Wahoo wahoo wahoo. Today we are celebrating 10 years of fun and friendship with thanks to a wonderful idea our group leader Julia had all those years ago. I'm sure when she first uploaded pics of her desk all those years ago she never imagined it would still be going strong all this time later. So many of us have now met up in person and so many wonderful friendships have been formed because of our Wednesday fun.....So a huge thank you to Julia for linking us up every week [and thank you to Jan for holding the fort when Julia needed a few weeks off to recover from her surgery].
I have made some ATCs if anyone, who isn't coming to the crop on 1st June, would like one but so far only Angela has asked to swap. It's not too late though so just email me at wipso2310@gmail.com and I will pop one in the post for you....of course I will be sending one to my pass it forward friend as well.
Ive a quick couple of pics to share with you today....
My week started off by making another School Memory bear for yet another local school that I'd not made one for before....so possibly there will be friends who will order one now too :-)
Then this little lot arrived on my desk. It was all the washed pet blankets brought to me by one of my customers who had very suddenly, without warning lost her dog. She'd was a good age but hadn't been poorly so it was quite a shock to them that they found her dead when they gpt up one morning so they asked me if I could make a Memory dog out of her blankets....oh and a little key ring using one of them too.
Some of the furry blankets were quite thick so not the easiest to use but, you know me, I love a challenge and my customer was thrilled to bits with the finished result. Cute isn't it?
The blanket my customer wanted using for the little keyring was one of the thicker fleeces so to make it so tiny was a real challenge....but even that worked out well and my customer commented on just how thoughtful I was to use tiny heart buttons for the eyes....I guess you have to be a dog lover to understand the loss of a much loved fur baby.
Well folks that all from me for today. That just leave me to say a big thank you to you all for calling in each week and for your love and friendship over the last 10 years.....hope to see a lot of you at the crop very soon.
Annie x