Showing posts with label cats on film. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cats on film. Show all posts

Friday, December 6, 2013

Simon's Cat In "Christmas Presence"

Christmas Presence - Simon's Cat

"A festive feline goes looking for a Christmas treat"...and boy does he find one! I'm still riding high from my encounter with Simon's Cat creator Simon Tofield last week, and finding a new Simon's Cat film in my inbox this morning was an unexpected snow day treat. It just goes to show that Santa has love for naughty kitties, too!


Friday, November 22, 2013

Orange Cats Proclaim Victory As Catching Fire Kitty Is Recast At Author's Request

Buttercup Fan Art by Capitol Portraits

Hunger Games fans heading to check out Catching Fire tonight should be on the lookout for one major casting change from the first flick: Primose Everdeen's beleaguered feline, Buttercup, has been replaced by the orange tabby he was always meant to be.

Buttercup #1's reaction to being recast.
(via Cats on Film)

Cat loving critics such as myself were baffled by the casting of a black and white kitty in the first film, due to the book's specific description of Buttercup being golden (In the original book, Primrose insisted that his muddy yellow coat matched the bright flower.)

According to an exclusive interview with io9, Catching Fire director Francis Lawrence revealed that he received the request to recast the feline directly from a producer and Hunger Games author Suzanne Collins herself:

"...They thought the cat from the first movie was not the way he was described in the book. And that had annoyed a bunch of fans, and things like that. But it also just kind of bothered them that Buttercup was not a black and white cat. So I was happy to get one that felt like the Buttercup of the book."

My favorite cat in the world is black and white, but was still ready to protest on behalf of marmalade colored cats everywhere. Now that Buttercup has been restored to all of his golden beauty, I can go back to worrying if Catching Fire is going to give me motion sickness as bad as the first movie did (for real). Happy Hunger Games, y'all!

Via io9


Monday, November 4, 2013

Cats Lick It All In Adorable Italian Mop Commercial

I gatti leccano di tutto! (Cats lick it all!)

Cats are quick little devils, and the effects of a toppled glass can be unpredictable if you aren't quick to clean it up. That's the message behind a new commercial from household cleaning supply company Vileda Italia, that promises their microfiber mop will save your cat from stains.

Cats lick anything


The clip features felines (hypothetically) under the influence of everything from caffeine to chamomile, to adorably illustrate the importance of cleaning up spills before kitties get to them!

Salsa Piccante


In case you were worried any cats were harmed during the making of the commercial, fear not. A disclaimer posted along with the video assures, "The behaviors of the animals depicted in the video are not related in any way to the actual intake of the drinks in the associated caption! In addition, we have been assured that the last cat in the video is actually a teetotaler :)."

Too much wine!

Via Buzzfeed


Friday, October 25, 2013

Simon's Cat In "Scary Legs"

Scary Legs - Simon's Cat

Just in time for Halloween, Simon's Cat is back with an all new video guaranteed to give you the creepy crawlies!

I've witnessed a similar game in my house, where Charlie will bat around a bug, appear to eat it, and then I'll mysteriously find it crawling across the floor again a few minutes later. I also recently had a traumatizing experience involving Priscilla trying to catch a spider crawling around my bed in the middle of the night, but I won't get into that here!

Do you have any funny stories involving your cats playing with bugs?


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Grumpy Cat & Cat Videos Collide At The Friskies 2013 Video Awards

I met Grumpy Cat!

Last night I had the honor of attending The Friskies, an award show dedicated to honoring the best new internet cat videos of the year. Host Michael Ian Black, along with special guests Angela Kinsey, Henri, le Chat Noir creator Will Braden, and Mick Szydlowski (Oskar the Blind Cat's human), presented golden catuettes and $25,000 in cash prizes to four lucky winners -- Oh yeah, and I met Grumpy Cat, too!

The celebration was held at Arena in New York City, an event space just outside of Times Square. 

