Showing posts with label CAF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CAF. Show all posts

Sunday, March 15, 2009

"Threat Assessment" against Jason Kenney...what is our country coming to?

Earlier this week, I wrote in support about Immigration Minister Jason Kenney's stance on removing taxpayer funding to the Canadian Arab Federation. I was sad to see that the CAF continues to diminish themselves as the saga continues. It has now been reported that the RCMP has made a "threat assessment" against Mr. Kenney and determined that he requires full time security.

Is this what our country has come to? It is a sad day for Canada when a federal cabinet minister requires RCMP protection for standing up against racism and anti-semitism. Knowing the character and will of Mr. Kenney, these threats will not force him to back down. As Canadians, we all have to stand up against these types of threats to ensure that rouge/radical groups cannot spread their hatred in our country. Especially not with our tax dollars.

Not one red cent.

Canadians should speak up and challenge the CAF president, Khaled Moumammar to show true leadership and offer an apology to all Canadians and to resign his position to allow the CAF to appoint someone more professional and moderate.

I find it baffling that the CAF would allow this kind of hate mongering to continue, given their struggles with racism/hatred in the past.

Here is Mr.Kenney's interview. Excellent Work.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Not one red cent for the Canadian Arab Foundation...Good call Jason Kenney

In a story that has been building for weeks, the Canadian Arab Foundation continues to attack Immigration Minister Jason Kenney over his support for Israel. The CAF president, Khaled Mouammar has stooped as low as calling Mr. Kenney a "professional whore". In response, the Immigration department has done the right thing by removing the CAF's public funding. ( Talk about "biting" the hand that feeds you!)

I support Mr. Kenney's stance on this matter as I cannot agree with tax payer dollars being allocated to groups that promote hate. I would rather see public money being spent to foster awareness and acceptance of minority groups.

A spokesman for Mr.Kenney's office, Alykhan Velji, stated yesterday that " Groups that promote hatred and anti-Semitism don't deserve a single red cent of taxpayer support. End of Story."

End of Story indeed.