by the Internet and are increasingly transparent to the larger masses of people that might in a different era have been more trusting.

It is, after all, a matter of trust. What the Internet Reformation increasingly presents to viewers is a civilization that doesn't work as advertised ... and perhaps was designed not to work on purpose.

As this knowledge continues to percolate through the body politic, the ability of the powers that be to manipulate people via war, economic ruin and regulatory authoritarianism becomes increasingly difficult. The elites' dominant social themes are exposed along with their apparent one-world agenda.

The three examples we have examined here are just a small exhibit of the larger changes that are sweeping the world and making it increasingly difficult for those involved in a greater one-world conspiracy.

The last meme to fall, in our view, will be one having to do with what we call "private justice" – which was the way societies handled internal quarrels and injustices for tens of thousands of years. Public justice is increasingly exposed for the unjust mechanism that it is. You can read an article on public and private justice here:

What Amanda Knox Tells Us About Justice

Conclusion: Times are changing but we don't see that the power elite has developed any effective tactics to control the damage to their plans. Right now, they're becoming increasingly authoritarian and violent. But we bet in time they'll be forced to take a step back.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

How the Republican Party Stole the Nomination from Ron Paul

From the Trenches

Jaret Glenn  If you follow mainstream election coverage, you might think Mitt Romney has coasted to an honest, easy, well-deserved Republican nomination. Unfortunately for Republican voters, nothing could be further from the truth. The primary process has been an all-out slugfest and many of the delegates Romney has won may be the result of dirty tricks and even election fraud.

The following narrative includes linksto reports, first-hand testimonials, and video evidence highlighting actions taken by the GOP to ensure a Romney victory, at the expense of fracturing the party just prior to the general election. Party leaders at the county and state level have changed or violatedparty rules, cancelled caucuses, changed vote counts, thrown out entire counties of votes, counted public votes privately, called-in the SWAT team, and inexplicably replaced Paul delegates with Romney delegates to block Ron Paul from winning the nomination.

Iowa: Days before the caucuses, Paul held a commanding lead in the polls and all the momentum, with every other candidate having peaked from favorable media coverage and then collapsed under the ensuing scrutiny. Establishment Republicans, like Iowa’s Representative Steve King (R), attempted to sabotage Paul’s campaign by spreading rumors he would lose to Obama if nominated. Even though the Iowa GOP platform reads like a Ron Paul speech, shortly before the caucuses, Iowa Governor Terry Barnstad told Politico , “[If Paul wins] people are going to look at who comes in second and who comes in third. If Romney comes in a strong second, it definitely helps him going into New Hampshire”. The message from the Governor to voters of his state was: a vote for Ron Paul was a wasted vote.

Huffington Post reported that Paul was ahead by one point over Romney and Rick Santorum in entrance polls conducted by Edison Media Research for the AP before the caucuses. For the first time ever, the Iowa GOP changed the final vote count to a secret location . After the caucus, results from 8 precincts (including those with colleges, in a state where Paul won 48% of the youth vote) went missing. Interestingly, these were all precincts Romney lost in 2008. In addition, GOP officials discovered inaccuracies in 131 precincts. Though polling in a comfortable first place, Paul finished third in this non-binding straw poll, behind Romney and Santorum.

Iowa originally reported Romney in first, Santorum in a close second, and Paul third. After the recount, Santorum was named the winner with Romney in second. No mention was given to how the recount affected Paul’s vote count. Iowa GOP chairman, Matt Strawn, later resigned and was replaced by Paul supporter, A.J. Spiker and Paul went on to win the majority of delegates.

Florida: The Florida GOP broke party rules by switching to a winner-take-all state before the date allowed, which favors the candidate with the most money for advertising and attack ads.  Senior Advisor
to the Ron Paul campaign, Doug Wead, claims this was done specifically to favor Romney.

Nevada: There is bad blood between Paul’s supporters and establishment Republicans in Nevada. This dates back to 2008, when Convention Chair, Sue Lowden and her enlisted delegates got up and walked out of the convention when it became apparent Paul’s supporters would claim a majority of the delegates. She claimed she would reconvene at a later time, but instead approved the McCain slate of delegates. This year, Paul supporters expected shenanigans; so his State Chairman, Carl Bunce, planned to win by outworking Romney. Just before the caucuses, he claimed to have “more IDs than Romney had votes in ’08″. This means through canvassing door-to-door and phoning voters, he had identified about 25,000 voters committed to show up and vote for Paul.