As soon as we arrived, we were greeted by colorful flower arrangements on every table, accented with felt kitty toys and pictures of the night's lifetime achievement award recipient, Grumpy Cat. 

I was thrilled to finally meet Henri, le Chat Noir creator, Will Braden!

Not to brag (I am totally bragging), but I was beyond excited to mix and mingle with some of the biggest names in the cat world, including Will Braden, creator of the brilliant Henri, le Chat Noir videos. Braden, who traveled (sans Henri) to the show from Seattle, couldn't have been nicer (and no, he isn't really French!).

The Friskies winners posed alongside Michael Ian Black, Tabatha Bundesen & Grumpy Cat, and Angela Kinsey.

I also had the pleasure of meeting host Michael Ian Black. I introduced myself as a "cat blogger and big fan," to which he thanked me and shook my hand before posing for a pic. Black killed it in his duties as the night's emcee, and even referenced his kitty Alfalfa, who was surely watching back at home.

Grumpy Cat's owner, Tabatha Bundesen, was always by her side making sure she was happy and comfortable.

And then there was Grumpy Cat. I could barely sleep last night because I was still so excited from meeting her! I don't know how else to put it, except to say that she is even tinier and more precious in person. 

Catventure category winner Joanne McGonagle, with her husband Paul and their catuette.

Of course, no cat event would be complete without my fellow cat bloggers, Tamar Arslanian from I Have Cat, Robin Olson of Covered in Cat Hair, and Layla Morgan Wilde from Cat Wisdom 101We were all very proud when our friend, Joanne McGonagle of The Tiniest Tiger, accepted an award in the Catventure category for "The Tiniest Tiger's Snow Adventure." The video starred her beloved kitty, Gracey, who sadly passed away in May, and the honor was a fitting tribute to her legacy.

I was also very excited to meet Rita (and her mom, who took this pic!), who was one of my ticket giveaway winners!

Thank you again to Friskies for inviting me to take part in the biggest cat-stravaganza of the year! It was fun finally meeting some of the famous faces (human and feline) that I've been blogging about for so long, and I will never get over the fact that I got to hold Grumpy Cat!

I shall never be grumpy again.

In case you missed it, you can catch the recorded live stream of the show at


Friday, September 13, 2013

Simon's Cat In "Mirror, Mirror"

Mirror, Mirror - Simon's Cat

One of my favorite parts of the Simon's Cat videos are the hilariously realistic sound effects. Those licks, purrs, and mreowwws, are all put on full display in his latest romp, where the wily feline finds himself at odds with his own reflection.


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Lil Bub Has Accomplished More In Her Two Years Than You Probably Will In Your Whole Life

Lil BUB's Big SHOW with Whoopi Goldberg

Fresh off her tête-à-tête with Grumpy Cat at Cat Vid Fest in Minneapolis, Lil Bub has been having the best week ever. As of yesterday, the internet famous feline is a published author, movie star, and talk show host, whose debut episode has already generated more views than Kris Jenner's entire foray into daytime talk (unconfirmed).

Not one to rest on her tiny laurels, the perma-kitten's prestigious first guest was Academy Award winning actress, Whoopi Goldberg. The cute-coma inducing interview is a veritable lovefest between the two stars, who bond over their parallel careers.

True to her reputation of helping cats in need, her royal Bubness ended the program by introducing an organization that helps animals. The first featured shelter was one very near and dear to my heart: Tabby's Place, the cage-free sanctuary for cats rescued from hopeless situations, located in Ringoes, NJ. 

Lil Bub is currently on tour across the country to support the release of her new book, the briefly titled, Lil BUB's Lil Book: The Extraordinary Life of the Most Amazing Cat on the Planet

Fans who missed out on her debut film, Vice's Lil Bub & Friendz, can watch it now here.

Previously: I Met Lil Bub!


