Showing posts with label card. Show all posts
Showing posts with label card. Show all posts

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Still January

Lets try blogging by iPhone shall we? Wheeeee! I just spent a good amount of time scanning and find Blogger won't let me upload photos! So here are images from my phone I'll post. I am sorry that they are such lousy quality ;)

UPDATE: Thank you Mary for showing me the way - the HTML way to get my photos on my post!

I love love love chapter 9 in the Tao Te Ching. I have a copy of it on my wall. Here it is below with some of my favorite bowls.

 I rarely bake cupcakes, this just came out of my head after I spied those pastel-colored paper cupcake sleeves in the back of the cabinet. I thought, hmmm, maybe I should get some cake mix and bake some cupcakes. Hmmm, maybe not. Drawing them is a better idea.

This one started off as ran dom sections of color but after working on it I see it as a landscape:) I'm calling it the River's Wall. 

Some doodling on a blank card while on a loooong phone call with my baby sister:
Enjoy your day!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

AEDM6 Lino card -pattern

I made this card using a small, hand cut block from an eraser.
We got these erasers from the Dollar Store and they cut so smoothly and cleanly.
I used the Speedball cutter and inks from Stampin' Up.
I have little space right now so I cannot use my Speedball ink.
This is so portable and works for me during this time as we are displaced.
Take care and have a great day!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Getting ready for a holiday boutique

Tomorrow I'm participating in a private home party, a small holiday boutique. I don't expect to have a lot of sales but it's getting me started again with selling my work. I haven't sold anything in quite a while and it will also allow me to get ready for my Etsy...I have been putting that off long enough! Here are some linocuts I did and I'm using them to make cards and making small prints for gift tags:) The black version is the best because that's printed on good quality paper . The reds and greens are printed on cards made of watercolor paper. I am working away:)