Showing posts with label Dear Abby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dear Abby. Show all posts

Friday, April 23, 2021

Dear Abby - Videos Abby Likes: A Deaf Puppy Finds The Perfect Rescue Home

Dear Friends,

I hope this note finds you enjoying some warm days and sunshine.  (No snow! Never any snow, especially in Spring.)

My friends Aliceson and Emily (Emily is a little dog like me) sent me a sweet video and I want to share it with you.

This is the story of Moz, a little deaf puppy. Moz was living with a foster dad and walking every day and he met a little 2 year old girl named Lillian and her family. Lillian just LOVED Moz. She learned to walk him, and puppy-sat him ... and eventually he found the perfect home with her family.  There is a line in the video: "The girl who can't stop talking and the guy who can't hear anything."

I love this story and hope you will too:

Wishing you a good day! Thanks for stopping by.


Abby xoxoxo  (ALWAYS a fan of a sweet rescue story!)

Friday, July 24, 2020

Dear Abby - Summer Break (And a Happy Otter Video)

Dear Friends,

I just wanted to touch base and let you know I'm planning to take a Summer break starting now until after Labor Day.  My plans involve lots of extra naps, walks (especially early in the day when it is cooler), and just staying cool and enjoying time with my Momma.  I also have an upcoming birthday!

I also want to share a happy otter video with you.  I love this short video with a little otter playing with water.  It looks like he is having lots of fun!

I hope you have a great Summer and I look forward to catching up with you in September.


Abby xoxoxo

Friday, July 17, 2020

Dear Abby - Videos That Abby Likes: Dachshund Pool Party

Dear Friends,

I hope you are having a good week and staying cool!  This is the hottest week of the summer here, so I am enjoying time inside with air conditioning.  I'm also looking at videos of swimming dachshunds.

I found a silly but fun video of Crusoe the famous dachshund and his friends having a pool party!  It makes me laugh to see all the happy doxies in their sunglasses (and one even wearing a bikini! I may need one of those.)

Without further ado, enjoy this short dachshund pool party:

I hope you had fun watching this and wish you a good weekend!  I'll check back in before I take my summer break.


Abby xoxoxo

Friday, July 10, 2020

Dear Abby - Videos Abby Likes: Otter Love

Dear Friends,

Sorry to have been absent for a little bit. I just needed a short break. I missed talking to you though, and wanted to come back and catch up. I am intending to take a late summer break (from later July until Labor Day), like I have the past few years, so I will be taking another break in a week or two.  I'll be sure to touch base, though, and let you know.

I have a cute video for you today -- another from a friend (thanks, Uncle Dave!). I am calling it Otter Love because it is about an otter that I want to adopt. He looks so friendly and happy. I love his little paws!  Otters always remind me a little bit of dachshunds. Do you see that too?

Without further ado, here is the little otter. (This is another video that may work better on a computer rather than mobile.)

Thanks for stopping by!  I hope you have a good weekend.


Abby xoxoxo

Friday, June 19, 2020

Dear Abby - Dachshund Puppy Discovers Fruit

Dear Friends,

My friend Shari sent me a wonderful short video. I really enjoyed seeing how other dachshunds live - across the world in the Netherlands - and thought you might enjoy this one too.  The video features Loulou and Coco the dachshunds.  First there is dinner, then a walk by the lake, and then they try some fruit as a treat.  They try strawberries and blueberries and discover both are delicious!  (I could have told them that.)  Then they have a nice nap because they have had a full day.

Here is the little video:

I hope you enjoyed spending some time with Loulou and Coco. If you have a dog, does your pup like fruit? I love it in little bites - especially bananas!

Have a great weekend!

Abby xoxoxo

Friday, June 12, 2020

Dear Abby - Videos That Abby Likes: Kitten Shares Kibble With Dog Friend

Hi Friends!

I hope you are having a great day. I have a super short and sweet video for you (it is just seconds long).

This little video shows a kitten and a miniature pinscher.   The kitten is happily eating food and the min pin looks hungrily on (but very politely, I might add!).  The kitten decides to share some food with her dog friend.  (Please note -- if the video doesn't work via phone, please try viewing on a computer instead.)

