Showing posts with label fabric book. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fabric book. Show all posts

Friday, 25 November 2022

This week's smiles...week 488

 The weeks seem to be flying past and Christmas will be here before we know it.  I have had a quieter week here at Sewing by Annie's and it's given me time to get on top of making my Christmas almost finished and that really makes me smile....cos I never know what's round the next corner workwise.

We've enjoyed lots of quality time with the grandchildren with having the twins before and after school on a Tuesday and Wednesday and Gina sent me this photo and that really makes me smile...

Louie is playing with a fabric book I made for Theo [and I'd actually forgotten I'd made it].  It's so lovely when the things I make and treasured and enjoyed.

I've even had time to get my paints out and I always love a bit of creative time....not had so much of that lately lol.

I really love these paint brush pens because each one is really loaded and they all blend together really well.....just need to get started now.

Of course it wouldnt be a Friday without a few funnies....these really made me chuckle and I hope they make you smile too.
I hope you've all had a good week and have smiles to share by linking them at the bottom of the page.
Annie x

Wednesday, 28 December 2016

WOYWW...and a catch up of my Christmas makes

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and are now ready to see in a New Year.  2016 has been a difficult year of losing many good friends and close family members so I'm really looking forward to closing the door on 2016 and starting fresh in 2017....hold close those you love and tell them you love them often.

So? You are here to see what's on my desk are you?  Well, I only have clutter on my desk today and no sewing has gone on since last week so I have decided to do a round up on all the sewing/making I did leading up to Christmas that I can now share with warned it is picture heavy so I will understand if you don't reach the end and will now wish you all a very Happy New Year before I start.


A fabric book and it's pages that I made for little Theo.

Two dolly 'baby carriers' I made for the twins.

A little rabbit in dungarees I knit for little Theo.

Two different table centres I made as gifts....the one is adapted from a pattern Jozarty shared with us.

The Sylvanians are modelling some of the clothes I made for both Shell and Amy's families.....I filled a little three drawered chest with clothes for each family....dresses, trousers, shirts, knitted gilets and knitted hats.

Plus made 5 teepees for the Sylvanians to go camping in....and I made two sleeping bags for each tent.  :-)

And last but my no means least these are the three Christmas cards I made for out family.....made in felt, stitched and beaded.

So there you you can see I kept busy here and I know each is loved and will be played with/treasured for many years so that makes all the hard work so worth it.  I hope you enjoyed my catch up.

Here's to a very Happy New Year ahead of us with lots more linking up, fun and friendship in 2017.
Annie x

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

WOYWW....updated to show you Bertie

What has happened this week?  I've had a 5 day weekend because not only was it Easter weekend but the twins are on a 2 week Easter holiday so I didn't have them yesterday and I don't open up the shop on a Tuesday.  

So?  Why oh why am I chasing my tail and finding myself writing this post now?  I am usually so organised and have this ready on Tuesday.....and look after two 18 month old twins at the same time [that's what nap times are for aren't they?] !!!  Oh well  I guess it's just part of my 'I don't even know what day it is' life at the mo.  :-)  We took two more loads of stash to the charity shop and load number 12 to the tip at the weekend so it's not surprising my world is crumbling around me is it hehehe.

So on my desk now this very minute is.....

The quilt I was working on yesterday.  This one is definitely one for a baby.  The panel of fabric in the middle has teddies on so I have appliqued more teddies etc on each end to go with it.  I have kept back one of the little pictures to go on the front of the bag to match.  This is my LillyBo quilt number 7.

For those wondering where the little teddies were flying off to last week I can now tell you that they have arrived safely with Jo[zart].  They are already working hard to raise money for Chics, the Children's cancer support group.  Big sister Jo wrote a LillyBo bear poem to go with each little bear and each little bear will work their little bit of magic to bring comfort to all that buy one.....after all they were all made with love and a little sprinkle of magic was added to their stuffing.  :-)

I have also been working on my fabric book that I started back in February.  Please click here is you'd like to see where the inspiration came from.  I am really enjoying watching this develop and deciding what to do next as I go along.

We don't do things by halves here in Shropshire!!!
I know it's not actually on my work desk but Bertie buzzard has just flown down onto next door's front lawn to feed and I just had to  run out with my camera to snap it for you.....Isn't he stunning?  He was really huge with probably a 4 foot wingspan when he flew off.......amazing to be so close to nature.

Well folks, that's all from me for today....better late than never as they say.  :-)
I hope you have enjoyed the little peep into my world for this week.  If you'd like to leave a little hello comment I will do my best to pay you a return visit asap.
Annie x

Wednesday, 14 November 2012


Here we are at another Wednesday...they seem to be flying by don't they?....or is it just me?

This is the day that almost 200 creative folk expose their work/play spaces to the world and then blog hop to see what everyone else has been up to during the week.  If you would like to join in take a picture, put it on your blog and just hop over to Julia's and click to link to your blog.

So? What have I got to show you today?

A lacy bits all pulled out of their jar cos of course the piece I wanted was right at the bottom of the jar!...always the way eh?

I've started working on the front cover of my fabric book.....and I'm loving it so far.

Some snowflakes I've crocheted for the next batch of Christmas cards I am making.

What is actually on my desk this morning!

Yes, it's b****** curtains.  :-)  I have to make 2 pair of lined curtains and a lined door curtain....what fun!  They aren't huge so hopefully won't take too long.

And cos I've also been busy in the kitchen too I've left out my banana cakes so you can all help yourselves to a slice to have with your morning coffee.

Thanks for calling by today.  If you leave me a comment I will aim to call by at yours in between making those lovely curtains [she says through gritted teeth!].  Have a great week.
Annie x

Wednesday, 7 November 2012


The easy answer to what's on my work desk today is.....a little more than last week!  Thankfully I am now feeling much better and life is returning to normal [that is if it ever is here at Sewing by Annie's :-) ].

On my desk ironing board and table today is a new project I have been planning.  Having been truly inspired by Maryke Phillips who had a stand at the quilting exhibition Jo and I went to a few weeks back I have been getting my head around making a fabric book.  Maryke makes the most gorgeous quilted books using felts, fabrics, beads and can see them in her gallery over here.  I am really loving all the gorgeous colours in nature at the moment so am planning on calling this book Autumn.  It will be something I will do on Funday Mondays and in between my customer's sewing jobs so will take a long while to make....I don't plan to rush it  :-)

You can even see a little autumn sunshine :-)

The other thing I've got to show you today is a little pair of slippers I made on Monday from a pattern designed by one of my blogging friends Penny.  The pattern is for an up to 6 month baby but I thought it just might fit our little Lexi.  I love this random wool and they have made up really pretty but...... little model is so tiny that they are still too big for her so we will will have to wait for her to grow into them.  :-)  Thanks for the pattern though Penny.

The other thing I'd like to share with you is a photo I took of the sky at silly o'clock on Tuesday morning while waiting for the twins to arrive for a day's fun with Nanny Annie......well worth getting up early for eh?

Thanks to all who called by here last week and left me such lovely get well comments....I'm sure they really helped my speedy recovery....You really are all such a lovely bunch.  

Before you pop over to Julia's to join in the Wednesday fun if you'd like to leave me a little hello comment I will pay you a return visit in between my sewing jobs.  Thanks for calling by.
Annie x