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Showing posts with the label Razielle Aigen

issue seventeen :: May/June 2020

Andrew Wessels :: from That Sunshiny Field Lesley Yalen :: Four poems Stan Rogal :: Three poems Paul Siegell :: Six poems Laura Carter :: Three poems Razielle Aigen :: Three poems S.T. Brant :: Four poems

Razielle Aigen :: Three poems

Banisters Enter anywhere. Be diaphanous. Make soft your shape. Cat. Cow. Cobbler. Shell. Let the softness, the inkiness of you settle in in the intaglio. Seep like walnut oil into carved coper ridges of line and form. Leave an impression. Leave an imprint, a mark of your body. Be heavy enough. Be here enough. Decide on something and then make it soft, translucent. Become a feather and float. Become a winter moon and shimmer. Become iridescent as amaranth. Give a blood curdling balk — go ahead, wake them! Now imagine sunlight glittering on the snow. Now imagine sunlight dizzily drinking an open field. Now imagine a wooded creek encircled by a thousand shapes of death, shades of the lily-livered that lay dormant within us, now departed so that we may recoup, so that we may regain our ruddiness and footholds in rebirth. In reemergence we are reeducating, learning, bearing to bear the radiance of it all. All of it. Everything. Every swollen ego and effe...