Jonathan Goetz, East County Magazine
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October 11, 2023 (San Diego's East County) -- Breast Cancer Awareness Month is an annual international health campaign that takes place in October. The campaign aims to raise awareness about breast cancer, promote screening and early detection, and raise funds for research into its cause, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and cure. The month-long event is recognized by the White House and major breast cancer charities and organizations worldwide 1 2.
If you’re looking for places to get screened for breast cancer in East County, you can check out the Every Woman Counts (EWC) program. They provide free breast and cervical cancer screenings and follow-up services to eligible women in San Diego County. The program is offered through the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) and includes clinical breast exams, mammograms, and Pap tests. To qualify for these free tests, you must live in San Diego County, meet the age requirements, have no insurance or limited health insurance, have health insurance with a co-payment or deductible you cannot afford, or have low household income. You can call (619) 515-2300 or fill out the form on their website to see if you qualify.
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