Showing posts with label hope. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hope. Show all posts

Friday, June 16, 2023

Rockabye Sweet Baby J

I like to write letters to my grandchildren when their birthdays roll around, and today is one of those days. 

Dear Sweet Baby J-

Today we celebrate you, which is the easiest thing in the world to do. 

You're the sunniest little boy I know and you brighten not only your parents and grandparent's lives, but also those of your entire extended family, friends, neighbors, strangers, co-workers, random waiters, grocery baggers, sales clerks, the people standing in line behind you, any and all who encounter you as they go about their day. 

You light up the world little man and we are all here for it. 

These days you wave bye bye, shake your head no, and are taking your first steps. You give high fives, clap, and laugh from your belly which is everyone's favorite thing. 

You love dogs and people and the wind in your face. You love books and breakfast and momma's lap. You love the vacuum, watching Daddy mow,  and water water everywhere- in the tub, the ocean, the play table and soon the lake. 

You have wonderful parents sweet baby J. They adore you and want what's best for you always. Nana prays for you every day and I pray for them too. For wisdom and humor and the courage to swim upstream when swimming upstream is required. 

It's easy to sometimes feel discouraged by all that's wrong in the world in 2023, but one look at you and I'm reminded of all that is right. I'm reminded that God's ways are higher and better than anything we can dream up on our own. That He has placed you in this time and this place, in this family, not by accident, but on purpose and by design. 

Keep spreading your sunshine sweet boy. The world needs more you. You're so precious and Nana loves you deep and wide. 

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with your wherever you go." Joshua 1:9 

Monday, April 17, 2023

Ruminations On A Monday

My plan today was to blog first thing. Didn't happen, but maybe that was a little too ambitious for a Monday? For my Monday anyway. 

Before I could blog I needed to tackle the paperwork mountain that somehow popped up here last week. You probably know how that thing leads to another and another and before you know it it's 8 PM and you're trying to remember what it was you wanted to say twelve hours ago?

Nothing important. 

That's my blog lane and I'm stayin' in it.  

My momma was here all last week and when she's here I put everything on hold and just hang with her. We played at least a hundred games of Hand and Foot and worked no less than four jigsaw puzzles, minus a few pieces, thank you very much little brown dog! What is it with snagging a puzzle piece before it even hits the floor? Why??? I promise you we feed him. 

Besides cards and puzzles we enjoyed the beauty of the lake from the back deck, once hubs washed down the pollen. Ugh. He also grilled the most delicious ribs one night and they were every bit as yummy as they look.


My mom and I discussed many of the world's ills and how we got here, and now how do we get out of 'here'? We talked about how our faith keeps us going when planet Earth tilts like one of those amusement park rides that make your head spin and your stomach lurch. 

We reminded each other not only does God have the whole world in His hands, but He is completely sovereign over it. 

I love my momma. 

Every day I expect to wake up and find the general population has come to its senses on any number of issues, which I won't elaborate on right now, mainly because I cannot abide mean people. Talking common sense, stating the obvious, and swimming against the current culture craziness are all things that bring the meanies out of the woodwork, and I cannot deal with all of that and file taxes too. 

On a Monday no less.  

Did you file your taxes? 

How about this face? 

Daughter2 drove over on Monday morning because her hubs was traveling and also because she wanted to see her Mema, and her Mema wanted to see sweet baby J. 

And her granddaughter lol, but especially sweet baby J. 

Chasing rainbows. He is everybody's day brightener. 

We have a few home and yard projects in the works (always!) and today the people showed up to make our garage doors less creaky and also to adjust the sensor so the door will go up and down on a sunny day when you press the button. 

Somehow the whole thing was off kilter so if the sun was shining the sunbeam would hit the sensor and the door thought (do doors think?) there was something in its path so you'd have to stand there and hold the button down until it was all the way down. Or up. Which kinda defeats the purpose of having an automatic garage door. 

First world problems I know, but annoying nonetheless, and now it's fixed and the doors make far less noise because somehow it was all related to being off track, and this is why we needed a professional. 

Next up will be sanding the yard which I know you won't want to miss-ha! 

We're home this week in case anyone wants to know. Seems worth mentioning because that's been a bit of a rarity here lately. Not gonna lie, when I looked at my calendar for the week I let out a big exhale and felt my shoulders relax. 

And now I'm thinking maybe this would be a good week to get the boat in the water and declare it officially lake season. What say you hubs???

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Hope And The Hodgepodge

Welcome to this week's edition of the Wednesday Hodgepodge. If you've answered today's questions add your link at the end of my post then leave a comment for the blogger before you. Here we go- 

From this Side of the Pond
1.What would you say is the most difficult task when it comes to spring cleaning? Have you completed that task this year? Any plans to get it done?

Windows for sure. Some years we hire out, but hubs and I have decided to tackle it ourselves this year. We haven't gotten to it yet because there's still a lot of pollen out there, but soon.  

I am currently working on cleaning out my closet and drawers which is another dreaded seasonal task. 

2. Your favorite pastel color? Favorite thing you own in a pastel shade? 

I like all the pastels but tend to wear more jewel tones. As far as a favorite I guess it depends on what we're talking about. A soft peachy pink is high on my list, and while I don't own this per se...

It's definitely a favorite. 

3. Do you like ham? Do you fix ham year round or is it mostly just a 'holiday food'? Baked ham-ham and eggs-ham and cheese sandwich-scalloped potatoes and ham-Hawaiian pizza....what's your pleasure? 

