September 27, 2012 -- (San Diego’s East County) – ECM World Watch helps you be an informed citizen about important issues globally and nationally. As part of our commitment to reflecting all voices and views, we include links to a wide variety of news sources representing a broad spectrum of political, religious, and social views. Top world and U.S. headlines include:
- Judge rules Arizona can enforce strict provision to immigration law (Reuters)
- Worrisome levels of arsenic in rice (Consumer Reports)
- Massive tumors in rats fed genetically modified corn (CA Right to Know blog)
- More than 1,000 pastors plan to challenge IRS by endorsing candidates (Fox)
- As tax credit wanes, jobs vanish in wind power industry (New York Times)
- Tesla offers free solar travel with new super-charged tech (RawStory)
- Senators to Hilary: Show us the ambassador’s cables (ForeignPolicy)
- Mormons want to expel Romney critic (Daily Beast)
- Whose next in line for a kidney transplant? The answer is changing (NPR)
- Out with color: Islamists force Timbuktu women to wear black veils or face corporal punishment (Observers)
- Fake Italian pilot traveled in cockpit, police say (Reuters)
- Marijuana and cancer: Researchers find cannabis stops metastasis in aggressive forms of cancer (Huffington Post)
- Report: restrictions on religious views rise worldwide (Jerusalem Post)
- Second day of anti-Japan attacks rock China (NPR)
- Man held in revenge plot over Muslim cartoons (Christian Science Monitor)
- Russia reveals shiny state secret: It’s awash in diamonds (Christian Science Monitor)
- Pakistani TV stations air a real ‘made in USA’ video. Will it calm violence? (Christian Science Monitor)
- The terrorist veto (City Journal)
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