Showing posts with label cats rocking out. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cats rocking out. Show all posts

Friday, August 23, 2013

This Cat Music Video Will Make All Of Your Dreams Come True

Dreams Are Real from Ryan Barger on Vimeo.

"Time travel. Space Exploration. Violence. Drama. Love. Cats. Dreams."

Filmmakers Ryan Barger and Katie Akana take you on an odyssey through the feline imagination in a magical music video featuring kitty bunk beds, flying cat bees, and one totally bitchin' feline band. Remember kitties, you can do anything you set your mind to. Now just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.

Via Jezebel


Monday, July 15, 2013

My Night With The Amazing Acro-Cats and Rock-Cats!

Dakota on drums

I've been longing for the chance to see The Amazing Acro-Cats and The Rock-Cats, live and in the fur, ever since seeing their segment on Animal Planet's Must Love Cats back in 2011. 

Unfortunately, the Chicago-based troupe doesn't get out to the East Coast very often, but when I heard they were doing a stint this past weekend at The Painted Bride Art Center in Philadelphia, I knew I had to go!

The traveling cat circus is the brainchild of animal trainer Samantha Martin, who takes her fantastic felines around the country, to show off their skills and teach the benefits of clicker training. 

The spectacle consists of one part circus act and one part rock show, where cats jump through hoops, balance on balls, and "The Rock Cats" take the stage while playing their tiny instruments. All of the purrformers belong to Martin, and many of them are rescues with touching stories, as she relays during show.

Tuna says we need moar cowbell!

In addition to cats, Martin's menagerie includes rats, a groundhog, and two very brave chickens. She also brings foster kittens on the road to help get them adopted (she's placed over 100 to date), and they get in on the act, too.

Yes, that's a chicken!

Each performance is a unique event based on the unpredictability of cats, and audience members are encouraged to wear kitty ears to get in the mood (or, "to hear the show twice as well"). After the crowd got warmed up, The Acrocats took the stage, headed by a sleek black feline named Buggles:

Everyone cheered as Pudge jumped through a hoop:

And this kitty was on a roll...literally!

The kitties clearly work on their own schedule, and sometimes it was even funnier when things didn't go exactly according to plan:

There was also a rousing match of Groundhog vs. Cat bowling. I was rooting for Tuna, but in the end they called it a draw when both parties failed to make the spare:

The highlight, and most eagerly anticipated part of the show for me was seeing my favorite band, The Rock Cats!

The trio was accompanied by a chicken on cymbals, and of course, Tuna, who is always there to provide more cowbell!

I had so much fun, and was excited to finally make my Rock Cats dreams come true. If the troupe is ever in your town, I highly recommend checking them out for a unique experience, that's purrfect for the whole family!

Their next tour stop is July 17-20 at The Griffen Theatre in Salem, Massachusetts, followed shortly after by their Canadian debut. Visit to get the full schedule and ticketing information. You can also follow Buggles and Tuna on Twitter, and like them on Facebook here.


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Paws Up For Lil B's Cat KeKe, The First Feline Hip-Hop Artist Of All Time


Rapper Lil B (not to be confused with famous internet cat, Lil Bub) is all about changing perceptions within the hip-hop community. Back in April, he gave a lecture at NYU where he proudly proclaimed, "You know I’m the first rapper to adopt a tabby cat. You know I adopted straight from the ASPCA, you feel me? Just breaking the boundaries, man, showing everybody it’s okay to be yourself." 

Now, the artist is taking his real men love cats mentality one step further, by giving his beloved tabby, KeKe, her moment in the spotlight. According to Lil B (and who are we to refute this), Keke is the first animal to record a song in a studio featuring a hip-hop artist. Her debut track, which dropped earlier this week on YouTube, is a five-minute meow mix of noise and purrs, with the rapper encouraging the cat to "say something," and calling her a "good kitty."


Whether you dig the track or not, you can't help but get excited over Lil B's sheer enthusiasm, and his desire to spread feline love throughout the hip-hop community. We also have to give props to KeKe herself for lending her purrs to some dope beats, while paving the way for all pussycats out there hoping to make it in the music biz.

