Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Peace out 2014!

If you're sick of year in review posts, then I'll understand if you skip this one. Personally, I like them! I like when sewing bloggers the world over are doing more or less the same thing, in this case patting ourselves on the back for our accomplishments, and chuckling at our human and acceptable failures.

My year was kind of crazy, with the last three months focusing on family and not sewing. Not to mention my body changing before my eyes as I grow another human! Let's look back at some of the highlights from this year!

What I DID

I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that the Wardrobe Architect project changed my life. It revolutionized the way I sew, focused me onto a personal style, and consequently boosted my confidence in how I interact with the world. In my sewing universe, it was the best thing to happen to me in 2014! Don't even get me started on what an honor and thrill it was to work with Sarai and have a small part in the series.

This year I also developed a few TNT patterns, which was immensely satisfying. The ones that come to mind are the Make it Perfect Coastal Breeze dress, the Sewaholic Renfrew, and the Victory Patterns Lola.

I taught my husband to sew! He made a pair of shorts (for me) and even a t-shirt for him (unblogged, for some reason).

Last year I had a goal to sew a pair of jeans. I took measurable steps towards that goal, but literally the day after I traced off Jalie 2908 I found out I'm pregnant. Jeans will be have to wait until fall...again.

I participated in the Fabric Mart Fabricista contest! I even won the first week's challenge, which was awesome! I was THRILLED to be chosen and I wish I could have continued on, but hey, by withdrawing for a family emergency at least I wasn't eliminated, right?

I hosted the second annual Fear Fabric Challenge and made a kick-ass lace cardigan.


I bought 2 new (to me) sewing machines, my Brother coverstitch and a vintage Singer 15-91. Both amazing machines, and I've only scratched the surface of fun with the Singer.


Even though I complained a lot when it was done, I made a swimsuit. That I wore, a lot.

I was terrified to sew with silk charmeuse (for the lining), but my Victoria Blazer turned out so amazing that it was worth pushing through the fear.

This year I wanted to try a vintage pattern for the first time, and this jumpsuit delivered.

Without a dress form, I can't do much draping, but somehow I still managed to make this self-draped skirt. I had been hoarding this fabric for a loooong time and love how the skirt turned out.

I also wanted to sew more pants in the last year, and these Jennifer City Shorts (pattern from Style Arc) look good enough to be store-bought.


Before succeeding with my Victoria Blazer, I failed with Butterick 5926, a different knit blazer pattern.

Oh my word, these Mom jeans...I'd forgotten how bad these were.

Still lamenting this failed sweatshirt.


Sew a traditional lined sheath dress--This might seem kind of strange, as a sheath dress is NOT my style, but I feel like it would be a good learning opportunity. Plus I got an invisible zipper foot for Christmas!


Fabric quality over quantity--This means no more blowing my fabric allowance on $3/yard knits and 1/2 yard remnants. It means trying to shop at Mood and Emma One Sock instead of some of my cheaper online options (although Mood has good prices too!).

Lingerie--Sew a bra (Ohhh Lulu Anna Crossover Bra has been muslined and adjusted and is ready to go) and some more undies (the free pattern from So, Zo... being my favorite).

Knitting--Hooray, my husband listened to my dropped hints and for Christmas bought me a book about knitting! My interest is mainly in scarves, hats, and socks, and of course little baby/toddler items. I can't see blowing my fabric budget on yarn but who knows!

Smell you later 2014, the less said about you the better. Onwards and upwards!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Measurement Charts Aren't So Bad

If I have one bad sewing habit, it's that I never look at measurement charts (please tell me there are more of us...?). When I learned to sew, I was coming off a pregnancy and had lost all kinds of weight, so I got into the habit of always cutting the smallest size. The Big 4 patterns have SO much ease and that was what I was primarily sewing.

Fast forward two years. I'm at a healthier weight and I've been sewing more indie patterns than ever. I realized it was time to start paying more attention to size charts. Last week, I posted my Nautical Thurlows and mentioned I had some issues with fit. After the shorts were done, I finally got around to looking at the Sewaholic size chart (why I didn't do it before, I don't know! I said it was a bad habit, okay...).

Since I made pants, let's take a look at the hip measurement. My hips are 36 1/2 inches, which puts me at a size 0. Okay fine, that's essentially the size I made. Now let's look at the waist. My waist is 27 inches, which puts me at a size...6! No wonder I had fit issues! My proportions just don't match up with the Sewaholic size charts. These patterns are designed for pear-shaped women (which I am not) but I thought I could make it work anyway. With cold hard numbers in front of me, I've realized that this brand might not be for me (in terms of pants or skirts, anyway).

Now let's take a gander at another example, the Style Arc size chart:

I'm really drawn to Style Arc's recently released Jennifer City Short pattern. I ordered it last week and can't wait to get started (it's coming via post from Australia, so it will be a while before it's here). If you're not familiar with Style Arc, you tell them what size you want and I believe they send you one additional size adjacent to it. Obviously, that means you have to look at the size chart before buying.

With the measurements I gave above, I fit neatly into the size 8. No crazy grading between 3 sizes like with Sewaholic. Whether or not I have fit issues remains to be seen until I make the pattern, but I'm already feeling more confident knowing my body more closely resembles their chart.