I do like ham, but pretty much only have it as a main dish at Christmas and Easter. Every now and then I'll bake a ham for another sort of get together, but not often. Of the foods mentioned I'll say ham and eggs, preferably in the form of an omelette. 

4. Do you celebrate Easter? What did Easter look like when you were a kid? What are your plans for Easter this year? 

We do celebrate Easter. I've written a couple of posts about the Easters of yesteryear (my own) which you can read here-(Fashioneaster), and (my girls ) which you can read here (Golden Oldies ). 

This year we'll go to church, and then we're having lunch at a neighbors house with four other couples who all go to our church. We all have grown kids who live away, and we all had Easter lunch together last year. It was so nice we're repeating it, so maybe an annual thing? 

5. Something that makes you feel hopeful amidst all the chaos and confusion this world brings? 

My faith in God who always keeps His promises. Who does what He has said He will do. Who has the whole world in His hands. Who is never caught sleeping, off duty, unprepared, or by surprise. Who is never doing nothing about the ills of this world and is the ultimate judge and  final arbiter of justice. 

I like this quote by G.K. Chesterton- 

"Hope means hoping when things are hopeless, or it is no virtue at all...As long as matters are really hopeful, hope is mere flattery or platitude; it is only when everything is hopeless that hope begins to be a strength." 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I have many many thoughts about many many things and lots to blog, but that won't happen until I can carve out some breathing space in my calendar. Today is not that day. This week is not that week, and next week may not be that week either, but one day soon I intend to blog more than just the Hodgepodge. No offense to the Hodgepodge of course, because it's been a blog lifesaver here lately. 

In the meantime, happy Easter to you all!

"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. 
But take heart; I have overcome the world." John 16:33

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Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Hodgepodge Questions-Volume 498

Second week in a row I've managed to just barely eke out the Hodgepodge and get nothing else on the blog. Honestly it feels like an accomplishment to get the Hodgepodge done right now, so go me-ha! 

Here are this week's questions. Answer on your own blog then hop back here tomorrow to add your link to the party. See you there! 

1.What would you say is the most difficult task when it comes to spring cleaning? Have you completed that task this year? Any plans to get it done?

2. Your favorite pastel color? Favorite thing you own in a pastel shade? 

3. Do you like ham? Do you fix ham year round or is it mostly just a 'holiday food'? Baked ham-ham and eggs-ham and cheese sandwich-scalloped potatoes and ham-Hawaiian pizza....what's your pleasure? 

4. Do you celebrate Easter? What did Easter look like when you were a kid? What are your plans for Easter this year? 

5. Something that makes you feel hopeful amidst all the chaos and confusion this world brings? 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Homemade Hodgepodge

Welcome to December and that most wonderful time of the year. Grab your cocoa and take some time to read what other Hodgepodgers had to say today by clicking the link at the end of my post. And don't forget to add your own link to the list and leave a comment for the blogger before you. Here we go-  

From this Side of the Pond

1. When it comes to gift giving are you more of a 'create something from scratch' or a 'buy something in a shop' kind of giver? Tell about a favorite homemade gift you've given or one you've received. 

I'm mostly a 'buy something in a shop' kind of giver, but I have done some homemade gifting through the years too. I definitely try to buy things that feel personal to the recipient. 

As far as favorites go, in 2013 our girls surprised us with a painting of our sweet pup Dixie. They had the artist copy a photo and we love it still. 

In completely unrelated news, look at me with my short hair. 

In terms of giving something homemade, one year I made both girls holiday 'notebooks'. They were filled with all of our favorite holiday recipes written on cute cards, all of our family Christmas cards/letters, and lots of Christmas pictures taken as they were growing up. 

I might not be crafty but I can tug at the heartstrings in my own way. These books are keepsakes and I enjoyed putting them together. 

2. Do you have the 'gift of gab'? Is that a blessing or a curse? 

An easy question-yes. I Gab. With a capital G. We all gab here which is mostly a blessing. We think so anyway-ha! Our listeners may disagree. 

3. What's something you have going on that you need/want to 'wrap up' this month? 

For the love, is this office redo ever going to be redone??? Also, hubs added a new piece to the project which is basically bigger and more involved than my original project but whatever, none of it has been completed.

On the bright side, the wood was delivered and is in the garage. The carpenter will be here Monday to do some measuring that needs doing before the electrician can come which needs to happen before the carpenters actually come back to do the work. I'm kind of like it'll be done when it's done, but hubs is not wired that way and wanted it done yesterday. 

4. A food you love that is 'wrapped' in some way?

Lots of things, but Beef Wellington, sushi, a spring roll, and a soft taco would be near the top of the list.  

5. December is upon us...share something here (quote, verse, poem, song lyric, your own thoughts) related to the word hope. 

One of my favorite Christmas songs...

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I recapped our Thanksgiving travels in Monday's post, but hubs reminded me I left out one teensy tiny happening. A drunk driver hit our (parked) car Thanksgiving evening while we were all getting ready for bed. Ugh. 

Our car was parked in front of my daughter's house and the road is wide. About 9:30 (yes, when there are toddlers in the house you go to bed early) the across the street neighbor knocked on the door to tell us she thought someone had hit our car, and then had continued driving on up the road. Her husband had gone to see if he could spot the vehicle, and fortunately for us (and probably the drunk driver too) he was stopped just up the street. 

