What has happened this week? I've had a 5 day weekend because not only was it Easter weekend but the twins are on a 2 week Easter holiday so I didn't have them yesterday and I don't open up the shop on a Tuesday.
So? Why oh why am I chasing my tail and finding myself writing this post now? I am usually so organised and have this ready on Tuesday.....and look after two 18 month old twins at the same time [that's what nap times are for aren't they?] !!! Oh well I guess it's just part of my 'I don't even know what day it is' life at the mo. :-) We took two more loads of stash to the charity shop and load number 12 to the tip at the weekend so it's not surprising my world is crumbling around me is it hehehe.
So on my desk now this very minute is.....
The quilt I was working on yesterday. This one is definitely one for a baby. The panel of fabric in the middle has teddies on so I have appliqued more teddies etc on each end to go with it. I have kept back one of the little pictures to go on the front of the bag to match. This is my LillyBo quilt number 7.
For those wondering where the little teddies were flying off to last week I can now tell you that they have arrived safely with Jo[zart]. They are already working hard to raise money for Chics, the Children's cancer support group. Big sister Jo wrote a LillyBo bear poem to go with each little bear and each little bear will work their little bit of magic to bring comfort to all that buy one.....after all they were all made with love and a little sprinkle of magic was added to their stuffing. :-)
I have also been working on my fabric book that I started back in February. Please click here is you'd like to see where the inspiration came from. I am really enjoying watching this develop and deciding what to do next as I go along.
We don't do things by halves here in Shropshire!!!
I know it's not actually on my work desk but Bertie buzzard has just flown down onto next door's front lawn to feed and I just had to run out with my camera to snap it for you.....Isn't he stunning? He was really huge with probably a 4 foot wingspan when he flew off.......amazing to be so close to nature.
We don't do things by halves here in Shropshire!!!
I know it's not actually on my work desk but Bertie buzzard has just flown down onto next door's front lawn to feed and I just had to run out with my camera to snap it for you.....Isn't he stunning? He was really huge with probably a 4 foot wingspan when he flew off.......amazing to be so close to nature.
Well folks, that's all from me for today....better late than never as they say. :-)
I hope you have enjoyed the little peep into my world for this week. If
you'd like to leave a little hello comment I will do my best to pay you
a return visit asap.
Annie x