Thursday, August 29, 2013

Highlights From The Second Annual Minneapolis Internet Cat Video Film Festival

Grumpy Cat Takes The Golden Kitty

Thousands of feline fans gathered on Wednesday night at the Minneapolis State Fair Grandstand, for the second annual Cat Vid Fest, presented by Walker Art Center.

After attracting over 10,000 fans last year, a reported 13,000 people bought tickets to sit around and watch cat videos together last night, and celebrate internet cat culture in real life. The event was also streamed live online by Animal Planet, for unfortunate souls (like myself) who weren't able to attend in purrson.

The three hour long program kicked-off with a (loooong) two hour introduction that included performances by Twin Cities band Brian Laidlaw & the Family Trade, and quirky dance duo, Koo Koo Kanga Roo

Brian Laidlaw

Comedian Julie Klausner served as the night's emcee, introducing appearances by noted feline viral video hit-makers such as Will Braden (Henri, Le Chat Noir), Charlie Schmidt (Keyboard Cat), Chris Torres (Nyan Cat), and Maddie Kelly (Kittens Inspired by Kittens), who all received Hall of Fame awards later in the evening.


From l to r; Charlie Schmidt, Maddie Kelly, Mike Bridavsky and Lil Bub, Chris Torres, The Bundesen's and Grumpy Cat, Will Braden.

In celebration of "the Great Minnesota Get-Together tradition," Animal Planet commissioned a butter cat sculpture, inspired by royalty (rumor has it that Tardar Sauce licked its ear).

Tardar Sauce cozying up to the butter cat sculpture.

No pets were allowed on the grounds per fair rules, but spectators were greeted to surprise appearances by some of the most famous cats in the world, including Minneapolis's own Pudge the Cat.

The highlight of the event, however, was an epic meeting of the minds between Grumpy Cat and Lil Bub.

Over 7,000 nominations were submitted for this year's festival, and a team of 70 jurors narrowed the field down to 65+ cat video clips that were shown in categories like Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Animated, and Musical. 

People's Choice award winners included the now classic Cat In A Shark Costume Chases A Duck While Riding A Roomba and Cat Licking Vacuum Cleaner, but the coveted 2013 Golden Kitty Award ultimately went to Grumpy Cat, who took home the Monopoly cat game piece inspired cat-uette, basically just for being her grumpy self.

Go Grumpy!

Of course, no event such as this would be complete without cat fashion, and people had no reservations about letting their feline freak flags fly. 

The night's festivities concluded with a fireworks celebration, which most cats probably would have hated.

In case you missed it, Cat Vid Fest is hitting the road again this year. The full tour schedule will be posted tomorrow, August 30 on the Walker Art Center website.


Friday, August 23, 2013

This Cat Music Video Will Make All Of Your Dreams Come True

Dreams Are Real from Ryan Barger on Vimeo.

"Time travel. Space Exploration. Violence. Drama. Love. Cats. Dreams."

Filmmakers Ryan Barger and Katie Akana take you on an odyssey through the feline imagination in a magical music video featuring kitty bunk beds, flying cat bees, and one totally bitchin' feline band. Remember kitties, you can do anything you set your mind to. Now just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.

Via Jezebel


Thursday, August 8, 2013

Max The Shark Costumed Roomba Cat Is At It Again

Shark Week. #SharkCat cleaning Kitchen!

The latest viral video craze, "Shark Week. #SharkCat cleaning Kitchen!" (not to be confused with "Cat In A Shark Costume Chases A Duck While Riding A Roomba") is buzzing loudly this week, due to a timely association with Shark Week, along with the internet's love for the absurd.

Both popular clips feature a 12-year-old cat named Max, who dutifully helms his Roomba while donning an adorable shark suit. His owner, Helen Arnold tells that Max's voyages happen on a near daily basis, and that "sometimes I put it away, and if the Roomba is hidden somewhere in the corner, he just sits there and looks at me.” 

The shark suit was originally purchased as a Halloween costume for Arnold's dog, Shark, but it didn't fit him, so it got handed down to the kooky kitty.