He had somehow managed to completely demolish another neighbors enormous brick mailbox stand. The airbags deployed and the car was a mess, but the driver was uninjured although struggling to stay vertical. The police were called and we did not get to bed anywhere close to 9:30. 

We are so thankful the damage to our car, while aggravating, was relatively minor.

So thankful the driver hit that brick wall and did not end up getting on the highway and perhaps causing grave harm to an innocent person. 

Thankful it was night not day, and no children were on the sidewalk playing. 

Don't drink and drive. I guess we still need to say it. 

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Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Hodgepodge Questions-Volume 443

We're back at it this week and you'll find the Hodgepodge questions below. Answer on your own blog then hop back here tomorrow to add your link to the party. See you there! 

1. When it comes to gift giving are you more of a 'create something from scratch' or a 'buy something in a shop' kind of giver? Tell about a favorite homemade gift you've given or one you've received. 

2. Do you have the 'gift of gab'? Is that a blessing or a curse? 

3. What's something you have going on that you need/want to 'wrap up' this month? 

4. A food you love that is 'wrapped' in some way?

5. December is upon us...share something here (quote, verse, poem, song lyric, your own thoughts) related to the word hope. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Friday, April 9, 2021

A Nana's Prayer

You may be glad to know I do have a plan for some of the letters coming up in the A-Z Blog Challenge, which doesn't help with today but!... Daughter2 to the rescue.  I threw out the letter and she volleyed back with hopes and dreams so that's where we're headed today. What do I hope for my grandsons?

H is for Hopes and Dreams

I hope they know Jesus. I don't mean acknowledge His existence but really know Him.

I hope they talk to Him regularly and daily seek His will. 

I hope they choose wives one day who do the same. 

I hope they stay close and connected at heart, even if geography lands them miles apart.

I hope they are slow to anger and quick to forgive.

I hope they honor their parents all the days of their lives. 

I hope they're grateful. 

I hope they do the right thing when no one is looking.

I hope they are ever curious. 

I hope they see the world. 

I hope they are daring, not reckless. 

I hope they find beauty in small things.

I hope they laugh a lot. 

I hope they live their lives seeing the glass half full.

photo credit : Sincerely-Shannon

And I hope they're still best friends when they are old and gray. 

These are my hopes, and also my prayer. 

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

A Hopeful Hodgepodge

Welcome to the weekly Wednesday Hodgepodge. If you've answered this week's questions add your link at the end of my post. Be sure to leave a comment for the blogger linking before you because that's what good neighbors do. Here we go- 

From this Side of the Pond

1. "Hope springs eternal"...discuss. 

Hope is one of my favorite words. Hope is what allows us to maintain a sense of optimism when pessimism seems the more obvious choice, and we need that. For me personally, my hope is not in this tired troubled earth somehow turning itself around, but in the God who made it and loves us like no other. I don't have to go looking for it or dig too deep to find it. He always keeps His promises and the sureness of that allows me to remain ever hopeful. 

2. Last time you needed to 'spring into action' or 'spring to someone's defense'...explain. 

Coincidentally last night I reached for something on my nightstand and ended up knocking a glass of water to the floor. It was a tumbler with a lid but the lid was open so water went everywhere including the floor, nightstand, and the sheets. Bother. 

Then today I was changing out the ink cartridge in the printer and the bright blue exploded upon opening. Double bother. Thankfully I was holding it over the box, so my hand took the brunt of it but I had to spring into action to keep it from going everywhere. 

3. Tulips or daffodils? baby birds or baby bunnies? The cherry tree or the dogwood tree? Jelly beans or peeps? March madness or spring training? Peas or carrots? 

Tulips, baby birds, a cherry tree in full bloom please, give me ALL the jelly beans, March madness, and peas AND carrots, but if I can only have one I'll opt for the carrots. 

4. I read an article here on the South's best cities on the rise. They are-Baton Rouge Louisiana, Fayetteville Arkansas, Greenville South Carolina, Huntsville Alabama, Lexington Kentucky, Norfolk Virginia, Tulsa Oklahoma, Waco Texas, Wilmington North Carolina, and Winston-Salem North Carolina. Of the cities listed how many have you seen in person? Which one on the list would you most like to see? Have you spent much time in the southern states (USA)? Any spring road trips on your calendar? 

I've spent about 1/3 of my life living in various locales south of the Mason Dixon, and I currently reside in a lake town very near one of the cities on the list. I'm not going to mention it here because it's becoming a little too popular thanks to lists like this one. 

I've been to just four of the cities listed and tops on my list to visit would be Lexington.  I think we were in the vicinity when we did the Bourbon trail a couple of years ago, but there is more I'd like to see and it's close enough to drive. 

5. Tell us how your outdoor space needs sprucing up this spring? Which do you enjoy more (or hate the least-ha!) yard work or house work? 

Outdoor spaces are a perpetual work in progress, or at least ours seem to be. I've never lived in a house that didn't need something done in the yard/garden every year. Many somethings actually. 

We need to re-pine straw the hillside. We need to plant trees to replace trees we had to remove which sounds crazy, but the ones we had taken down were in danger of falling on the house and we weren't taking any chances. We also want to add more hydrangea, azalea, and about a dozen other things to various spots around the yard. We need to clean out and replant the herb garden. We need to put plants in all our many planters. And the list goes on. And on and on and on...

As far as preferring house or yard work? I find satisfaction in a little bit of both.  