This video came from my Uncle Dave (thanks!) and it reminded me of a story about two of his late pets.  I hear there was a Thanksgiving dinner at his house and his cat Buster and dog Augie were very interested in the meal.  They were, in fact, so interested that Buster got up on the counter, slapped a little pan of crescent rolls to the ground -- and shared with Augie, who was waiting.  Here is a picture of Augie the dog and Buster the cat (not eating rolls in this photo!).

I hope this little video made you smile.

Have a wonderful day!

Abby xoxoxo

Friday, June 5, 2020

Dear Abby - Dachshund Memes

Hi friends!

I hope you are having a good week.  It is warm and summer-like here;  all is good in my corner of the world.

I have some fun little dachshund memes to share with you today.  Some of these were pictures I have posted on Doxieposse Pals on Facebook.

"Behold the Loch Ness Wiener."

I think this dachshund definitely deserves a bone!

As a semi-wiener (Dachshund - Jack Russell mix), my ears don't flip, but I hear this is very common with dachshunds!

I agree wholeheartedly with this!

Not a meme, but a cute little dachshund in a raincoat - and rain boots!  (from Pinterest)

"Life is Good!" This dachshund looks so cool in his sunglasses.

Two dachshunds deciding whether to bark or not ...

I hope you enjoyed these pictures and I hope you have a great weekend too!


Abby xoxoxo

Friday, May 29, 2020

Dear Abby - Videos Abby Likes: Dachshund and Duckling Are Friends

Dear Friends,

I hope your week has been nice. Mine has been good except for rain off and on, which interferes with my walks a bit.

The rain gave me more time, though, to browse cute animal videos online.  I found one I really enjoyed.  It features Loulou the dachshund.  (I have shared at least one of her videos before here).  Her family had a little duckling that hatched in an incubator and Loulou made great friends with the tiny duckling.

There is a sweet scene where Loulou is sleeping by the incubator, and later you see the little duckling nuzzling against her chest when they rest on the couch together. 

I think I would like a duckling of my own!  (I am hoping my Momma cooperates with this wish.)

Here is the short video:

I hope you enjoyed this video.  If you have dogs, have they met ducks or other birds?  I have not met ducks, but often walk by birds in the yard.  I watch them but don't try to chase or scare them.  I figure they are enjoying nature, just like me.


Abby xoxoxo

Friday, May 22, 2020

Dear Abby - Videos Abby Likes: The Calmest Dachshund Puppy

Dear Friends,

I hope you are having a good day!  I've had a busy week, so I will be short and sweet with my post here today.

I found a cute video about a very calm little dachshund puppy.  He has shiny black and tan fur and great big eyes.  This video is from the Loulou and Coco channel on Youtube, and the doxie lives with his family in the Netherlands.  It is a quiet, restful little video.

I hope you enjoyed watching this little puppy video!  It reminded me a bit of my puppy days, which were (ahem!) a few years ago.  One of my friends has a young dachshund puppy (shout out to Emily the doxie!) and I enjoy hearing about her adventures and mischief.

Have a great weekend!


Abby xoxoxo

Friday, May 15, 2020

Dear Abby - On Height

Dear Friends,

I hope you are having a good week!  I am doing fine.  It is beautiful spring weather here, and I am enjoying walks these days.

My Uncle Dave sent me a funny meme to share with you this week.   It shows a dachshund on stilts:  "Quarantine Day 58: I built myself a Doberman." 

This meme made me think about height.  As most of you know, I am a rescue and traveled across country to live with my Momma.  When she first saw me she loved me and she also said, "she's so tall!"  I am, of course, not tall by dog standards, but I am tall by dachshund standards.  I am a proud dachshund - Jack Russell mix dog.  Momma says I am the height of a Jack Russell and the length of a dachshund.  That sounds about right.  You can see my height in this picture -- I am standing (ahem, rear view of me!) by my late, great brother Barney Fife.  He was a standard dachshund.

I am not allowed to walk stairs or to jump up and down, although I do climb onto the (low) bed in the bedroom I share with Momma.   Here is another picture I found of me from my early days.  I was about one year old here.

I hope all is well with you and your pups, whether they are long and low or tall!  And I wish you a happy weekend.