Via The Fader


Friday, October 26, 2012

Litter Genie Spot Takes Walter On A Trip Down Catnip Lane

Litter Genie: I Haz a Catnip in Mah Head

In the tradition of trippin' cats (inspired, no doubt, by the now classic Friskies "Adventureland" commercial), one groovy kitty takes a trip into his mind's eye after getting a whiff of what must have been an especially potent blend o' nip. The psychedelic music video, which is actually a clever commercial for Litter Genie, includes wizard costumes, cat breading, and gratuitous shots of scooping poop.

When he's not busy making ineffective PSAs against feline drug abuse, Walter, the star of "I Haz a Catnip in Mah Head," dabbles in other musical genres, including hard rock (see I Haz a Pie Row Tek Nik). The multi-talented kitty also has his own Twitter account, where he drops pearls of wisdom such as, "The loff you give me iz so stong! Like diz catnips in mah head. #littergenie #MeowMwahz."

In related news, the folks at Litter Genie are having a Cat Snaps contest with I Can Haz Cheezburger, where you can upload and digitally accessorize a pic of your cat looking like the rock star they really are. Prizes include a Litter Genie litter disposal system (natch) and a grand prize professional feline photo shoot.

(Thanks for the tip, Megan!)


Monday, October 1, 2012

Gangnam Style Pusheen

Pusheen style (Oppa Gangnam Style) FULL!!

YouTuber xX0KuroChan0Xx pored through Pusheen's Tumblr of animated hijinks, finding the purrfect ones to pair with Gangnam Style, Psy's synth heavy K-pop hit. 

As many times as I've watched this video (no shame), I still break into dance every time the chorus hits. You've been warned!

p.s. If you're interested in learning more about the Gangnam Style phenomenon, our friend Elle from Cute in Korea put together a great post detailing everything you ever wanted to know about the international craze.

Via YouTube (xX0KuroChan0Xx) / Pusheen the Cat


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Help The Amazing Acro-Cats And Rock-Cats Make Their Purr-fect Tour Bus Dreams Come True

You know the phrase "herding cats"? Well, Samantha Martin, founder of The Amazing Acro-Cats and Rock-Cats, does just that with her touring troupe of rescued house kitties who wow crowds with their ability to push carts, ride skateboards, turn on lights, walk tight ropes, play instruments, and much more. Most of the cats in Samantha's show are orphans, rescues, or strays, and the group also take fosters on the road, where they have found homes for nearly 90 cats and kittens to date.

Martin, who has been training animals since she was ten, started the group 7 years ago. She uses clicker training to condition the cats, which relies on using positive reinforcement. In addition to providing entertainment, the show is meant to demonstrate what cats are really capable of. Martin says, "By training your own feline, many behavioral problems can be prevented while also providing physical exercise and mental stimulation. Plus it's a great way to spend some quality time with your kitty."

Now, the Amazing Acro-Cats and Rock-Cats are looking to the public for help in continuing their mission. Their current tour bus is falling apart, so they created a Kickstarter campaign to raise $28,000 to help purchase and refurbish a larger and safer vehicle. They have plans to gut a retired tour bus and turn it into a cat paradise, that will include cat walks, cat trees, and a permanent nursery/foster area, "so even more little kittens will have the chance at a forever home."

Like most Kickstarter initiatives, there's a huge range of rewards for those willing to make a pledge. For the minimum amount of $12, patrons will receive a bumper sticker that says "I helped build the Cat-mobile!" and a Tuna and the Rock-Cats postcard, while larger donations net awesome gear like a Cat Training Kit, assorted Rock-Cats merch, tickets to upcoming shows, and my favorite -- the chance to have Tuna (aka "The Star") write you letters from the road!

While the campaign is meant to signify a fresh start for the animal collective, it's also tinged with sadness. The cat bus project is dedicated to the memory of the Rock-Cats' beloved kitty guitar player, Pinky, who lost her battle to breast cancer late last month.

To learn about The Amazing Acro-Cats and The Rock-Cats, visit their website or Kickstarter page for more information.


Friday, June 1, 2012

Kimbra Gets Catty In "Somebody That I Used To Know" Pooch Parody

Gotye's ubiquitous ode to doomed relationships has been covered, lip-dubbed, and parodied to hell, but never before have a dog and cat stepped in to play the role of singers Wally De Backer and Kimbra, in the geometrically charged clip.