6. Insert your own random thought here.  

If you follow me on Facebook or Insta then you know my daughter's wedding photos are here and we could not love them more. Our photographer (Chris Isham Photography) is so talented and also a genuinely nice person to work with. He is kind and creative and most importantly unobtrusive in the way he captures all the special moments of your special day. He's local, but does travel all over for weddings. I highly recommend. 

So. We have 1011 photos and I guess I can't share them all here can I. Can I? No I thought not. But I do plan to share more than a few over the next few days/blogs and this random Wednesday space is a good place to begin-

One of my favorites. 

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Hodgepodge Questions-Volume 413

Here are the questions to this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge. Answer on your own blog, then hop back here tomorrow to share answers with the universe. See you there!

1. "Hope springs eternal"...discuss. 

2. Last time you needed to 'spring into action' or 'spring to someone's defense'...explain. 

3. Tulips or daffodils? baby birds or baby bunnies? The cherry tree or the dogwood tree? Jelly beans or peeps? March madness or spring training? Peas or carrots? 

4. I read an article here on the South's best cities on the rise. They are-Baton Rouge Louisiana, Fayetteville Arkansas, Greenville South Carolina, Huntsville Alabama, Lexington Kentucky, Norfolk Virginia, Tulsa Oklahoma, Waco Texas, Wilmington North Carolina, and Winston-Salem North Carolina. Of the cities listed how many have you seen in person? Which one on the list would you most like to see? Have you spent much time in the southern states (USA)? Any spring road trips on your calendar? 

5. Tell us how your outdoor space needs sprucing up this spring? Which do you enjoy more (or hate the least-ha!) yard work or house work? 

6. Insert your own random thought here.  

Monday, April 6, 2020

Be An En-, Not A Dis-

Entering Week 2 in the April A to Z Blog Challenge and we're moving right along. 100 meaningless bonus points to anyone who gets this title. Perhaps if you read on...

I'm trying not to make every post in this thirty day challenge relate back to the virus, but a fair chunk of the words I was given do send my brain in that direction. For now, our everyday life is impacted by restrictions to our actions and our interactions, which makes it hard to avoid referencing every once in a a while.

These are strange times and my blog is a journal of sorts, so while I'm not intentionally dedicating these challenge posts to the current public health crisis, it will very likely get more than a mention now and then.

Day 5-E is for Encourage

Okay, on with the show. Today's word is brought to you courtesy of my mother-in-law, encourager extraordinaire. Everybody needs one in their life and she has the gift of encourgement. She is always telling you you're appreciated...loved...better than you think you are, and for that I'm grateful.

I'm realizing that while I didn't start out with the idea of giving a shout out to the person in my life who provided the day's word, it is turning out that way. As I write each post I think of the sender and our shared history with so much affection. An unexpected happy little bonus to my theme this year.

Before I start one of these alphabet posts I always like to look up the definition of the word, along with any synonyms or antonyms. Synonyms for this one include hearten, cheer, uplift, inspire, motivate. In this present age of social distancing where do you find encouragement?

When I stop and think about it I realize I'm finding encouragement in all the places I normally find it-

From family who call-text-zoom to say I love you and you matter to me.
They bring joy to my heart.

From the kindness of strangers on display all around the globe.
Inspiring me to be kind too.

From people in all sorts of professions figuring out new and creative ways of moving forward.
Motivating me to be flexible and to keep trying new things.

From friends who make me laugh when we hang out 'together' albeit online.
Bringing cheer and lifting my spirits.

From people who show restraint and resist complaining when yes, there is plenty to complain about. Who look for the good and find it, and then tell us about that.  
Encouraging me to remain optimistic.

From the quiet stillness of the early morning hours.
My heart remembers peace is possible.

From the beauty of the sunrise.
New mercies are mine for the taking, come rain or shine or Coronavirus.

From reading God's word and mediating on this holy season of extraordinary love and sacrifice.
I have hope. What's more heartening-cheering-motivating-inspiring-encouraging than that?

Let's all resolve in this upside down season of life to be encouragers, not discouragers.
We can do it, and I'm encouraging us to try.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Half Full or What Glass?

Some of these A to Z Challenge letters are more problematic than others, and settling on a word for letter J required collective brain power.  I asked my daughter what she thought I should write about and she said, "Well you could write about yourself" 

Because I'm delightful?

Not quite what she meant, but let's pretend it was.

J is for Joyce 

I was thinking about how to tie in my theme of delight with my word and here's where I landed. I am an optimistic person. At least that's how I've always thought of myself. There's a little quiz you can take online (here) to determine if you're an optimist, pessimist, or realist and I came up as an uber realist.  

The description of an uber realist says I've always got a plan (true), and a plan B (true), I set reasonable expectations (I think so), I'm determined (true), and I'm probably listed as the emergency contact for several people I know-ha! I think that might be true too. 

In spite of what I'm sure is a completely scientifically accurate quiz as far as online quizzes go (ahem!), I still stay I'm an optimist. Maybe an optimistic realist? A hopeful person who wants to see the good in people, circumstances, and life, and who also sees nothing wrong with having a plan.

And maybe a plan B. 

A person who knows that sometimes you have to look really hard and dig really deep to find the good, but whose instincts tell her to do just that. And you know what? Sometimes that inclination to always be pointing out the bright side-silver lining is irritating to people who tend to see the glass as half empty. Who deal with what is right before them and choose not to think about what might be.

People who will tell you there isn't always a silver lining to be found.

