आम का पेड़ | mango tree the blisters of green that emerge from the wrest pin branches of the mango tree that grows outside my window: some years just one or two that are developed and visible, other years that tree is an overwhelming Manhattan-crowded with grass green mangoes | the anger I would feel with each bite taken off these perfectly contoured ovaries of nature by the red-beaked parrots that sang outside my window as their seaweed green camouflaged with the mangoes growing on the tree outside my window | फल वाले भईया | fruit vendor the sounds of the wooden wheels squelch each time they dip into one of the eighty-three manholes present on napeansea road, while the fruit vendor parades his array of fruits | the weighing balance tips over, measuring the kilos of fruits | blue plastic bags bulging and blistering with chickoos, anar and tarbooj Yukti Agarwal is an emerging artist from Mumbai, where she was born, and Providence, where she studied at Brown...