Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts

Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter Update

It was so much fun celebrating my grandson's first Easter yesterday.
As shown in the picture above, he was 100% into it and ready to get into the process of dying Easter eggs.
I, on the other hand, chose to decorate my Easter eggs with Sharpie markers (inspired by Pinterest) which was much quicker and a lot less messy. 


Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, 
that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.
John 3:16

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday

Wishing you all a glorious and blessed Easter!
Signature w/rose

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Getting Ready for Easter

I wanted to put together a few spring treats for both Easter and a get-together with good friends. I filled white nut cups with pink grass and Lindt Chocolate mini eggs.
Finally I wrapped the cups in cellophane tied with ribbon decorated with sweet silk flowers and voila!
Signature w/rose

Monday, March 28, 2011

A Little Springtime!

I just couldn't wait any longer. I had to get my Easter decor out and start decorating. Spring is my favorite season of the year, with all the wonderful colors and the miracle of new plants sprouting up from the earth. It's especially appreciated here in the midwest after all the ice, snow and dreariness that we have during winter. So I set up this little Easter vignette on my dining room table to brighten things up around here. Hopefully my African violets in the basket will start to bloom again soon. Have you started decorating for Easter yet?
Happy Springtime!

Signature w/rose

Friday, April 02, 2010

Spring Break

Happy Easter!
We no longer have children in school that are on Spring Break, but with everything that is going on here I decided to take my own spring break for a little bit just to recharge and regroup. Thanks to all of you who have been sending prayers our way (see previous post).
I am hoping that the tide will change soon and things will be bright again.
Signature w/rose

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Joli Paquet Kit Sales Day!

Well here they are. . . .fresh new springtime kits have just been listed in my Etsy Shop. Pictured above is my Spring Collage Kit that is featured on the Joli Paquet blog. But I couldn't stop at just one. . . .I put together this Easter Basket Kit based on my tutorial which I posted on Joli Paquet last week. I switched it up a little and used different papers and colors.
Last, but certainly not least, is this adorable Purse Collage Kit which I put together just in time for Mother's Day. You'll have lots of fun putting this one together. All the kits are now available in my Etsy Shop right here.
Signature w/rose

Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Little Spring Crafting

Today is my day! My day to post my Vintage-Inspired Basket Tutorial over on the Joli Paquet blog, that is. You can check it out by clicking here.
Signature w/rose

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Greetings

Have a wonderful day!

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt

Vivian hosted a fun little swap called Easter Egg Hunt Swap where we each made two eggs and sent them out anonymously. So today, we are all posting pics of the eggs we made and the eggs we received and everyone goes blog-hopping to find out who made all the eggs.
I made two of these eggs to send out:
The eggs are paper mache and I covered them with paint, rick-rack trim, text from a vintage book, flocked paper, seam binding, and lots and lots of glitter.
Inside, the eggs were filled with ultra fine easter grass and a tiny fluffy chick wearing a vintage paper crown.
I hope whoever received my eggs liked them!
In return, I received this happy little acrylic egg filled with a vintage Easter bunny image accompanied by a couple of sweet little tags from Mystery Artist #1:
And Mystery Artist #2 sent this adorable half-egg, covered in sheet music and beaded hanger, filled with Miss Chickie all decked out in her Easter finery. Looks like she's on her way to the Easter Parade!
And included in the box was this darling little collage and glittery bunny....don't you love them both?
So now I'm off to "hunt" for eggs. All the links will be posted on Viv's blog so you can join in on the fun too! Happy Hunting!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Easter Favors

Here's my easy-peasy Easter favors for this year. Everything was bought at Hobby Lobby....with the exception of the little chick and "Happy Spring" ribbon, which I got at Michael's.
You will find all the supplies in the Easter decor aisle. If it's not there in your store, then look in the cake and candy making aisle. The chocolate egss were made using an egg shapped candy mold and dark chocolate candy melts. I did make some of mine with a peanut butter filling - totally not necessary, unless you love peanut butter cups like I do. (And if you do, they have a peanut butter cup shaped mold as well!) Melt the chocolate in the microwave, pour it into the molds and refrigerate just until set and ta-da. . .chocolate candy eggs! You could put Mr. Easter Bunny right out of business it's so easy! After they are cooled, wrap each egg in a candy foil, place in a paper candy paper and set three eggs into a 1/4 lb candy box filled with Easter Grass.
Cut a scalloped oval out of pretty paper and attach to the top of the box. Tie with Easter ribbon and add a cute little Easter chick on top and you are ready to fill up those Easter baskets!
Here is my Week 11 addition to my 52Q tag journal ~ What are you grateful for right now? I tried out Tim Holtz's Distress Crackle Paint in Tattered Rose for the base color. I don't usually have very goof luck with crackle paints, but this one-step, one-coat type worked very well.

Yesterday's winter wonderland is slowly disappearing. Even though I am completely ready for Spring-like weather to arrive, I must admit our picture postcard scene was beautiful. Even our kitty Midnight, who is definitely NOT an outdoor cat, couldn't resist venturing outside to check out the snow.

Friday, March 21, 2008

All Done!

Ta-da! I have reached the end of Rhonna's 21 Day Challenge and my journal is finished. I am proud that I stuck with it till the end and hopefully my goal of thinking positively will continue on into the future. Reading A New Earth in conjunction with writing this journal has definitely been the added boost I needed to reaching my goal.
It feels good to have accomplished this, especially in the midst of working on swaps, special orders and Easter preparations. It's important to make time to do something for ourselves once in a while. As wives, mothers, daughters, friends, employees, etc. we tend to give and give to other people all the time. But what is left to give, unless we take a break to refill the well every now and then.
My journal is complete. My pages are finished and have been added to the binding. I always love the way a completed journal looks in the end. It's the same feeling I got when I finished a big project back when I was in school. (Back in the dark ages, as I tell my daughter!) If you'd like to see the entire journal, click here.This is the fourth 21 Day Challenge that I have completed and I feel I have grown as a person with each and every page. It's exciting to look back at these journals to see just how far I have come.

Today is Day 10 of our Hippity Hop Easter Swap and this gift is from Beth. She wrapped her present in this lovely swatch of ivory lace with a hint of what's inside peeking out of the top.And look! It's a tube full of SPRING topped off with the most darling pale yellow chick (he looks vintage to me) donning a royal crown made from a page right out of an old book. Of course there is glass glitter and vintage posies too. I adore it! Thank you Beth!!! :) In case you forgot, there are 4 other groups exchanging gifts in this swap and you can see pics of all of them by clicking here.
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