Before becoming a viral video star with a penchant for interspecies cross-dressing, Max was found living behind an abandoned house as a kitten and rescued by the Arnold family. The clean feline has been obsessed with the Roomba ever since they bought the vacuum home five years ago. “One day he was riding it when I got home. It was scary. He knows how to press the button,” Arnold said.

I take two things away from this video. 1. I want a Roomba and 2. There has to be a way to parlay this into a cat Roomba cleaning service. 

Follow Max on Facebook at MAXtheRoombaCAT.



Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Burn Survivor Justin The Kitten Showcases His Recovery On The View

Justin the Kitten - The View

A three and a half month old kitten who made headlines after being set on fire in April, appeared on The View yesterday to showcase his magnificent recovery and reunite with the good samaritan who saved his life. 

Damaris Sanabria rescued the cat, now named Justin, after finding him left for dead on the streets of Philadelphia. He was taken to Animal Alliance, a New Jersey based animal welfare society, where he endured many nights in the hospital, multiple surgeries, and much needed TLC, before being placed in his forever home last month.

According to View co-host (and noted cat lover) Whoopi Goldberg, Justin was attacked by "a yet to be identified maniac who the police better find before I do." According to The Star-Ledger, a $6,000 reward is still being offered for information leading to the arrest of the person responsible for the heinous act. 

Despite losing most of his ears and having two-thirds of his body burned, Justin's fur has grown back with a fluffy new coat, and his owner, Kelley, says he can hear perfectly fine, especially when it's time to eat! Kelley, who has set up a Facebook page where fans can follow Justin's progress, describes the extraordinary kitten as, "full of life and full of love." 



Friday, August 2, 2013

Simon's Cat In "Suitcase"

Simon's Cat - Suitcase

Simon is busy packing for his upcoming trip, but when you have cats, nothing is as easy as it seems. What begins as a classic tale of a cat owner trying to pack a suitcase, quickly escalates into Garfield-inspired shenanigans when Simon's Cat tries to send his kitten nemesis on a vacation of its own.


Friday, July 26, 2013

Cat Enthusiastically Reunites With Owner After Six Month Separation

Cat Sees Owner After Six Month Leave

YouTuber pointforgotten decided to turn the notion of a joyful pet reunion on its head with a parody showing what happens when a black cat named Charlie (not be confused with my black cat named Charlie) comes face to face with his owner after a six month leave. 

Charlie: "If you want a friend, get a dog."

On the other hand, maybe Charlie could take some cues from this friendly feline, who has no problem greeting his human with high fives (in exchange for some treats, of course!).

Cute Cool Cat High Five

Update: Here's what happened when Charlie found out his video went viral.

Cat Hears His Video Went Viral


Monday, July 15, 2013

My Night With The Amazing Acro-Cats and Rock-Cats!

Dakota on drums

I've been longing for the chance to see The Amazing Acro-Cats and The Rock-Cats, live and in the fur, ever since seeing their segment on Animal Planet's Must Love Cats back in 2011. 

Unfortunately, the Chicago-based troupe doesn't get out to the East Coast very often, but when I heard they were doing a stint this past weekend at The Painted Bride Art Center in Philadelphia, I knew I had to go!

The traveling cat circus is the brainchild of animal trainer Samantha Martin, who takes her fantastic felines around the country, to show off their skills and teach the benefits of clicker training. 

The spectacle consists of one part circus act and one part rock show, where cats jump through hoops, balance on balls, and "The Rock Cats" take the stage while playing their tiny instruments. All of the purrformers belong to Martin, and many of them are rescues with touching stories, as she relays during show.

Tuna says we need moar cowbell!

In addition to cats, Martin's menagerie includes rats, a groundhog, and two very brave chickens. She also brings foster kittens on the road to help get them adopted (she's placed over 100 to date), and they get in on the act, too.

Yes, that's a chicken!