The unconventional cover comes courtesy of The Pet Collective, who as of late have been going cat crazy with their "Ask a Hot Vet" video series, as well as a string of documentary style kitten clips, inexplicably narrated by Khloe Kardashian Odom.


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Talkative Tabby Tries To Ease His Human's Heartbreak In "Drunk" Music Video

Gawker writer Rich Juzwiak recently wrote a deeply personal piece on what happens when you end a relationship and not only lose your partner, but also lose your cats at the same time. On the flip side, in the video for the song "Drunk" by English singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran, we get to see what happens when the one who is left behind is forced to seek refuge from their heartbreak in the non-judgmental and always comforting arms paws of their cat.

In the clip (which I'm describing as depressing, but is actually quite humorous), an increasingly inebriated Sheeran is flooded with memories of his failed relationship. The only thing that seems to rouse him from his stupor is a talkative, video-game playing tabby, who speaks to him through subtitles, and leads him out on the town for a night of debauchery that includes a trip to the pub and a raucous house party (just try not to laugh when he grabs for his keys and phone before heading out the door).

For those who haven't heard of Ed Sheeran yet, it probably won't be for long. The 21-year-old newcomer's debut studio album "+" (which features the "Drunk" single) was released in the UK last year, and is set to arrive in the states on June 12.

Thanks to Tyler Atnip-Woodworth for the tip!


Monday, May 7, 2012

Story Behind Carole King's Classic Kitty Album Cover Is Revealed In Photographer's Obituary

The Los Angeles Times recently featured the obituary of Jim McCrary, the famous rock photographer who passed away on April 29 at the age of 72. McCrary shot over 300 album covers for A&M Records, and was instrumental in including a tabby on the cover of Carole King's acclaimed 1971 album, "Tapestry."

In the opening paragraph of the obit, we learn the real story behind the classic cover that almost never came to be:

"Photographer Jim McCrary was on the verge of shooting one of his most famous images when he stopped to ask singer Carole King if the cat sleeping across the room could be part of the tableau.

He remembered the results of a Kodak survey that found "after children, the most popular thing people photographed was their own cats," he later said. "I saw a cat, and I wanted to get something good."

When King assured him that her pet was docile, he carried the tabby and its pillow to the window ledge and into the frame. By the third click of his camera, the cat had slipped away but McCrary had what he needed: a picture of both the barefoot songstress and her whiskered feline that became the cover of King's landmark 1971 "Tapestry" album."

Admittedly, it wasn't the cat who made the award-winning LP one of the best-selling albums of all time (hits like ""I Feel the Earth Move" and "It's Too Late" were responsible for that), but as record producer Lou Adler points out, McCrary's strength was not just in photography, but being able to bring a piece of the artist out in his work. Adler remembers, "Conceptually, he always understood what the person was about and was able to photograph their personality. A perfect example of that is the 'Tapestry' album.... The idea of having the cat, that brought a personal feeling to it."


Friday, May 4, 2012

Cee Lo Green and Purrfect the Cat Remix The Iconic Meow Mix Jingle For Charity

(Click here to watch if video doesn't load)

Cee Lo Green has worked with some of the biggest artists in the world, but he's just taken on his most catty collaboration yet: A remix with his rented kitty, Purrfect the Cat.

Green, who took on the furry feline for season two of his judging duties on "The Voice," is bringing in some extra kibble with a paid sponsorship with Meow Mix, who hired the soulful singer to put his paw print on their iconic jingle. Earlier this year, Del Monte Foods announced plans for bringing back the catchy tune after a sixteen year hiatus.

"Purrfect was thrilled to hear about this new deal with Meow Mix cat food," said Cee Lo in a press release issued statement. "That sultry purr of hers is perfect for a modernized remix of the iconic Meow Mix jingle. Watch out cats!"

Fans can download the song or ringtone for free, and for each download on the Meow Mix website, the brand will donate one pound of food (up to 12,000 pounds) to PAWS/LA, which will reportedly help them feed all of their kitties for a year.

Admittedly, the sultry remix is pretty good, but Purrfect better stay in her lane. There's only room for one Persian in the cat food world, and the Fancy Feast cat is NOT going to be happy about this!