Since I'm apparently more of a realist than I thought I know this. I know bad stuff happens and disappointments come our way and plans fall apart no matter how full we see the glass. I think it's how we react when any/all of the above happens that is the truer test of our levels of optimism, pessimism, and realism.

Also our faith and sense of hope in Someone greater than ourselves, and in that sense I'm definitely an optimist.

I'm going to find what might be the most microscopic bit of good in the failed plan, the disappointing circumstance, the hard thing, and I'm going to fix my eyes and my mind on that.

And fair warning...

It's very likely I'll try to get you to do the same. 

Friday, September 22, 2017

Five Minutes of Accept

Joining with Five Minute Friday today. If you've got five minutes you can too-click here. 

Today's prompt-accept

When I was ten years old I stepped out of a church pew and made my way down the aisle. I accepted an invitation to make Jesus my Savior. I don't remember a bolt of lightning or drama of any sort really. Just me and my skinny legs walking forward to the pastor waiting up front.

I grew up going to church. Every single Sunday, and then some. My parents taught Sunday School classes of all ages and stages, worked in the nursery, carried covered dishes to many a pot luck supper, my mother started the church library, my dad was a deacon, and the list goes on. I loved that church and the people in it and the memories I have growing up there are so very tender still.

When I told the pastor I wanted to be baptized he gave me a little booklet to read that I've held on to-'What Saith The Scriptures?' No pictures, just words.

And Saith because it was 1970.

And then he drove to my house every Friday for a month and we sat in the fancy living room, the place reserved for special occasions, and my mama listened from the kitchen as we went through that booklet together, page by page.


I think about that pastor from time to time. He and his family moved on from our church and I grew up and moved away too. I think about how my ten year old self had nothing to offer, yet he invested in me and made me feel important. Like this decision was no small thing and that while maybe there was no lightning bolt in 1970 there would be plenty as the years rolled by.

Roll by they have. In 2017 the world is in turmoil, and we feel powerless to fix it. Christianity has taken a beating in the media, rightfully so at times, but still I cringe a lot. I don't want to be lumped in with the loud mouths, the ranters and the haters, with a generalized point of view, or a particular political ideology lock, stock and barrel.

What I want is to know people. To hear your stories and invite you to accept an invitation from the One who tells the ocean where to stop. He extends to each one of us the very thing we seek-peace, purpose, hope. Nobody can reply for you, but think about amazing is it that the creator of the world hung the stars in the heavens yet knows us by name, and invites us to know Him too? Not on social media. Not through blogs or podcasts or heated debate, but from the inside out.

In the quiet hidden places of our heart.

He invites
We accept
He meets us there

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Mastering the Hodgepodge

Welcome back to the Wednesday Hodgepodge! If you've answered this week's questions, add your link at the end of my post. Be sure to leave a comment for the blogger linking before you because comments make the blog world spin. Here we go-

From this Side of the Pond

1. When you think about your future what do you fear most? Hope for the most?

What I fear most would probably be some sort of serious health issue. I think once you hit your 50's you become hyper aware of your health, the value of good health, and the importance of maintaining it. You do what you can, but you certainly can't prevent/control it all.

What I hope for most is my family's health, not just their physical well-being, but their emotional and spiritual health too. That last one most of all. 

2. September is National Chicken Month. How often is chicken on the menu at your house? What's a favorite dish made with chicken? What's something you're a 'chicken' about doing or trying?

We have chicken about once a week. I have several favorites so it's hard to choose just one. I love roast chicken, barbecued chicken, and chicken salad. I'm making this chicken dish tomorrow evening and it's a good one. I use chicken breasts instead of thighs and definitely don't skip the lemony cucumber couscous linked in the recipe as a side dish. It's so good!  

What am I a chicken about doing or trying? Most anything new-ha! Oh wait...I'm a little bit chicken about riding highly strung cable cars in foreign countries. 

That tiny speck going up the side of a glacier in the French Alps is me in a highly strung cable car. 

That's me, hanging over Italy's beautiful Lago Maggiore in yet another highly strung cable car. 

Also me, dangling precariously over the tea plantations in Taipei. 

But I've done them, which only proves the point of my original answer. 

3. What are three things you don't own but wish you did?

Such a broad question...shall I go with a ridiculous answer or a practical one? Let's be practical-

a kayak, a golf cart and an apartment in London

Okay, semi-practical. The first two are items we intend to purchase this year, and that last one is on the list I keep in my head.

4. Would you rather be a jack of all trades or a master of one? Elaborate.  If you answered one, which one?

I'd love to be able to sing, but can that be taught? I mean I know it can be taught if a person has a bit of natural talent, but what about for those of us who don't? 

I might say writing, but I'm not sure it can be truly mastered. There's always room to grow, improve, and refine this particular art. 

I suppose I will choose to be a jack of all trades as I have a variety of hobbies and interests. I like to cook, bake, entertain, read, write, craft, garden, bird watch, hike and swim. I wish I knew more about computer snafus, boating, simple home improvement and basic car 'stuff' but I suppose there's still time to learn. 

5. Ketchup or mustard? On what?

I have to choose? Actually mayonnaise is my favorite condiment but of the two listed here I'll say mustard. On a hotdog or a ham sandwich. 

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

College football is back in action and we're pretty happy about that. We're big TN Vol fans here, but we root for the hometown team too. Go Tigers! 

My son-in-law is a huge fan of the hometown team so his son needed gear to wear on game days.