Each performance is a unique event based on the unpredictability of cats, and audience members are encouraged to wear kitty ears to get in the mood (or, "to hear the show twice as well"). After the crowd got warmed up, The Acrocats took the stage, headed by a sleek black feline named Buggles:

Everyone cheered as Pudge jumped through a hoop:

And this kitty was on a roll...literally!

The kitties clearly work on their own schedule, and sometimes it was even funnier when things didn't go exactly according to plan:

There was also a rousing match of Groundhog vs. Cat bowling. I was rooting for Tuna, but in the end they called it a draw when both parties failed to make the spare:

The highlight, and most eagerly anticipated part of the show for me was seeing my favorite band, The Rock Cats!

The trio was accompanied by a chicken on cymbals, and of course, Tuna, who is always there to provide more cowbell!

I had so much fun, and was excited to finally make my Rock Cats dreams come true. If the troupe is ever in your town, I highly recommend checking them out for a unique experience, that's purrfect for the whole family!

Their next tour stop is July 17-20 at The Griffen Theatre in Salem, Massachusetts, followed shortly after by their Canadian debut. Visit to get the full schedule and ticketing information. You can also follow Buggles and Tuna on Twitter, and like them on Facebook here.


Monday, July 8, 2013

Bored Felines Encouraged To "Be More Dog" In Innovative Telecom Campaign

O2 - Be More Dog

The suggestion to "Be More Dog" could be seen as an affront to cat people, but UK telecom provider O2 is betting that their new campaign, encouraging customers to embrace their inner canine, will have dog and cat lovers alike running to sign up for their services.

Over 10 million dollars was reportedly poured into the project, which aims to "spread positivity, excitement and inquisitiveness" by getting people to "embrace their inner dog". The commercial features a formerly bored kitty chasing cars, fetching sticks, and engaging in other happy-go-lucky activities normally reserved for pups ("Carpe diem. It means grab the frisbee!" the voiceover proclaims). 

O2 Marketing and consumer director, Gary Booker told The Guardian, "We're living in one of the most exciting eras as far as technology goes... but somehow we've got a little jaded by it all.

"'Be more dog' is all about encouraging Britain to embrace the new, have a go with the unknown and dabble in innovation. We're also gearing up for our 4G launch later this summer, so it's the perfect time to get the nation trying more and being a little bit more dog."

While cute, the whole idea that cats need any help getting jazzed about technology is quite puzzling, considering all they've done to take over the internet in just a few short years.

And how are cats themselves responding to the battle cry of #bemoredog?

In the words of the world's foremost philosophical and ennui-filled feline, Henri, le Chat Noir, "Good god, no. Not even a little bit."


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Firefighter Massages Kitten Back To Life In Rescue Caught On Tape

(Click here to watch if video doesn't load)

Firefighter Cory Kalanick is being hailed as a hero, for his actions in saving the life of a kitten recovered from a house fire.

The ten year department veteran was looking for salvage in a Fresno home, when he found the lifeless kitten in the middle of the floor. The camera on his helmet captured the entire rescue, as he quickly rushed the distressed cat outside, and rested it on his glove to protect it from the hot street. After grabbing a mask, he can be seen administering an entire tank of oxygen to the kitten, and cooling down its tiny, overheated body with water until it lets out a "meow."  

"Lucky," as the feline was affectionately nicknamed, was brought to the Central California SPCA after the incident, and then returned to his owners. As of this writing, CBS47 was still trying to contact them to get an update on his condition.

Kalanick, who admits to being teased for being an eco-friendly vegan, thinks it's a "pretty cool thing" that they were able to help the kitten out. 

“I really hope that cat is being loved,” he said.


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Talking Cats Score Big Time With Target Haul

Cats Score Big Time with Target HAUL

So you know that thing where you go to Target to pick up a few things, and end up leaving with a new sundress, crap from the dollar bin in the front, and whimsical owl tumblers?

