The weeks seem to be flying past and Christmas will be here before we know it. I have had a quieter week here at Sewing by Annie's and it's given me time to get on top of making my Christmas almost finished and that really makes me smile....cos I never know what's round the next corner workwise.
We've enjoyed lots of quality time with the grandchildren with having the twins before and after school on a Tuesday and Wednesday and Gina sent me this photo and that really makes me smile...
Louie is playing with a fabric book I made for Theo [and I'd actually forgotten I'd made it]. It's so lovely when the things I make and treasured and enjoyed.
I've even had time to get my paints out and I always love a bit of creative time....not had so much of that lately lol.
I really love these paint brush pens because each one is really loaded and they all blend together really well.....just need to get started now.