There are two quick examples of why reviewing size charts does matter, particularly with pants. Have you ever found yourself completely incompatible with a specific company's size chart? All I can say is that I'm so thankful for all the different pattern companies, if one doesn't work out there are plenty more to choose!

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Year in Review

Here's the thing about these year-end wrap-ups: I like them when other people write them, but I'm having a hard time making them fit me. You see, I'd love to reflect on sewing accomplishments, but I'd rather save that for my Sewversary in May. I'd have fun looking back at blogging, but I'll be doing that at the end of January for my first Blogiversary.

So how about a super broad random wandering list of highlights from 2013?

I started (and maintained!) a sewing blog.

I published two books.

AB had her first overnight stay without her parents (and we all survived, haha!).

I learned a lot about sewing, blogging, and photography.

I kept my New Year's Resolution to avoid buying new clothing.

Two of my best friends got married, two weeks apart.

I participated in my first Me-Made-May.

AB started sleeping through the night (around 14 months old...yeah, I was one tired mama for a loooong time).

I only have one dark spot on this year, which is completely shallow: it was the year of TV Armageddon. Three of my favorite shows (The Office, Breaking Bad, and Dexter) all went off the air. I'm gonna go cry now...

The year went so fast, but when I look back and make a list I see that it was full of milestones and fun. Here's to a new year with more of the same! Be safe tonight everyone and happy 2014!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Ready-to-Wear Fasting

Hello again everyone! Did you miss me? I hope you all had a nice holiday and fun plans for the new year. My husband had last week off from work, so we had some relaxing family time as we enjoyed AB's second Christmas. And now back to blogging!

There's been a lot of buzz in the blogosphere lately about a ready-to-wear fast for 2014, thanks to this post on Goodbye Valentino. I gather from the comments on the post that there will be a lot of participants, many of whom seem downright terrified! With only two days left to go in 2013, I wanted to revist my New Year's Resolution and maybe inspire a few people who will be participating in the 2014 RTW fast.

My resolution for 2013 was to sew or thrift all of my clothing for the entire year, with the exception of one bridesmaid's dress. I'm THRILLED to say that I met my goal! To the best of my memory, the only things I purchased new in 2013 were:
  • some socks
  • a hat
  • aforementioned bridesmaid's dress
I was gifted:
  • an awesome pink sweatshirt
  • some socks
  • the perfect brown boots
The most incredible part is that I didn't even thrift that much, meaning almost all my new clothing was made by me! I thrifted:
  • a belt
  • black eyelet shorts
  • white capri leggings
My thoughts on the experience? It's easier than you think! I'm definitely the type of person who shops when I feel bored or depressed. Or, I should say, I used to be that person, which meant that the first few months were a bit tough. Isn't there a saying that it takes 21 days to make or break a habit? Shopping is SUCH a habit for so many of us, that if you treat it like that (i.e. a mindless activity without much purpose) it's much easier to get over it.

When you inject some thought into your purchases, you realize you don't need 20 pairs of jeans, or 60 t-shirts. When you know about construction and fabric, you know how to inspect RTW to see if it's worth your money. When you spend a lot of time planning pattern and fabric match-ups, you realize how to have a discerning eye about what looks good on the hanger vs. what looks good on you.

If you're thinking of taking the plunge for 2014, I encourage you to go for it. Give yourself the "out" of allowing thrifting (not all of us have time or patience to sew jeans) and see how it goes. You'll find out a lot about your own views on consumerism, contentment, and STUFF.

And will I keep up my pledge for next year? You betcha! I plan on sewing a swimsuit and maaaaybe jeans in 2014, and gobs of underwear, and wouldn't it be cool if I learned to knit so I could make some socks? Hmm...

Monday, October 7, 2013

Sewing for Money

This might be a little deep for a Monday. But hang with me, because if you have expertise on this subject, I want to hear your comments!

Most of the bloggers I follow are sewing for fun (as am I). It's relaxing, it's practical (sometimes!) and it's a great hobby. But sewing can also be a career. I'm a stay-at-home mom, but someday I'll need to return to the workforce. I've often wondered if I should try to make a career of sewing (alterations? design? factory work?).

Last week this article from The New York Times was floating around Facebook. Did you see it? It's about sewing jobs returning to the US from overseas factories, and about the lack of a properly trained workforce. Good news for people like me who MIGHT want that as a career.

I say MIGHT because I just. don't. know. A few weeks ago, I went through a sort of "audition" process with a local business to do some part-time, from-home, seasonal sewing work. After sewing up a few samples for them, I heard those comforting words "we'll call you" and guess what, no call (shocker). Okay, no big deal, my family doesn't need the extra income to put dinner on the table and maybe someday else did. And frankly, maybe (probably) my work wasn't up to snuff. Okay fine, but why was that? Was it possibly because my heart wasn't 100% in it?

I LOVE to sew. But what if I HAD to sew? Would I still love it? It terrifies me to think that something I adore so much could turn into a chore. Work. A drag. And if it were my job, isn't that what it would be? Would I sew in my free time if I had to sew in my work time? What if the opposite became true, what if I could sew, make money, and have fun?