On caucus day, the media was denied access to most caucus sites and the few that were permitted were not allowed to take photos. Others were even ejected from sites. This CNN clip shows GOP staff preventing a Paul supporter from entering the premises to vote at a special caucus that was set up at the last minute for Newt Gingrich backer, Sheldon Adelson. Here, participants were asked to sign an affidavit (under penalty of perjury) stating they were Jewish and couldn’t vote earlier in the day due to “religious reasons”. CNN showed live coverage of votes being counted at this event, with Paul amassing nearly 60% of the votes. In some precincts in Clark County, the largest in Nevada, the number of ballots did not match the number of voters signed in at the caucus. Though votes were to be counted publicly, they were largely counted in private. The vote count was also inexplicably dragged out for several days, leading to a victory for Romney. Nevada State GOP Chairwoman, Amy Tarkanian resigned the day after the caucuses.

Another interesting note is that Paul’s 2012 votes had doubled, tripled, and more than quadrupled his 2008 votes in every state leading up to the Nevada caucuses, yet Paul received only 88 more votes there. Of all the places for this to occur, Nevada, the country’s most libertarian state; is the last in which anyone would expect this.

In spite of these irregularities , Paul won 22 of 25 state delegates and replaced stateparty officials with Paul supporters. Romney supporters then formed their own stateparty, called “Team Nevada”. The RNC then bypassed the official state party in order to organize for Romney and send all funds to Team Nevada.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Auditing the Fed Is a Sideshow: Who Audits the Auditors?

Daily Bell
Anthony Wile

No To Transparency:  Harry Reid vows to kill
bill to audit the Federal Reserve
On Wednesday, Ron Paul's bill to audit the Federal Reserve was overwhelmingly passed by the U.S. House of Representatives. The vote was 327 to 98. You would think that a bill with such overwhelming support would easily become law. But it won't, because Barack Obama and the Democrats plan to kill it. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has already said that the Senate will not even consider the bill. But of course if Barack Obama called Harry Reid and told him that he wants this bill to get through the Senate so that he could sign it then Harry Reid would be singing a much different tune. Sadly, we all know that is not going to happen. Barack Obama's good buddy Ben Bernanke called the Audit the Fed bill a "nightmare scenario" last week, and Obama is certainly not going to do anything to upset Bernanke - especially this close to the election. – Daily Caller

An audit of the Federal Reserve would be nice but really it wouldn't change anything. In fact, it would likely prove a kind of sideshow from reality, which is that monopoly central banking should simply be abolished.
And that probably won't happen until people get so sick and tired of being driven into bankruptcy and despair that they begin to kick the doors down and arrest the criminals cowering inside.

And they ARE real criminals. The system is responsible for debasing currency the world over and driving billions into poverty and even suicide. In the West it has blighted the hopes and dreams of millions who scratched and saved and then found their portfolios devalued by half or whole on a single day.

But it is worse in Third World countries. The money never even trickles down in these countries. Billions of people live on literally a couple of dollars a day.

This despite the United Nations and other international institutions that are supposedly dedicated to eradicating poverty. In fact, these institutions create the poverty they supposedly wish to remove. They do so via institutionalized violence costing trillions. War is the health of the state but it sickens everyone else.
It's not as if people don't already know the depths of the depravity that is the modern money system.

There's really no justification for the Fed, a monopoly central bank that issues fiat money as it chooses.
The exposure is irrelevant to the evident reality. The reality is that a small group of white, middle aged men can never figure out how much money an economy needs at what price.

The reason to audit the Fed is to find out what "they" are up to. But we already know that. A limited audit examined transactions during 2008 when the world's financial system froze up. It found the Fed had loaned out more than 16 trillion dollars, almost interest free, to the "too big to fail" banks.

This is not exactly astonishing. The same men who have built this dysfunctional system handed out trillions to various cronies when the system was in danger of collapsing.

So here is what a Fed audit would discover: More of the same. It would likely also discover that a shadowy group of dynastic families control the workings of the Fed, as they do of other central banks, and use money-from-nothing to further implement world government.

Of course, even if an audit-the-Fed bill passed by some miracle it still wouldn't be effectively implemented. The best we've got is the "fox guarding the hen house," and that effectively precludes any real investigation into central banking, specifically or generally.

We can see this at work even with the audit-the-Fed bill the House just passed. Eight co-sponsors of the legislation actually voted against the bill and most of them, when contacted, refused to explain why.
This is to be expected. Money Power is a vast and intimidating force. If you want to get ahead in this world, one way to do it is to advance the agenda of Money Power, which seeks world government.

Money Power flourishes because it is resistant to the kinds of investigations offered by Ron Paul's audit. Money Power works busily many layers deep.

Money Power in aggregate is not fazed by an audit. An audit that blows up the current system would probably usher in a state-run gold standard or some new form of money, perhaps SDRs, also controlled by the power elite. Out of chaos, order ...

We don't know what societies would look like absent monopoly central bank money stimulation. The past 100 years have hyped the world's banking and industrial systems into overdrive. It's considered normal but there is nothing normal about China's empty cities or the razing of Detroit.

Long ago, the Rothschild family helped found the system under which we now labor but they've been aided and abetted by hundreds and thousands and then millions of others. The men at the top understand full well what is going on. Congress, both House and Senate, are complicit in what's taking place, which is no less than the slow-motion rape of the American people.

