
Showing posts with the label Juliet Grey

The Winner of the Marie Antoinette Giveaway is.....

I'm so pleased by how many people stopped by and left comments on Juliet Grey's excellent post.  I wish I could give you all copies of this wonderful book, but unfortunately I can't!  Using, I can announce that the winner of BECOMING MARIE ANTOINETTE is.... Laura Kay Congratulations Laura!  I will be emailing you shortly to get your address. Thank you to everyone who entered! I hope you will keep coming back to Scandalous Women, as I bring you more scintillating stories about some of history's most fascinating women.

Guest Post - Author Juliet Grey on Marie Antoinette et Madame du Barry: Scandalous Women - Scandalous Rivalry

Scandalous Women is very pleased to welcome historical fiction author Juliet Grey to the blog.  Juliet is the author of the new trilogy about Marie Antoinette, the first book BECOMING MARIE ANTOINETTE is released today.  Regular readers of my blog know that I am a huge fan of Marie Antoinette, in fact I'm a tad obsessed and have been ever since I learned that she and I shared a birthday. So I was very excited to hear that there was going to be new trilogy that examined her life from her childhood to her death. Isn't the cover gorgeous? Above the strains of the violins and the tinkling of crystal and porcelain, a silvery laugh pierced the air, drawing all attention toward the head of the table. The woman seated at the king’s right had grabbed a morsel off the royal plate with a heavily jeweled hand and popped it into her own mouth. She wore no powder in her flaxen hair, a shade or two more yellow than my own. Her complexion was the color of fresh dairy cream—the better to show