I know how you feel baby boy. Sometimes these games wear me out too.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Mooning Over The Hodgepodge

Welcome to this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge! If you've answered the questions add your link at the end of my post, then hop over and say hi to your neighbor on the list. Here we go-

1. Did you watch the solar eclipse? Your thoughts? Sun Chips, Moon Pies, Starburst candies, a Blue Moon beer, a Sunkist orange, or a Milky Way candy bar...what's your favorite eclipse related snack on this list?

First things first-the snack list Ha! Pass the Milky Way please. 

Absolutely we watched the eclipse. We live in the path of totality and skies here were clear. I thought it was completely amazing. Hubs and I went to a viewing party in a neighbor's backyard where we all wore our special glasses and collectively oohed and aahed as the moon showed off. A stunning display of God's handiwork. 

2. What are you 'over the moon' about these days? What's something you enjoy doing every 'once in a blue moon'?

Well the answer to that first one is easy-

photo courtesy of my daughter's mother in law

As far as something I enjoy doing every 'once in a blue moon' about drink a diet coke? Every once in a while I get a craving for a bubbly Diet Coke with lots of ice. Definitely not something I drink on a regular basis so I think the phrase fits. 

3. Tell us about something in the realm of science that interests you. How do you feed that interest?

Birds, specifically hummingbirds, bluebirds, and hawks. We put up a bluebird house and mom and dad moved in the very next day. Babies were born and have grown and now the whole family flits around the birdhouse when they hear my hubs whistle. They know he's bringing the chow. It's really fun to watch. 

We also have a couple of hummingbird feeders, one in my kitchen window so I can see them up close while I'm at my sink. They're just amazing little creatures.  We have two regular bird feeders too, and a couple of bird books, and the bird man at our nearby shop has been really helpful in educating us, particularly about how to attract the bluebirds.  

4. What are a few things you remember about going back to school as a child?

I remember new clothes for the first day, and always getting new shoes too. I remember in elementary school we used to have to bring in a cigar box for our pencils, etc. Cannot imagine asking parents in 2017 to send in a cigar box, but back in the 1960's everybody seemed to come up with one. I don't even know where we got ours but we always had one for that first day of school. 

I remember the night before jitters and the anxiety on that first day waiting with my friends to hear my name called and know who my teacher would be. I remember the feeling of a fresh start. I have always liked fresh starts. 

5. I've seen several versions of this around the net so let's make one of our own...share with us five words that touch your soul and briefly tell us why.

mother-everything about this word says comfort to me. 
It soothes my soul. 

dream-I've always had a big imagination, and I'm still a dreamer at heart. 
Dreams awaken my soul. 

water-being on, near, or in front of the sea (ocean, lake, a good spring rain) helps me refocus when life feels tilted sideways. Water refreshes my soul. 

rest-because life is quite often too full. Hitting the pause button helps me remember I'm more than my literal and figurative to-do list. Rest energizes my soul. 

hope -because I still like fresh starts. 
Hope restores my soul. 

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

Hubs and I met Daughter2 for dinner last night. She's been back at work for a while now, but Tuesday was the official first day for students. This is her fifth year teaching, her second in kindergarten, and she still gets excited for that 'first day of school'. 

My daughter told us a neighbor couple brought over a quiche for her and her roommate in case they were 'too tired to cook this first week'. What a wonderful gesture that meant so much. This couple has grown children, which made it all the more special. May we all look for ways to bless the teachers who cross our paths this next school year. 


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Throwing The Hodgepodge At You Today

Welcome to the Wednesday Hodgepodge! If you've answered this week's questions add your link at the end of my post. And before you run off hop around and say hi to your neighbors, leaving lots of happy comments in your wake.

Also, a reminder there will not be a Hodgepodge next Wednesday (August 2nd). The HP will be back in action the week after (August 9th). Thanks!

1. We've reached edition number 315 here in the Wednesday Hodgepodge. So tell us, what were you doing at 3:15 yesterday? Is that typical? On a scale of 1-10 (with 1 being low and 10 being high) what's your energy level usually like at 3:15 PM?

At 3:15 yesterday afternoon I was in the kitchen putting together a blueberry/peach cobbler to take to a friend's house for dinner. Is that typical? Not really. Sometimes I get dinner prep started at that hour to make actually cooking dinner a little bit less crazy. 

My energy level hits a low about 3 PM every day, so most often you'll find me brewing a cup of tea at that hour. It gives me just that little oomph I need to finish out the day. It's been so hot here this week that I've opted for iced coffee instead, but normally 3 PM is tea time. 

On a scale of 1-10 I give myself a 3 at 3. 

2. A frisbee, a tantrum, a towel, a party, a punch, or a curveball...which have you most recently thrown or had thrown at/for you? Elaborate.

Well I haven't thrown a frisbee in a long time, so that's an easy one to eliminate. Same goes for a punch which, for the record, I've only ever thrown in the context of a workout. I don't think I'm one for throwing a tantrum, or at least I hope not! Since I am in and out of the water and on and off the boat pretty much every day I'm going with a towel. 

3. What are three things that would help you right now. Tell us how or why.
  • Baby boy's safe arrival
  • A cup of tea (I'm telling you it makes everything better) and
  • An uninterrupted night's sleep, something like ten or twelve hours ought to do it 

4. Do you think you're strong? Why or why not? What makes you strong?

Yes I think I'm pretty strong, more so mentally than physically. Placing my hope and trust in the Lord gives me the courage and fortitude to have peace amidst the chaos of life, to handle the curveballs and hard things we all face at one time or another. Not saying I get this right all the time, but He is the cornerstone I build my life upon.