Abby xoxoxo

Friday, May 8, 2020

Dear Abby - Videos Abby Likes: Dachshunds Take a Bath

Dear Friends,

I hope you are having a good week!  The big news here is that I got a B-A-T-H.  (Yes, I know how to spell -- at least certain words, like T-R-E-A-T and B-E-D. Those are good words!)  I have never liked baths.  When I first came to live with my Momma I would scramble to get out of the tub and end up accidentally scratching Momma's arms (oops, sorry about that!).  It was unusually warm earlier this week and Momma decided I needed a bath.

She put me in the tub and the bath went smoothly.  It was easier than I remembered!  And on a hot day it actually felt good.  This was a first!

Here's the surprising part of the story -- that night when Momma was in the shower I peeked up over the edge of the tub because I have decided that maybe I don't hate baths as much as I thought.  (I didn't get back in the tub -- but I did think about it.)

I found a dachshund video to share with you.  It features two miniature dachshunds who LOVE baths.  One of them even swims in the bathtub.  Before you visit the link, I will let you know that it is not a good idea for dachshunds to go on stairs or to jump -- it can hurt their backs!  But the excitement of these little doxies in the bathtub is well worth a share.

I hope you enjoyed this video.  If you have a dog, does your pup enjoy baths?


Abby xoxoxo

Friday, May 1, 2020

Dear Abby - Dachshund Memes

Hi Friends!

Just stopping by today to share a few dachshund memes.  These are some doxies that I found and shared at Doxieposse Pals on Facebook.  I am always looking for fun dachshund memes;  most of these came from Pinterest.  I hope you enjoy them.

I love this dachshund in socks!  (Dear Momma: this does not mean that I want socks though!)

I Dream of Weenie - like I Dream Of Jeannie!  (I might wear a costume like this.)

I am going to bet that the little dachshund can lift that weight.  (True doxie determination!)

This seems like a very good plan to me.

Aww! My very favorite because it is so true.

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you a good weekend!


Abby xoxoxo

Friday, April 24, 2020

Dear Friends - Videos Abby Likes: Tiptoeing Dogs

Dear Friends,

Thanks for stopping by this week! My share today starts with a rainy morning.  Yesterday it was raining pretty hard when I went out to walk.  I don't like rain.  I'm a good girl and I walk in it, but I don't have to enjoy it.  I walk on leash and I was moving slow.  Momma looked down at me and I was tiptoeing through the wet grass.  I figured I could keep my paws dry better that way!

I felt sure other dogs must tiptoe too, so I looked up dogs who tiptoe on the computer.  I found two videos with other dogs who tiptoe around!  The first is a puppy who tiptoes up on his toy before he snatches it up.

The other is a dog named Milton who likes to tiptoe all around the house like a doggy spy.  I think the tiptoeing makes him look mysterious!

I hope you enjoyed these little videos and I hope you are not having too much rain in your corner of the world!

Till next week --


Abby xoxoxo 

Friday, April 17, 2020

Dear Abby - Videos Abby Likes: Dancing Dachshunds on Britain's Got Talent

Dear Friends,

I have a short but fun video to share with you this week.  I found this by chance and loved it. I think you will enjoy it too!

There is a show (that I have never seen) called Britain's Got Talent. A woman named Diana Vedyashinka appeared on the show with her troupe of dancing dachshunds. They are very impressive - they dance together, synchronized, and even roll over at the same time.

Without further ado, here is the short video:

I smiled just seeing it again! I hope you did too.

Abby xoxoxo

Friday, April 10, 2020

Dear Abby - Vintage Easter Postcards With Dachshunds

Dear Friends!

Easter is coming up this weekend, so I've been looking for vintage Easter postcards to share with you. I found some that I hope you will enjoy!

A little girl in an Easter dress hugs her dachshund, while another doxie looks on:

A dachshund and Jack Russell Terrier chase the Easter bunny to the top of a giant egg. 

A dachshund is pictured with snapdragons and little chicks.

Dachshunds play with flowers and an empty oversized Easter egg. 

Dachshunds visit the Easter bunny's booth to collect Easter eggs.

A chicken and dachshund find a nest of eggs!

A dachshund plays with the ribbon trim on an Easter egg while looking at a little chick.

A dachshund meets several bunny rabbits!

A little girl holds a giant Easter egg while her dachshund plays with the egg's ribbon trim.

I hope you enjoyed these sweet vintage postcards.  Wishing you and yours a happy and blessed Easter!


Abby xoxoxo