In my 13 months as the Huntington/Tri State Weenie Wonk for, I have come to realize that Sam's Hot Dog Stand makes my favorite sauce and, since in Huntington it's all about the sauce, also my favorite hot dog. While the locations on 8th St. and on Piedmont Ave have earned glowing reviews and Weenie Awards, neither was quite able to join M & M Dairy Bell or Hillbilly Hot Dog's Lesage location as Five Weenie HDJs (I tend to review hot dog stands as a whole, especially when comparing one Sam's franchise to another).
Unlike any of the other great (or even good) HDJs in Huntingtonland (we will excuse Johnny Dog, as he just has a push cart), Sam's only offer hot dogs of note. No fancy root beer (just cans of pop) or crinkle-cut fries (just bags of chips).
That is, until now.
Yup, Sam's of Lavalette (always one of the better Sam's locations) has recently added a deep fryer and now has crinkle cut fries and onion rings. You can even get chili-cheese fries made with their hot dog sauce (I just made myself hungry typing that, BTW).
So in addition to a well-dressed Sam's dawg (this one had lots of spicy sauce and a better-than usual slaw), I was able to get some freshly-fried crinklers.
Crinkle cut fries: the missing ingredient for a
5 weenie Sam's Hot Dog Stand.
Now if we can get 8th St. to install a deep fry vat...