A Federal Reserve facility that can issue US$ 15 trillion in a weekend to preferred clients is not an entity that should stand another minute. And the political institutions that tolerate this sort of facility should be removed as well.

Congress is a bastion of bought-and-paid for front men. Those in Congress have created a US$ 3 trillion Leviathan that bestrides the world with tax collectors, murderous Intel agents, endless warfare and the poisoning of millions, including US vets, with depleted uranium.

Now this same Congress has brought down the curtain of fascism on the American people via "Homeland Security" with its groping, ID checks and poisonous radiation machinery.

This is the group that is supposed to audit the engine of this dysfunctional, murderous funding?
Even if it did, it wouldn't make any difference.

The cleansing must go far deeper. It starts with ... you.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Rand and Ron Paul denounce net neutrality and the public domain

Cory Doctorow

Rand and Ron Paul have penned an Internet Freedom manifesto that is pretty terrible. It pans the idea of net neutrality, arguing that the phone companies who receive gigantic government handouts in the form of cheap (or free) rights of ways and hold natural monopolies over our connectivity should be able to use that government largesse to run a protection racket in which any website that doesn't pay for "premium carriage" will be slowed down when you or I try to visit them. They also denounce the public domain as a collectivist plot, and argue that government monopolies over knowledge should be extended, and that tax-dollars should be used to enforce them. TechDirt's Mike Masnick has some choice words for the Pauls:
To them, any support of a neutral internet must be about "coercive state actions" and "collective rule" over "privately owned broadband high-speed infrastructure." This makes me curious if the Pauls spoke out against the billions and billions in subsidies and rights of way grants that the government provided the telcos and cable providers to build their networks. Once again, I am against regulating net neutrality -- because it's obvious that the telcos will control that process and the regulations will favor them against the public -- but pretending that broadband infrastructure is really "privately owned" when so much of it involved tax-payer-funded subsidies and rights of way is being in denial.
Then there's the following, where they claim that these evil "collectivists" want to limit "private property rights on the internet" and are saying that "what is considered to be in the public domain should be greatly expanded." Considering the Pauls were both instrumental in the fight against SOPA and PIPA, you would think that the two of them understood how copyright law is massively abused and how beneficial the public domain is. But apparently not. To them it's all part of this "collectivist" plot. Earth to the Pauls: copyright is a massive government-granted monopoly privilege. That's the kind of thing we thought you were against, not for. In this document, you seem to be arguing for one of the largest programs in the world of a centralized government handing out private monopoly privileges.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Lawyers for Ron Paul – Romney Caught Cheating

Republican Presidential Candidate Ron Paul is now looking past the RNC Convention and into the fall. The US Presidential debates are when most American choose the candidate of their choice.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Lawyers For Ron Paul 6/27 Teleconference

Presented with chat discussion on 12160

Cliff Notes.
Was on the phone for the duration .. quick summary... based on my memory..
the lawyers stated they have been in the contact with the highest echelon of Dr. Paul's campaign. They are wanting to talk to delegates that wish to be unbound even if the delegates choice is to vote for Romney.. Mr. Gilbert blasted some of the staff at Daily Paul... Mr. Gilbert also challenged those who spoke against the lawsuit to propose a plan.. 80%-ish of the states have been served... Mr. Gilbert's argument for the lawsuit is basically that if the Judge does not rule in favor of the delegates, then nothing has changed, but if the Judge does rule in favor of the delegates, then Tampa basically becomes a brokered convention.

The oddest part of the call is when someone, I think from this forum, asked Mr. Gilbert in a round-about way about very the odd tweeter account and messages about working in intel and so forth... Mr. Gilbert confirmed it, but in a slightly defensive and dismissive approach.

Dave Calihan (Op Manager) said they could use people with organizational and administrative skills; if interested Mr. Gilbert made reference to Dr. Paul's "secret" convention weapon being Rule 40, which he does not have much faith in it since it is listed under the RNC's temporary rules, but insisted that it still could used as a last resort, regardless of the lawsuit. Mr. Gilbert said this lawsuit is essentially Dr. Paul's last legitimate attempt at winning the nomination. Oh yeah, Mr. Gilbert also spoke confidently of Judge Carter to rule based upon the law and not influence.

Basically, what they are looking for now are more plaintiffs and evidence.
Does anyone have contact info for Carlos Beltran? I wanna compare some notes.
Lawyers For Ron Paul

56:00 where they talk about money.
lawsuit,Case,"Lawyers For Ron Paul",LFRP

Lawyers for Ron Paul facing some tough questions and criticism as the grassroots try to get to the bottom of things. Tracy Diaz interviews guests Porter Davis & Pat Jack of Lawyers for Ron Paul, Tracy is also joined by grassroots activists Carlos Beltran and Steve Parent. Recorded 6-28-12