
Showing posts with the label Kenya

Review: The Ashford Affair by Lauren Willig

Title: The Ashford Affair Author:   Lauren Willig Publisher: St. Martin's Press Publication date: 4/9/2013 I have to preface this review by saying that I have had the privilege of getting to Lauren over the past five or six years through RWA conferences and Lady Jane’s Salon. I’m also huge fan of her Pink Carnation series, particularly A Very Turnip Christmas which for some reason she insists on calling The Mischief of the Mistletoe .   She’s not only a fantastic writer, but she’s also an extremely nice person, witty and intelligent.   And if that weren’t bad enough, she wears ridiculously cute dresses.   Seriously, even at eight months pregnant, she’s still adorable. Oh and she bakes as well. It’s absolutely too, too sick-making as Lady Beatrice Gillecote would say. So when I had the opportunity to read Lauren’s first stand-alone historical novel, I couldn’t say no.   Especially once I learned that the book was set during the 1920’s in England and Kenya.   As I’ve