Purrfect and her "Papa" Cee Lo hard at work in the studio. Green has taken to wearing shirts featuring the famous feline's image in a heart, but there's still no word on if and when they will be available for fans to purchase.


Friday, April 13, 2012

Catchy Ditty Reveals All The Things That Kitty Doesn't Like

You might recognize Sylvester the cat from his popular "Talking Kitty" series of videos that have been around since 2008. His owner, Steve Cash, recently ditched the high-pitched kitty voiceovers in favor of a catchy tribute track to the black cat's many dislikes, which include riding in the car, sticky floors, and being roommates with a dog. So what does Sylvester like? Unsurprisingly, universal feline favorites like tuna snacks and being pet on the back top the list.

Do you have a kitty who can relate? Download a free copy of the tune here, and let your cats meow along as they lament living in a world that doesn't always cater to their delicate feline sensibilities.

Via Laughing Squid


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Man Succumbs To Singing Kitties In Orbital's "Wonky" New Music Video

Friskies cat food commercial from hell? That's what one YouTube commenter calls Orbital's latest video for the single "Wonky" off their just released album of the same name.

Forget about crazy cat ladies - the star of this video is a crazed cat man, whose descent into madness begins when singing kitties begin appearing all over his apartment. Personally, I'd be stoked if crooning cats starting popping up on kibble boxes and collectible china, but it's all too much for our poor friend, who flees in hopes of stopping the hallucinations. I don't want to spoil the ending of this dramatic clip, but let's just say that cats come out on top, and it's a good thing they aren't allowed to have driver's licenses.

Seriously though, can I haz a singing shirt like this?


Monday, March 12, 2012

Strange But True: The Cat Organ

The cat organ, or Katzenklavier as it is known in German, is a fictional instrument that has been brought to life by British sound sculptor, Henry Dagg. In 2010, Dagg famously entertained The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall with his plush pussycat piano during a Royal garden party, where Prince Charles broke down into a fit of laughter upon hearing the instrument, and Camilla required a hanky to compose herself during the unusual musical purrformance.

According to Wikipedia (yes, the cat organ has its own Wikipedia page), the inspiration behind Dagg's device is actually a rather cruel invention, "consisting of a line of cats fixed in place with their tails stretched out underneath a keyboard so that cats cry out in pain when a key is pressed. The cats would be arranged according to the natural tone of their voices."

Thankfully, there is no official record of a "real" Cat Organ actually being built, but it has been described in various pieces of literature, most famously by French writer Jean-Baptiste Weckerlin in his book "Musiciana."

In 2009, Nick Cave narrated an animated short from Australia called "The Cat Piano." The award-winning clip tells the story - in the form of a poem - of a cat who must save all of the kitties in his city after they have been catnapped and forced to become cogs in one dastardly human's torturous musical device.

If you didn't know, now you know!

Thanks to Dan and Megan for the tip!


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Meet Japan's Cat Idol Supergroup: NKB48

Japan: Meet your top 10!

The biggest musical act in the world (literally) is Japan's AKB48, an all-female supergroup consisting of 57 members who are divided into four teams. Created with the purpose of being "idols you can meet", the group performs daily shows at their own theater, and elections are held where fans can to vote on which members will participate in the recording of the group's next single.

Although you may have never heard AKB48, they are one of the highest-earning musical acts in the world, generating over $200 million in record sales in Japan last year alone. In a country known for it's fierce devotion to j-pop (Japanese pop) and innovative cat culture, the logical next step was the creation of an all-feline pop group - whose members don't sing, as much as hawk cute cat goodies to the kawaii-hungry masses.

Sticker Sheets!

Crunchyroll reports that NKB48 (full name: NeKoBu48, neko being Japanese for “cat”) was created by online mail-order cat shop felissimo. Elections were held last fall to crown the most popular member, with the winning spot going to an Osaka-based kitty named April, whose bio hilariously notes: “She's a baby face, but can look after the house.” (I swear one day I will learn Japanese so I can translate all of these cat websites by myself).

Out of the 48 cat line-up (seen here), the top ten most popular pussycats were given the honor of having their furry mugs emblazoned on profile cards, adorable stickers, and micro-fiber hand towels.

Hand towels!

