Four of the five candidates sat down for in-depth radio interviews with East County Magazine.
Hear their full interviews here (listed in the order they aired on KNSJ); or to read highlights click "read more" and scroll down:
Patrick Dean: http://kiwi6.com/file/bchwu7qbqx
Pete Gregorovic: http://kiwi6.com/file/78puh4vuq3
Bill Baber: http://kiwi6.com/file/t8a9fxd7io
Mary England: http://kiwi6.com/file/qn2jcyft15
Updated 11/1/14: Bill Baber has clarified his position on recusals and raised questions over possible conflicts of interests by Mary England. See his remarks in the text below.
Update October 31, 2014: Guy McWhirter, who was not available for a radio interview, provided written responses to our candidate questions today, after the story below was published. Read his responses here.
By Miriam Raftery
Photo: L. to R.: Bill Baber, Patrick Dean, Mary England, Pete Gregorovic, Guy McWhirter
October 30, 2014 (La Mesa) –La Mesa has two open seats on its City Council, since long-time Councliman Ernie Ewin is retiring and Councliman Mark Arpostathis is running for mayor. Five candidates are running—and the winners could swing the Council in new directions for the future. Overall, this year's pack of candidates brings extensive experience and enthusiasm to the contest to represent the citizens of La Mesa.
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