Showing posts with label Valentine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Valentine. Show all posts

Wednesday, 7 February 2018


Hello all. It's been a slightly different week for me here at Sewing by Annie's.  The special offer on my Memory Bears over on my Facebook page ended at the end of January so the orders for my bears have eased a little but I was thrown another challenge.....could I make a Memory Dog?

You all know I like a challenge so it was back to the drawing board to design a dog and here's the first reveal....

I've made him with fabric with little hearts on and have called him Valentine.  He has a cute little tail too and my customer loved him and has ordered on to be made out of her little boys babygros with a special label around his neck with the details of his birth on it.....I plan to launch him over on my Facebook page soon but until then it's a secret just between us.

The other thing I've been doing this week is alterations to these lovely bridesmaids well as the rest of the items behind on them on the rail.

The three bridesmaids were really lovely girls and allowed me to take a pic of them wearing the dresses.....but that photo will be over on my Friday's smile post so be sure to check it sure made me chuckle.

That's all from me for this week as I have succumbed to the bugs going around the family and have a tiresome cough and head cold with earache....hubby has had a really sore throat too so we have been looking after one another this week.

Until next week I hope you stay well and happy and enjoy lots of creative times.
Annie x