Britney and Lizzy's human recently took a trip to the bullseye, resulting in a splendor of riches for her sassy talking teen kitties -- and some hilarious catfights over collars, treats, and catnip. 

With thanks to my friend Caren from Cat Chat with Caren & Cody for the find!


Thursday, June 20, 2013

Chill Bodega Kitty Stars In "Classy Cat" Sketch

Local Empire - Classy Cat

♫"Classy guy and a classy cat, two classy fellas, chompin' rats!"♫

Michael Molina, one of the creators and writers of New York-based sketch group Local Empire, recently passed along the group's latest video, starring a classy resident bodega feline who uses his powers of purrsuasion to win over a skeptical customer.

Bodega cats live in the small corner grocery shops of NYC, where they guard against rats, and are often caught being photographed in cute poses. To learn more, check out a mini-documentary about them here.


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Morris The Cat Eyes Top Spot In Mexican Mayoral Campaign

Fat Cat politicians are nothing new, but they're not usually quite as cute and cuddly as Morris. The 10-month-old black and white kitten, who was adopted by Sergio Chamorro last year, recently announced his run for mayor of Xalapa, Mexico. His campaign slogan? "Tired of Voting for Rats? Vote for a Cat." 

Watch the mayoral candidate in action

Chamorro and his friends decided to launch the campaign after becoming disillusioned by local government. He argues that his cat is uniquely qualified for the position because, "He sleeps almost all day and does nothing, and that fits the profile of a politician." 

In just a short period of time, the four-pawed policymaker has made headlines around the world, and inspired an impressive social media following on Twitter and Facebook, to the tune of 131,000+ human, feline, and even canine fans.

Just a few of Morris' fans showing their support:

Technically, a kitty can't officially register as a candidate, but that hasn't stopped Morris' team from urging would-be voters to write-in his name on July 7, or draw a picture of a cat's face on the ballot to "send a message to authorities." 

As an amusing side note, Morris isn't the only animal hoping to paw their way into office come election day. Throughout Mexico, other furred and feathered hopefuls include Chon the Donkey, Tina the Chicken, Maya the Cat, and Tintan the Dog - although the AP notes that their campaigns "are not as well organized" as Morris'.

Via ABC News / Jezebel / Images: Facebook (El Candigato Morris.)


Friday, June 14, 2013

Friskies Awarding $25,000 In Cash Prizes For The Best New Cat Videos Of 2013

Are you and your feline frustrated that you still haven't received the recognition you both deserve after getting crazy with the catnip one night, and creating what can only be described as the Citizen Kane of cat videos?

Well, you might be in luck, because Friskies announced earlier this week that for the second year in a row, they'll be hosting "The Friskies," the cat culture event of the season dedicated to showcasing the greatest online cat videos of the past year. At stake? The chance to win a $5,000 grand prize and custom-made gold plated Catuette (I've held one, it's the real deal), along with a trip to New York City to take part in the live show.

While last year's ceremony boasted everything from an interpretive Nyan Cat dancer, to a cat-a-pella group performance, this year's cat-travaganza promises even edgier entertainment, courtesy of comedian/host Michael Ian Black. Judges include Henri, le Chat Noir creator Will Braden, and 2012 Grand Prize winner, Mick Szydlowski, who you may be more familiar with as the awesome human behind Oskar the Blind Cat.

That's cool. How do I enter?

From now through July 15, feline filmmakers can upload their videos (up to two-minutes in length, they're not looking for Gone with the Wind here) to in the following categories: Cat Comedy, Catventure, Rescue Cat, and the Pursuit of Food/Treat.

In addition to giving away a boatload of prizes, Friskies is also using the award show as an opportunity to give back, and has committed to donating more than 250,000 cans of cat food to 20 cat charity organizations nationwide as part of the program.

“Films may have the Oscars, but cat videos have ‘The Friskies,’ and I can’t wait to host the show,” said Black. “It’s going to be unlike anything you’ve ever seen.” 

Visit to learn more, and to submit your video today!



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