I've obviously over-thought myself into a puddle of confusion. I may not know the answers to these questions unless I go out and try. Unless someone wants to chime in with their experience and advice?? What do you think, does sewing for money cheapen the experience? Ruin it? Take out the fun? Let me know in the comments!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Halfway there!

I'm taking a break from Mend-It-Monday to talk about January. In July. With my newly-acquired sewing skills, my New Year's Resolution for 2013 was to make, or purchase second-hand, all my clothing for the entire year. Today is July 1st, which means I'm halfway through. So how am I doing on my resolution?

I've cut back on shopping, a LOT. I used to go to the mall if I felt like doing some mind-numbing browsing (and inevitably, mind-numbing purchasing), but I rarely do that anymore. If I get in the mood to browse, I go to Jo-Ann's! (And LOOK...not always to buy!).

I have bought some clothes, but I got them from Plato's Closet (a consignment store). I bought a hat from Pick-Your-Plum without thinking one day last month, and it was new. Do hats count?

I also bought some socks, new, but I don't know how to make socks so I think I can give myself a pass there. I was also gifted one pink fleece jacket, but gifts don't count in my opinion!

I bought a bridesmaid's dress, but that was a known purchase going into 2013 and my one exception. I'll make up for it by sewing my own bridesmaid's dress for a second wedding (both this fall).

The biggest change has been my "default" attitude towards clothing. When I come across a clothing need, I don't get excited and think about running to the mall to shop. I carefully consider whether the need is actual, or if I've possibly forgotten about something I already own that could work (I'm embarrassed to admit how often that happens). I decide whether I can sew the item for less money, and in a timely fashion. The attitude towards less consumption of clothing bleeds over into accessories like shoes and I NEED them, or am I just in a WANTING sort of mood? If you break the habit of wanting, it's surprising how little it rears its head.

I still buy more of AB's clothes than I would like (especially since they're so easy to make) but I always shop at Once Upon a Child (another consignment store) for her. Maybe my resolution for 2014 can involve her clothing in some way. If you take enough small steps, before you know it six months will go by, and you'll have yourself a new lifestyle without even realizing it.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Goals for the Next Year

On Tuesday I talked about my biggest accomplishments so far during my first year of sewing. Today I want to pledge some of my goals for the coming year, partly to get them straight in my head, and partly for accountability purposes!

Quality over quantity

This is absolutely my biggest goal. I have a tendency to blow through projects rapidly, just to feel like I'm accomplishing something. Right now, I'm working on Thurlows and taking my time with them. It feels odd to go slowly, but I know that I'll end up with a quality item when I'm finished. There's no point in doing something quickly and then going back later to fix my own busted seams and uneven hems. Part of this goal includes finishing my seams well, and I'm happy to have a serger now to help me with that!

Sew something with a lining

In a year's time, the only lining I've put in a garment was the croquet dress for AB. I've noticed that a lot of sewists in the blogging world add linings as a matter of course. I have a pencil skirt in mind for this particular goal, which should be an easy warm up for adding linings to other patterns as well.

"Master" my serger

I put master in quotes because I can't come up with a better word! I have no assumptions that I'll conquer my serger in a year. I'm sure they can be as fickle and unique as sewing machines. But I think you get my point, that I don't want it to sit in a cubby and collect dust. At the very least I should learn to thread it, and the basic stitches like the 3 and 4 thread overlock, rolled hem, and flatlock.

Learn special occasion sewing

This is a goal, but also a necessity. I'll be making a bridesmaid's dress for myself, and a flower girl dress for AB, for a wedding in October. I'm nervous but also excited to create two garments for such an important day, and to work on special occasion techniques that I don't usually implement in a knit t-shirt.

Get better with fit

Sewing with knits so often lets me off the hook on this one, but it's time I got a better handle on proper fitting. I sound like a broken record with this Thurlow thing, but I've been reading about fitting pants and felt totally clueless going into it. I want to expand my knowledge of fitting problems and solutions. Maybe I'll even cut down on the amount of times I hear the dreaded "that looks too big" phrase from my husband!

Make my sewing useful to my husband.

So far, the only clothing I've made is for myself and AB, who isn't old enough to understand/care/give feedback. It feels sort of shameful that I've made all these garments and not a single thing for my husband. I've bought two men's patterns and the fabric for a Negroni shirt, but I was waiting to get my serger before tacking anything for him. It didn't matter to me if I was wearing something with stray threads, but I definitely want him to wear quality items if I'm the one making them. I also hope to learn some alteration skills that will help him out with the clothes he already has. He's an odd size and I would love to take away the annoyance he has when shopping.

So there they are, my 2013 goals laid bare. A year from now I'll check back and see which of these I can check off my list! By the way, I didn't mention too many specific projects, but I definitely want to sew a swimsuit, a pair of jeans, and a coat. What are your big goals this year? A fancy party dress? A winter coat? Spill!

Pssst...looking to sew some swim trunks for your little boy? The Surf's Up Board Shorts pattern is half off today only over at Peek-A-Boo Pattern Shop!

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