"The Lord is my strength and my shield. My heart trusts in Him and He helps me." 
Ps. 28:7

5. Do you enjoy reading historical fiction? What's your favorite book set sometime in the past?

Yes I do. It's always hard to pick just one favorite anything, but it's especially tough to choose a favorite book. One of my very favorites set in the past is Pillars Of The Earth by Ken Follett. Not a quick read, but so so good. 

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Hubs and I saw the movie Dunkirk yesterday. When I see a picture like this one I'm always struck by the bravery of the men and women who are sent to war. We both really liked the film...have you seen it? 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016


Welcome to the Wednesday Hodgepodge! If you've answered this week's questions, add your link at the end of my post, then go say hi to your neighbor. March on!

1. March is National Women's History Month. In that vein, who are three women who've been influential in your life? How so?

Well my sweet mama is the obvious number one female influence in my life. How so? A million trillion ways beginning with how I mother my own children, the role faith plays in my everyday being, my love of books, the way I cook, the value, importance, and intent I put into home and family. I am my mother in so many ways. 

I feel lucky to have grown up beside a very dear neighbor, a woman who influenced me probably far more than she realized. I was a teenager and she was a young mom, and she was so special to me. When someone mentions Proverbs 31 she is the person who comes to mind. She was a woman of deep faith, gentle, warm, intelligent. 

She'd had a career prior to having children, but when I knew her she was in a season of parenting young children, completely devoted to her husband and girls. She found great joy and personal contentment in being a wife and mom, and this was a message my longing heart needed to hear. She had more patience than anyone I've ever known, and the way she lived her life inspired me to be my best self. 

Finally, I'm going to say my daughters. They amaze me on a regular basis and make me want to be everything they think I am.  

2. In what ways do you think women have it easier than men?

Killing spiders and dealing with rodents falls under hubs domain, so there's that.  I'm not sure easier is the word I'd choose. I think we have it 'differently' than men, not neccesarily easier or harder. When I think about how our marriage works I struggle to articulate what it is I find so freeing about the fact that we are different. Every man-woman relationship stands on it's own, so I'm not generalizing here, but...

When the world threatens to overwhelm, when it all feels too fragile for my heart to hold, I know I can hand it off to my hubs and he knows what to do with it. Mend it, save it, fix it, change it, take charge of it. I think men feel the weight of that sort of 'hand-off' in ways women don't. 

Will an illustration help? How about this-if we're standing on the edge of a cliff and one of us has to jump, he'll be the one to jump. He'll do it without me asking, prompting, or pushing because of that weight I just mentioned. 

3. What do you need most right now: faith, love, hope, or peace?

Thankfully we don't ever really have to choose, but if I'm picking one for today it's hope.  I cannot imagine living a single day without hope. 

4. Do you have a collection? If so, what do you collect and why?

Well I might collect beautiful pottery. Not on purpose really, but I have a hard time passing by a pretty dish, platter, or pitcher without picking it up, looking closer, and quite often buying.

I don't make a point of collecting, or adding to what I already have, or telling people I collect it. I just really enjoy looking at beautiful pottery all around the world and buying a piece now and then. Adding it to my 'collection'. 

5. Plaids, checks, polka dots, stripes...your favorite?

It depends on what we're striping, plaiding, checking or dotting. I like a tartan plaid throw on a couch by the fire. I like checks and stripes in decorating, but again it depends on many other factors. I have a couple of plaid shirts, and several with stripes (vertical only please). There's something really happy about polka dots, and I do have a sweater that's polka dotted, but mostly I like them on bags, gift wrap, that sort of thing. 

This question is too hard. I can't choose a favorite. 

6.  In what ways are you the same as your childhood self?

I still wear my rose colored glasses. They're a bit scuffed and scratched in 2016, but I continue to see the world from a glass half full point of view. 

7. You're a contestant on the TV game show Jeopardy. What category will you ace?

I always enjoy the word-related categories. Shocking I know, but words are my jam. I like idioms and proverbs, phrase origins, quotes, separated by a common language, homonyms, rhyming words, grammar and language and other similar topics.  The word ace might be over-estimating my ability, but I don't think I'd hang my head in shame with these categories either.  

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Speaking of influential women...can we just discuss this picture for a moment? 

Look who's rockin' the plaid shorts-ha! Maybe I'll take back my answer to #5 and go with plaid after all. That's my mother-in-law wearing the striped top. 

We are so very young. 

It's the first thing that hits me when I look at this photograph. I have no idea what year it was taken, but I'm going with 1986. There's nothing in the background to give me a frame of reference, but those shorts definitely say 1986. 

As do my super skinny arms and my unadulterated brunette hair. 

Thirty years ago we sat in lounge chairs on a sunny summer day.
Relaxed. Chatting. Familiar. 

It's how I always picture us in my head. How I like to picture us still.  

My mother-in-law celebrates a big birthday this week, and I look forward to celebrating and spoiling her just a little. 

I got the best one y'all. 

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Hello Hodgepodge, My Old Friend...

100 random points to whoever gets my title today. Welcome to the Wednesday Hodgepodge! Please don't link today unless you've participated in the HP.  I'm sure your blog is fabulous, but Wednesdays round here are strictly Hodgepodge. Thanks for understanding. 