As Crunchyroll notes, the only thing the mega-group is lacking is any actual singing ability - but that's never stopped anyone in America from earning a buck, so I don't see why the same formula can't be just as successful in Japan. Besides, I'm pretty sure I'd rather see these cuties take the stage, than have to endure the snoozefest that was last night's "American Idol."


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Tampa Bay Rays DJ Kitty Mascot Comes To Life On The Field And Off

DJ Kitty (Click here to watch the version with sound)

The Tampa Bay Rays DJ Kitty first rose to fame in September 2010, when a video of the black and white mixmaster - used to hype fans at games - appeared online and became a viral sensation. Today, DJ Kitty - who recently reemerged as a Dubstep enthusiast - continues to be a fan favorite. While real cats are generally unwelcome at sporting events, a costumed version of the feline mascot is getting ready to make its big stadium debut.

The DJ Kitty Mascot is set to debut at Rays Fan Fest this weekend

Yahoo! Sports reports that the kitty - complete with jersey, backwards cap, and bling - is set to appear at Rays Fan Fest this weekend, and will probably make regular game appearances after that. However, loyalists of Raymond, the Rays marine-inspired mascot, shouldn't fret because there are no plans to replace him with the talented Tuxedo cat.

Like any self respecting feline, DJ Kitty has a burgeoning social media presence, and you can follow his pre and post-game exploits on Twitter @RaysDJKitty.


Custom Kitty Ukulele

Customizable Concert Ukulele - $400, Celentano Woodworks

Looking for a special gift for the cat-loving musician in your life? Paul Celentano of Celentano Woodworks specializes in creating custom, handmade instruments celebrating some of my favorite things in life - including but not limited to cupcakes, pandas, and of course - cats!

I can't play worth a lick, but I'm pretty sure our friend Sarah Donner needs one of these!


Monday, February 13, 2012

Adele's Grammy Winning Album Cover Gets Catified

Congratulations to the luminious Adele, who swept the Grammys last night with six awards, including wins for Record of the Year ("Rolling in the Deep") and Album of the Year ("21").

While six golden gramophones may seem like quite an accomplishment for the talented British singer, the real prize was having her multi-platinum album cover catified by the folks at I Can Has Cheezburger!


Monday, February 6, 2012

Cee Lo Green Introduces The World To His Purrfect Pussycat

(Click here to watch if video doesn't load)

After a disappointing lack of cat themed Super Bowl commercials, one lucky kitty managed to purr its way into pop culture last night with an appearance on The Voice. Cee Lo Green - who wowed viewers with his performance during the halftime show, looked like a modern day James Bond villain as he stroked the hilariously grumpy looking Persian, named Purrfect.

In a clip released ahead of the show's premiere (seen above), Green reveals the kitty is very close to his heart, and that his furry friend will be a "secret weapon" in achieving victory this season on the musical competition show.

Purrfect is also angling to become a star in his own right, with a Twitter account and Facebook page, where you can follow the fluffy cutie's ongoing rise to fame.

I haven't been watching The Voice so far, but if this is the way it's gonna be, I'm going to have to start! #TeamCeeLoGreen #TeamPurrfect


Friday, January 6, 2012

Drop Everything And Watch This Dreamy Feline Inspired Music Video

The Weeknd - High For This from Anastasia Marchal on Vimeo.

It's open for debate if Anastasia Marchal's feline inspired music video for The Weeknd's "High For This," featuring a beautiful white kitty, macarons, flowers, and pink candy, is "the most important cat video ever," as claimed by Flavorpill's Russ Marshalek, but it's still pretty wonderful, and somehow manages to capture the essence of every single photo I have ever "liked" on Tumblr.


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Not Even The Beatles Are Safe From The Kitten Covers

Cats are known to rock out every now and then, and cats replacing song lyrics has already been done, so the natural progression of this feline musical phenomena is The Kitten Covers, a new Tumblr dedicated to photoshopping kittens into instantly recognizable album art (disappointingly, not kittens singing cover songs). The single serving blog features tiny tabbies sitting in for everyone from The Beatles to Björk, and in some cases arguably improving off of the original designs.

I'm not sure if they take requests, but I'd love to see them work a kitty into Back to Black or Tragic Kingdom.

Check out more over at The Kitten Covers!



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