Showing posts with label MP Jason Kenney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MP Jason Kenney. Show all posts

Monday, July 1, 2013

Cranston Community Association Calgary Flood Fundraiser

  In an effort to help with the devastating flooding that occurred in Calgary last week, the Cranston Community Association held a Calgary Flood Fundraiser on June 29, 2013 at Century Hall in Cranston.  While we did not have much time to promote the event, the support from the community was amazing!  We were fortunate to have two of the most amazing food trucks in the city come out ( Perogy Boyz and Red Wagon Diner) to our community event and they were a big hit!

  We were able to raise over $1300 in two hours, which is amazing.  We had over close to 200 people stop by for lunch and to make cash donations to help Calgarians that were affected by the floods.  Their donations will go a long way to help and I was blown away by the generosity.

  Here are some pictures of the event....


These kids were making homemade cards for victims of the floods!

Our MP, The Honorable Jason Kenney stopped by to make a donation and show his support.  These two kids help their own fundraiser in the neighborhood and raised $100 on their own!  Way to go! 

Alderman Keating came by to donate and help also! 

Two of our board members loaded up on donations to deliver! 

  I want to send a huge thank you to our entire board for all  of the work they do.  In particular, I am amazed at how fast our board member Mark Brennan pulled this together!  We only had less than three days to make this work, so it really was amazing to see this come together.  We are also thankful to Lisa B, Michelle M. and local resident Janet for volunteering to make this event a success! 

 As president, I am humbled to work with such amazing people.  I truly believe that while the Cranston Community Association has only been around for a few short years, we have one of the best community association boards in Calgary. 

Monday, July 11, 2011

MP Jason Kenney"s Stampede Breakfast

   Yahoo! I hope that everyone is enjoying Stampede 2011!  I thought I would share an invite to Calgary SE MP Jason Kenney's Stampede Breakfast.  This is going to be a great event and will become a fun annual Stampede tradition. 

In addition to some amazing Stampede Breakfast fare, there will be live music and activities for kids! 

I hope to see you all there!


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Friday, July 31, 2009

Calgary Southeast Conservative EDA Garden Tour Fundraiser

I have attached an invitation below for any of you with a "green thumb" or an interest in gardening. This event will take place on Sunday, Aug 2/2009 in South Calgary at various homes. I will be volunteering at one of the sites, so if you attend, be sure to say hello!

Have a great long weekend!


The invitation can be found here...

Friday, May 15, 2009

Jason Kenney awarded Maclean's Parliamentarian of the Year!

I received a surprise phone call from a fellow member of the Calgary Southeast Conservative EDA on Wednesday night, calling to let me know that our MP, The Honourable Jason Kenney, had just received Maclean's award for Parliamentarian of the Year! Having worked on Jason's board over the past year, I feel that this is an excellent choice.

Jason has proven time and time again that he is a man of principle and he never wavers from his positions. His passion for the Immigration portfolio is unquestioned and he is the best MP for the job. It is a thankless position, as every statement and interview seems to create some sort of unwarranted controversy, but Mr. Kenney always represents Canadians values.

Mr. Kenney has brought some interesting ideas into the Immigration portfolio and has proven that the CPC is a party for all Canadians. New Canadians are getting the message that the values of the CPC truly reflect their own values ( Hard work, low taxes, tough crime stances.) and that the Conservative Party can be a home for them.

I believe that Mr. Kenney is likely one of the hardest working MP's in Canada. If you look into his work schedule, I am amazed how he finds the energy to keep it up? That said, he is also to be commended as an excellent representative in our riding. Jason is frequently attending Board meetings, community functions and local events, even with his challenging schedule.

Personally, I am proud of Mr.Kenney's accomplishments and believe he should be applauded for them.

The award is just in my opinion!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Jason Kenney/Mike Duffy Event was a blast!

I has attended the MP Jason Kenney/Senator Mike Duffy event last night at the Hyatt and it was a blast. Mr. Kenney gave a passionate speech and Mr. Duffy was as advertised....extremely entertaining.

Kudos to the hard work of my fellow members of Calgary Southeast EDA for organizing and putting this event on.

The room was packed, the speeches were great. Want details of the speech's? Buy a ticket next!


Sunday, March 15, 2009

"Threat Assessment" against Jason Kenney...what is our country coming to?

Earlier this week, I wrote in support about Immigration Minister Jason Kenney's stance on removing taxpayer funding to the Canadian Arab Federation. I was sad to see that the CAF continues to diminish themselves as the saga continues. It has now been reported that the RCMP has made a "threat assessment" against Mr. Kenney and determined that he requires full time security.

Is this what our country has come to? It is a sad day for Canada when a federal cabinet minister requires RCMP protection for standing up against racism and anti-semitism. Knowing the character and will of Mr. Kenney, these threats will not force him to back down. As Canadians, we all have to stand up against these types of threats to ensure that rouge/radical groups cannot spread their hatred in our country. Especially not with our tax dollars.

Not one red cent.

Canadians should speak up and challenge the CAF president, Khaled Moumammar to show true leadership and offer an apology to all Canadians and to resign his position to allow the CAF to appoint someone more professional and moderate.

I find it baffling that the CAF would allow this kind of hate mongering to continue, given their struggles with racism/hatred in the past.

Here is Mr.Kenney's interview. Excellent Work.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Not one red cent for the Canadian Arab Foundation...Good call Jason Kenney

In a story that has been building for weeks, the Canadian Arab Foundation continues to attack Immigration Minister Jason Kenney over his support for Israel. The CAF president, Khaled Mouammar has stooped as low as calling Mr. Kenney a "professional whore". In response, the Immigration department has done the right thing by removing the CAF's public funding. ( Talk about "biting" the hand that feeds you!)

I support Mr. Kenney's stance on this matter as I cannot agree with tax payer dollars being allocated to groups that promote hate. I would rather see public money being spent to foster awareness and acceptance of minority groups.

A spokesman for Mr.Kenney's office, Alykhan Velji, stated yesterday that " Groups that promote hatred and anti-Semitism don't deserve a single red cent of taxpayer support. End of Story."

End of Story indeed.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Excellent Work by MP Jason Kenney

I came across two excellent articles this week that highlight some of the excellent work done by my MP, The Hon. Jason Kenney. ( Cons- Calgary South East) Take a look at these examples of our Immigration Ministers commitment to Canada and helping those in need.

Excellent Work!

1)Afghan Woman Given Refuge in Canada

2) After six years, diplomatic lifeline allows Chinese dissident to reunite with family

I know that the liberals out there will try to spin this, but you cannot dispute the facts here.