I'd love for you to play along though, and newcomers are always welcome. Answer the questions before adding your link at the end of my post. Then hop over and say hello to the blogger who linked before you, because that's what good neighbors do.

Also, if you're visiting here from the Write 31 Challenge, you'll find my thoughts on today's prompt by scrolling all the way down to #8.

Here we go-

1. Are you comfortable with silence? If you're home alone, do you like silence or do you need regular background noise? Do you seek out times and places to be silent? What's your favorite place to find silence/be silent?

I'm very comfortable with silence. Unless of course it's an uncomfortable silence, then not so much-ha! I tend to fill uncomfortable silences with excessive chatter, but silence for the sake of being quiet? Definitely.   

Hubs likes background noise, but if I'm home alone the house is generally quiet. Until recently my favorite place to find quiet space was the sun room in my NJ house. The room was all windows, with a super comfy couch, and I could see the woods around me, watch our mama fox tending her babies, the leaves changing much quiet beauty right outside my window. It was such a cozy room and that's where I liked to take my coffee and my Bible and start my day. 

Finding silence in this space is a bit more challenging. There's only so many places I can go in the apartment, and if the TV is on or hubs is on the phone I can hear it, even if I'm down the hall. Probably the thing I'm most looking forward to in our new home are all the outdoor spaces. There will be no shortage of places to find a quiet corner. 

In the meantime, I love to walk in the mornings. I do some of my best thinking and most of my heavy-duty praying there. I like the silence of the great outdoors anytime really..sitting by the water, on a mountaintop, hiking a woody path through the forest. I actually wrote about this topic on Monday (click here) and a reader mentioned he finds silence in a snowfall. I feel the same. 

2. October 28th is National Chocolate Day. Can't let that go by without a mention now, can we? Will you celebrate? How? Let's say you can have one of the following right this very minute...a cup of hot chocolate, a strawberry dipped in chocolate, a bowl of plain chocolate ice cream, or a slice of chocolate pie...what's  your pleasure?

I think you have to celebrate, right? Isn't that the law? If I had to choose one of the chocolate treats listed to consume right this very minute I'd probably choose a cup of cocoa. With marshmallows please!

3. How do you feel about blue jeans? Favorite thing in the world to wear or nope, don't own a single pair? How often do you wear blue jeans in a typical week? Do you own a blue jean jacket?

Blue jeans are my love language and they're one of my favorite things in the world to wear. I can go the opposite way too, and say I love fancy dress and wearing a great pair of heels, but that's not an everyday thing. 

If I'm at home I'm usually wearing blue jeans, which means I wear them several times a week. I do own a jean jacket that I purchased at Kohl's several years ago for the bargain price of $10. It was one of those items that had been marked down about eight times, then I had a coupon, and they were having a promo, and how does Kohl's make money again? Whatever, it was a great purchase. I still love the jacket, and still wear it pretty often. 

4. Are you superstitious? If so, in what way?

I don't think I am superstitious. I tried to think of something, and came up with nothing. Chain letters, Friday the 13th, walking under ladders...none of that worries me. As a leftover habit from childhood I sometimes refrain from stepping on the sidewalk cracks, but I don't expect trouble if I hit one now and then. 

5. If you had to come up with a costume using only things you have on hand right now, what could you come up with?

Everything we own, including the costume box, is in storage right now, except for our clothing and just a few personal items. How about a fisherman? We have a couple of fishing poles here and a tackle box. I could wear hubs fishing shirt and my rubber boots. It wouldn't win any prizes, but would work in a pinch. 

6. What scares you a little? What do you do when you feel scared?

Just a little? Building a house. 

What do I do when I feel scared? I pray a lot. I listen to praise music. I move...go for a walk, run the vacuum, empty the dishwasher, bake, do something physical to get me out of my own head. 

7. Perhaps today will be the day I _____________________.

Finish the great closet switch I began last weekend. Not my favorite task. Obviously. 

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Using this space today for my Write 31 Challenge one-word prompt. 

Day 28-hope

I almost skipped today's prompt, because the word  felt a little deep for the Hodgepodge. By the time I come up with the questions and then answer them and then live life I'm pretty much running on fumes. But that's why I signed up for the Challenge. To make me think, and nudge me to write when I'd rather be napping. 

I started thinking about what I'm hoping for right now. Today. Quite a lot actually, and if I were to put it in list form it would run the gamut from unimportant in the grand scheme of things to quite important in the grand scheme of things. I mean I hope it quits raining so work on our build can continue, but I also hope the babies in South Sudan had food for their bellies this morning. 

Hope has become one of those words we use perhaps more casually than we should. 

The dictionary defines hope as a feeling of expectation and a desire for a certain thing to happen. I'm a hopeful person. I live with a feeling of expectation that tomorrow will be better than today. That an hour from now something can happen to change circumstances that are currently not great. 

I'm often told I see life through rose colored glasses, and I guess there are times that's true. But not all my hopes are simply wishful thinking. My greatest hopes, my heart's desire, the hopes nestled into the deepest recesses of my being are based on something far more powerful, more real, than wishful thinking. 

They're based on what I know about God, and what I know He can do. 

Anything. That's what. He can move mountains and calm the seas. God can make a way when I can't see a way. He can do immeasurably more than I ask or imagine so yes, I hope. Not baseless, unfounded, pie-in-the-sky hope, but real hope. Hope based in the knowledge that God knows and cares about my hearts desires. 

Live expecting friends because